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Take up the sword and don the whiskers of a brave mouse adventurer in Mausritter, a rules-light fantasy adventure roleplaying game. Brutally fast, equally flavourful character creation gets you playing your mouse adventurer as quickly as possible. Physical card-based inventory system minimises bookkeeping and maximises hard choices. Dangerous...   [click here for more]
Losing Games  Pay What You Want

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Quill: A Letter-Writing Roleplaying Game for a Single Player

Quill: A Letter-Writing Roleplaying Game for a Single Player

To whom it may concern, Quill is a solo roleplaying game with a twist. Instead of hacking goblins and looting caves, you are writing letters. Rather than having attributes like strength or dexterity, characters in Quill use Penmanship, Language and Heart.  In a game of Quill you will write real letters, with the aim to craft the best, most beautiful missive possible...   [click here for more]
Trollish Delver Games  Pay What You Want

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Quintessential Guide to Urban Encounters - Preview Pack

Quintessential Guide to Urban Encounters - Preview Pack

Included in this PDF are 3 FREE Preview Encounters for our upcoming Kickstarter Project: The Quintessential Guide to Urban Encounters! This project will be fulfilled through DriveThruRPG and is set to launch on February 18th, 2025. The links to the Kickstarter Page are inside the PDF. Please help us achieve our funding goals for the full book!...   [click here for more]
Wally DM  Pay What You Want

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Wail of the Weeping Stones: A Mini Adventure for Levels 1-4

Wail of the Weeping Stones: A Mini Adventure for Levels 1-4

Unravel the haunting mystery of the Wail of the Weeping Stones, a fully fleshed-out one-shot adventure designed for parties of Levels 1–4. Perfect for both new and seasoned Game Masters, this module plunges players into a ghostly forest corrupted by spectral echoes, torn planar energies, and an eerie rift threatening the fabric of reality. What’s Inside: A Richly...   [click here for more]
The Guild Masters Guides  Pay What You Want

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Expanded Rules for Armor

Expanded Rules for Armor

There we go, young lady – I think we’re done. If you’ll allow me to summarize: Reinforced lamellar breastplate with gold-plated dragon reliefs, a mastercrafted great helm with visor and jeweled inlays, and finally, a pair of spiked chainmail leggings. Was that all of it? Good, then it’s just the small matter...   [click here for more]
Kerbango  Pay What You Want

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Adventure 4: Temple of the Ancients

Adventure 4: Temple of the Ancients

Years ago I encountered this TFT scenario on the web, and made a big map for our evenings play.I lost the author (I will be glad to share name and income). The physical map is large, it requires printing by a print service. There is a complete set of cardboards and there is also a VTT map for virtual games.  Beware the Ancient One ;-) ...   [click here for more]
Dario Corallo  Pay What You Want

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Retrograde Player's Manual

Retrograde Player's Manual

The Retrograde Player's Manual contains everything you need to roll up a character in less than 10 minutes and start playing adventures of investigation, exploration, and survival.  Unravel the secrets of the cosmos in an analog retrofuturist world powered by blood, ink, and occult printmaking. ...   [click here for more]
Studio Zosimos LLC  Pay What You Want

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The Bone Record – A Retrograde Adventure

The Bone Record – A Retrograde Adventure

A spine-chilling horror adventure of rogue transmissions, bitter frost, and an eldritch horror thawed from ancient slumber.  A one-shot adventure designed for the Retrograde system. ...   [click here for more]
Studio Zosimos LLC  Pay What You Want

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Töreboda - village

Töreboda - village

This document was based on the foundation of the Lubnice village description. I had a conversation with Tony S. on Facebook in the Twilight:2000 Free League Group, and got inspired to try and do something based in Sweden. Two thirds of the content in this is a reuse of the original ideas from Lubnice, but transformed into something I think matches the Swedish setting. ...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing  Pay What You Want

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All of Ironsmith Consolidated! All of the Ironsmith supplements have been consolidated into a single book that is the same 6 x 9 size of the original Ironsworn books.  Both the PDF and POD are Pay What You Want. If you already donated through the previous Ironsmith releases, please don't pay me again! Take the PDF for free and at cost for the POD. The production cost should be around $11 for the POD,...   [click here for more]
Eric Bright  Pay What You Want

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2400: Inner System Blues

2400: Inner System Blues

Earth’s a dump. Mars is a wasteland. Venus belongs to the elite. If you can’t afford a ticket out of system, you gotta take gigs to survive today—and maybe fight for a better tomorrow. Inner System Blues is a super-slim, self-contained, lo-fi sci-fi RPG about cyberpunk freelancers in a grainy retro-future. It's 3 pages and a cover, fitting on two sides of...   [click here for more]
Pretendo Games  Pay What You Want

