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Tumbleweed Tales Volume 1

Tumbleweed Tales Volume 1

Match wits with shrewd and slick cardsharps. Brave a drink of medicine show libations. Venture into a den of snakes! Ride the wicked river! Tumbleweed Tales is a collection of three standalone adventures for your Western roleplaying game. Based on Tall Tales by Mark Hunt, it gives you a taste of the many and diverse situations available in the Old West for roleplay, using wits, gumption and sometimes...   [click here for more]
Stellagama Publishing  $5.00

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GBM-1 Joe's Diner

GBM-1 Joe's Diner

"Gangbusters was created by Rick Krebs and is used with permission." This is a thrilling  1st level  adventure and reusable location for Gangbusters RPG. Eat at Joe's Diner, one of lakefront cities great places to hang out and rub elbow with the locals and learn what the pulse of the city is really like. This is the first in a series of modules after several decades for use with the GANGBUSTERS™...   [click here for more]
Mark Hunt  $3.99

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Diesel Punks

Diesel Punks

Steam is passe. Diesel Punks introduces six new characters to bring your Hack game into the Atomic Age. Inspired by  the planet stories of the 30's and 40's dieselpunk presents steel jawed heroes (and heroines) to take you to the planets and beyond! The Computer -lightning fast calculator and right hand of the harried captain. The Rocket Trooper -master of aerial combat! The Sleeper -adventurer...   [click here for more]
Stellagama Publishing  $3.00

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GBE7 The time a tree saved me.

GBE7 The time a tree saved me.

"Gangbusters was created by Rick Krebs and is used with permission." This is a 2nd level Encounter for Gangbusters RPG Don Cole had been working this case for three weeks, and now he just wanted to be off of it. His feet hurt and he needed a drink. He liked the job and he was good at it. There were times, however, when he didn't enjoy the things he had to do.  This looked to be one of those times....   [click here for more]
Mark Hunt  $1.99

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Doctors orders

Doctors orders

This is the first in a series of Encouters and Modules after several decades for use with the GANGBUSTERS™ RPG rules. Doctors’ orders is specially designed for the game judge who needs to get back up to speed with the system. Armed with pads of government-issued prescription forms, advised Dr. Levon advise his  patients to take regular doses of hooch to stave off a number of ailments—cancer,...   [click here for more]
Mark Hunt  $1.99

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Diesel Punks Armory

Diesel Punks Armory

Steam is passe. Diesel Punks introduces six new characters to bring your Hack game into the Atomic Age. Inspired by  the planet stories of the 30's and 40's dieselpunk presents  tools of the trade as you fight your way to the planets and beyond! It includes: Notes on weapons of different technology levels, using cover and concealment, new weapon stats, add ons, and functions! Eleven new weapons:...   [click here for more]
Stellagama Publishing  $3.00

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The DOC Department of Creatures

The DOC Department of Creatures

The DOC Department of Creatures During World War II British Intelligence invited many occultists into its ranks because it needed their specialist knowledge and skills. You play such a person. This is a supplement for THE FRONT the WWII role playing game.  It has a New class the Combat Construct as well information on the Department of Creatures....   [click here for more]
Mark Hunt  $1.00

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Diesel Punks: Atlantis

Diesel Punks: Atlantis

Sometimes the call of adventure comes, not from the stars, but from under the waves! Diesel Punks deals with a science fiction setting and that usually means space travel. What about 'aliens' coming from the Earth itself? Atlantis gives notes and rules for playing six water breathing races, each with their own biomes and biology. This book lets you not only meet the aliens but become them! You can...   [click here for more]
Stellagama Publishing  $3.00

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GangBusters NPC Cards

GangBusters NPC Cards

The Usual Suspects Set 1. The Non-Player Cards is an easy-to-use 18-card deck that helps the Gangbuster Judge generation a fast NPC's. You can even use this deck to generate fast characters or even add some direction and inspiration to  their characters.   This is the part of a series of cards for use with the GANGBUSTERS™ RPG rules.  "Gangbusters was created by Rick Krebs and is used with...   [click here for more]
Mark Hunt  $5.99

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Gangbusters NPC cards set 2

Gangbusters NPC cards set 2

The Usual Suspects Set 2.   The Non-Player Cards is an easy-to-use 18-card deck that helps the Gangbuster Judge generation a fast NPC's. You can even use this deck to generate fast characters or even add some direction and inspiration to  their characters.    This is the part of a series of cards for use with the GANGBUSTERS™ RPG rules.  "Gangbusters was created by Rick Krebs and is used...   [click here for more]
Mark Hunt  $5.99

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  Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition