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We have all heard tales of the heroic young adventurer who picks up a magical sword from a time long forgotten and grows in power and acclaim alongside the weapon until both reach their true potential.
Within this product you will find 16 legendary blades that will grow in power alongside your Pathfinder Roleplaying Game character.
Each blade is featured on two pages to allow all the related... [click here for more] |
Purple Duck Games |
Pay What You Want
On September 1st, 2010, Purple Duck Games released its most successful product, Legendary Blades. This inexpensive tome provided gamemasters and players access to 16 legendary swords that grow with a character without requiring the player to make huge sacrifices to maintain the weapon or causing the weapon and its legends to become the driving force for a whole campaign.
Great weapons that... [click here for more] |
Purple Duck Games |
Pay What You Want
We have all heard tales of the heroic young adventurer who picks up a magical shield from a time long forgotten. That adventurer grows in power and acclaim alongside the magical shield until both reach their true potention.
Within this product you will find 14 legendary shields that will grow in power alongside your Pathfinder Roleplaying Game character.
The time for disposable magic items is over.... [click here for more] |
Purple Duck Games |
We have all heard tales of the heroic young adventurer who dons magical armor from times long forgotten. That adventurer grows in power and acclaim alongside the magical armor until both reach their true potention.
Within this product you will find 15 legendary armors that will grow in power alongside your Pathfinder Roleplaying Game character.
The time for disposable magic items is over. ... [click here for more] |
Purple Duck Games |
We have all heard tales of the heroic young adventurer who dons magical armor from times long forgotten. That adventurer grows in power and acclaim alongside the magical armor until both reach their true potential.
Within this product you will find 15 legendary items that will grow in power alongside your Pathfinder Roleplaying Game character. Traditionally legendary wondrous items have only have... [click here for more] |
Purple Duck Games |
We have all heard tales of the diabolical young villain who finds a magical weapon from times long forgotten. That villain grows in power and infamy alongside the magical weapon until they both reach their true potential.
Within this product you will find 24 legendary weapons that will grow in power alongside your evil Pathfinder Roleplaying Game character.
The legendary weapon include the following... [click here for more] |
Purple Duck Games |
 The mounted knight, fighting for a cause, a liege, or a lady, placing honor and glory above his own life, laying opponents low left and right, is a staple of fantasy and mythology. It's an image no less iconic than the wise old wizard, the beautiful princess, or the fearsome dragon.
With Classes of Legend: The Cavalier, Lion's Den Press presents a specialized core class that... [click here for more] |
Purple Duck Games |
 NOTE: Collects Classics of Fantasy, Classic Fey, and Classics of Controversy in one volume.
Classics of Fantasy
Presented in this section are seven new monsters, fully ready for use. Each one of these creatures correlates to one of the iconic monsters not included in the SRD. They are not the same creatures in disguise, but rather occupy the same niche, and possess... [click here for more] |
Purple Duck Games |
?I search for traps, and then I pick the lock.?
The next time one of your players utters the above frequently heard statement, reach for one of the dozen locks in this PDF written by Ari Marmell. From the devouring lock to the taunting lock, the locks in this PDF will surprise -- and sometimes terrify -- your players.
Each lock includes all of the necessary game information and... [click here for more] |
Purple Duck Games |
This 128-page book by Ari Marmell presents a dozen different planar factions ready for use in planar campaigns. Each Planar Faction includes the organization's overall makeup, its resources and base of operations, its history, its goals and methods, its internal laws and customs, and new game mechanics specific to that organization. And because each faction operates on multiple worlds, you can make... [click here for more] |
Purple Duck Games |
Books in fantasy campaigns can be wondrous, valuable treasures, packed with ancient secrets, powerful spells, and long-forgotten knowledge.
Unfortunately, the creation of books can be a long, difficult process, requiring hours of careful consideration and planning. For many, one of the most difficult tasks in the creation of books is coming up with an evocative, unique title.