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2400: Emergency Rules

2400: Emergency Rules

2400 is a series of lo-fi sci-fi micro RPGs. Each is a self-contained game that fits on 3 pages and a cover, two sides of a letter-sized sheet of paper. They're all in the same setting, unless they aren't. And they're all are built with the same rules as the free 24XX SRD. These are the Emergency Rules. 2400 is designed to be ultra light, super...   [click here for more]
Pretendo Games  Pay What You Want

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D&D 5th Edition Monster Cards

D&D 5th Edition Monster Cards

Disclaimer: These files contain every monster available in the D&D 5th Edition SRD, and are published under the Open Gaming License. The SRD only allows certain monsters from the Monster Manual. If you want cards for non-SRD monsters or custom content, use the blank document and build your stat library by hand. My goodness! Index cards for every SRD monster? Yes please! I...   [click here for more]
Matthew Perkins  Pay What You Want

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Reveries of the Dark - A narrative supplement for 2D6 Dungeon

Reveries of the Dark - A narrative supplement for 2D6 Dungeon

This expansion for Toby Lancaster's 2D6 Dungeon RPG provides you with well over 100 handcrafted narrative prompts that let you quickly and easily flesh out your character and their fantasy world. Playing with it adds to the immersion and allows for deeper roleplaying. A simple set of rules integrate the expansion's short creative exercises, ensuring that your dungeon delves remain exciting and as...   [click here for more]  Pay What You Want

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The Secrets of Cats • A World of Adventure for Fate Core

The Secrets of Cats • A World of Adventure for Fate Core

Cats are magical; cats understand sacrifice and the power of names. A decapitated mouse left on the doorstep or pillow is a powerful ward, and a spell wailed by the cat chorus confers even greater protection. When evil is on the rise and the safety of the neighbourhood is at stake the Parliament of Cats is there to stand firm against the darkness. Take Silver Ford, for example,...   [click here for more]
Evil Hat Productions  Pay What You Want

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Monster Truckers Test Drive

Monster Truckers Test Drive

Monster Truckers: Long Haul into the Worstlands Test Drive is a taste test for the upcoming game featuring classic monsters like vampires, werewolves, mummies, and more driving big rigs. They've got cargo to deliever while they navigate the weird and dangerous worstlands.  The Monster Truckers  test drive features lightweight and easy to run game mechanics using Tri-Cube...   [click here for more]
Table Cat Games  Pay What You Want

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Against the Cult of the Crimson Hand

Against the Cult of the Crimson Hand

Against the Cult of the Crimson Hand is a 1st level, one-shot adventure for Shadowdark RPG: Designed to be accessible for new players, especially those coming from 5e, (hopefully) without sacrificing what makes Shadowdark such a wonderful game. Can be used with just the free Shadowdark Quickstart Rules. Can be finished in a single 3-5 hour session. Adventure is 'Pay-What-You-Want',...   [click here for more]
Runeforged Tabletop Gaming  Pay What You Want

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~TSRPG (Travel-Sized RPG/Невелика Рольова Гра для Подорожі)~

~TSRPG (Travel-Sized RPG/Невелика Рольова Гра для Подорожі)~

Якщо ви живете в Україні або є українцем, ми заохочуємо вас отримати це україномовне видання нашого бестселера TSRPG (Travel Sized RPG) безкоштовно як наш подарунок! Ми хотіли б попросити всіх інших підтримати наші зусилля від...   [click here for more]
Skirmisher Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Stake A Claim

Stake A Claim

"Stake A Claim" expands Twilight: 2000’s Homebase rules, transforming your makeshift shelter into a thriving sanctuary. With detailed mechanics for facilities, population roles, resource management, and operational levels, this module brings depth and realism to your survival experience. Shape your base with over 30 facilities, from greenhouses and workshops to minefields...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Deadball: Baseball With Dice

Deadball: Baseball With Dice

READY NOW: The Second Edition of Deadball: Baseball With Dice! Be Sure to Check out Deadball: 1909Deadball: Year II, Deadball: Year III, and Deadball: Year IV Available Now! Teach Your Kids to Love the Game With Deadball Junior! Or Make...   [click here for more]
W.M. Akers  Pay What You Want

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Within Cold Stars

Within Cold Stars

Explore a new galaxy of endless roleplaying. Forge your character and play your story. Who will you be? Choose from 9 alien species Soldier amed to the teeth; fighting on the frontline of interstellar war Scholar attempting to unravel the mysteries of the universe. Influencer who can sway nations with their words  Explorer discovering new worlds and defending against their natural hazards...   [click here for more]
Midwest Mancers  Pay What You Want

