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 Something haunts the river folk…
It steals into homes and snatches the unwary, the weak, and the gentile. For those whom the horror does not abduct, death comes swiftly. Those slain by the monster are found strangely maimed, with bloody gums, devoid of teeth.
An apparition? Some fiend of the old world? A black hearted fey? Few can tell for few have seen it, and those who... [click here for more] |
Troll Lord Games |
A special 4-panel screen for The Hermit. These screens will sport the player maps on the front, as well as other relevant art and the GM’s maps on the interior, along with encounter charts. This single screen is light, durable, and printed here in the United States of America.
... [click here for more] |
Troll Lord Games |
Designed and created by our artist Mel Henning, these series of character reference sheets, designed for ease of use and with your class in mind! The sheets cover the 4 iconic classes of Fighter, Wizard, Rogue and Cleric as well as two bonus classes, the Druid and the Ranger.
These Character Reference Sheets contain the following:
Front Side... [click here for more] |
Troll Lord Games |
 A brigand and thief have slunk into Lord Wynn’s keep and pilfered several valuable carvings. Lord Wynn is offering a bit of gold for the return of the stolen goods, but he is offering a king’s ransom for the return of the thief.
“A king’s ransom. For a thief? Must have been some precious stick ‘o wood,” Bariston quizzically comments to those at the table.
“Aye! That’s right. I thin’... [click here for more] |
Troll Lord Games |
TLG 19313
5th Edition Adventures
A11 The Wasting Way
The Grausamland, a gray mire of marsh, bogs, sluggish creeks, and deep pools, stands a barrier to those who would enter the fell towers of Aufstrag. A thousand square miles of impenetrable swamp peopled by monsters great and small. But it is bridged by a road, only a little less dangerous than the swamp itself.... [click here for more] |
Troll Lord Games |
The book of familiars, companions, guides, divine spirits, totems, special mounts and heroic weapons.
Offering a fresh approach to an age-old gamer’s adage, Mystical Companions expands the concept of the familiar beyond the established wizard’s pet. Herein each class is presented with its own unique path toward gaining a familiar and what form that familiar might take. From the hero’s weapon,... [click here for more] |
Troll Lord Games |
A few decades gone a young half-elf woman named Aspasia ventured into the Minnimar. Born to her elven mother and raised among the fey folk, Aspasia had love and respect for the sylvan land. Her grandmother had lived in the Minya Mare’ centuries before and Aspasia traveled here to again reconnect with her ancestral home.
So it was for a great while and she lived in peace. She spoke to the wild like... [click here for more] |
Troll Lord Games |
Hard roads bring the stout of heart to the Tower’s iron-bound gate. Whether brought here by the Vessel of Souls or by pure happenstance, the Tower, perched upon the edge of no-where, beckons, promising wealth and glory.
Flight brings your fall.
A mid-to-high-level adventure for a party of 3-6 characters. Play as stand-alone or part of a larger series.
A1... [click here for more] |
Troll Lord Games |
S1 The Lure of Delusion
TLG 19326
5th Edition Adventures
Upon the edge of the world, beneath the eaves of the Darkenfold forest, lie the Elkhorn Deeps, an unkind place, peopled by dark forces, fey, eldritch powers, and creatures, though long dead, that continue to wander the earth. Here, where men eke out a living in the shadows of the forest, lies the small burg of Lead Hill.... [click here for more] |
Troll Lord Games |
TLG 19316
5th Edition Adventures
A Lion in the Rop
The adventure unfolds in the lands of the aged Lord Galveston and plunges everyone into a twisted tale of wild beasts and the restless dead. Unriddle the adventure and discover the truth behind A Lion in the Ropes.
A low-level adventure for a party of 4-8 characters. Play as stand-alone or part of a larger series.
Also... [click here for more] |
Troll Lord Games |
Thousands of years ago by the recollections of those elves still alive to recall the fable, a great time of tumult and chaos reigned across the universe. In that time the ancient citadel city of Umeshti was known as a bastion of civilization through the dark night of conflict and madness. Temples to the gods and towers of wizardry were erected, as were libraries and civic enterprises designed to preserve... [click here for more] |
Troll Lord Games |
Return to the Crater of Umeshti!
As is whispered throughout The Duchy of Karbosk, the Crater of Umeshti holds many secrets both wondrous and deadly. Now delve deeper than ever before as the portals to the next three levels in this epic dungeon dive are unlocked at long last!
Face Lord Ulzar the Gargoyle whose aerial minions defend the endless shaft from prying eyes of treasure seekers and would be... [click here for more] |
Troll Lord Games |
We're going to ramp things up for Issue 4. More Castles & Crusades! More articles for the gamer in you and more blood and iron!
Join the crusade - Subcribe today!
