Welcome to the Shadow of the Demon Lord Creative Community!
Looking for more ways to fight the Demon Lord? Desperate to explore new parts of Rûl, uncover mysteries, encounter strangeness that will drive you insane? Then this place is for you! The Disciples of the Demon Lord is a digital platform for creating self-published adventure content for Shadow of the Demon Lord. As a creator, you can share your content free of charge, set a price that feels right for you, or choose a pay-what-you-want option.
What kind of content can I find here?
The Disciples of the Demon Lord program enables creators to produce adventure content for Shadow of the Demon Lord. Such content includes adventures, places to explore, and foes to fight. If you’re looking for the next great story to vex your groups, you’re bound to find it here.
For a complete list of what is and isn’t allowed in Disciples of the Demon Lord, review our content guidelines here.
How do I start publishing content?
Get started by reading over the Disciples of the Demon Lord Content Guidelines. We’ve made layout templates available to make creating easier for you, and to ensure all Disciples of the Demon Lord content meets our specifications.
After creating your title, visit the account page and look in the “My Content” section. There you will find the link “Add a new title.” You must agree to the Community Content Agreement in order to upload a new title.
After publication, all Disciples of the Demon Lord content is available here. Check sales history, view reviews and fan discussions of your work, and book royalties through PayPal. We give you a few pointers on how to publicize your product and ensure that it hits the right tone our fans expect.
Revenue for Disciples of the Demon Lord content is split between you, OneBookShelf (the company that manages DriveThruRPG), and Schwalb Entertainment. You take half of the profits and we divide the rest between us and OneBookShelf as the Demon Lord demands.