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A great slasher one-shot; complete with a masked killer, a tragic backstory, a litany of foreboding clues pointing to the imminent bloody demise of helpless teens. Plus murderous rampaging killer pigs!
It has 14 pre-generated 'trope' characters, wheres I would've wished for fewer characters with a picture and a bit more personality these are still really customisable. In fact this whole adventure could be used with any 'slasher-friendly' rpg. Highly recommend.
Great product! Super on-point with the theme!
This is supplement is a must-have for Halloween games and horror fans. The spooky is knocking on your door with cookies and you want to open up. Horror tropes are in the encounters and crawl to life for the players. I highly recommend for the game that has the frightening element with a touch of humor.
If you like Savage Worlds and horror, buy it. And then run it. If you like Savage Worlds and you're just intellectually curious about ways to utilize the design space, buy it. Karl Keesler is a legend for his brilliant and evocative layout. David Anderson not only "gets" slasher horror, but he gets Savage Worlds on a design level enough to make the system - which became geared for more heroic action with Adventure Edition - provide a gritty horror experience.
In short, big recommendation. Top notch product, only found one minor editing mistake (regarding a Fear test), and my players - who don't normally play one shots or pregenerated characters - had a blast.
For my full, spoiler heavy review, you can go to my blog: https://mostunreadblogever.blogspot.com/2022/11/tommys-take-on-camp-terror-actual-play.html
This may just be the ultimate trash adventure there is. The pure number of different sharks and shark-adjacent mosnters is awesome. Make sure you have people that don't mind losing an arm, a leg or a character, as half the fun is munching up the different parkers and then just choosing the next crazy over the top stereotype.
They Kung Fu Fighting Elvis Impersonator is one of my favourites, closely followed by Trailer Park Santa.
The only thing I wish for would be a tailor made set of figure flats for the parkers, as they are all so wonderfully individual it may be hard to find nice miniatures that fit the style.
In this time of social distancing, I went to the web to keep my RPG rounds alive. And if there is one thing online gaming makes easier, it is the use of battlemaps. No printing, no hunting for the right minis and painting them, etc.
This is a wonderful map pack for a Wild West Town, but I was blown away by the level of detail provided on top. It is a great number of places to be, the people who live there and for each location multiple ideas about how characters can get involved in some troubles they have. If you ever wanted to have a western town in the style of Deadwood, Fort Griffin is your place to be. On top, you have loads of historical figures that you can place there. All statted out and ready to use.
The d20 Modern system attempted to, in some way, make the traditional six-attribute D&D spread into something worth talking about - something no edition of D&D has ever done (nor anything any edition of D&D ever will do). The class feature and feat systems always melded with a great deal of uncertainty - what made something a good feat and what should be relegated to the class features. And, despite trying, without significant support for nonmagical ranged combat in the D&D system underlying d20 (something that's persisted to the present day - just try playing a nonmagical archer in 5e! Just kidding, don't under any circumstances do this), gunplay never seemed adequately exciting as combat. The only application that worked for it, Spycraft, essentially built its combat from the ground up on gunplay.
Sidewinder: Recoiled is probably the best version of a d20 Modern campaign supplement. Within the lines of d20 Modern, they created a very straightforward adaptation for a "modern" (i.e. non-fantastic) setting, adapted the class features to the setting in ways that express what a "smart" Western hero is, and did their best to make the feats, the building blocks of the D&D3-era character, interesting and evocative.
That said, Sidewinder: Recoiled should be considered a "generic" Western d20 Modern supplement. It doesn't go into great detail on how to navigate the thorny historical waters of race, gender and politics; it doesn't help with the conception of a campaign or collaboration on characters to have an exciting Western adventure. All it does, though this is not a small accomplishment, is take the action-adventure engine of d20 Modern and say "okay, here's a Western version of this." It assumes that you know what you want to do in a Western action-adventure, that team-based gunplay is the primary way you want to interact mechanically with the world, and (perhaps most artificially) that advancement, in this world, corresponds to the advancement of combat power.