What's inside:
Regular Columns: Marshal of the Crusade Stephen Chenault brings you the lastest Alea iact est: "Iron and Blood: The Role of Battle and Combat in Castles & Crusades."
Gary Gygax’s How it All Happened: Gary continues... [click here for more] |
Troll Lord Games |
Somewhere deep in the jungle lies an ancient temple, a temple built by a lost civilization and dedicated to a long-forgotten god. Likely a deity of the Thurian Age, tens of thousands of years before our time, the Red God still sits at the heart of the temple, now decrepit, crumbling, and suffering from years of neglect.
An intrepid group of adventurers are hired to investigate strange goings-on in... [click here for more] |
Troll Lord Games |
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Issue five offers better cover quality and improved interior page quality. We've brough in a new design team and this issue shows it.
Crusader Journal is one of the few magazines that offers today's role playing gamers articles about the games they play and how to play them. Specifically geared toward Castles & Crusades, it also contains nuggest and tips on... [click here for more] |
Troll Lord Games |
Join the crusade - Subcribe today! What's inside:
Regular Columns: Marshal of the Crusade Stephen Chenault brings you the lastest Alea iact est: "Its All in the Hunt. Running games that pit C&C characters against time and deadly foes."
Gary Gygax’s How it All Happened: Gary continues his account of the origin of the role playing games we’ve all come to know and love!... [click here for more] |
Troll Lord Games |
The Deeper Dark Trilogy
Beyond the spaces between spaces lie horrors unimaginable and undefinable to human senses and sensibilities. These are the denizens of the Deeper Dark. Welcome to the Deeper Dark Trilogy, a series of three loosely-linked cosmic horror adventures for Amazing Adventures 5e. In these pages you'll find the following unimaginable horrors:
• Don't Fear the Ripper: A string of... [click here for more] |
Troll Lord Games |
What's inside:
Special Features Great Hits and Terrible Misses: A Critical Hit System for Castles & Crusades By Jeffrey Talanian What are critical hits and fumbles. Jeffrey explores it all and supplies some cool user-friendly charts to boot!
Special Guest Joe Goodman! Why I got into the Game Industry. This one you gotta reads!
New Trolls at... [click here for more] |
Troll Lord Games |
Welcome to Solar Burn, a science fiction and science fantasy genre book for Amazing Adventures 5e! Within these pages are additional guidelines to take your futuristic or modern game to the next level of excitement. Whether you're looking to run a game of classic planetary romance, a space opera with roaring starfighters, an utopian hard science fiction game of exploration to the furthest reaches of... [click here for more] |
Troll Lord Games |
The Crusader™ is a Journal dedicated to games and the gamers who play them. Within its pages lie a plethora of articles that touch upon many of our common interests. Though each issue sports at least one ‘crunchy’ bit rules article for Castles & Crusades and/or Gary Gygax's Lejendary Adventure, the magazine’s focus is much more broad. The Journal offers articles that range... [click here for more] |
Troll Lord Games |
World of Aihrde Darkenfold Map. ... [click here for more] |
Troll Lord Games |
The Character Journal is a 14 page booklet whose cover is your character sheet! Within are is everything you could possibly want for quick reference for your character, from combat to gadgets, equipment to spells. With a character history and notes section, allowing you to keep track of your adventure, NPCS, allies and more. ... [click here for more] |
Troll Lord Games |
Welcome to Bluffside: City on the Edge, a boom town boasting the most precious metal in the known world - adamantine. Perched upon high cliffs overlooking the deep waters of Crater Bay Bluffside’s many districts sprawl into the country beyond, climb the cliffs and ride the waters. Here is a city forged on power, where corruption mingles with purity and men contend with one the other for gold or glory,... [click here for more] |
Troll Lord Games |
Crusader Journal When Caesar stood upon the banks of the Rubicon looking south to Rome he hesitated. Before him stood the vast, complex mechanism of the past, glowing with a host of intricately woven stratagems. With him, he had but one legion, weary from 8 years of brutal war with the Gauls. But when called to surrender himself to the Senate and certain exile he did not hesitate. He... [click here for more] |
Troll Lord Games |
This is an introductory adventure for those playing Castles & Crusades. The module has been designed to allow for the players and Castle Keeper alike to begin using the Castles & Crusades rules in a fairly non-demanding game setting. The goal is to familiarize the Castle Keeper and players with the basic rules and their applications while undertaking an exciting adventure. The adventure... [click here for more] |
Troll Lord Games |
Crusader Journal When Caesar stood upon the banks of the Rubicon looking south to Rome he hesitated. Before him stood the vast, complex mechanism of the past, glowing with a host of intricately woven stratagems. With him, he had but one legion, weary from 8 years of brutal war with the Gauls. But when called to surrender himself to the Senate and certain exile he... [click here for more] |
Troll Lord Games |
Complete with customized anchored hyperlinks! Click on the map for locations in the Rising Knight!
