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Lana's Fateful Vault is a splash guide for 5th-Edition Dungeons & Dragons. It is part of Nat19's "5.19th Edition", which is reverse-compatible with 5th-Edition, and introduces new and exciting elements to the game. This splash book features content centered around Somnus Domina's goddess of fortune and temptation, Lana, Duchess of Fortune. Its content follows themes of love, friendship,... [click here for more] |
Logan Laidlaw |
The fourth issue of Carcass Crawler — the official Old-School Essentials zine! Each issue is packed with new material for your games, including new character classes and races, new spells and magic items, new monsters, optional and expanded rules, referee advice, previews of in-development products, short adventures, and more!
In This Issue
New classes:... [click here for more] |
Necrotic Gnome |
 The sea is a dangerous place and those who regularly sail on it know to treat it with respect. The weather is dangerous and those onboard a ship know they are in a fragile vessel skimming along the top of potentially vast, and hostile, depths. This supplement has 100 different encounters that can be used to add more detail to a sea voyage. Some of the encounters hare potentially hazardous, others are... [click here for more] |
Azukail Games |
$1.79 $1.49
Have you ever wanted your own spell book? With runes from the Spell Writing Guide, Spoken names from the Spell Saying Guide, and descriptions from the Creative Commons 5e SRD you will be able to quickly reference the symbol and name of all standard wizard spells. Presented as an in universe textbook given to students at the University of Theoretical Magic this book should prove a fun reference for... [click here for more] |
The Gorilla Of Destiny |
Have you ever wanted to talk like a real academic wizard with consistent names for their spells, or to have something more fun to shouth than "FIREBALL!" every time you enter a small room? Then this is exactly what you need. This short document is a very simple exploration of how we might say spells in 5e (though the ideas hold true for a lot of different systems). It serves as the explainer and gives... [click here for more] |
The Gorilla Of Destiny |
HellMarch - Mass Combat is a streamlined set of rules for use with the award winning ShadowDark RPG, EZD6, and other fantasy RPGs.
50 years ago, Chainmail introduced rules for seamless heroic and mass combat. At the time, those mass combat rules were poorly understood, and promptly ignored and left behind. But take note: Heroic and Mass Combat were never meant to be separate "ways... [click here for more] |
Alchemic Raker |
Have you ever wanted to make circuits as a wizard in 5e? Redundant question of course you have! From the same idiot who made the best-selling titles: The Theory of Magic, The Spell Writing Guide, and The Spell Saying Guide; Arcane Engineering presents a deep dive into a possible system for creating and using arcane circuitry in 5e. Perfect for the wizard who is tired of Scrolls, Tomes,... [click here for more] |
The Gorilla Of Destiny |
An Adventure for six to eight 4th-6th level characters:
In the days before the rise of the Jade Empire and the rule of the serpent men, the enigmatic axolittians reigned in Halith Vorn and there built their cities amongst the reeds in the swamps and caverns below. They mastered sorcerous arts and paid homage to devils and terrifying elemental beings. In the end, their serpent men slaves rose up... [click here for more] |
G. Hawkins |
Have you ever wanted your own spell book? Using the same base system as detailed in the Spell Writing Guide you can now write all your sorcerer's spells in a simple yet dignified way. While the wizards may write in some abstract mathetmatical nonsense the sorcerers write in far more natural forms. Presented as an in universe textbook given to students at the University of Theoretical Magic this book... [click here for more] |
The Gorilla Of Destiny |
Ever wanted to create your own spells? Or roleplay a wizard with truly scientific understanding of magic? Or even just explore the hidden relationships between the spells of 5e? Then this is the book you need to take your role play wizarding to the next level! The Theory of Magic is a scientific approach to the magic seen in 5e created after a succesful kickstarter (£6.5k raised!). In this book we... [click here for more] |
The Gorilla Of Destiny |
$9.99 $4.99

Adventurers love buying magic items!
We all know that the Shopping Session can be a drag, but maybe it doesn’t have to be?
In the Armorsmith’s Handbook, we’ve detailed 20 engaging shop owners with a unique inventory of magical armors, shields, and wondrous items. In addition to the magical wares that your player’s want, we’ve included some content to help Game Masters... [click here for more] |
Grim Press |
Click here for the FREE rules addition to create mixed species characters with the 2024 edition rules!
Character creation rules for 5e that replace race with ancestry, culture, and mixed heritage, for awesome new PCs
Two Time ENnie Award Winner for Best Electronic Book and Best Supplement!
Nominated for Product of the Year!... [click here for more] |
Arcanist Press |
$9.99 $2.99
 Second Edition Notes
Artifacts & Artifice has been completely remastered, expanded, edited, and refined for its Second Edition. Seven years after its Gold-bestselling initial release, AA is getting a new coat of paint... plus a TON of additional content and value.
