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URBAN JUNGLE - Anthropomorphic Noir Role-Play

URBAN JUNGLE - Anthropomorphic Noir Role-Play

The early 20th century of the United States was rife with fantastic change: from the rise of industry giants, to the great experiment of Prohibition, to the tragedy of the Great Depression, onto the dawn of the Atomic Age. The sky was tamed, the world was mapped, and the possibilities of science seemed limitless, all blue skies and buttered toast… … for some folks, anyway. A complete game...   [click here for more]
Sanguine Productions  $49.95 $19.29

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ABYSS - Action Horror Role-Play

ABYSS - Action Horror Role-Play

Through heaven and earth, beyond mundane understanding, ... It's all too easy to pretend it isn't there. Where crime, injustice, and war run rampant, they cast long shadows. In the dark corners of this earth are things terrible and strange, unknownable and illimitable. It's not a question of whether evil exists, but when it will strike....   [click here for more]
Sanguine Productions  $59.95 $19.95

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OCCULT HORROR - Supernatural Options for Urban Jungle

OCCULT HORROR - Supernatural Options for Urban Jungle

The early 20th century of the United States knew no limits for this world... or the next. After conquering the mysteries of electricity, radios, and X-rays, it was only a matter of time before the coming science would push beyond the boundaries of natural law. True, the spiritualism craze was mostly enter­tainment to fill seats, when it wasn’t a con to empty wallets... But what if it wasn’t all smoke and...   [click here for more]
Sanguine Productions  $34.95 $13.33

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MADCAP: Screwball Cartoon Role-Play

MADCAP: Screwball Cartoon Role-Play

MADCAP is the role-playing game where you and your friends become wacky characters in a cartoon show that you create! Simple rules that feed the fires of your fevered imagination. Choose a playbook, such as the know-it-all Smartypants, the devious Trickster, the meta-satirical Self-Aware, and the proverbial more! Gimmicks to customize your character for any role,...   [click here for more]
Sanguine Productions  $9.36

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MYRIAD SONG - Role-Play Adventure of Ten Thousand Worlds

MYRIAD SONG - Role-Play Adventure of Ten Thousand Worlds

MYRIAD SONG is a tribute to the New Wave of Science Fiction... to progressive rock and sci-fi comic books... to Rush, King Crimson, and Hawkwind ... to Incal, Valerian, and Rourke... to Heavy Metal, Fifth Element, and Guardians of the Galaxy.  Journey to unknown spheres both real and imagined, because matter is merely atoms vibrating with frequency, and...   [click here for more]
Sanguine Productions  $24.95 $14.97

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IRONCLAW: Book of Horn & Ivory

IRONCLAW: Book of Horn & Ivory

From the darkest jungles to glorious kingdoms, from barren deserts to shining oases, the lands of Akoma offer unknown riches with unknowable dangers. Mysterious star-gazers, miraculous alchemy, and the machines of war await anyone who dares trespass in these lands. But the promise of wealth and power brings fool and fortune-hunter alike. Book of Horn & Ivory includes: The strange continent of...   [click here for more]
Sanguine Productions  $15.96

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ASTOUNDING SCIENCE - Retro-Futuristic Options for Urban Jungle

ASTOUNDING SCIENCE - Retro-Futuristic Options for Urban Jungle

Welcome to the World of Tomorrow! This book will expand your Urban Jungle campaign to the limits of scientific possibility ... and beyond! Enhance your lifestyle with new and exciting gadgets that you assemble, employ, break, fix, and improve as your necessity requires new inventions. Craft deadly handguns that shoot atomic bombs! Mechanize your baseball...   [click here for more]
Sanguine Productions  $39.95 $14.95

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BOOK OF CORALS - Maritime Adventure for Ironclaw

BOOK OF CORALS - Maritime Adventure for Ironclaw

The great nations of Akoma, Calabria, and Zhongguo send their ships far and wide, ever eager for more riches and none too choosy about how they're gained. What began as simple trade agreements between small companies have grown in wealth, power, and influence beyond the expectations of even the greediest lords. But those who reap the spoils are chafing under the rule of kings and of merchant alike,...   [click here for more]
Sanguine Productions  $39.95 $14.95

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IRONCLAW: Book of Monsters

IRONCLAW: Book of Monsters

From the darkest of the hillside thickets to the strangest of the blasted heaths come the monsters! Enfraughten your Ironclaw game with peril! Book of Monsters adds: Dozens of new monsters, all rated and organized by name (alphabetical, of course) and tier (of deadliness) Environmental hazards, from the merely odd to the decidedly dangerous New equipment made out of monsters An...   [click here for more]
Sanguine Productions  $19.95

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Ironclaw: Book of Mysteries

Ironclaw: Book of Mysteries

Sometimes even the mindless lichen know when something unspeakable lurks nearby. From the secret Sacerdotal Priests who truck with magciks so secret, they might be branded heretic ... to the Blessed whose power transcends life and death ... and on to the mighty Druids, incomprehensible to outsiders yet still respected and feared ... this Mysteries book unveils character upgrade options and new places...   [click here for more]
Sanguine Productions  $8.97

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IRONCLAW: Book of Adventures

IRONCLAW: Book of Adventures

From nobles in grand castles to bishops in gilded churches ... from the heights of castles and cathedrals to the forsaken desolation of the waste-lands ... from the courts of diplomacy and reason to the depths of madness and malfeasance ... The Book of Adventures adds seven new stories to tell in your IRONCLAW campaign. You will need the IRONCLAW Player’s Book or the Omnibus to play this game. ...   [click here for more]
Sanguine Productions  $14.95

