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Big List of RPG PlotsClick to magnify

Big List of RPG Plots

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Over the last two decades, The Big List of RPG Plots has been cited, quoted, thanked and excerpted in articles for computer-game design, a book on Hollywood screenwriting, and more than a few pen-and-paper RPGs. I wrote it in 1993 as an article submission for Pyramid magazine (they rejected it). I later tried to shop it to Dragon and Shadis and others (they also rejected it). I became Pyramid's editor in 1998 and decided: nah, that would be lame, to finally "accept" my own rejected article, so instead, it became something I'd offer for free on my own website, the Blue Room, where it debuted in '99 and lives on (now on the Blue Room's bloggy successor, Rolltop Indigo).

If this little item isn't in your GMing toolkit yet, it's time to amend that. It don't cost nuthin' ... but I think you'll find it's worth your time!

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January 17th, 2023
I have beenusing this for literal decades. It's one of the best prep tools around! [...]
July 15th, 2022
S. John Ross is one of the greats of TTRPG: endlessly creative, funny, and an excellent writer with an eye toward good gaming. I will buy anything he writes. So should you. So should everyone on Earth. [...]
December 14th, 2021
It's exactly what it says on the tin: a big list of plots that mesh nicely for RPG adventure design. When you're just pressed for creativity, it can help spark some ideas and get thigns moving. Or, if an encounter / adventure feels a little [...]
December 2nd, 2021
This is a good tool for any GM who is looking for a bit of inspiration from time to time. [...]
August 29th, 2021
Great product, hard to believe you could not sell it. Likely not because they did not like it, but because they could not use it as part of a normal themed issue. [...]
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January 10, 2017
Dieses Produkt wurde am January 10, 2017 in unseren Katalog aufgenommen.