This is an introductory adventure for those playing the 5th Edition of the world's best known and oldest RPG. The module has been designed to allow for the players and Game Master alike to begin play immediately.
The Drunderry River runs narrow and fast through much of its... [click here for more] |
Troll Lord Games |
When Caesar stood upon the banks of the Rubicon looking south to Rome he hesitated. Before him stood the vast, complex mechanism of the past, glowing with a host of intricately woven stratagems. With him, he had but one legion, weary from 8 years of brutal war with the Gauls. But when called to surrender himself to the Senate and certain exile he did not hesitate. He called his legionaries to cross... [click here for more] |
Troll Lord Games |
Crusader Journal When Caesar stood upon the banks of the Rubicon looking south to Rome he hesitated. Before him stood the vast, complex mechanism of the past, glowing with a host of intricately woven stratagems. With him, he had but one legion, weary from 8 years of brutal war with the Gauls. But when called to surrender himself to the Senate and certain exile he did not hesitate. He... [click here for more] |
Troll Lord Games |
Crusader Journal When Caesar stood upon the banks of the Rubicon looking south to Rome he hesitated. Before him stood the vast, complex mechanism of the past, glowing with a host of intricately woven stratagems. With him, he had but one legion, weary from 8 years of brutal war with the Gauls. But when called to surrender himself to the Senate and certain exile he did not hesitate. He called... [click here for more] |
Troll Lord Games |
Feature Articles Alea Iacta Est A Peek Inside: We’re taking a second look at the Castle Keeper’s Guide. Here we look at the Adjuncts for characters. It’ll give you a taste of what’s to come.
Hammer & Anvil, The Campaign Setting: Casey Cannfield takes a second look at the Campaign Setting and the rules you’ll need to keep in mind to run it!
Product Highlights:... [click here for more] |
Troll Lord Games |
Crusader Journal When Caesar stood upon the banks of the Rubicon looking south to Rome he hesitated. Before him stood the vast, complex mechanism of the past, glowing with a host of intricately woven stratagems. With him, he had but one legion, weary from 8 years of brutal war with the Gauls. But when called to surrender himself to the Senate and certain exile he did not hesitate. He called... [click here for more] |
Troll Lord Games |
An old town nestled beneath the comforting branches of a fold of dark oaks, elms and locust trees. Few people live here anymore. Gardens that have long since returned to the wild crowd the dirt streets and paths that lead up to houses left empty too long. Birds abound, singing and calling to one another, filling the rustic old town with a joyful sound that belies the decrepit nature and ruins of all... [click here for more] |
Troll Lord Games |
Atop a cursed mountain, in towers of ice and snow is a danger of primordial origin - the Lord of Frost. From his frozen keep he threatens the lands and peoples in the shadow of his mountain, bringing low all who come too near. Winter comes early as snows billow from the keep and blankets the fields and villages near the mountain's foot. Help is needed to break the hold the Lord of Frost has over this... [click here for more] |
Troll Lord Games |
Crusader Journal When Caesar stood upon the banks of the Rubicon looking south to Rome he hesitated. Before him stood the vast, complex mechanism of the past, glowing with a host of intricately woven stratagems. With him, he had but one legion, weary from 8 years of brutal war with the Gauls. But when called to surrender himself to the Senate and certain exile he did not hesitate. He... [click here for more] |
Troll Lord Games |
Seventy-Five-Thousand Years ago, mankind first migrated into space and colonized the planets circling the brightest stars in the night sky, creating the region of space known as the Wild Stars.
They are yours to explore!
Based on the long running comic books series by Michael Tierney: of the same name!
Author: Michael Tierney
Front Cover: Frank Brunner, Tom Smith
Interior Art: Dave Simmons,Michael... [click here for more] |
Troll Lord Games |
Adventure Type: Dungeon Level: 7-9 Party: 3-5 characters Setting: Aihrde, Portable to Home-brew In that time before the All-father warded the world of Airhde, many creatures were already roaming his dreaming creation. These were the Val-Eahrakun. Of that order were the Oonmaukling, elemental lords of staggering power. Unklar, the Horned God, bound one of these oonmaukling to him and set it... [click here for more] |
Troll Lord Games |
When Caesar stood upon the banks of the Rubicon looking south to Rome he hesitated. Before him stood the vast, complex mechanism of the past, glowing with a host of intricately woven stratagems. With him, he had but one legion, weary from 8 years of brutal war with the Gauls. But when called to surrender himself to the Senate and certain exile he did not hesitate. He called his legionaries to cross... [click here for more] |
Troll Lord Games |
Leave the world behind, cross the ever turulant Dreaming Sea in seek of the legendary Forsaken Mountain, for here, upon the ruins of time lies the vessel of souls! A high level adventure module for Castles & Crusades!
