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Goblins Grabbed My Dice!
by Johnathan F. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 05/31/2021 22:51:12

This game is an absolute blast to play!! It's accessible, light-hearted, and makes a perfect party game, change of pace game, or introduction to roleplaying. Create some chaos with your friends and give this game a try!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Goblins Grabbed My Dice!
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Goblins Grabbed My Dice!
by Bob V. G. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 05/29/2021 18:08:13

Recently, I soloed my way through Goblins Grabbed My Dice available at DriveThruRPG for free/pay what you want. This wacky RPG game (one shot) is for a dungeon master and several players. To solo it, I used Solo by M.D. Spurlock. It is also available at DriveThruRPG for free/pay what you want.

The adventure – My five goblins started off in a fantasy world. They discover a carnival. They pay the entrance fee to an odd looking fellow, wander in, and notice that things are a bit odd (this carnival connects to multiple worlds – they now have to gather “treasures” and find their way back to their home world). The rogue notices that a woman is wearing an attractive wig. He wants it. He tries to steal it with the help of the others, but fails. They are forced to disappear into the crowd of people. Later, they are able to steal a giant teddy bear and a bunch of candy bars from vendors. This time they are chased into the fun house by a security guard. He “thumps” them and they end up in a cage in a tent with other caged animals. The priest prays to be rescued, and a human woman drinking kale juice comes up to them, talks, finds the key, and lets them out. She does know the way out of this carnival – it is in the maze of mirrors in the fun house. They enter the maze and encounter an elf rogue. He forces them to answer his riddle. They figure out the answer and then explore the maze. One of the mirrors does not show a reflection, only images from the past of the goblin in front of it. They go through this mirror and find themselves back at their home world. They did not get enough “treasures” to win, but they did get home. Maybe you will have better luck.

So, I did change the adventure. I also took out the skill trench coat and replaced it with the skill of my choice. The rogue used the thievery skill. He was “feral” and had the urge that comes with it. The warrior had athletics with the urge – get physical. The warlock had occultism with the urge – read spellbook. The priest had religion with the urge to pray. The hunter had nature and the urge to commune with nature. This RPG system is not perfect. It would work well with cartoon characters. It is fun. Give it a try!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Goblins Grabbed My Dice!
by Zachery N. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 05/28/2021 19:33:31

This is a fun easy to play game to read. If I had to pick a favorite type of goblin I'd go with the Trash Goblin. The writing is witty and enjoyable and the art is perfect for this product. Easily worth the couple bucks I paid for it in entertainment value alone. Now if you will excuse me, I have to go find out who this Matthew Mercer person it keeps referencing is.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
by darrin c. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 04/07/2017 12:11:30

Shades is a one shot nordic style larp which challenges a person to think about conflicts and issues they may have in their life that they should resovle before dying. This is a darker and emotionally intense larp. well written and simple to run. it's an interesting introduction to live action role-playing. I recommend to all.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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