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Deep Carbon Observatory - Remastered

Deep Carbon Observatory - Remastered

Deep Carbon Observatory - REMASTERED New maps, new A4 formt, interlinked with bookmarks and removable art and maps for easy printing and reading.  NEW ART Plus new Hooks, a fresh Index a re-write with additional bits and pieces and we ever playtested it! Other than that, at its core DCO is the same D&D adventure.  The adventure is suitable for a lucky mid-range party, a stupid high-level...   [click here for more]
False Machine Publishing  $12.43

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Maze of the Blue Medusa • Deluxe PDF

Maze of the Blue Medusa • Deluxe PDF

Infinite broken night. Milky alien moons. Wavering demons of gold. Held in this jail of immortal threats are three perfect sisters... WINNER OF THREE 2016 ENNIE AWARDS Gold • Best Electronic Book Silver • Best Writing Silver • Best Cartography Maze of the Blue Medusa is a dungeon. Maze of the Blue Medusa is art. Maze of the Blue Medusa works...   [click here for more]
Satyr Press  $10.00

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Deep Carbon Observatory

Deep Carbon Observatory

The OG version. Now PWYW. ...   [click here for more]
False Machine Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Forbidden Lands: The Spire of Quetzel

Forbidden Lands: The Spire of Quetzel

Wind dies. Pale grass grows in spirals. Lichen forms blurred iridescent sigils on cracked stone. Black trees curl their trunks and crook their branches as if bowing. The Spire is driven through the skin of the world like a pin through curling paper. With every step toward the tower, it writhes and warps like a hallucination. It seems infinitely tall, like something in a dream. There is...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing  $9.99

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Jim Henson's Labyrinth: The Adventure Game

Jim Henson's Labyrinth: The Adventure Game

Hello, and welcome to Jim Henson’s Labyrinth: The Adventure Game (we call it ‘the Labyrinth’, for short). This book contains everything you need to play in and run your own version of the Labyrinth. Have you ever asked the question: what if Sarah asked the Helping Hands to go up rather than down? Have you ever wondered how you would have fared in this dangerous and exciting world? Have you ever...   [click here for more]
River Horse Games  $27.99

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Maze of the Blue Medusa • Simple PDF

Maze of the Blue Medusa • Simple PDF

Infinite broken night. Milky alien moons. Wavering demons of gold. Held in this jail of immortal threats are three perfect sisters... WINNER OF THREE 2016 ENNIE AWARDS Gold • Best Electronic Book Silver • Best Writing Silver • Best Cartography Maze of the Blue Medusa is a dungeon. Maze of the Blue Medusa is art. Maze of the Blue Medusa works...   [click here for more]
Satyr Press  $5.00

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Silent Titans PDF

Silent Titans PDF

In addition to the pdf of Silent Titans, you will receive digital maps, and print-them-yourself paper minis.  This is Silent Titans, an adventure, a game, a work of art, a mystery, a book of post-singularity dream-imagery and local history, and a sensory feast for the eyes. It's an Adventure. Silent Titans includes an overland area isolated by mysterious phenomena, a central town, a scattering...   [click here for more]
False Machine Publishing  $15.00

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Forbidden Lands: La Flèche de Quetzel

Forbidden Lands: La Flèche de Quetzel

Le vent se tait. L’herbe pâle pousse en spirale. Le lichen forme des sceaux iridescents aux contours flous sur la pierre craquelée. Des arbres noirs recourbent leurs troncs et plient leurs branches dans un simulacre de révérence. La Flèche perce l’épiderme du monde comme une aiguille transperçant une boule de papier. À chaque pas que vous faites en direction de la tour, celle-ci...   [click here for more]
Arkhane Asylum Publishing  $25.90 $12.95

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Demon-Bone Sarcophagus

Demon-Bone Sarcophagus

The (hopefully) first part of the Broken Fire Regime Trilogy. A pile of dead bodies in the desert! Results of a triple-cross! The PC's investigate! Glass Women! Tunnels in the Earth! A scrap of torn paper in a dead hand, only one fragment of a plan to rob an evil corporation of incalculable wealth! A mysterious tomb beneath! What strange drama lead to this catastrophe? What secrets of primeval forgotten...   [click here for more]
False Machine Publishing  $12.45