In The Infinite... [click here for more] |
Purple Duck Games |
 Welcome to one of Lion's Den Press' first crossover titles! An amalgamation of our popular Prestige Classes and Secrets of the Planes lines, Planar Heroes provides a focused and specific selection of class options for a particular purpose and style of campaign, ensuring that you pay only for material likely to be useful in your game. And like our Secrets of the Planes products, Planar Heroes explores... [click here for more] |
Purple Duck Games |
Ploys and Plots offers ways to spice up games with cinematic flair. Use your skills in new ways and discover new feats that enable you to use clever tricks that grant major advantages, memorable schemes based on reading foes’ movements like a book, and words that can strike at an opponent’s very core. The feats and new skill uses contained in this collection are designed to reward players... [click here for more] |
Purple Duck Games |
Purple Mountain III: The Feasting is a Pathfinder Roleplaying Game compatible module designed for four 3rd-level characters that uses the medium XP advancement track. Play it in any campaign setting with a mountain-based megadungeon, or as a stand-alone dungeon with a mega-dungeon feel.
Purple Mountain III: The Feasting
Purple Mountain III: The Feasting combines... [click here for more] |
Purple Duck Games |
Purple Mountain IV: The Magmadome is a Pathfinder Roleplaying Game compatible module designed for four 4th-level characters that uses the medium XP advancement track. Play it in any campaign setting with a mountain-based megadungeon, or as a stand-alone dungeon with a mega-dungeon feel.
Purple Mountain IV: The Magmadome
Things are about to get hotter for the players... [click here for more] |
Purple Duck Games |
Level One: Temple of the Locust Cult is a DCC-Compatible module designed for 1st level heroes. This module is designed to be played in any campaign setting with a mountain containing a megadungeon.
Original module by Mark Gedak, DCC conversion/update by Daniel J. Bishop.
The first level of Purple Mountain is the current home to a cult of the Locust Lord, a demonic entity dedicated to... [click here for more] |
Purple Duck Games |
The town blacksmith seems to be an owlbear, wearing clothing and a fake moustache, and no one in the village seems to find this odd....
Random Acts of…Fantasy Humor, third in the line, presents the GM with 100 randomly generated acts of humor suitable for a variety of fantasy-themed RPGs. In no case are stats for any NPCs given – indeed no names are... [click here for more] |
Purple Duck Games |
Night is fast approaching, and the PCs have been told that nighttime is when “it” comes out to feed. No one seems to know what exactly “it” is...
Random Acts of…Horror, fourth in the line, presents the GM with 100 randomly generated acts of horror suitable for a variety of RPGs, from fantasy-themed to modern day. In no case are stats for any NPCs given –... [click here for more] |
Purple Duck Games |
A gun shot is heard in the middle of the night. Upon investigating the sheriff is found dead in an alley...
Random Acts of... Old West Violence, second in the line, presents the GM with 100 randomly generated acts of violence suitable for a variety of Old West-themed RPGs. In no case are stats for any NPCs given - indeed no names are even given - and no weapon or... [click here for more] |
Purple Duck Games |
A dart flies across the inn's common room and hits a PC in the face...
Random Acts of...Violence, first in our new line of PDF products, presents a GM with 100 different randomly generated acts of violence, from randomly hurled mugs in a tavern to the aftermath of a murder in an alleyway. In no case are stats for any NPCs given - no names are even given - and... [click here for more] |
Purple Duck Games |
 In this latest installment of the Secrets of the Planes series, Lion's Den Press tackles what is perhaps the most vital element of any plane, any setting, any world: the races themselves. Secrets of the Planes: Planar Races offers nine new player races, fully presented and ready for use. While their most obvious place is in a campaign focusing heavily on planar travel, they can easily be incorporated... [click here for more] |
Purple Duck Games |
 A picture of a half-cyclops brave from the Hinterlands of Kesh for use with the license below.
This purchase includes a .tif image in colour and greyscale format. The image has no signature.
We at Purple Duck Games hope that this image is exactly the thing you need for your game table or your publication. If you have any comments,... [click here for more] |
Purple Duck Games |
 A picture of a strange cyclopean humanoid with a headtail for use with the license below.
This purchase includes an image in line art, colour and greyscale format. The image has no signature.