It's a strange thought, the "advancement" of combat power in a Western, when most actual Western films portray the most deadly fighters as youthful and impetuous. But perhaps the idea in Western RPGs is that you're looking at narrative deadliness and not necessarily an inclination to violence. On the other other hand, isn't the inclination to violence, at least in part, a function of whether you think you'll be badly hurt by it? A little too deep a dive for Sidewinder: Recoiled.
Nevertheless, for the GM who wants to use a system familiar to players of D&D3 or its successors (Pathfinder, D&D3.5, etc.) to play a Western action-adventure campaign that they already have in mind, Sidewinder: Recoiled is a very solid outing. It is perhaps the best case for the "universal" D&D3-era approach to d20 gaming, which aimed to create a single system which could be used for multiple campaigns or concepts. However, by the same token, it doesn't expand much on the D20 Modern ethos, and gives very little concrete advice for dealing with the challenges of a Western story or identifying how violence and action is used differently in that story than in D&D. (Perhaps tellingly, there's a whole chapter on animals combat stats) I'm giving it a solid score because it really does what it sets out to do; but perhaps there's a reason the big d20-era games we remember today are ones that took big swings at altering the system deeply (Mutants & Masterminds, Spycraft, Blue Rose) while games that just did what the "theory" of d20 suggested, like Sidewinder, left us with that system.
Fun set of rules that gets the job done. Its kind of old -being a D20 rules set- but its also cheap.
A fantastic little supplement, with superb trade dress! This free product starts with a short introduction and overview, followed by six full-page write-ups of famous frontier women along with their stat blocks. There are also smaller half-page versions of each character at the back of the PDF, which could easily be turned into table tents. Although these characters are intended for Six Guns, they could just as easily work in any Western setting.
Things I loved: The characters are varied and offer tons of roleplay options, from the Trailer Park Santa to the Bubble Boy/Girl to the Gator Rassler. I loved the included flats and tiles. I ran this on a virtual table top and importing images was fairly straight forward. I loved the different scene options available without being told which ones to use.
Things I wished for: Jpeg or png of the tiles without the backgrounds to they could plug more easily into the VTT. I wished for an optional outline of scenes for each of the scenarios to see how others had woven the various scenes together. It bordered on being too open.
My players and I never stopped laughing as we played this game. We literally laughed until our sides hurt. Even as they were getting gobbled up and choosing a new Trailer Parker, they were laughing and saying it (whatever crazy, hairbrained, redneck action had gotten them killed) was totally worth it!
Can’t wait to see more hilariously savage stories from you!
I ran Trailer Park Shark Attack! for my group last night. We all had a blast! Four players had never played Savage Worlds before and the other two had played with me a few times. Lots of laughs, shouts of surprise (the first mutant shark man? wow!), a really good time.
Great props and minis included. Recommended!
For a long time, I've wanted to run a "Deadlands Reloaded" campaign, but with the weirdness factor dialed down considerably: The supernatural just isn't special anymore, if NOTHING EVER HAPPENS in the setting without a werewolf or the walkin' dead or some other weirdness being behind it all. As such, what I really had been wishing for was some sort of a framework for a wild west setting/campaign WITHOUT all the weirdness ... and then, maybe, once I let the heroes go through a few more "conventional" western adventures, I could slowly reveal something more sinister and strange going on.
Well, when I related such a wish to a friend, I was directed to look into the works of Dog House Rules for a starting point. I'm glad I took a look!
First off, the important thing to clarify is that this IS NOT a Deadlands supplement, and it most certainly IS NOT a "plot point campaign." As written, it's a resource that could be used for a conventional western adventure using the core Savage Worlds rules ... but it could also just as easily be used as the backdrop for more strange goings-on in a Deadlands campaign. The sample town of "The Flats" is presented as loosely based upon the historic frontier town that sprang up around Fort Griffin, though quite a bit of artistic license is taken to fill in gaps in the historical record (and there are several author's note sidebars to underscore which elements have more historical grounding, whereas others are invented to serve an adventure role, as a heads-up for the GM). Colorful floor plans are included of various buildings of interest in the town, and a separate document includes blown-up versions of the floor plans -- with or without 1" grid -- at a scale useful for miniatures gaming.