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Print & Paste Terrain: Huts

Print & Paste Terrain: Huts

This pdf file contains all the (paper) textures you'll need to make the huts featured in the video below. Note that it's a PWYW download - so feel free to pay as much (or as little) as you like! ...   [click here for more]
Crooked Staff Publishing  Pay What You Want

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RPG Backstory Template

RPG Backstory Template

Are you a game master who struggles to get their players to create backstories for their characters? Are you a player looking for a quick and easy way to create backstories for your characters -- and get your GM to stop bugging you about it? If so, this backstory template can probably help you. This template consists of a short list of questions players answer about their characters to create a basic...   [click here for more]
Luke Hart  Pay What You Want

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Twilight 2000 4th Ed. Referee Aids

Twilight 2000 4th Ed. Referee Aids

Referee Aids for Twilight 2000 4th Edition are a collection of resources for new and veteran T2k Referees alike! Inside are a collection of diagrams and charts that combine some of the more complicated rulesets from 4th edition into single easy-to-read flowcharts with accompanying information. No more flipping through six different sections of the Player Handbook anytime your party gets...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Casket of Fays #14 – a Dragon Warriors RPG fanzine (PDF)

Casket of Fays #14 – a Dragon Warriors RPG fanzine (PDF)

Autumn is nigh,  Chill winds start to bite, Sit warm by the fire, And guard against the night. While you're sitting by the aforementioned fire, what better accompaniment could there be than this, the fourteenth issue of Casket of Fays and now available in print here:   [click here for more]
Red Ruin Publishing  Pay What You Want

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The Hidden Grove: A Mini Adventure for Levels 1-4

The Hidden Grove: A Mini Adventure for Levels 1-4

Hunter Sprites: The Spire’s Relentless Sentinels An Adventure Module for Levels 1-4 Summary: Step into the shadow of an ancient spire, where relentless magical constructs guard its secrets. Hunter Sprites: The Spire’s Relentless Sentinels is a dynamic adventure designed for levels 1-4, combining strategic combat, environmental hazards, and a...   [click here for more]
The Guild Masters Guides  Pay What You Want

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4C System / FASERIP Weapons & Gear

4C System / FASERIP Weapons & Gear

One of the things that the 4C System rules are sorely lacking is a section on sample equipment. Sure, there are the occasional weapons and vehicles, but for the most part the rules provide gamemasters and players with zero guidance and assistance on weapons and gear. Enter the 4C System Weapons & Gear series. In this infrequent series, published as I have the time to devote to the...   [click here for more]
Philip Reed Games  Pay What You Want

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Hex Flower Cookbook - an overview and some thoughts on Hex Flower Game Engines by Goblin's Henchman

Hex Flower Cookbook - an overview and some thoughts on Hex Flower Game Engines by Goblin's Henchman

Hex Flower Cookbook  | Hex Flower Game Engines - an overview and some thoughts. In this document I hope to share some of the things I’ve learnt about Hex Flower Game Engines and their design. This document is not intended to be prescriptive, but it might be a good jumping off point if you are interested in the topic and/or want to make your own Hex Flowers. ...   [click here for more]
Goblin's Henchman  Pay What You Want

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The Terminator RPG: Quickstart

The Terminator RPG: Quickstart

The Terminator RPG: Quickstart is a 52-page introduction to The Terminator RPG. It contains seven pre-made characters, all the essential rules required to play the game and a single scenario for a GM and up to five players to enjoy, with the aim of introducing a group of players to the dark, frightening, and deceitful world of The Terminator. Character...   [click here for more]
Nightfall Games  Pay What You Want

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Night at the Sunshine Inn

Night at the Sunshine Inn

Several seasons have passed since the adventurers began building their legend in Dragon Pass.  Little do they know that a skittering corruption lies beneath the surface. They want revenge for Mernyr’s Landing and will go to any lengths to get it. This scenario occurs after A Rough Landing chapter in the Runequest Starter Set in Book 4 Adventures- which...   [click here for more]
Chaosium  Pay What You Want

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The Abandoned Shrine: A Mini Adventure for Levels 1-4

The Abandoned Shrine: A Mini Adventure for Levels 1-4

Uncover the mysteries of an ancient, forgotten shrine hidden deep within a haunted forest in The Abandoned Shrine. This standalone adventure module for levels 1–4 challenges players to solve a spectral puzzle, survive escalating waves of restless spirits, and decide the fate of a sanctuary for lost souls. Long ago, this shrine protected wandering spirits unable to cross to the afterlife....   [click here for more]
The Guild Masters Guides  Pay What You Want

