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Ironsworn: Reign

Ironsworn: Reign

"Ever since you were young, the uproarious camp at the crossroads was your favourite place to be. It was a day’s walk from any of the surrounding villages and the perfect location to build your inn. Soon, others started to establish themselves at the crossroads. Blacksmiths forged tools and repaired arms and armour, merchants came and went with trade goods and your services were in high demand....   [click here for more]
Killian Gillespie  Pay What You Want

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Urban Shadows (2nd Ed.) Quickstart

Urban Shadows (2nd Ed.) Quickstart

The City Hungers. Will You Feed It? The streets bleed shadows as the supernatural politics of the city threaten to swallow you whole. Will you die a hero—a savior for those who have never had enough—or live long enough to become the villain? Will you fight the darkness...or give in for power? The choice is yours.  Urban Shadows: Second Edition is an urban fantasy tabletop roleplaying...   [click here for more]
Magpie Games  Pay What You Want

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The Happiest Apocalypse on Earth

The Happiest Apocalypse on Earth

Nominated for the 2018 ENnies Product of the Year, The Happiest Apocalypse on Earth is set in a fictional theme park called Mouse Park. Its special blend of satire and horror takes collaborative storytelling to the brink, where players can take on the role of guests or staff in a theme park that barely masks a terrible horror lurking beneath. What horror Mouse Park brings is up to you—the...   [click here for more]
Sundered Hold Scriptorium  Pay What You Want

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Defend your home. Face the unknown. Survive the night. You are a villager from a quiet hamlet in the Lower Princedoms, far from the bustling cities and ports of the world. The Autumn War may have spared your home, but it left scars across the land. Life remained a daily struggle for survival, but now a new threat has emerged – a monstrous creation of the war, a chimeromantic beast,...   [click here for more]
Ogre Pit Games  Pay What You Want

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Kult, Divinité Perdue - Écho du passé

Kult, Divinité Perdue - Écho du passé

Vous êtes assis dans le métro. La nuit est bien avancée. La rame n’est même pas remplie à moitié. La lumière vacille. Vous êtes assis à proximité de trois hommes. Ils vous semblent tous vaguement familiers. Chacun d’entre vous dévisage les trois autres, comme pour se remémorer d’où provient cette impression de vous connaître. Vous vous figez ; un malaise vous gagne ; quelque chose...   [click here for more]
Arkhane Asylum Publishing  Pay What You Want

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This is a collection of procedures for running a retro fantasy campaign, featuring a light, flexible ruleset built on the frame of World of Dungeons, with compatibility with existing content a high priority. It draws inspiration from across the hobby, from the OSR to the Dungeon World community to AD&D. Inside you'll find: More character options, including classes and...   [click here for more]
Katamoiran Studios  Pay What You Want

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StoryBake Quickstart

StoryBake Quickstart

This is StoryBake! A game about sugar, butter, flour, and friendship, all wrapped up in a tasty little package! This TTRPG is close to my heart, as I have been a professional baker for many years, I grew up in a restaurant, and truly found myself through my passion for baking. My goal with this game was to have the fun, cozy baking vibes that you get in other baking rpgs, while also bringing in elements...   [click here for more]
Dan Walter  Pay What You Want

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Root: The RPG - Pellenicky Glade Quickstart

Root: The RPG - Pellenicky Glade Quickstart

War has returned to the Woodland.  The Marquise de Cat led her armies to victory over many of the clearings, but the Eyrie Dynasty rises again to oppose her. And the mice, rabbits, and foxes of the Woodland do not sit idly by—the Woodland Alliance emerges, a homegrown rebellion to free the Woodland from any oppressors.  In the midst of this war, you and your friends—vagabonds...   [click here for more]
Magpie Games  Pay What You Want

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Space Knights 2.0

Space Knights 2.0

Space Knights is a science fiction roleplaying game about alien invasions, mighty warriors and desperate battles in the dark future. The player characters in Space Knights are no individuals but the companies of an Order of Elite Warriors in a time when humankind has spread through the galaxy and fights for survival. Space Knights uses a PbtA-based system and contains everything you need to play. ...   [click here for more]
Gabriel Ciprés  Pay What You Want

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Sword Breaker Issue No. 1 - The Tyrant Machine

Sword Breaker Issue No. 1 - The Tyrant Machine

Sword Breaker is a digital fanzine for Dungeon World. Each issue will contain content centered around a particular setting. You can use it like one big dungeon starter or a collection of monsters, items, moves, hirelings, compendium classes and such to drop into other games.  Issue one is a horror themed crawl through a dark, ruined castle. The Immortal Baron awaits! ...   [click here for more]
Sword Breaker  Pay What You Want