We at Purple Duck Games hope that this image is exactly the thing you need for your game table or your publication. If you have any... [click here for more] |
Purple Duck Games |
A picture of a demonic goat for use with the license below.
This purchase includes an image in line art, colour and greyscale format. The image has no signature.
We at Purple Duck Games hope that this image is exactly the thing you need for your game table or your publication. If you have any comments, questions or suggestions... [click here for more] |
Purple Duck Games |
 A picture of a disguised fey for use with the license below.
This purchase includes an image in line art, colour and greyscale format. The image has no signature.
This art is also available as part of the Fantasy Art Subscription by Brett Neufeld.
We at Purple Duck Games hope that this image is exactly the thing you need for... [click here for more] |
Purple Duck Games |
 A picture of a fire-spitting vermin for use with the license below.
This purchase includes a image in line art, colour and greyscale format. The image has no signature.
This art is also available as part of the Fantasy Art Subscription by Brett Neufeld.
We at Purple Duck Games hope that this image is exactly the thing you... [click here for more] |
Purple Duck Games |
 A picture of a doathi (frogman native outsider) for use with the license below.
This purchase includes an image in line art, colour and greyscale format. The image has no signature.
We at Purple Duck Games hope that this image is exactly the thing you need for your game table or your publication. If you have any comments,... [click here for more] |
Purple Duck Games |
 A picture of a female aasimar spellcaster for use with the license below.
This purchase includes a image in line art, colour and greyscale format. The image has no signature.
This art is also available as part of the Fantasy Art Subscription by Brett Neufeld.
We at Purple Duck Games hope that this image is exactly the thing... [click here for more] |
Purple Duck Games |
 A picture of a female anpur sandcaster for use with the license below.
This purchase includes an image in line art, colour and greyscale format. The image has no signature.
This art is also available as part of the Fantasy Art Subscription by Brett Neufeld.
We at Purple Duck Games hope that this image is exactly the thing... [click here for more] |
Purple Duck Games |
 A picture of a female aristocrat for use with the license below.
This purchase includes an image in line art, colour and greyscale format. The image has no signature.
This art is also available as part of the Fantasy Art Subscription by Brett Neufeld.
We at Purple Duck Games hope that this image is exactly the thing you need... [click here for more] |
Purple Duck Games |
 A picture of a female cyclops psychic for use with the license below.
This purchase includes an image in line art, colour and greyscale format. The image has no signature.
This art is also available as part of the Fantasy Art Subscription by Brett Neufeld.
We at Purple Duck Games hope that this image is exactly the thing you... [click here for more] |
Purple Duck Games |
A picture of a female dwarf wizard for use with the license below.
This purchase includes an image in line art, colour and greyscale format. The image has no signature.
This art is also available as part of the Fantasy Art Subscription by Brett Neufeld.
We at Purple Duck Games hope that this image is exactly the thing you... [click here for more] |
Purple Duck Games |
 A picture of a female elf diabolist for use with the license below.
This purchase includes an image in line art, colour and greyscale format. The image has no signature.
This art is also available as part of the Fantasy Art Subscription by Brett Neufeld.
We at Purple Duck Games hope that this image is exactly the thing you... [click here for more] |
Purple Duck Games |
 A picture of a female hobgoblin cavalier for use with the license below.
This purchase includes an image in line art, colour and greyscale format. The image has no signature.
This art is also available as part of the Fantasy Art Subscription by Brett Neufeld.
We at Purple Duck Games hope that this image is exactly the thing... [click here for more] |
Purple Duck Games |
 A picture of a female hobgoblin cavalier for use with the license below.
This purchase includes an image in line art, colour and greyscale format. The image has no signature.
This art is also available as part of the Fantasy Art Subscription by Brett Neufeld.
We at Purple Duck Games hope that this image is exactly the thing... [click here for more] |
Purple Duck Games |
 A picture of a female human archer for use with the license below.
This purchase includes an image in line art, colour and greyscale format. The image has no signature.
We at Purple Duck Games hope that this image is exactly the thing you need for your game table or your publication. If you have any comments, questions or... [click here for more] |
Purple Duck Games |
 A picture of a female human bloodrager for use with the license below.