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Jericho Station

Jericho Station

This is an adventure for Cepheus Engine. Jericho Station is on the edge of the Sonora Sector and unexplored space. This lawless den of inequity is a major hub for smugglers, pirates, renegades and criminals. It is beyond the reach of the various Sonoran law enforcement authorities. It is located on a moon orbiting an unclaimed planet on the edge of the sector outside of the lawful authority of any...   [click here for more]
Old School Role Playing  Pay What You Want

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Wielun - Location - Twilight 2000 4th Edition

Wielun - Location - Twilight 2000 4th Edition

In Wieluń, US forces and Polish freedom fighters maintain a tenuous grip, while Soviet collaborators lurk in the shadows. The town's locations and characters offer various roleplaying opportunities for those daring enough to navigate its streets and ruins. This is my version of the town of Wielun as I intend to use it in my Twilight:2000 campaign. It can be ported to another town that has a train...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Prison of the Hated Pretender

Prison of the Hated Pretender

A sculpted tower's blank eyes stare down from the lonely in dry hills beyond the last withered turnip fields, the doorway in its eternally screaming mouth beckoning daredevils and foolish fortune hunters.  Haunted, shunned and anathema -- spending a night in The Prison of the Hated Pretender will certainly give you bragging rights in the coast's dusty hamlets, and if the rumors of ancient gold...   [click here for more]
Hydra Cooperative  Pay What You Want

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Starsmith: Assets

Starsmith: Assets

New Assets for Ironsworn: Starforged! This supplement adds in 32 new assets that you can use to create characters.  Inside you'll find: Modules - Aeroponics, Armory, Drones, External Refit, Holodeck, Stabilizers, Tractor Beam Support Vehicle - Aquatic HOV Paths - Constable, Cosmic Constructor, Enhanced, Linguist, Logistician, Precog, Psionic, Quantum Tunneler, Rebel, Rocketeer, Scientist, Security...   [click here for more]
Eric Bright  Pay What You Want

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Field Combat Rules for Shadowdark RPG

Field Combat Rules for Shadowdark RPG

A set of streamlined field combat rules compatible with the Shadowdark RPG by Kelsey Dionne. Includes: 1. Field combat rules for mass combat 2. Example units to use for mass combat 3. An example of a field battle 4. Preparation tasks to raise an army from a group of civilians ...   [click here for more]
Connor Ludovissy  Pay What You Want

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Dragonburn Zine: Horror! - PDF

Dragonburn Zine: Horror! - PDF

PDF version. The Softcover Comic Book version is available at Enjoy this 42 page zine filled with spooky and scary content for you to surprise players with! A zine created for the love of Dragonbane and to support even more creative work and challenges on the Dragonbane Community Discord! Featuring...   [click here for more]
Dragonburn Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Village – Łubnice

Village – Łubnice

A location that can be used in most areas of Poland. It is based on the real world village west of Wielun, but all people are products of my imagination. There are some encounters, and a longer description of the slaughter house that lies to the southeast of the village. Most of the images, and location descriptions, can also be found here: This is version...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Micro Chapbook RPG Deluxe Core Rulebook

Micro Chapbook RPG Deluxe Core Rulebook

THIS IS THE 1.0 EDITION CORE RULEBOOK NOTE: A NEW EDITION OF THE RULES IS OUT! CHECK OUT 1.75 EDITION HERE! DON’T BUY THIS BOOK! At least, not yet. The basic rules for the Micro Chapbook RPG system can be downloaded for FREE (or a small donation) in any Micro Chapbook through Each stand-alone Chapbook includes...   [click here for more]
Micro RPG  Pay What You Want

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Starsmith: Cultures

Starsmith: Cultures

Build Cultures for Humanity and Aliens in Ironsworn: Starforged! With humanity spread across the Forge, new and diverse cultures can be found in every new sector you explore.  This supplement will help you design those cultures using six dimensions found in real academic research as well as government type, societal flaws, and traditions. On top of that, you can now create your own alien civilizations!...   [click here for more]
Eric Bright  Pay What You Want

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D&D 5th Edition Spell Cards

D&D 5th Edition Spell Cards

Disclaimer: These files contain every spell available in the D&D 5th Edition SRD, and are published under the Open Gaming License. The SRD only allows spells from the Players Handbook. If you want spell cards for non-SRD spells or custom content, use the form-fillable Custom document. Updates 1. A single PDF contains every spell 2....   [click here for more]
Matthew Perkins  Pay What You Want