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Penumbra Files: Exhibit A [Urban Shadows Community Supplement]

Penumbra Files: Exhibit A [Urban Shadows Community Supplement]

A community supplement for Urban Shadows (2nd Edition). Introduces four five(?) new playbooks: The Jockey - Competitive and reckless, the Jockey is an addict, gambling with lives and wheels in the underground world of illegal street racing. The Cryptid - Paranoid and enigmatic, the Cryptid is an anomaly of magic and nature, keeping their home and true self closely...   [click here for more]
Penumbra Inc.  Pay What You Want

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The Veil: Inheritance QuickStart

The Veil: Inheritance QuickStart

Kickstarter running from March 5-31st!  Knocking on Heavens Door is an adventure starter where the characters are members of a manufactured middle class, called Imprints. They are bioengineered and so named because they are imprinted with genetic memories that allow them to have skills and talents they otherwise wouldn’t. You play a crew of such Imprints with specialized...   [click here for more]
Samjoko Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Masks Playbook Indesign Template

Masks Playbook Indesign Template

An Indesign template meant to mimic the house style of the playbooks/character sheets for Masks: A New Generation. Fonts: All fonts used are free or Adobe CC approximations of the fonts used in Masks. Antonio: Free Franklin Gothic: Adobe CC  Minion Pro: Adobe CC  Source Code Pro: Free  If you want to use the actual fonts used in Masks, the paid fonts are: Trade Gothic Condensed Cubano...   [click here for more]
Veil's Edge Games  Pay What You Want

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Sword Breaker Issue No. 2 - The Hollow Fingers

Sword Breaker Issue No. 2 - The Hollow Fingers

Sword Breaker is a digital fanzine for Dungeon World. Each issue will contain content centered around a particular setting. You can use it like one big dungeon starter or a collection of monsters, items, moves, hirelings, compendium classes and such to drop into other games.  Issue two is a sword and sorcery adventure through a towering verticle city. Shout-outs to Robert E Howard, Fritz Leiber,...   [click here for more]
Sword Breaker  Pay What You Want

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The Alchemist - Dungeon World Playbook

The Alchemist - Dungeon World Playbook

A new Dungeon World playbook based around explosions and dangerous compounds. ...   [click here for more]
Vectoreal Gaming  Pay What You Want

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The Kobold: A Dungeon World Playbook

The Kobold: A Dungeon World Playbook

          Are you sick of Kobolds getting the short end of the stick? Sick of being considered cannon fodder? Well with this playbook you can be the Kobold you have always wanted to be! Will you become what they see you as? Will you prove them wrong? Will you take over the world for a dragon cult? All these questions can be answered, or you could steal that really shiny sword the fighter has......   [click here for more]
Shadi Alhusary  Pay What You Want

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Grumpy Bear

Grumpy Bear

Ce scénario est également disponible en français ... A Mystery for the Road ... A mystery for the Road is a format of scenario for contemporary occult games, and more specifically Monster of the Week. On two pages, you'll get a situation in which immerge your players' characters. What happens if they don't act is described, but, we all know players' characters...   [click here for more]
Gulix  Pay What You Want

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Sword Breaker Issue No. 4 - The Tempest Riders

Sword Breaker Issue No. 4 - The Tempest Riders

Sword Breaker is a digital fanzine for Dungeon World. Each issue will contain content centered around a particular setting. You can use it like one big dungeon starter or a collection of monsters, items, moves, hirelings, compendium classes and such to drop into other games.  Issue four is a collection of ideas for gaming with airships. Bond with a living ship. Hunt the mighty Shabbragoth. Resist...   [click here for more]
Sword Breaker  Pay What You Want

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The Mystery of the Mystery Flesh Pit: A Monster of the Week Mystery

The Mystery of the Mystery Flesh Pit: A Monster of the Week Mystery

A MONSTER OF THE WEEK MYSTERY! The organism known to scientists as the Permian Basin Superorganism was accidentally discovered in 1973 by employees of Anodyne Deep Earth Mining, though the indigenous Caddo people had long told tales of a great dragon that slept, dreaming, beneath the earth . . . The land around the orifice leading into that unfathomably massive creature was declared...   [click here for more]
Mike Sell  Pay What You Want

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Sword Breaker Issue No. 5 - The Folded Lands

Sword Breaker Issue No. 5 - The Folded Lands

Sword Breaker is a digital fanzine for Dungeon World. Each issue will contain content centered around a particular setting. You can use it like one big dungeon starter or a collection of monsters, items, moves, hirelings, compendium classes and such to drop into other games.  Issue five is the biggest and best looking yet! With Jesse Ross on the team, Sword Breaker is a lot easier to read and cool...   [click here for more]
Sword Breaker  Pay What You Want

