Welcome to the Free League Workshop!
This is the home of fan creations for games such as Mutant: Year Zero, Forbidden Lands, Coriolis – The Third Horizon, and Symbaroum. Using this community content program you can create, publish and sell your own content on Drivethrurpg.com and share your creations withthe rest of the world.
Collected in the pages associated with this program you can find adventures, expansions, rules supplements and more, making this a treasure trove of material for your next game.
As a creator, you are free to set any price you want, provide your own design or use one of our provided templates. You decide. Using this program we hope to bring the sparkling creativity of fans all around the world together, making our games and worlds even better.
How You Can Publish Your Own Content
We have collected a set of guidelines and instructions in the Content Guidelines page. You will need to have an account at Drivethrurpg.comand you are required to use the Free League Workshop logotype and the relevant legal text for the game you are creating content for. You can set the price you want to sell your content for, or make it completely free. You will then get half of the proceeds.
We are providing layout templates in both Indesign and Word format that can be downloaded and used for free. You will find more information about these in the Content Guidelines.
After creating your content, go to your account page and look in the "My Content" section. You can use the "Add a new title" link after you agree to theCommunity Content Agreement. Once content is published, it will appear in the Free League Workshop. You'll be able to check your sales history, view reviews, and other information using your Account page on DriveThruRPG.
Have fun creating!
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