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Whitewash City Set 6

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Whitewash City Building Set #6

The Whitewash City Building Set #6 makes 5 main building models and 5 sheds in 30mm, 1/60th scale. 2 Add-On Kits, is included for ONLY $7.00 USD!

This is a set of high-quality, professionally rendered PDF Wild West building models by renowned RPG artist and mapper, Eric Hotz. All Whitewash City models are based on The Real Historical Old West, from buildings of the Wild West of the USA and Canada. You just print them onto paper/card-stock from your own computer/printer and then start building. Make as many as you want, when you need them!

Whitewash City building models come with complete floor plans in 30mm scale (same scale as the building models). All the work is already done!

The building models included in this PDF set:
Small Out Buildings (Set No.2), Two Residential Homes (No.2 and 3), The Orient Saloon, Town Church, and a Residential House (no.4).

"All Whitewash City PDF models come with detailed floor plans!"


"Quick and easy to make; make as many as you need!"

NOTE: All Whitewash City PDF files are designed to fit onto 8.5x11-inch paper but you can print onto 11x17-inch paper/cardstock at Staples/Office Depot and enlarge the final model scale. Printing onto an 11x17-inch printout, where the artwork fills the page, gives you a 40mm scale model!

What You Get In This PDF Set:

• All models are true 30mm (1/60th) scale; if printing onto 11x17-inch cardstock (via Staples/Office Depot) you can print out your models up to 40mm scale (onto 11x17-inch card).

5 PDF files, for a total of 5 main building models and 5 sheds are included in this set.

2 PDF Add-On kits and a floor plan key (key1.pdf) are provided in this set.

• PDF file printouts can be scaled up OR scaled down without print quality loss. You are limited only by the output size of your printer.

• All models include Fully Keyed Floor Plans of EVERY floor; a detailed Floor Plan Key PDF file is included. Floor plans show the location of furnishings, doorways, windows, etc all to scale. You will no longer have to fumble around for that floor plan you drew the night before. All you have to do is just print out the floor plan that you need -- it is that easy!

• All models include Blank Floor Plans of EVERY floor, so you have the option of creating your own perfect floor plans to match your own games/scenarios.

• Choose the printing option that best suits your needs and budget. You can print in Full Color, Black Line, or Gray-Scale. Full-Color printing will give you authentic weathered colors designed to give the look and feel of the old west. Black-Line art lets you create inexpensive models (hence the name, Whitewash City); you have the option of coloring your printouts using felt pens and/or pencil crayons. Gray-Scale printing gives calibrated printouts that are not too dark nor too light. Whatever printing option you choose, your Wild West town will look great!

• Whitewash City models are perfect for RPG, miniatures games, and static displays, and are designed for quick and easy construction. Whitewash City models are highly detailed, visually stunning, and are made to impress!

• No other Wild West PDF product gives you as much quality and building options as Whitewash City, and all for ONLY $7.00 -- this works out to $1.40 per building model, not including the extras!

A Customer Review/Comment:

"...before I knew it I was printing outbuildings and taking a crack at assembling them. Wow -- these things are even more impressive than I thought. Really impressive"

The Whitewash City promise: You do not have to be a great modeler to have great models!

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Opiniones (4)
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November 8th, 2007
A great set of models, I just can't say enough about this line. If you're into Wild West rpg's or weird west rpg's these will fit the bill. [...]
February 18th, 2006
Nice to see more houses added to Whitewash City, knew the town folk had to live somewhere. Also has a new saloon where they can hang out on Saturday night and a church where they can repent Sunday morning. Another great set. <br><br&g [...]
October 31st, 2005
another fine product in this series. If you play a western game I recommend this one.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Excellent<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br> [...]
October 22nd, 2004
Spectacular! Everything a Referee would want to run adventures in a western town. Everything needed to build a western town to include Floorplans with furniture is provided in Color and in Black & White! Print, build and have fun! Or, [...]
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File Last Updated:
October 05, 2004
Este producto esta en nuestro catálogo desde October 05, 2004.
Información de la editorial
Hotz Stuff
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