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Rose City by Night

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Note: This title has been updated with revised text, updated art, and the inclusion of a Relationship Map for Portland's major undead players. 

Content Advisory: The chronicle jump-start in Chapter Six was written in 2017, and revolves around a city in the grip of a major disease outbreak. It is being presented largely as written at the time.

Founded a little over a century and a half ago, Portland has always been a destination for those wishing to change their fate. Mortal pioneers and entrepreneurs have looked to Portland as a city where they can start over. Vampires are no different. Portland, small and remote, gives many Kindred a chance to thrive which other cities don't. 

But all is not well in the City of Roses. The city's Sabbat heritage isn't entirely forgotten, and the Setites scheme to overthrow the Camarilla Prince. For her part, the Prince struggles to rule a city with such a low mortal population - and thus a low blood supply for her people. 

Rose City By Night includes:

  • The supernatural history of Portland: How the city began as Kyle Strathcona's vision for a Montreal of the West, and turnd into something much different. 
  • A catalog of the Damned: The Prince, the Anarch just across the river in Vancouver, the Thin Blood leader on a disputed island, and nearly a dozen more Story characters. 
  • A living buffet: Twenty mortal victims available to be preyed upon by hungry vampires, each with their own complication if the hunt goes awry. 
  • Two new skills and one new Thaumaturgical ritual, all revolving around a vampire's obsession with blood. 
  • Blood and Vitae: A chapter which goes further into hunting, feeding and territory. Rules for attacking Herds, patrolling and poaching are included; as well as a system for tracking the available blood in a given neighborhood. 
  • As the Blood Flows: What happens when the blood supply of an already strained city gets profoundly disrupted? In this starting adventure, player characters have the chance to learn just that... and decide how to use that chaos to their best advantage. 

Find out what blood costs in Rose City by Night. 

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Laura D November 17, 2023 4:36 pm UTC
It's a well put together books, but there's definitely issues with it and I'll only be borrowing elements from it for my game.

The population numbers everyone has mentioned are definitely off and this stems from the gross misunderstanding of what a "metro area" is. The population given is the population of Portland proper in 2017, not the "metro area" as stated in the book. Metro area is the combined urban sprawl of an area of the city and its surrounding municipalities.

For example, Tacoma and Everett are part of the Seattle Metro Area.

The population of the Portland Metro Area in 2017 was roughly 2 million. Hardly starvation numbers for Cainites. The 1 vampire for every 100,000 humans was never about having enough food, but about maintaining the Masquerade, as too many vampires in an area tends to start getting noticed. Needless to say, the Sabbat tends to play fast and loose with that limit and the Camarilla sometimes fails to enforce it, especially...See more
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Jochen G April 15, 2022 9:49 pm UTC
I am a newbie at storytelling, though I have played various Vampire editions. Therefore it was important to me to have a good storytelling start...and I definitely had it with this book. We just finished that introductory story "As the Blood Flows" and my players are more than delighted of the ideas and the interesting setting with its deeply described main characters. It's a really cool story and I will use quite some of the mentioned story seeds. I really enjoyed that the end of the story is bright open based on the players' decision which faction they turn to. It gave me a lot of hooks to offer them.
In advance I read Keegan's and Andrew's comments on the population (I agree with them seeing the numbers) and used this also as a premise in the setting - also my players kept on asking why this restrictive system of feeding is in place with so many vessels around. My answer is simply because it's in the local Vampires' heads! We're playing V5, so the age and generation of the established Vampires...See more
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Andrew A January 31, 2022 5:13 am UTC
Been playing Portland as my city since 5th edition. I high hopes and excitement for this but this was clearly written by a recent transplant to Portland and was nothing more than a hipster tourist guide in VTM dressing. The history was a little interesting. Really wish and hope my VTM of Portland could coexist with this.
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Daniel G April 10, 2019 12:30 am UTC
How easy would this be to adapt to Vampire: Requiem 1e?
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Keegan C October 15, 2017 12:44 am UTC
I'm still reading through and plan on leaving a review later, and overall I'm enjoying it, but there's something bugging me that I want to talk about. Well, two things, actually: the notion that Portland is both small and remote, two pretty important underpinnings of this book. The problem is that neither is particularly accurate. (Edit: For disclosure, I should mention that I currently live in Portland, so I notice things the average reader might not. However, I feel that many of these observations are valid outside of nitpicking.)

First up, the biggest issue: Portland's population. In the book, the author states that there's roughly 700,000 people in the Portland metro, and roughly 700,000 people living in surrounding communities, for a total of about 1.4 million people. That didn't seem right to me, so I looked it up. According to Portland's regional government, Metro, there were 2.35 million people in the metro area as of 2015* (defined as the city proper and the surrounding suburbs; the U.S....See more
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Michael U April 04, 2019 3:59 pm UTC
I haven't read the book yet but will be buying it. I live just outside of Portland,literally across the street on the south western side, Given that the book is set in 2015, Portland was a bit smaller back then though not much. The population has exploded here in the last five years. From Hipsters to people fleeing other Major metros like So Cal, Texas, New York, etc.

I was thinkin of writing up my own Portland by Night set up till I found this. Perhaps I will pivot that from writing anew to just updating this one to fill the time gap and account for things like 2nd Inquisition and how the PNW can be a refuge.. With Bloodlines 2 set to come out here next year and it being set in Seattle, I suspect the PNW will no longer be an out of the way spot for Kindred and Garou alike.
Thanks for your review Keegan, even though it was a year and a half ago it helped to set my mind to pick up this book.
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Andrew A January 31, 2022 5:27 am UTC
I had this issue too with the guide. This really did come from someone who may live in Portland but obviously didn't grow up here. It left out very infamous non tourist friendly areas like Felony Flats, 82nd Ave Spingwater Corridor, and Portland Wilhelm Memorial Mausoleum that would all lend themselves very well to a VTM Chronicle set in PDX. It also made some outrageous hisotrical claims such as Oregon wasn't affected by the Great Depression, that the posh neighborhood of Sellwood was a "Blue Collar Neighborhood" (yeah maybe in 1920) and even had a little bit of the "I-refuse-to-believe-black-people-live-here" hipster racism of Portland in it too. While I really do like some the history, like the fact it was a former Sabbat city, as a representation of Portland as city, this is a now very dated hipster tourist version of Portland wrapped in VTM dressing
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File Last Updated:
May 08, 2020
Este producto esta en nuestro catálogo desde October 12, 2017.