In addition to all of the things that made AA great to begin with, you get all of the following:
New... [click here for more] |
Infinium Game Studios |
Welcome to DM Yourself – a guide for soloing existing adventures/campaigns written for Fifth Edition (5e), other editions of D&D or OSR. The system enables you to play these adventures with a single character, as close to the way they are written as possible. The aim is to allow players to enjoy these adventures solo with the minimum of preparation, work or additional rules, and maximum... [click here for more] |
Tom Scutt |
![Men & Monsters of Polynesia [Revised, Updated & Expanded Edition]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/2132/507508-thumb140.jpg) One of the most fascinating regions of our own world is most assuredly Polynesia, a vast area in the Pacific Ocean that encompasses Hawaii, New Zealand, Easter Island, Samoa, and Tahiti. This area is home to numerous creatures and beings that can be readily adapted for use in role-playing games and used for everything from exotic one-off encounters, to island-based adventure arcs, to entire campaigns... [click here for more] |
Skirmisher Publishing |
The Lazy DM’s Workbook contains a wide range of tools, maps, and reference sheets to help you run your fifth edition fantasy roleplaying game—and is designed to be useful right at the table. This book contains numerous fifth edition rules references, guides, and random generators to help fire up your imagination as you prepare and run your games.
The workbook also contains ten lazy lairs:... [click here for more] |
SlyFlourish |
 Confront a terrifying enemy in this adventure for the world’s greatest roleplaying game! A beloved villager disappears and the blame falls upon an enigmatic ogre clad in mismatched armor. Our heroes set out to an abandoned tower in a brooding forest, preparing to face down a formidable foe. Yet all is not as it seems... The Ironclad Ogre is a 2-4 hour adventure for 1st-... [click here for more] |
M.T. Black Games |
$4.95 $2.95
The forlorn Falkrest Abbey in the icy Lune Mountains is where the Queens and Kings of Yore used to be crowned and buried, along with their treasures. According to legends, the Fountain of St. Brynedd still pours its miraculous water somewhere inside. But what caused the fall of the blessed Abbey?
Falkrest Abbey is a level 1–3 dungeon adventure for Old-School... [click here for more] |
Axian Spice |
$6.99 $1.00
System Agnostic Adventure
The Curse of Bleckdell Forest is a system-agnostic adventure for most Fantasy RPGs but mainly focused towards OSR, Shadowdark or Fantasy Gits.
The forest of Bleckdell is around a mile from the village of the same name. The forest has always been a part of village life, used for hunting, foraging, and other activities. The forest has also been the subject... [click here for more] |
Broken Rat Games |
In a game’s maturity, the chase of character evolution has limits. After a few life cycles, players are looking closer, thinking deeper, and asking for more substance. Challenge becomes a word often heard at the table, and the GM feels a pressure that isn’t easy to satisfy. It’s time, then, to cook with fire. It’s time to go to HARDCORE MODE.
This D&D fifth edition rules mod from... [click here for more] |
Unleash new magic in BX-style settings
BX Options: Alternate Magicks is a modular system for customising spell casting in your setting. Fully compatible with all B/X style games, Alternate Magicks includes:
24 high-level cleric & druid spells, up to 7th level
60 high-level magic-user & illusionist spells, up to 9th level
8 new spell casting classes
Cantrip generator
Divine rites, faith magic,... [click here for more] |
The Welsh Piper LLC |
This book aims to be the most complete, most comprehensive, most innovative authority on solo tabletop roleplaying game adventuring ever produced.
After more than 30 years of gaming, both old-school through to today's most popular systems, the Solo Adventuring Toolkit culminates a lifetime's passion for the hobby into a massive volume that can be instantly useful... [click here for more] |
Infinium Game Studios |
$19.99 $9.99
Lyre's Guide to Retia is a setting guide that introduces a new way to engage with 5th Edition D&D: 5.19th Edition! Refined through years of play, this rule subset is completely reverse-compatible with regular 5th-edition Dungeons and Dragons, allowing a table to pick and choose which elements they want to incorporate.
Below is a quick run-through of what can be found within... [click here for more] |
Logan Laidlaw |
The Lazy DM's Companion is a 64 page book of guidelines and inspirational generators to help you build, prepare, and run awesome D&D games. Sitting alongside Return of the Lazy Dungeon Master and The Lazy DM's Workbook, the Lazy DM's Companion streamlines play and fires off your imagination to build awesome and unique worlds for you and your players to explore.... [click here for more] |
SlyFlourish |
There's a dragon in the woods.
Those friendly dwarves were the first to go, the poor things. And now the beast has been killing and eating the people of Brandonsford. No-one wants to leave the town's walls. With the humans out of the forest, fairies have taken over, and now the goblin king Hogboon seeks to claim the entire forest as his new kingdom.