The organization is very location-based, as each "chapter" proceeds to spell out, in detail, what can be found at a particular business, who works there, and details about other "colorful characters" who can be found there regularly, their relationships with others, and so forth. In addition, there are multiple "plot hooks," some tied to specific characters, some more generally associated with the location iself. In keeping with the /possibility/ that this could be used for Deadlands Reloaded, there are a few adventure hook suggestions for ways to introduce more of a supernatural twist to each hook.
It's also important to note what it is not.
It is NOT a "dungeon module." A GM cannot sit down at the table a couple of hours before he's due to run a game, skim through, and immediately launch into an adventure. There is a considerable amount of cross-reference, as there are various interactions (or POSSIBLE interactions) between various of the town's inhabitants, most of them presented as potential adventure hooks, and it's up to the GM to determine wihch of those options are actually true.
It's also not a "plot point campaign" of the sort featured in many of the Savage Worlds setting books. While there are plenty of optional adventures and "forks in the road" provided that could be used in a series of adventures for the heroes over the course of a campaign, there's no overall "plot," or anything pushing the heroes toward a final, climactic confrontation with the "big bad."
Rather, this is more of a tool for the GM to help flesh out a number of wild-west city locations and the NPCs who work and live there. It could be used to bring to life the core town that a group of PCs is using as a base of operations, or else the individual locations could be used as "seeds" for something more interesting than just another "generic" hotel, church, saloon, bank, store, jail, or theater that happens to be the backdrop for the adventure of the week.
In that role, I found it to be an entertaining and useful read, full of all sorts of possibilities for more conventional western adventures (and more than a few optional hooks on the weirder side, catering to more supernatural settings such as "Deadlands"). The map tiles are beautifully done, and by themselves they're worth the price of admission; I've printed them onto cardstock and glued them down onto mat board, using them as the basis for some gunfight scenarios. A third included document, the character reference, is also handy in that it provides short, organized profiles for a number of NPCs of varying importance in the scenarios presented -- they can easily be printed off separately and used as a quick-ref by the GM at the table, or cut out and used as handouts for scenarios where players have to form a "posse" out of local NPCs, and temporarily take stewardship of them for larger miniatures battles. (The more important NPCs also come with illustrations.)
Overall, I found this to be a very useful and inspiring resource for my not-so-weird-western game scenarios using Savage Worlds rules. Given the two-part title ("Frontier Towns: Fort Griffin"), I can only hope that this is the first of some sort of "Frontier Towns" SERIES of releases, because I could certainly use more.
This is a quick and useful Savage Worlds reference -- a group of NPC outlaws, either the historic James-Younger Gang, or just another gang strongly resembling it, "with the serial numbers filed off" -- either for plugging into supernatural/steampunk games of Deadlands Reloaded, or else more conventional westerns just using the core Savage Worlds rules. Given that it's FREE, I certainly can't beat the price.
This is a simple bundle of three standalone wild-west adventures converted over to use the Savage Worlds rules set. As such, they /could/ be used with Savage Worlds settings such as Deadlands (for the occasional adventure that DOES NOT involve any steampunk or supernatural elements in it for a change), or they could just be used on their own with the core Savage Worlds rules for a more conventional western adventure. Straightforward, well-presented, and flexible.
I got this on a dare. No, seriously, a buddy of mine told me to drop everything, as Trailer Park Shark Attack! (TPSA!) was on the Deal of the Day.
I was surprised to find a well-polished homage to B-movie shark films, from Jaws to Sharknado to The Meg. Not only does the author present multiple main plotlines as to just why sharks of every variety are attacking this flooded trailer park, but they also include multiple side plots you can churn the waters with. And they provide extensive map tiles and paper miniatures for the sharks.
My only complaint - if you can call it a complaint - is while they provided minis for the sharks, the trailer park residents didn't get paper minis. Where am I to find two dozen paper minis of various rednecks? I'll figure it out, I'll probably just use stills from Ozark and/or The Trailer Park Boys. But still...
Top notch gaming supplemental! DHR will always help you bring quality to the table!