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Fire On The Velvet Horizon

Fire On The Velvet Horizon

A new hardback, U.S. Letter Sized prints using Drivethru's highest quality PoD paper stock for the deepest possible blacks available through that service. So now available in; Luxury Eochian Wyrm Edition - Peecho  Fuse Meister Edition - Drivethru (this one) and Shameful Beast Edition - Lulu. This has all the additional backmatter previously...   [click here for more]
False Machine Publishing  $46.69

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Fire On The Velvet Horizon - PLAIN TEXT PDF

Fire On The Velvet Horizon - PLAIN TEXT PDF

We didn't really understand anything about margins or layout when we made this and due to the 'artistic' nature of the text/image integration the text size is baked right into the thing. This means that many (a few anyway) people have been unable to read the text when they actually buy the book. We botched this issue for a while by handing out free Text files to anyone who had bought the book and...   [click here for more]
False Machine Publishing  Pay What You Want

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BONES OF BUKAKO, the replacement for FEAST OF BUKAKO - a book Leveless Spells! Every time we do a False Machine adventure we create Levelless Spells based on the spells in the most recent book and add them to the most recent BUKAKO. Together these spells form a complete list of all of those mentioned in 'Deep Carbon Observatory - Remastered' and 'Demon-Bone Sarcophagus'. Brendan S did the first group...   [click here for more]
False Machine Publishing  $2.49

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Here is Sky-Stone-River-Place, an experimental dungeeon I did a while ago. This was originally concived and written around the time of Veins of the Earth and Deep Carbon Observatory so it has a lot of the same concepts/monsters etc. In a way you can think of it as a little brother to DCO, or a twin that got absorbed in the womb and became a vestigal twin that gawps beneath a concealing top hat. This...   [click here for more]
False Machine Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Svärdets sång - Quetzels torn

Svärdets sång - Quetzels torn

Vinden dör. Blekt gräs växer i spiraler. Lavar bildar suddiga, regnbågsskimrande sigill på sprucken sten. Svarta träd kröker sina stammar, böjer sina grenar som i bugningar. Tornet drivs genom världens hud som en nål genom krusat papper. För varje steg närmre tornet förvanskas och förvrids det likt en hallucination. Det verkar oändligt högt, som något i en dröm. Vid tornets fot...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing  $9.99

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Boa Constructor

Boa Constructor

Born to Build “Born with what seems to be a crippling mutation, the Boa Constructor must ferociously adapt to stay alive. Most die along the way, unable to face the challenge of their size or grasp the opportunities presented by their hands. Those who reach the last stage, the Griseous few, are rare and barely seen. They sleep within their palaces, but their works are world-renowned.”  ...   [click here for more]
Gildor Games   FREE 

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From the shadows of the innocent dead… “Curselings bleed into our world, watching and waiting from inside pools of absence where the light grows dim. First an innocent must die and their shadow, not their corpse, must touch the ground. They can be hung from some rafters or the branches of a tree, or drown in clear shallow water which the light streams through, so long as their body does...   [click here for more]
Gildor Games   FREE 

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Predator Saint

Predator Saint

The Stuff of Nightmares “This is the dream of the thing watching you from the dark. It has followed you from the beginning and it lives within you now.”   Fire on the Velvet Horizon is a monster book like no other. Created from the minds of Patrick Stuart and Scrap Princess, it completely changed our ideas of what a monster book could be. It is an art book, a...   [click here for more]
Gildor Games   FREE 

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Vorn Owls

Vorn Owls

Spell Stealers “The Vorn owls are named for the forest of Vorn, named itself after the god who died there and from whom the black trees grew. If a Vorn owl, watching from its perch, sees a spell and hears it cast, it can speak the name of Vorn and cast the spell again. Some make alliance with workers of the Subtle Art, some simply war upon them without cause. It makes no difference to the Vorn...   [click here for more]
Gildor Games   FREE 

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