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Adventures in the Household the Complete Collection Bundle!
Adventures in the Household is a Role-Playing Game filled with adventures, intrigues, and social interactions set in a large abandoned House.It takes place in a world that resembles the first years of our XIX century, in which each room constitutes a proper nation you can explore. Players of Household take on the role of littlings, little beings of the Little Folk from European folklore.
Dungeon Crawl Classics Tome of Adventure Vol. 4: Purple Planet!
Prepare for Harley Stroh’s sword-and-planet fantasy epic!DCC RPG Tome of Adventure Volume 4 is a level 4 exploration-style adventure spanning scores of leagues.How characters meet each challenge determines whether they discover the secrets to returning home, or slip beneath the sands of the wastes, succumbing to the perils of the Purple Planet.
Heroes of Tara Player's Guide in Hardcover!
Welcome to the island of Ériu—a realm immersed in primordial wilderness, divided by hundreds of warlike clans, and entwined with the magical forces of the Otherworld. From his seat upon the sacred Hill of Tara, the High King maintains a fragile balance. Heroes of Tara Player's Guide is now available in Hardcover and PDF!
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Free Title of the Week
Blades '68 Playtest Preview
Evil Hat Productions
Rule System
Forged in the Dark
Welcome to the Blades '68 Playtest Preview! Inside this 15 page preview you'll get a taste of the world of Doskvol 100 years after Blades in the dark! It also includes a link to sign up for the playtest and get the full 300+ page playtest draft. Thank you...
Picks of the Week
Cyberpunk RED: Trauma Deck
R. Talsorian Games Inc.
Rule System
My Little Pony Roleplaying Game Knights of Canterlot Sourcebook
Renegade Game Studios
Rule System
Other systems
Traveller: The Great Rift (2025)
Rule System
Trinity Continuum: Tasty Bit Compilation
Onyx Path Publishing
Rule System
Storyteller / Storytelling
Also of Note Titles
Party Like The World is Ending
Kyle Tam
Rule System
Other systems
Cthulhu Awakens: DREADCRAWLS Two, Events Under Sinister Stars
Green Ronin Publishing
Rule System
Other systems
The Archivium
LichLight Imprints
Rule System
Other systems
With a Faerie, Hand in Hand
Schwalb Entertainment
Rule System
Shadow of the Demon Lord
Bundle of Holding
The Bundle of Holding has revived two April 2017 offers (along with a new addition) that gather the entire Fourth Edition line (1989-2001) for Champions, The Super Roleplaying Game from Hero Games. Start with Champions 4E Essentials, then add its companion, Champions 4E Universe.
The third Hero Games offer, Hero 4E Campaigns, adds the non-superhero campaign sourcebooks like Cyber, Western, and Fantasy Hero.
When you buy a Bundle of Holding offer, the titles are added automatically to your DriveThruRPG Library.
Created by the Community
Star Menagerie: Creatures of the Void
Pinnacle Entertainment
Rule System
Savage Worlds
Clan Secrets: Breakiron Developments
The Jersey Devil
Free League Publishing
Rule System
Year Zero Engine
Vampire: the Dark Ages Combat
White Wolf
Featured from
2025 Best Anthology Derringer Award Nominees
This special bundle product contains the following titles. (I Just) Died in Your Arms: Crime Fiction Inspired by One-Hit WondersRegular price: $3.99Bundle price: $1.90Format: ePub (Nook, Sony, eReaders) Hitting the charts only once isn't just unfor...