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Legacy of the Masque - Episode ThreeClick to magnify

Legacy of the Masque - Episode Three

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This is the third episode of the independently produced superhero webseries Legacy of the Masque!

Running Time: 5 minutes 19 seconds

Format: H.264 .MOV 1080p

Diana Bowman, granddaughter of a Golden Age superhero, discovers the truth of her family heritage upon inheriting her grandmother's worldly possessions. Seeing how awful the world is, and inspired by her grandmother's youthful crusades, Diana adopts the identity of the Masque and begins patrolling the city as a vigilante hero. With the assistance of a retired superhero from the 1940's the Masque begins a series of adventures fighting crime and standing for justice.


The Masque discovers the truth behind Spectro (Alex Rdriguez) and his lovely assistant Smoke (Elise Schultz). Will she survive long enough to do anything about it?

Starring Sierra Holmes (VH1 Scream Queens, Piranha 3DD ) as Diana Bowman/The Masque, Tim Stotz (It's Complicated, Monster Mash) as Dr. Andy Bryant/Captan Future, Alejandro Rodriguez (Widdershins, Monster Mash) as Spectro, Elise Schultz (STALKER, Poetic) as Smoke, Matthew Roeling (Jimmy's Basement, Memoirs of a Stinky Sofa) as the Daring Devil, Kitsie Duncan (Monster Mash, What They Say, Mother's Blood) as The Woman in Red, Jolene M. Aldus (What They Say, Headline News) as Octobriana and MANY more!

Legacy of the Masque is a live action webseries presented in HD for your enjoyment. A Role-Playing game based on Legacy of the Masque and utilizing the Superpowered by M&M license is available at

Legacy of the Masque - Episode One is available at /product/109518/Legacy-of-the-Masque---Episode-One

Legacy of the Masque - Episode Two is available at /product/109519/Legacy-of-the-Masque---Episode-Two

Legacy of the Masque - Episode Four is available at: /product/109522/Legacy-of-the-Masque---Episode-Four

Legacy of the Masque - Episode Five is available at /product/111162/Legacy-of-the-Masque---Episode-Five

Legacy of the Masque - Episode Six is available at /product/111467/Legacy-of-the-Masque---Episode-Six

Legacy of the Masque - Episode Seven is available at /product/111979/Legacy-of-the-Masque---Episode-Seven

Written and directed by Travis Legge

Starring Sierra Holmes as Diana/The Masque

Voiceover by Jeff Scaduto

Music by Deann Baker

Graphics by Alex Rodriguez

Miss Masque is a Trademark of AC Comics/Nightveil Media inc, and is used here with permission

The Scourge created by Travis Legge and JT Blevins.



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AGD V003
Tamaño del archivo:
359.3 MB
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Estos ebooks fueron creados a partir de los archivos originales de diseño digital y, por tanto, se pueden realizar búsquedas en todo su texto. Además, el tamaño de archivo tiende a ser más pequeño que el de los libros de imágenes escaneadas. LA mayoría de los libros más nuevos están en este formato. Tanto las versiones para descarga como para impresión de estos libros deberían tener una gran calidad.
File Last Updated:
December 25, 2012
Este producto esta en nuestro catálogo desde December 25, 2012.