The Black Wyrm of... [click here for more] |
Chance Dudinack |
COMPLETELY UNFATHOMABLE combines the whole of Jason Sholtis’ (The Dungeon Dozen) 2018 Ennie Award-winning adventure Operation Unfathomable with its new companion volume Odious Uplands. All of the material from the OU Players Guide is included as well.
In Operation Unfathomable, fledgling adventurers descend into... [click here for more] |
Hydra Cooperative |
 Do you need a quick heist for your character or NPC? You will need a D10, which you can roll up to seven times. You can use these as a basis upon which to build. A heist has four phases: scouting, planning, executing, and escaping. This is just the springboard; the rest is up to you. You can use the plot twists as a backup or not. ... [click here for more] |
Donovan D. Corzo |
The Science spellbook is a bold attempt to remind everyone that science is just as, if not more, fascinating than the magic in our ttrpg games. In this book we have taken real scientific concepts such as General Relativity, Quantum Mechanincs, and Classical Mechanics and turned them into over 100 spells usable in your game of 5e. The book also contains the top 3 winners of our Spell Creation Competition... [click here for more] |
The Gorilla Of Destiny |
Pay What You Want
Whether you're a player or a Dungeon Master, the Dungeons & Dragons Rules Cyclopedia is now the comprehensive sourcebook you need for the original fantasy roleplaying game! For ages 12 and up, the Cyclopedia contains the compete game system and hundreds of features, including the following:
All the rules from the D&D boxed set series, including Basic, Expert, Companion, and... [click here for more] |
Wizards of the Coast |
This collection includes the following files, which users can copy/print for their personal use.
Character Sheet (Excel editable sheet and PDF formats)
Louisiana State Overland Map (jpg and PDF)
New Orleans City Map (jpg and PDF)
French Quarter region (jpg and PDF)
Ruins of the University of New Orleans (jpg and PDF)
Mexican Consulate region (jpg and PDF)
These files are designed... [click here for more] |
Bards and Sages |
Pay What You Want
How to Make a Fantasy Sandbox!
Starting in 2009, I wrote a series of 24 posts on the Bat in the Attic Blog covering the different aspects of creating a hexcrawl formatted setting. Now that the blog posts are completed, I have combined and rewritten these posts into a single book. In addition to advice about creating your setting, the posts flesh out the Isle of Pyade into a small setting that... [click here for more] |
Bat in the Attic Games |
Join the Ranks of the Valiant!
Every adventure needs a beginning. Start your own tale in an infinite universe of high fantasy adventure with the Tales of the Valiant Player’s Guide! Within these pages, a trove of knowledge lies ready, waiting for the valiant to claim it!
Make your own unique and legendary hero with the new Lineage and Heritage system.
Select Talents and Backgrounds that... [click here for more] |
Kobold Press |
$34.99 $27.99
If You Purchased The PDF Click Below For a Bundle Discount on the Premium, Hardcover.
CLICK HERE FOR THE PDF + Hardcover, Premium Bundle.
Arcanum Worlds Presents: Chains of Asmodeus
Chains of Asmodeus is a 286-page source book and adventure for the Nine Hells written by legendary game designer James Ohlen (Baldur's Gate, Baldur's Gate II, Star Wars: Knights... [click here for more] |
Wizards of the Coast |
... [click here for more] |
Musing Design |
All proceeds from this journal benefit Extra Life. Extra Life unites thousands of gamers around the world to play games in support of their local Children's Miracle Network Hospital. Since its inception in 2008, Extra Life has raised more than $30 million for sick and injured kids. Sign up today and dedicate a day of play for kids in your community!
From the Journal of the Legendary... [click here for more] |
Wizards of the Coast |
This book was designed to be the most complete, most comprehensive, most innovative authority on hexcrawl roleplaying game adventuring ever produced.
After more than 35 years of gaming, both old-school through to today's most popular systems, the Hexcrawl Toolkit takes one of the hobby's oldest and most enduring concepts, and provides a passionate and well-organized... [click here for more] |
Infinium Game Studios |
$19.99 $9.99
 An expansion for the simplest rendition of modern fantasy D20 roleplaying!!!
Are you ready to enter the dungeon alone? This mini expansion will give you tips and tricks for generating randomized dungeons to explore when your hero is all alone!!!
Playbale using 5e standard rules or with a copy of the FREE One Page 5e Core Rules Sheet! ... [click here for more] |
Micro RPG |
$0.99 $0.50
The third issue of Carcass Crawler — the official Old-School Essentials zine! Each issue is packed with new material for your games, including new character classes and races, new spells and magic items, new monsters, optional and expanded rules, referee advice, previews of in-development products, short adventures, and more!