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Sword Breaker Issue No. 3 - A Walk Around Town

Sword Breaker Issue No. 3 - A Walk Around Town

Sword Breaker is a digital fanzine for Dungeon World. Each issue will contain content centered around a particular setting. You can use it like one big dungeon starter or a collection of monsters, items, moves, hirelings, compendium classes and such to drop into other games.  Issue three is a bizarre dungeon crawl through a rampaging mobile town. Can you stop it before it smashes another village?...   [click here for more]
Sword Breaker  Pay What You Want

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Nightbound - Quickstart

Nightbound - Quickstart

Nightbound is a tabletop roleplaying game where you navigate your personal hell. The line between good and evil is blurred and the Darkness manipulates mankind for its own sinister purposes. The game is inspired by the Hellblazer comics and its antihero, John Constantine. Nightbound's mechanics are inspired by Vincent Baker's masterpiece Apocalypse World, utilizing the Powered by the Apocalypse (PBTA)...   [click here for more]
Creative Jam Tabletop RPGs  Pay What You Want

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Armour Astir Advent: Basic

Armour Astir Advent: Basic

This is the Basic edition of the ruless, stripped down and available for free. For the full book complete with art, see: Armour Astir: Advent is a high-fantasy roleplaying game about striking back against an authority that seeks to control you. It is a game of rival pilots clashing...   [click here for more]
Briar Sovereign  Pay What You Want

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Time to Face The Music - A Monster Of The Week Mystery

Time to Face The Music - A Monster Of The Week Mystery

Everyone knows puppets are a demanding act to perform. Even when you get it right, there's something... off about them. Something not quite human. They dance and gesture for our amusement, but they're nothing to worry about, right? It's not like they can take your children... or can they? This is an unorthodox take combining vampires, tulpas, and puppets. It contains a variety of locations, a monster's...   [click here for more]
Gestalheim Productions  Pay What You Want

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FARFLUNG Story Cards (set of 24)

FARFLUNG Story Cards (set of 24)

These story cards will enhance your FARFLUNG experience. They will also work with any game, especially ones of speculative fiction. Each card contains: A Story point to help shape your needs and desires. A Being to consider introducing as a new character. A Goal to inspire a character to take action. An Item to help or to hinder the story. A Snag to use as a complication when things aren't going...   [click here for more]
Sanguine Productions  Pay What You Want

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Chroniques d'Hyperborée

Chroniques d'Hyperborée

Ce jeu traite des épreuves, des victoires et des dé- convenues d’individus en marge de la société. Ces aven- turiers ont refusé le quotidien monotone pour essayer de se bâtir un avenir, une situation, ou au moins une bonne nuit d’ivresse dans le prochain bouge crasseux. Leurs péripéties se déroulent dans le monde créé par l’écrivain Robert Ervin Howard pour son personnage le...   [click here for more]
500 Nuances de Geek La Caravelle  Pay What You Want

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Monster Force Terra

Monster Force Terra

Monster Force Terra is a light storygame using the Apocalypse World Engine to tales of giant monsters who terrorize the Earth but also just happen to save the human race from an even worse threat in the process! You take on the roles of the kaiju in this game, going about your own business of seeking food, shelter and a mate, when disaster strikes! In getting back to...   [click here for more]
Groundhoggoth Games  Pay What You Want

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A Taste of Paradise

A Taste of Paradise

Ce scénario est également disponible en français ... A Mystery for the Road ... A mystery for the Road is a format of scenario for contemporary occult games, and more specifically Monster of the Week. On two pages, you'll get a situation in which immerge your players' characters. What happens if they don't act is described, but, we all know players' characters...   [click here for more]
Gulix  Pay What You Want

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Indie+ Horror Anthology (2015)

Indie+ Horror Anthology (2015)

Welcome to the second Indie+ Anthology, released just in time for Halloween weekend! Enjoy eleven differnet short horror pieces from the Indie+ staff, special guests, and friends of Indie+ to celebrate the creation of our Indie+ Community page on G+! Indie+ is a community of role-playing game fans, some tabletop, some LARP, too. What’s the indie part? From the very beginning of the...   [click here for more]
Indie+  Pay What You Want

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No Rest for the Majorettes

No Rest for the Majorettes

Ce scénario est également disponible en français ... A Mystery for the Road ... A mystery for the Road is a format of scenario for contemporary occult games, and more specifically Monster of the Week. On two pages, you'll get a situation in which immerge your players' characters. What happens if they don't act is described, but, we all know players' characters...   [click here for more]
Gulix  Pay What You Want

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The Guardians of Saint-Bernard

The Guardians of Saint-Bernard

Ce scénario est également disponible en français ... A Mystery for the Road ... A mystery for the Road is a format of scenario for contemporary occult games, and more specifically Monster of the Week. On two pages, you'll get a situation in which immerge your players' characters. What happens if they don't act is described, but, we all know players' characters...   [click here for more]
Gulix  Pay What You Want

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Deniable Treatment - The Agents from A.U.N.T.I.

