The southlands of Eor are being despoiled. Merchants will no longer run their caravans on the main highway past the quiet village of Waycombe. The peasants are fleeing their lands, and all are demanding protection from the powerful Count of Eor. The goodly count has sent a troop of his trusted fighters to exterminate the brigands believed responsible for these outrages, but weeks have passed, and... [click here for more]
The adventure is explosive...
Volturnus: a barren, hostile world. When a pirate attack stranded your party of adventurers here, your luck and skill, and the help of the Ul-Mor enabled you to survive.
The Kurabanda, a mysterious tree dwelling race, are your only hope of finding the lost explorers you seek. On this planet of mystery and danger, survival itself is doubtful. Are you equal to the challenge... [click here for more]
Two weeks to save the world...
Since you crash-landed here, Volturnus has been a planet of constant surprise and peril. You defeated the Star Devil's pirates and made contact with four intelligent races native to the planet. Your adventures with them made clear that these alien races would be valuable members of the UPF—if they manage to survive.
The vicious Sathar are on their way to Volturnus... [click here for more]
NOTE: This is the reprint version, with all new interior art by Mark Allen. This book combines the two books from the original boxed set. The introductory adventure is now provided separately as a free download.
Lurching into action, your battered chronoscooter crosses the void of time and space. Another lurch, and the vertigo fades. The countryside comes into view. Knights in... [click here for more]
It is a continent of raw beauty and wondrous magics—of marauding hordes and avenging champions—it is Taladas, the forgotten continent of Krynn first revealed in the best-selling Dragonlance supplement Time of the Dragon.
Now, this incredible setting is brought to life and made ready for adventuring with New Beginnings. This essential adventure provides all the information... [click here for more]
Originally published by Pacesetter Ltd. in 1985:
The train whistle screams, and your passenger-car plunges into another tunnel. Six shots snap in the darkness. When sunlight floods the compartment once more, a man lies bleeding on the floor. He whispers a warning, then mysteriously fades away. Who was he? Why was he murdered? And, most importantly, who are you?THE SANDMAN... [click here for more]
There's more to being a Time Corps agent than you think. Rookies have it easy; popping back into history and shooting a few Demoreans. But in this survival course, you learn what time travel is all about: beating a Significance Wave into the future before it prevents your own birth; forgetting what you're doing after you destroy the clue you find two days from now; dealing with five copies of yourself,... [click here for more]
Red Ace High was originally presented as the introductory adventure in the 1984 TIMEMASTER RPG boxed set.
The Time Corps Sentinel--our watch-man in the Out-time-- has reported a Demorean penetration of Parallel T-0. The penetration lies in November of 1917, at a critical point on the WWI Western Front. With basic training completed, you are ready for action in the field. In light... [click here for more]
The starship Omicron, the pride of the Pan Galactic Corporation, disappeared years ago on its first voyage. Recently the ship was found drifting in space, the passengers and crew killed by a strange and virulent disease. The ship was decontaminated, refueled, and made ready for operations. The PGC has hired eight adventurers to "babysit" the Omicron on her voyage back to a Corporation starport.... [click here for more]