In This Issue
New classes:... [click here for more] |
Necrotic Gnome |
Lyre's Guide to Risk & Reward is a 376-page bestiary built with the 5th edition compatible 5.19th Editon rules. It contains over 200 NPCs, consisting of factions, beasts, deific aspects, and most notably, mecha from the Somnus Domina setting. These creatures can be used in any setting readily, but they all tie into the threats and conflicts of the setting from which they originate, Somnus Domina's... [click here for more] |
Logan Laidlaw |
D100, D20, and D10 Random Tables for Fantasy Tabletop RPGs
Unleash creativity in your tabletop RPG sessions with this resource for dungeon masters and game masters. Packed with random tables, this book adds depth and detail to your Dungeons and Dragons and other fantasy campaigns.
Features include:
Common Items: Tables for coinage, equipment, tools, potions, and... [click here for more] |
dicegeeks |
$4.99 $3.99
Four short adventures for Old-School Essentials, taking adventurers from disease-ridden sewers and bejeweled vaults, to sinister temples and to the deep void of space.
The Jeweler’s Sanctum. A level 1–3 dungeon adventure by Giuseppe Rotondo. The secret workshop of a long-dead jeweler-magician is now open, as his grandson wants the place finally cleared of all dangers. What treasures... [click here for more] |
Necrotic Gnome |
The Codex of Forbidden Arcana is now Available on DriveThruRPG and Discounted for a Limited Time!
The Codex of Forbidden Arcana is a compendium featuring a grand total of 300 pages of content on the theme of forbidden magic. This ranges from the dark arts of necromancy and hemomancy to otherworldly and eldritch powers, void magic, and beyond.
In this manual, you will find:
10... [click here for more] |
Mythos Creations |
$34.99 $29.99
 100+ new monsters typical of Italian folklore, legends, myths and literature, of land, sea, sky and underground. Unlike the classic Bestiaries for 5e, this volume will be much more in-depth in terms of lore. In fact, it will present 4 or 6 pages for each main monster, which will include a map and description of the lair, a card of the "minor" monsters that populate it, numerous adventure hooks, rumors,... [click here for more] |
Acheron Games |
 Crazy companions is a big collection of 35 companion, familiar, pet and mount creatures to be implemented into your next adventure or campaign, developed with lots of love! They come on 78 fully illustrated pages.
All creatures come with a full page of carefully designed background descriptions, motivation, personality traits, bonds and flaws. You will also find a section for possible story hooks,... [click here for more] |
Secrets of Alexandria |
Zagalhta’s Exolunar Collection is a larger project we’re currently working on, which will be going live on Kickstarter in March 2025; it features strong science-fantasy elements that blend inspirations from media like Cowboy Bebop, Gurren Lagann, and Nier. The book takes place in our setting, Somnus Domina, 100 years after the previous guide’s timeline, and deals with space travel, cosmic threads,... [click here for more] |
Logan Laidlaw |
Pay What You Want
The best 5e fantasy roleplaying games are often the most unpredictable. When the plans of the Gamemaster meet the actions of the characters, the incredible creative energy that results can spin encounters off in different directions, creating a largely spontaneous campaign story that keeps the GM and the players alike on the edge of their seats. But when it comes to the climactic boss battle encounters... [click here for more] |
SlyFlourish |
Issue 2 of Carcass Crawler — the official Old-School Essentials zine! Each issue is packed with new material for your games, including new character classes and races, new spells and magic items, new monsters, optional and expanded rules, referee advice, news, previews of in-development products, short adventures, and more!
In This Issue
New classes and races:... [click here for more] |
Necrotic Gnome |
 D100 and D20 Random Tables for Any Fantasy Tabletop Role-Playing Game
Transform your fantasy tabletop role-playing game sessions into unforgettable masquerade adventures with The Book of Random Tables: Masquerades. Perfect for game masters and dungeon masters, this resource is packed with creative inspiration to enrich RPG campaigns and spark engaging storylines.
What’s Inside:... [click here for more] |
dicegeeks |
$4.99 $3.99
The 1st Edition Player's Handbook is back!
No more searching through stacks of books and magazines to find out what you need to know. The Player's Handbook puts it all at your fingertips, including: All recommended character classes: Fighters, Paladins, Rangers, Magic-Users, and more.
Character Races: Dwarves, Elves, Gnomes, Half-Orcs, Humans, and more.
Character Level Statistics.
Equipment... [click here for more] |
Wizards of the Coast |
The first issue of Carcass Crawler — the official Old-School Essentials zine! Each issue is packed with new material for your games, including new character classes and races, new spells and magic items, new monsters, optional and expanded rules, news, previews of in-development products, short adventures, and more!
In This Issue
New classes: Six new... [click here for more] |
Necrotic Gnome |