Welcome to the Chronicle System Guild!
The Chronicle System is the rules system that powers several of Green Ronin’s RPGs, including Sword Chronicle, our feudal fantasy roleplaying game. First designed for the A Song of Ice and Fire RPG, the Chronicle System has been developed since, into multiple supplements and new and upcoming games. While these games each have their own unique features, the critical features of the system, where words are as important as weapons and characters are responsible for organizations and conflicts bigger than themselves, remain.
The Chronicle System Guild is a community content program that lets third party publishers create and sell PDFs compatible with Sword Chronicle, though future Chronicle System games may be added at a later date.
If you are a fan of the Chronicle System for fantasy, here you’ll find new support material for Sword Chronicle. If you are a publisher, you can join the community and create your own!
The Chronicle System Guild is simple to use and everything you need to know is right here.
How do I publish content for the Chronicle System Guild?
Your first step is to read the Content Guideline. Our creator resources include templates and logos for you to use that meet our specifications for content.
After creating your content, go to your account page and look in the "My Content" section. You can use the "Add a new title" link after you agree to the Community Content Agreement.
Once content is published, it can be found with the rest of the Chronicle System Guild content. You'll be able to check your sales history, view reviews, and check on book royalties using your Account page on DriveThruRPG. The My Money section of your Account page will allow you to withdraw royalties via PayPal.