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Game Masters Collection Volume One: The Twentieth CenturyClick to magnify
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Game Masters Collection Volume One: The Twentieth Century (Producto de audio)

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Game Masters Collection Volume One: the Twentieth Century

The Game Masters Collection is a collection of unique sound effects, ideally suited for all genre RPG and LARP games. These sound effects were originally released as four compact discs: The Twentieth Century, Monsters, Fantasy, and Strange Places.

Volune One is a 40-track collection of places and things common between 1901 and 2000. Perfect for all modern- day RPG and LARP games, this volume contains realistic-sounding environments for your players to inhabit, as well as some general situations players may encounter. Now you can enhance the role playing experience by adding the element of sound.

Does the party have a shoot-out at the train station? Are they meeting that NPC at the airport? Will they be exploring that abandoned ship? How about letting the players hear the crack of a gun when they're being shot at. Is your world ending? Let the Emergency Broadcast Message calmly and clearly inform the players that the end is nigh.

Sounds include:

General Ambience/Locations

  1. City #1 - busy
  2. City #2 - less busy
  3. Small Town
  4. Woods
  5. Train Station
  6. Airport
  7. Speakeasy
  8. 1930s/40s Swing Club
  9. 1950s corner gin joint
  10. 1960s go-go club
  11. 1970s disco
  12. 1990s industrial bar
  13. Mad Scientist's Lab
  14. Evil Genius Headquarters
  15. Sewer
  16. Cave
  17. Chemical Plant
  18. Dirigible
  19. Ship Interior
  20. Rain
  21. Fire
  22. Gunshot - Weatherby rifle
  23. Gunshot - 12 gauge shotgun
  24. Gunshot - .357 magnum revolver
  25. Gun Volley
  26. Shot/body fall
  27. Shot/body fall/two more shots for good measure
  28. Shotgun blast/body fall
  29. Battlefield - WWI
  30. Battlefield - WWII
  31. Battlefield - Viet Nam
  32. Small Arms Fight - Viet Nam
  33. Mob Hit
  34. Radio Static
  35. Voice Distress Call - calm
  36. Voice Distress Call - panicked
  37. SOS Distress Call
  38. QZD Distress Call
  39. Morse Code Message
  40. Emergency Broadcast Message

"Are you one of those DMs who can mimic a fabulous array of voices and make convincing sound effects during the game? Me, neither. For those of us with a limited vocal range, Toxic Bag Productions has come to the rescue with a series of sound effects for your roleplaying campaign."
--Dragon #284

"Every hero needs theme music, and now even the lowliest dungeon-crawler can have some...The discs feed the imagination by providing the auditory equivalent of flavor text, those long passages of description found in almost every Dungeons & Dragons module. Using sounds to spruce up an otherwise mundane gaming experience is nothing new--more than a few gamers have diced their way to greatness while listening to the Conan the Barbarian or Star Wars soundtracks. The Game Masters Collection offers more than that, though, providing GMs with just the right sound for just the right moment.
The tracks are expertly recorded, and if they occasionally sound like B-movie clips, it's because they're supposed to...the tracks are crisp, clear and sound like what they're supposed to sound like.
Diehard game masters - the kind who have painted miniatures for every adventure and spend considerable time assembling props for their games - are going to love this collection." --Kenneth Newquist,


"The compact discs from Toxic Bag are quality products that deliver what they advertise...these CDs are likely to please role-playing gamers who are looking for one more way to increase the immersion in their gaming experience."

The original provider of Sound Effects for Role Playing, Toxic Bag brings over 20 years of sound effects experience directly to your gaming table. We currently offer more than 200 unique sounds for all genres of RPG!

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William W. [Crítico destacado]
January 17th, 2012
Volume One: The Twentieth Century is a collection of ambient sound tracks and individual sound effects for contemporary RPGs. The ambient sound tracks are full and rich - "1930s/40s Swing Club" features three minutes of crowd noise and jazz [...]
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File Last Updated:
August 23, 2011
Este producto esta en nuestro catálogo desde August 23, 2011.