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Knave: Second Edition
by James [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 07/03/2024 12:47:00

Fantastic toolbox for creating grounded fantasy characters in a dangerous world. TONS of random tables useful not just for Knave but for anything else you're running so it's not a bad purchase just for those.

Only downside is there isn't much in the way of guidance for handing out loot. You can do the math based on returned gold for experience, but a bit on general guidance would have been nice.

Otherwise, a great book! Inventory-based characters that are adaptable is a fun take on the dungeon-crawling exploration genre.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Knave: Second Edition
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Knave: Second Edition
by James [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 07/03/2024 12:46:22

Fantastic toolbox for creating grounded fantasy characters in a dangerous world. TONS of random tables useful not just for Knave but for anything else you're running so it's not a bad purchase just for those.

Only downside is there isn't much in the way of guidance for handing out loot. You can do the math based on returned gold for experience, but a bit on general guidance would have been nice.

Otherwise, a great book! Inventory-based characters that are adaptable is a fun take on the dungeon-crawling exploration genre.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Knave: Second Edition
by Samuel P. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 07/01/2024 02:47:38

As a newcomer to the OSR style of play I appreciate Ben’s flair for simplifying game mechanics. Also this os more than worth the purchase for random tables alone which can be user with any other fantasy system. Highly recommended.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Knave: Second Edition
by Colin [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 06/21/2024 11:33:22

So, if you loved original Knave, this is more than twice as Knave-y, and just delivers much more around the whole concept.

If you love random tables, this is packed with useful ones I know I will use in my own game on the fly.

And that’s something I want to highlight, is that I don’t run knave as a ruleset. I play Black Hack (one of the listed inspirations) but Knave is such a pure, focused, and simple set of rules that you can swipe and use th bits you like for pretty much any “old school” game where the rules are a toolkit for adventure gameplay.

That’s what I was already using knave and maze rats for, and how I will use this too - especially all the tables, probably the alchemy system, and even more on a re-read I am sure.

Very glad this is finally out and available.

Compared to other games of similar size, the price for a PDF does feel high to me, even after checking it out. It feels like it should be cheaper. That’s my only gripe. For the amount of the book that is made of tables - the curation and assembly is handy. But they are tables, and not altogether unique tables that aren’t pretty similar to other tables elsewhere for cheaper.

But I have definitely spent more on things I liked less, and I feel like I will end up getting sufficient use out of this material that I will end up getting more than my money’s worth, because I run a lot of games.

Kudos on the upgraded/expanded edition. A very good product that is useful and dense and usable at my table for sure.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Waking of Willowby Hall
by Darren [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 06/14/2024 03:30:38

I've run this adventure three times so far for different groups of players, and each time has been different, yet incredibly fun, for both DM/referee and players alike.

The other reviewers do not exaggerate when saying that this is a masterclass in adventure design:

*DM usability - the information and maps are laid out to be absorbed at a glance. After one skim-through, it didn't require extra review or note-taking to run.

*Player agency - in one game, the players focussed on exploring and obtaining as much treasure as they could. In another, they tried to take down the main threats. In another, they spent all their energy chasing the goose. This is truly an adventure where players can choose what they're doing and those choices direct the course of the adventure, instead of the DM herding their players towards a predetermined path.

*Interactivity - the rooms are briefly described but vivid. Encounters are not static, but dynamic, moving about, with escalating stakes and danger as time progresses. There is plenty to allow for maximal player creativity and shenanigans.

Yes, the player maps unfortunately show the secret doors. That's easily photoshopped before importing the maps into a VTT. Or in-person, I drew the maps, fitting them onto a large chessex battle map; the players had fun moving their minis around as they split up to explore.

Made for the rules-lite OSR, it's easy to adapt to various systems. Twice I ran this with an old-school system, and once with a 5e/13th Age-like homebrew with heroic character builds. Every game was able to reach a conclusion within a single 4-hour session.

I cannot recommend this product enough. It's in my opinion, one of the best one-shot adventures ever written.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Waking of Willowby Hall
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Maze Rats
by Christopher [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 05/05/2024 20:22:45

Love this little system. It has plenty to pull from and use in other games - tables are great, advice is solid - but the game itself is a nice rules light affair aimed at fantasy adventure gaming. Easy to grab and go, a handful of d6 and some scratch paper and there's a game.