Deniable Treatment - The Agents from A.U.N.T.I.

When A.U.N.T.I. -  the Autonomous United Nations Tactical Intelligence force - was established after WW2 it’s mission was to  track down and eliminate any potential resurgence the Nazi threat.  Each nation lent their best and brightest spies to the task. That was two decades ago. Now, with the cold war  in full swing, the Nazi menace all but forgotten in the fight between ideologies. AUNTI has...   [click here for more]
StoryWeaver  Pay What You Want

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A Land of Ice and Blades

A Land of Ice and Blades

A Land of Ice and Blades: beta version 2 ABOUT A LAND OF ICE AND BLADES A game about intrigue and adventures, about the deeds of single characters and the struggles of entire populations, about the fate of lonely heroes and the destinies of nations and tribes. A Land of Ice and Blades was born to try to emulate epic grand stories (ASOIAF?) by using the engine of Apocalypse World (and its...   [click here for more]
DaimonGames  Pay What You Want

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The Wyrd of Stromgard - GM Screen & Map

The Wyrd of Stromgard - GM Screen & Map

Round out your Wyrd of Stromgard campaigns with the official GM Screen and Map.  This listing is for high quality, full color, ready-to-print PDF files of both the front and back of the GM Screen and Map for you to print yourself. The GM screen is 3 panels and unfolds to 12"x27" and contains the following information the back side: The GM Principles, Agenda, and when to make a move GM Moves Dungeon...   [click here for more]
Lost Dutchman Publishing  Pay What You Want

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MADCAP Gimmick Cards

MADCAP Gimmick Cards

These cards are for use with MADCAP: SCREWBALL CARTOON ROLE-PLAY Each card includes: A Gimmick, an upside and a downside for your character. Some of them are General gimmicks (for use in any game), while others are specific to a genre (Medieval, Wild West, Sci-Fi, Teen Mystery, Horror, Cyberpunk). Pass these out to the players to let them...   [click here for more]
Sanguine Productions  Pay What You Want

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FARFLUNG Extension Cards

FARFLUNG Extension Cards

These extension cards will enhance your FARFLUNG experience. Extensions are an optional rule that some players may want to use. When a character has an Extension, a new rule is in play for that character. They may have access to a new move. Or rolls they make have been changed in some way: they may be more random, more predictable, or just plain odd. Extensions may also have some story complication...   [click here for more]
Sanguine Productions  Pay What You Want

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Hack the Planet: Shelter 1 Map

Hack the Planet: Shelter 1 Map

This is a map of Shelter 1 available in print and PDF for Hack the Planet, a cyberpunk forged in the dark roleplaying game. ...   [click here for more]
Samjoko Publishing  Pay What You Want

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The Blackguard - Dungeon World Playbook

The Blackguard - Dungeon World Playbook

A new (or at least eeeeevil) Dungeon World playbook based on the Paladin... but eeeeevil! ...   [click here for more]
Vectoreal Gaming  Pay What You Want

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Hot Dog [eng]

Hot Dog [eng]

Here is a short one-page scenario, a thrilling mix of monster hunting and esoteric investigation. In a few words, you have the locations, the main protagonists (allies and bystanders), the plot and the inescapable events (the escalation of horror). Compatible with Monster of the Week. Combining all those and the participation of players, you will unfold an exciting and unexpected story. To provide...   [click here for more]
Cliff Hanger  Pay What You Want

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Ostatni Dzień Reszty Mojego Życia

Ostatni Dzień Reszty Mojego Życia

Wejdź w emocjonalną i refleksyjną podróż z "Ostatni Dzień z Reszty Mojego Życia", wyjątkowym solo RPG zaprojektowanym do głębokiej, osobistej eksploracji. Gra zaprasza graczy do przeżywania ostatnich chwil życia ich postaci, podejmowania kluczowych decyzji, wspominania przeszłych wydarzeń i konfrontacji z nierozwiązanymi sprawami. Wybierz spośród różnych archetypów,...   [click here for more]
Tenebris Games  Pay What You Want

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The Last Day of the Rest of My Life

