Hello Cody,
First, I have enjoyed much of your T20 content, thank you!
Second, tried opening the download later and it worked; hazzah!
Your Mist Walker presents many entertaining possibilities.
Now, since you have asked the public to "poke" at it; allow me to throw a few questions and ideas your way.
Mist Walker (MstW) = a little bit OP. You may be sick of reading that, but you asked for it baby!
How well does the MstW fair in battles compared to other fighter classes?
There are SO MANY abilities, why would I play any other class that has a 1d10 Hit Die? The MstW seems to be a magic fighter; a fighter that is magical.
Does a 10th lvl Mist Walker "substantially kick more ass" versus a foe compared to a 10th lvl Barbarian, Fighter, Paladin or Ranger against the same foe?
Suggestion: Hit Die @ 1d8. MstW seems like a fighter sub class, but with a whole lot of magic abilities. Therefore HD @ 1d8.
Given there are SO many abilities stacking up in this class, what is the Mist Walkers' "kryptonite?" Maybe there needs to be a balancing weakness in this class if ALL of the abilities are going to remain canon. Remember in the early editions of the monster manual when some monsters had a weakness? They could be very hard to kill, unless you knew their weakness, then it became a more even battle.
Is/should "mist" be a literal component for some abilities to work properly?
"Mist" could imply humidity and/or darkness. A limiting factor in using some abilities could be night time. Or MstWs may have a disadvantage versus fire attacks. Or fire attacks could nerf/disspell an active Mist ability.
Some Fey creatures have abilities that only work during dawn and dusk. Do Mist abilities work in the Desert, where there is no humidity?
Are all Mist abilities "instant" abilities? Should they be?
Perhaps between 3rd and 10th level during the daytime there is an aura of mist surrounding a MstW character. After 10th level maybe the MstW has more control and is able to disapate the mist aura at will, so as not to give away class or that abilities are being used.
ASIDE: How would a peasant react to a warm blooded wraith walking around town in broad daylight!?
NOTE: a lot of abilities trigger at 3rd level, you may want to spread these out more; 4th, 5th, 6th etc. The other thing about so many abilities activating at 3rd level is that it makes the "format" of the class a bit confusing to remember what abilities become active at which level. (not a clean read yet)
Nerf all the "half movement" crap until 10th+ level, or nerf it altogether. You either use the mist ability or you don't, can't have it both ways.
Artwork = GOOD (now throw in a graphic of a female MstW, but please keep it classy)
The bottom right of page 10 has open spot for a female graphic.
Cody, thanks again for all you do to make fantasy gaming more accessable and enjoyable!
RamBlade#7982 on Discord