Still updating the PDF in 2024 so I figure I owed a review that's quite overdue.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Maze Rats
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The Waking of Willowby Hall
by Holly [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 04/27/2024 09:24:25

Ran this for my players today and they loved it. A great one-session adventure to throw into your game wherever you want. Tons of interesting treasure, very dangerous, and generally pretty good momentum. (Make sure seals break pretty frequently so the house isn't in Sleeping mode forever.) My players ended up completely missing all the ghost NPCs but still had a good time with the other party and the giant. Do be sure to bring a deck of cards for the blackjack game--rolling for it just isn't as fun.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Waking of Willowby Hall
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Maze Rats
by Zachary [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 02/03/2024 18:17:46

Thanks to Questing Beast for the latest update to the pdf of Maze Rats. I am a blind player, and the pdf file is now screen reader accessible. Game is fast and lots of cool random tables. Probably best suited to a one shot or short form campaign.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Maze Rats
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Maze Rats
by Chad [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 01/22/2024 12:16:14

This is a great system to use in a pinch, but the real value I've gotten from this game over the years lies in its excellent set of tables!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Maze Rats
by Artem [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 01/14/2024 19:42:39

Huge fan of this! Easy layout, slick and streamlined mechanics. Love the make your own spells section. GM advice in the back is very thoughtful and hugely inspiring. Very excited to try running! As a newcomer to OSR style games this really makes the low rule approach simple and accessible and very inviting. Super rad, thank you!!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Maze Rats
by Jeff [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 01/14/2024 17:25:11

Fantastic little game. My favorite osr compatible system

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Knave 2e Kickstarter Preview
by Chris [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 12/20/2023 14:02:54

Absolutely fantastic.

The random gen tables are great. Generating anything on the fly leads to less prep work for the DM.

Rules are streamlined. No derived modifier, BAB, proficiency bonus... I can run this with my kids. I can run this drinking with friends who've never played a trrpg before.

Each Ability is valuable. Dex isn't king.

A spell is a sentence, not a EULA agreement that the table has to enter litigation over.

Time is uniform. 6 rounds in a minute, 6 turns in an hour, 6 shifts in a day = so good.

Slot based inventory is great. I'll never go back to individual item weights.

Coins as XP makes players treasure hungry, which makes them push their luck, which makes the game fun.

Some people were complaining about the rules around rolling Ability Scores. I read them myself and do not understand the confusion, so I'm assuming that I'm reading a later draft that's been made clearer. Good on Ben for taking feedback and incorporating it into the book!

This thing rules. Go buy it!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Knave 2e Kickstarter Preview
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by Benjamin K. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 10/30/2023 23:34:46

Knave is a very solid system if you want to start playing a classic OSR module quickly. Character creation is quick, the mechanics are simple, especially for anyone familiar with D&D 5e, and the rules, while light, give you everything you need to run a typical OSR dungeon.

It does show its limitations if you want to keep using the characters who survive that first adventure. You will have to do all the world building for the PC’s home base on your own.

Additionally, since Knave characters only advance via stats, but their capabilities are mainly defined by the gear they pick up, you will want a book or two of weird classic D&D magic items for an interesting sustained campaign.

Easily one of the best minimalist OSR rulesets available.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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Maze Rats
by Alex W. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 09/13/2023 12:15:47

Maze Rats is top. My first RPG expereince back in the early 80's was Tunnels & Trolls and I've had a soft spot for it ever since, and this has prejudiced me in favour of short and simple rules.

Maze Rats is really short, and digest size to boot when printed out. Character creation is a breeze, literally a 5 minute job and the game is chock full of all sorts of random tables to flesh out the game world. The randomness even runs the magic system where magic using characters get one spell per day of a randomly determined title, and then decide what it does during play. I love this.

The other thing I love, and which is a surprise in Maze Rats seeing as the author's other game, Knave, is an OSR game, is that it isn't D20 based. Rolling a single die, 20 sided or otherwise, has always felt too swingy for me with exactly the same odds of rolling a 1 as a 20 or a 13 or whatever. Maze Rats uses 2D6 giving results a pleasing bell curve. The default target number is high encouraging players to be creative and play dirty in order to get advantage and a more realistic chance of success in their actions.

Short. Lots of randomness. Minimalist character sheet. Crazy magic. Not D20. Everything about Maze Rats is a winner.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Maze Rats
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The Waking of Willowby Hall
by Michael I. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 08/25/2023 13:57:37

Picked this up after hearing about it on the Fear of the Black Dragon podcast. It's by the Questing Beast, which is probably the best D&D tangential rpg reviewer on Youtube. Everything from this dude should be an auto-buy! If you are bored with typical adventures for D&D, buy this now!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Waking of Willowby Hall
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