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The Knight Line Issue 6
by A customer [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 11/04/2023 13:08:46

Another great add-on to the Poly Knights line. Adventure ideas, fiction, and a preview of upcoming projects. All of them are a steal for a buck. Looking forward to Wicked Pacts 2!

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The Knight Line Issue 6
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Wicked Pacts- A Modern Day Game of Magic
by Bob V. G. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 06/25/2021 20:15:32

Fear the Evenfall – a Vaesen Mystery (free/pay what you want at DriveThruRPG) is a fun adventure for the Vaesen Nordic Horror RPG . It is an investigative adventure that takes place in Sweden in the year 1893. The RPG system I used was Wicked Pacts a Modern-day Game of Magic (DriveThruRPG/248 pages). I did use the Solo Investigator’s Handbook to solo this 35 page adventure. The adventure includes 3 maps, 47 NPCs, 44 possible clues (I found 17 of them), and six locations to explore. I used the six first level characters that are included in the Wicked Pacts RPG (warlock, demon hunter, grunt, shadow, seer, and scribe). For my playthrough there was only one major battle and it was of a spiritual/magical/psychic nature (the fifth evening). On the sixth evening a ritual was performed and the “ghost” was taken care of. Roderick the scribe wanted to do library research early in the adventure, but they made him wait until the evening of day four. I felt sorry for him. So, if you like to investigate, this is for you. It would not be hard to change this to a Call of Cthulhu adventure. Good luck!

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Wicked Pacts- A Modern Day Game of Magic
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Wicked Pacts- A Modern Day Game of Magic
by Cary M. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 07/15/2018 21:46:14

Interesting game, it needs some tweaking to correct balance issues. My main complaint is with the presentation of the pdf, there are no chapters or sub-headings that allow you to go directly to the rules you want to review. We spent way too much time flipping through the document or putting in search terms instead of just opening a chapter menu on the left side of the screen.

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