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Dragons - 4 - Livre d'univers : Encyclopédie

Dragons - 4 - Livre d'univers : Encyclopédie

Encyclopédie est un livre d’univers pour votre campagne de Dragons, comprenant des dizaines de villes, lieux, PNJ, accroches scénaristiques et objets magiques prêts à l’usage pour votre prochaine partie. Vous trouverez dedans 15 villes et de nombreux lieux prêts à servir de cadres à vos prochaines aventures. Chaque endroit a sa propre identité,...   [click here for more]
Studio Agate  Pay What You Want

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Fateforge - 4 - Lore Book & Toolbox : Encyclopedia

Fateforge - 4 - Lore Book & Toolbox : Encyclopedia

Encyclopedia is a 360-page lore book for your 5th Edition campaign, including multitudes of ready-to-use cities, locations, NPCs, plot hooks, and magic items for your next game session. Across this book, you will find 15 cities and many locations ready to serve as the settings of your next adventures. Each of these places has its own identity, featuring many...   [click here for more]
Studio Agate  Pay What You Want

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Dragons - 1 - Livre de base : Aventuriers

Dragons - 1 - Livre de base : Aventuriers

Nous vous proposons le livre de base de Dragons en Pay what you want (« Payez ce que vous voulez ») Notre objectif est ici de partager au plus grand nombre ce corpus de base. Produire ces livres a demandé plusieurs années de travail. Aujourd’hui, nous souhaitons le diffuser au maximum dans la communauté qui nous a tellement soutenus. Nous serions aussi très heureux que ce...   [click here for more]
Studio Agate  Pay What You Want

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Nerzugal's Game Master Toolkit

Nerzugal's Game Master Toolkit

This is the second Toolkit I have created to help out Game Masters new and old for 5E. Similar to the first, you will find fully detailed dungeons and one-shot adventures, most of which can be dropped in any traditional fantasy world with minimal effort. This Toolkit also comes with 100 new monsters as part of Nerzugal’s Extended Bestiary with numerous unique creatures as well as expansions upon...   [click here for more]
Nerzugal Role-Playing  Pay What You Want

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Titan Effect RPG Zero QuickStart

Titan Effect RPG Zero QuickStart

A Tactical Espionage and Science-Fiction RPG powered by the Year Zero Engine. The world is not what it seems. Psychics and bio-augmented humans work as spies and soldiers on behalf of criminal organizations, private military companies, and secret societies in a covert war that has been raging for decades. Some are fighting for control and power, while others...   [click here for more]
Knight Errant Media  Pay What You Want

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Dragons - 3 - Bestiaire : Créatures

Dragons - 3 - Bestiaire : Créatures

Créatures est un recueil de plus de 200 monstres, animaux et personnages compatibles avec la 5e édition du plus fameux des jeux de rôle. Une moitié de son contenu surprendra vos joueurs en revisitant de grands classiques de la fantasy, l’autre en les confrontant à des créatures inédites, hostiles ou amicales. Il présente des rencontres et des dangers...   [click here for more]
Studio Agate  Pay What You Want

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Witching Hour Wolves: A Mini Adventure for Levels 1-4

Witching Hour Wolves: A Mini Adventure for Levels 1-4

Witching Hour Wolves: A Mini Adventure for Levels 1-4 Unravel the spectral curse of ghostly wolves in a race against the Witching Hour. Product Description Enter the haunted farming community of Greyspring, where eerie howls fill the night and ghostly wolves tear through fields under the pale light of the full moon. In "Witching Hour Wolves," adventurers...   [click here for more]
The Guild Masters Guides  Pay What You Want

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Hundred Dungeons (player packet alpha)

Hundred Dungeons (player packet alpha)

Introducing Hundred Dungeons, a sword-and-sorcery hack of 5E with a focus on bringing exploration and social interaction back to the fore. It's a little bit old school, a little bit new school, and all about supporting the creativity of the humans at the table. Grab it for free and leave some feedback to help me tune and develop it further. All updates to the game will be included in this product for...   [click here for more]
Darkplane  Pay What You Want

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The Hollow Tree: A Mini Adventure for Levels 1-4

The Hollow Tree: A Mini Adventure for Levels 1-4

The Hollow Tree: A Mini Adventure for Levels 1-4 Enter a haunted tree shrouded in illusions, where reality itself twists and turns. Villagers in the nearby settlement of Timberhold are growing increasingly desperate. A noxious mist seeps from the depths of the forest, spreading hallucinations and madness to those who venture too close. At the heart of the forest stands an...   [click here for more]
The Guild Masters Guides  Pay What You Want

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