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The landmark series of anthropomorphic science-fiction, ALBEDO combines a universe of gritty military action with the exotic mystery of geneticall-engineered life forms. What could have been the promise of infinite diversity in infinite combinations becomes a drama of intrigue, conspiracy, tragedy, and war that will span several generations. This complete volume combines both PLATINUM CATALYST (character...   [click here for more]
Sanguine Productions  $14.95

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VITAL HEARTS: Role-Play in Isekai+Reality (EARLY ACCESS)

VITAL HEARTS: Role-Play in Isekai+Reality (EARLY ACCESS)

This is the early access build of Vital Hearts. Purchase this copy, and you'll get updates throughout the product's entire lifetime, including the final release. Embrace the isekai spirit of Sword Art Online, Persona, Accel World, Log Horizon, Ready Player One, Dream Park, and other stories where there's one world that offers far too little .. and another that's all too much....   [click here for more]
Sanguine Productions  $19.95

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MYRIAD ALIENS - Even Stranger Options for Role-Play Adventure

MYRIAD ALIENS - Even Stranger Options for Role-Play Adventure

When the Syndics ruled over the 10,000 Worlds, their planets of choice were the most hospitable ones. Oxygen-rich atmosphere ... moderate gravity ... carbon-based life ... all of these qualities were prized by the mysterious masters of the stars. But not every world is the same... After the fall of the Empire came the rise of the forgotten, the forsaken, and then forbidden. People of all kinds, from...   [click here for more]
Sanguine Productions  $9.95

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BLEEDING EDGE: High-Tech Low-Life Role-Play

BLEEDING EDGE: High-Tech Low-Life Role-Play

Fight the power, jam the culture, hack the system. The next generation in role-playing games, BLEEDING EDGE will help you create a character with the limitless potential of next-gen technology, yet weighted down with the legacy of greed, lies, and hate. Explore a future world of supercomputers and subcultures, of multinational corporations and micro-economies, of big ideas...   [click here for more]
Sanguine Productions  Pay What You Want

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Ironclaw Book of Fools

Ironclaw Book of Fools

No longer must you merely be thought a fool ... now with the IRONCLAW BOOK OF FOOLS, you can remove all doubt! Winner of ten Reflexive Awards for Best Role-Playing Game Book! (2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2038) Streamlined for second-edition IRONCLAW rules, this book has pared down the original 772-page volume to just 6 pages, yet the number of character...   [click here for more]
Sanguine Productions  Pay What You Want

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Ironclaw Map of Calabria

Ironclaw Map of Calabria

This is a large format map of Calabria, for use with your IRONCLAW games. You can find more IRONCLAW by tapping this link: ...   [click here for more]
Sanguine Productions  Pay What You Want

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Noggle Stones

Noggle Stones

NOGGLE STONES is a role-playing game of fantastic adventure set in a past that never was. When the forces of darkness grow too strong to be contained in the world of the Faerie Kingdom, the fiends then cast their shadow over the dawn of 20th Century America. Can the goblins, elves, and dwarves put aside their differences to ally with the Great Republic of these United States? Can alchemy and sorcery...   [click here for more]
Sanguine Productions  $11.21

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MADCAP Gimmick Cards

MADCAP Gimmick Cards

These cards are for use with MADCAP: SCREWBALL CARTOON ROLE-PLAY Each card includes: A Gimmick, an upside and a downside for your character. Some of them are General gimmicks (for use in any game), while others are specific to a genre (Medieval, Wild West, Sci-Fi, Teen Mystery, Horror, Cyberpunk). Pass these out to the players to let them...   [click here for more]
Sanguine Productions  Pay What You Want

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MYRIAD SONG - Adventures

MYRIAD SONG - Adventures

This is not a stand-alone game. You will need a copy of MYRIAD SONG to use this book. From a night that flashed brighter than a dozen suns, to the darkest corners of a place twisted by unknowable forces ... from a mechanized riot that threatens the lives of millions, to a criminal tragedy of a single poor soul. This book of adventures for MYRIAD SONG will take your campaigns to the frontiers...   [click here for more]
Sanguine Productions  Pay What You Want

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Ironclaw Host's Screen

Ironclaw Host's Screen

Tables and guides from IRONCLAW: Anthropomorphic Fantasy Role-Play, as an aid to players and hosts alike! The electronic version features 11 pages. The printed version has five double-sided cards. ...   [click here for more]
Sanguine Productions  Pay What You Want

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Horror Stories: Eldritch Set

Horror Stories: Eldritch Set

Horror Stories is a story-telling role-playing game for one or more players. Each of you is trying to tell a story, but not the same story. Some of you want the characters to survive. The others... have other ideas. Each card has an element of a story: atmosphere, location, character, theme, etc. You can only play a card if it has a symbol that can follow a previous...   [click here for more]
Sanguine Productions  $4.95

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PREVIEW of MYRIAD SONG - Role-Play Adventure of Ten Thousand Worlds

PREVIEW of MYRIAD SONG - Role-Play Adventure of Ten Thousand Worlds

MYRIAD SONG is a tribute to the New Wave of Science Fiction... to progressive rock and sci-fi comic books... to Rush, King Crimson, and Hawkwind ... to Incal, Valerian, and Rourke... to Guardians of the Galaxy, Heavy Metal, and Fifth Element.  Journey to unknown spheres both real and imagined, because matter is merely atoms vibrating with frequency, and the difference...   [click here for more]
Sanguine Productions   FREE 

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  Codex Martialis: STARA SZKOŁA