For the first time in many long years a cold wind blows from Aufstrag. The Ahargon Den, The Great Maw, the gates of Aufstrag, has opened and a host issued forth. Lord Coburg the... [click here for more] |
Troll Lord Games |
Crusader Journal When Caesar stood upon the banks of the Rubicon looking south to Rome he hesitated. Before him stood the vast, complex mechanism of the past, glowing with a host of intricately woven stratagems. With him, he had but one legion, weary from 8 years of brutal war with the Gauls. But when called to surrender himself to the Senate and certain exile he did not hesitate. He... [click here for more] |
Troll Lord Games |
The Tower of Horesk is an ancient edifice built upon the edge of the Grausumlands. Its dark stones sit upon an island-anchorage in the midst of a deep morass of bogs, saw grass, and gray, stagnant water. The tower sits like an obelisk, rising from the fog and waters.
Adventure’s road brings those stout of heart to the Tower’s iron bound gate. Whether brought here by the trail of the Vessel of... [click here for more] |
Troll Lord Games |
Crusader Journal When Caesar stood upon the banks of the Rubicon looking south to Rome he hesitated. Before him stood the vast, complex mechanism of the past, glowing with a host of intricately woven stratagems. With him, he had but one legion, weary from 8 years of brutal war with the Gauls. But when called to surrender himself to the Senate and certain exile he did not hesitate. He called... [click here for more] |
Troll Lord Games |
The Blacktooth Ridge, far to the north and east of the more civilized lands, is fabled for its string of long abandoned fortresses, treasure houses, temples and underground mansions. This alone is an invitation for many an adventurer seeking fame and fortune. But it is an altogether dangerous place, tainted with the evil of the Horned One and those who still worship him in hidden caves and darkened... [click here for more] |
Troll Lord Games |
The hunt is on! Agents have hired out the infamous Redcaps to raid along the Hruesen River and Baron Botkin wants them brought to justice. The trail is growing cold and the evil doers are desperate and in hiding somewhere in the Barren Wood in those dangerous thorpes near the Slag Heap – an ancient complex of unknown origin and terrifying reputation.
The men of the Barren Wood... [click here for more] |
Troll Lord Games |
Designed for play with the 5th Edition of the worlds most popular RPG!
Traveling to the far reaches of the Barren Wood is perilous in the best of times, and these are not the best of times. Here, in the forest's western eves, the trees are old, with tangled roots deep in the ground. Here too, the fey still roam wild and free. Ancient ruins, many predating the Winter Dark, lie buried... [click here for more] |
Troll Lord Games |
Upon the backs of vultures adventure flies
Upon the edge of the Gray Pools lies the town of Grafika, a squalid heap of cobbled roads and ruined buildings where the washed up remnants of a shattered empire gather. Here the wealth of the empire’s ruin passes through the small hands of small men; here the echoes of its glory ring hollow.
Over a morass of pools and mired swamps the Vessel of Souls... [click here for more] |
Troll Lord Games |
Crusader Journal When Caesar stood upon the banks of the Rubicon looking south to Rome he hesitated. Before him stood the vast, complex mechanism of the past, glowing with a host of intricately woven stratagems. With him, he had but one legion, weary from 8 years of brutal war with the Gauls. But when called to surrender himself to the Senate and certain exile he did not hesitate. He called... [click here for more] |
Troll Lord Games |
The Grausamland - a gray mire of marsh, bogs, sluggish creeks, and deep pools - stands a barrier to those who would enter the giant fortress of Aufstrag. A thousand square miles of impenetrable swamp lands peopled by monsters great and small; with fang and claw, upon dusky wings, or slithering through the filth they hunt any who dare to enter the Gray Pools. So great the danger that the Lords of... [click here for more] |
Troll Lord Games |
Feature Articles Alea Iacta Est: Tainted Campaigns The Dead, The Dying and the Undead. We take a look at horror in a game of Castles & Crusades. Product Highlights Jim Ward takes a look at his latest creation, the Tainted Lands, a rule set for playing games of horror! CKG?! We take a final peak at the long delayed, much belabored Castle Keeper’s Guide. Auld... [click here for more] |
Troll Lord Games |
These are the Gates of Hell Where the Wasting Way ends, the gates begin. Named the Ahargon Den, the Mouth of Darkness, the gates stand beneath the dark shadow of Aufstrag, offering entrance to the pits of hell on Aihrde. Herein lies another world, heaps piled upon heaps of dungeons, tunnels, halls, vaulted chambers of chain-bound madness, all steeped in the putrid morass of law... [click here for more] |
Troll Lord Games |