The Last Day of the Rest of My Life

Step into the emotional and reflective journey of "The Last Day of the Rest of My Life", a unique solo RPG designed for deep personal exploration. This game invites players to experience the final moments of their character’s life, making critical decisions, recalling past events, and confronting unresolved issues. With various archetypes to choose from, including an ageing artist,...   [click here for more]
Tenebris Games  Pay What You Want

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Just a Game - Playtest Packet

Just a Game - Playtest Packet

This is a playtest packet. This packet is primarily aimed at individuals who already possess and play one of three game systems: Fate, GUMSHOE or Powered by the Apocalypse (aka Apocalyspe World). If you are not familiar with these games and are still interested in trying this out, you are free to do so but know that full game rules of the basic systems are not included....   [click here for more]
Thrythlind Books and Games  Pay What You Want

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From D&D to Dungeon World

From D&D to Dungeon World

My how-to guide on transfering from traditional RPGs like D&D to Dungeon World, mainly written by a GM to a GM. I expand on the ideas presented in the DW core book having seen many new enthusiastic players and GMs struggle to grasp the potential of DW style of gameplay. I don't make judgement on DW being a better game than DW - it is a better game for some people, this is purely a question of...   [click here for more]
ThinkDifferent  Pay What You Want

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Uncanny Echo Issue 0: The Heist

Uncanny Echo Issue 0: The Heist

This game does not explain how to play a Powered by the Apocalypse game; it leverages knowledge of the system to present a rules-light game.  Edit: An Anthology comprised of every Uncanny Echo issue (10 in total) with 45 pages explaining the system and 49 pieces of art is now available in print and PDF formats here. Issue 0: The Heist Uncanny Echo is a serialized...   [click here for more]
Wrecking Ball Games  Pay What You Want

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Anti-Hammerspace Inventory Tracking Sheets

Anti-Hammerspace Inventory Tracking Sheets

   Based on Matt Rundle's Anti-Hammerspace Item Tracker, these sheets can be used to replace fiddly, abstract load numbers and encourage your Fighter to more concretely define where exactly, in fiction, they're keeping their seven longswords. When using... ...ignore weight and load, instead grant players +1 bag location per STR over +0. The sheets provide extra bag spots for...   [click here for more]
Tyler Gibbons  Pay What You Want

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Extinction Punk - The Eco RPG powered by the apocalypse

Extinction Punk - The Eco RPG powered by the apocalypse

What is Extinction Punk? Extinction Punk is a table-top role-playing game (TTRPG) that blends elements of science fiction and science fantasy to envision a future where humanity fails to stop a man-made extinction event such as a climate cataclysm, a nuclear holocaust, or a biological war. Players of Extinction Punk get to explore the ruins of an Earth that is no longer under humanity’s control...   [click here for more]
Quickphix Club  Pay What You Want

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Pasión de las Pasiones - Characters' Playbooks / Libretti ITA - ENG - ESP

Pasión de las Pasiones - Characters' Playbooks / Libretti ITA - ENG - ESP

Characters' Playbooks / Libretti / Libretos de personajes Here are the our free characters' playbooks of Pasión de las Pasiones, with Humesteria's artworks and the slots for our optional mechanics: the Secrets and the Leverages. Here the list of our buyable episodes: Carnaval de la Pasión San Valentino...   [click here for more]
Uno Critico  Pay What You Want

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La Fontaine de Vengeance

La Fontaine de Vengeance

This scenario is also available in english Un Mystère pour la Route ... Un mystère pour la route est un format de scénario pour de l'occulte contemporain, et plus particulièrement pour des jeux où l'on incarne des chasseurs de monstres, de fantômes, de démons. Sur deux pages, il propose une situation dans laquelle vont être plongés les personnages. Le déroulement...   [click here for more]
Gulix  Pay What You Want

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Kill or Cure: Voidheart Symphony Quickstart

Kill or Cure: Voidheart Symphony Quickstart

The MacGregor Clinic is deeply sick. Patients vanish into shady drug trials. Scalpel-fingered monsters haunt nurses’ dreams. A nightmare realm hides behind the clinic’s mirrors. Diagnose the clinic and purge its sickness in Kill or Cure. Kill or Cure is about the ways the healthcare system fails...   [click here for more]
UFO Press  Pay What You Want

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The Fountain of Wrath

The Fountain of Wrath

Ce scénario est également disponible en français ... A Mystery for the Road ... A mystery for the Road is a format of scenario for contemporary occult games, and more specifically Monster of the Week. On two pages, you'll get a situation in which immerge your players' characters. What happens if they don't act is described, but, we all know players' characters...   [click here for more]
Gulix  Pay What You Want

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