This purchase includes an image in line art, colour and greyscale format. The image has no signature.
We at Purple Duck Games hope that this image is exactly the thing you need for your game table or your publication. If you have any comments, questions... [click here for more] |
Purple Duck Games |
 A picture of a female human kineticist for use with the license below.
This purchase includes an image in line art, colour and greyscale format. The image has no signature.
This art is also available as part of the Fantasy Art Subscription by Brett Neufeld.
We at Purple Duck Games hope that this image is exactly the thing... [click here for more] |
Purple Duck Games |
A picture of a female human medium for use with the license below.
This purchase includes an image in line art, colour and greyscale format. The image has no signature.
We at Purple Duck Games hope that this image is exactly the thing you need for your game table or your publication. If you have any comments, questions or... [click here for more] |
Purple Duck Games |
A picture of a female human spellcaster with songbird familiar for use with the license below.
This purchase includes a image in line art, colour and greyscale format. The image has no signature.
This art is also available as part of the Fantasy Art Subscription by Brett Neufeld.
We at Purple Duck Games hope that this image is... [click here for more] |
Purple Duck Games |
 A picture of a female human witch for use with the license below.
This purchase includes an image in line art, colour and greyscale format. The image has no signature.
We at Purple Duck Games hope that this image is exactly the thing you need for your game table or your publication. If you have any comments, questions or suggestions... [click here for more] |
Purple Duck Games |
A picture of a female oread cleric for use with the license below.
This purchase includes an image in line art, colour and greyscale format. The image has no signature.
This art is also available as part of the Fantasy Art Subscription by Brett Neufeld.
We at Purple Duck Games hope that this image is exactly the thing you... [click here for more] |
Purple Duck Games |
 A picture of a female oread dervish for use with the license below.
This purchase includes an image in line art, colour and greyscale format. The image has no signature.
This art is also available as part of the Fantasy Art Subscription by Brett Neufeld.
We at Purple Duck Games hope that this image is exactly the thing you... [click here for more] |
Purple Duck Games |
 A picture of a female qitar soulknife for use with the license below.
This purchase includes a .tif image in colour and grayscale format. The image has no signature.
We at Purple Duck Games hope that this image is exactly the thing you need for your game table or your publication. If you have any comments, questions or suggestions... [click here for more] |
Purple Duck Games |
 A picture of a female shadowtouched rogue for use with the license below.
This purchase includes an image in line art, colour and greyscale format. The image has no signature.
This art is also available as part of the Fantasy Art Subscription by Brett Neufeld.
We at Purple Duck Games hope that this image is exactly the thing... [click here for more] |
Purple Duck Games |
 A picture of a female tiefling assassin for use with the license below.
This purchase includes an image in line art, colour and greyscale format.
We at Purple Duck Games hope that this image is exactly the thing you need for your game table or your publication. If you have any comments, questions or suggestions about the line... [click here for more] |
Purple Duck Games |
 A picture of a female tiefling demon summoner for use with the license below.
This purchase includes an image in line art, colour and greyscale format. The image has no signature.
This art is also available as part of the Fantasy Art Subscription by Brett Neufeld.
We at Purple Duck Games hope that this image is exactly the... [click here for more] |
Purple Duck Games |
A picture of a female undine (or merfolk, or sea elf) for use with the license below.
This purchase includes a image in line art, colour and greyscale format. The image has no signature.
This art is also available as part of the Fantasy Art Subscription by Brett Neufeld.
We at Purple Duck Games hope that this image is exactly... [click here for more] |
Purple Duck Games |
 A picture of a female xeph warrior for use with the license below.
This purchase includes an image in line art, colour and greyscale format. The image has no signature.
We at Purple Duck Games hope that this image is exactly the thing you need for your game table or your publication. If you have any comments, questions or... [click here for more] |
Purple Duck Games |
 A picture of a female zendiqi defender for use with the license below.
This purchase includes an image in line art, colour and greyscale format. The image has no signature.
This art is also available as part of the Fantasy Art Subscription by Brett Neufeld.
We at Purple Duck Games hope that this image is exactly the thing... [click here for more] |
Purple Duck Games |