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Hero Kids - Fantasy Expansion - Pet Cards IIClick to magnify
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Hero Kids - Fantasy Expansion - Pet Cards II

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This expansion for Hero Kids includes ten new monstrous pets for your game:

• Beguiler - The beguiler's eyestalks unleash powerful and versatile magic
• Boar - The battle-boar carries stalwart heroes into battle
• Gorilla - Enemies' attacks only strengthen the gorilla's attacks
• Griffon - The griffon swoops down to carry off its prey
• Hydra - Each of the hydra's three heads has a different ability
• Phoenix - The phoenix is shrouded in blankets of flame
• Salamander - The quick-footed salamander radiates intense heat
• Wyrmling - This juvenile dragon spits balls of crackling lightning
• Wyvern - The wyvern fledgling buffets enemies with its wings
• Yeti - The thick-furred yeti throws hard-packed icy boulders

Pets Line-Up

The pets included in this pack are intended to be used by players in conjunction with their normal heroes.  The players must split their move and normal action between their hero and their pet.  When used like this, players with heroes and pets do not overshadow players without pets.

If you want, you can allow your players to run their pets independently, giving the pets their own actions separate from the normal heroes.

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Debates (6)
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Roxane P April 06, 2022 3:34 pm UTC
The Hydra seems to have more dice in the abilities than any of the other pets. Is this intentional or a mistake?
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Justin H April 06, 2022 10:19 pm UTC
Indeed! They hydra has all three attributes (melee, ranged, and magic), and can do each of them slightly worse than a character who specialises in that attribute. But also, when it's not on full health, it's attacks get 1 die stronger.
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Lysle K October 11, 2017 2:44 pm UTC
Great timing! I have been running the Kids RPG Group at our local library through the Hero Kids adventures (including some home-brew ones based on the entries from the Monster Compendium) and the kids have been begging for an adventure where they have an opportunity to get new pets. Any chance that the inclusion of the dragon pet means that the Reign of the Dragon adventure may be coming out soon?
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Alfonso R October 08, 2017 4:54 pm UTC
Thank you for your work. My kids love Hero Kids. It's nice to see new content
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October 07, 2017 4:17 am UTC
Still waiting to add Hero Kids to our Library. About a year now. Over a month ago was told again its on its way. Not so interested in new content when I done have base.
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Justin H October 07, 2017 4:29 am UTC
The most recent batch of free Hero Kids books for libraries was ordered on the 19th of August. So depending on your library's location (hard to tell), they should arrive soon.
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Sunette L October 06, 2017 4:15 pm UTC
Great!!! Hero Kids is a great way to get my kids into role-playing. How can anyone say no to more pets? :)
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Lee L October 06, 2017 1:31 pm UTC
My kids love playing Hero-Kids. Thanks for additional content! Can't wait to see which new pets they want to try.
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File Last Updated:
February 22, 2023
Este producto esta en nuestro catálogo desde October 06, 2017.