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An Inner Call - a Zgrozy scenario

An Inner Call - a Zgrozy scenario

Community Copy Sale: in April we were selling this title at 60% its normal price and for each copy sold during the sale - plus a few extra ones - we release one free community copy of this scenario. If for any reason you can't buy this scenario normally, please click here to check if there are any community copies left. The professor combined the Cthulhu folklore with his...   [click here for more]
Chaosium  $4.99

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A Greater Goal - a Zgrozy scenario

A Greater Goal - a Zgrozy scenario

The Star-Seekers were a group of heretical monks who stumbled upon traces of the Cthulhu Mythos lore centuries ago. It made them doubt the Christian God and try to understand and influence the world’s true nature. Their search ended successfully, but it turned out that cosmic revelations were too much for them... A Greater Goal is a standalone scenario for Call of Cthulhu...   [click here for more]
Chaosium  $2.99

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Deviletarium - a Zgrozy supplement

Deviletarium - a Zgrozy supplement

Deviletarium is an independent supplement for Call of Cthulhu 7th edition.  Inside you’ll find: A description of an Outsider – a cosmic explorer that tours between the worlds encased in his exoskeleton A description of an Immortal – a cursed being that was reborn due to the machinations of mysterious, nightmarish creatures A description of an Outcast – Atlach-Nacha's wayward...   [click here for more]
Chaosium  $1.49

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Devilarium: Shepherd of Moths - a Zgrozy supplement

Devilarium: Shepherd of Moths - a Zgrozy supplement

The first scenario Zgrozy published was Shepherd of Moths – a story of an unfathomable entity that wants to infest humans with knowledge of the cosmic terrors and about researchers who drag the investigators into a conflict centered around this creature.

 Shepherd has been surprisingly successful, we’ve been hearing stories about games it appears in for almost two years now. 

This...   [click here for more]
Chaosium   FREE 

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Devilarium: The Mythos Merchant - a Zgrozy supplement

Devilarium: The Mythos Merchant - a Zgrozy supplement

Inside this supplement you’ll find a creature that can appear in your games as a problematic helper of the investigators. The way the Merchant operates resembles classic tales of pacts with devils – gladly trading in knowledge and artifacts but demanding a high price, often a part of the client’s very self. This supplement contains the Merchant’s description, rules that give structure to...   [click here for more]
Chaosium  $1.49

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Lovecraftian Achievements - a Zgrozy supplement

Lovecraftian Achievements - a Zgrozy supplement

This supplement contains a series of printable cards, which allows Keepers to reward their players with video game-like Achievements in the Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game. This release contains a guide, two PDF files with the Achievements themselves, and a collection of cards compressed in .zip format. The first PDF – Lovecraftian Achievements – contains each Achievement on...   [click here for more]
Chaosium  $4.99

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Noctiline - a Zgrozy scenario

Noctiline - a Zgrozy scenario

But this utter flood of cherish brought something more. In some really obscure venues one could often encounter some shady personalities muttering some words in fear, and that for sure was not just drunken gibberish. In dark alleys, in turn, complicated geometrical symbols appeared on the walls, drawn with chalk. According to the rumors, passer-by feel an irresistible urge to gaze upon the graffiti…...   [click here for more]
Chaosium  $3.99

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The Mist Sower - a Zgrozy scenario

The Mist Sower - a Zgrozy scenario

Vranitzky has long been an arrogant genius, a man of great passion and an even greater ego, bordering on the messiah complex. He was certain his art is the only thing that can give voice to wounds dealt to humanity by the Great War. He devoted all his time to creating expressionistic, grotesque paintings exaggerating the War’s catastrophes and looking for inspiration – drastic photos, tales,...   [click here for more]
Chaosium  $6.99

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The World of Necronomicon - a Zgrozy supplement

The World of Necronomicon - a Zgrozy supplement

Now available in Print-On-Demand! For photos of the print version, scroll to the bottom of the product description In Lovecraft’s universe of cosmic horror, mysterious vistas or esoteric names like Cthulhu, Nyarlathotep, or Yog-Sothoth are the most terrifying to those who already grasp their connection to a greater, inhuman reality. Many of Lovecraft’s heroes gain...   [click here for more]
Chaosium  $2.49

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Lords by Birthright - a Zgrozy scenario

Lords by Birthright - a Zgrozy scenario

The Łukomski family was an influential noble house living in the Eastern part of what was once Poland-Lithuania in the early modern era. They were blessed with great charisma, and their servants were exceptionally devoted to multiple generations of the Łukomski family. Unfortunately, mental illness plagued the family. One evening, a confrontation with hired gunmen drags investigators into Łukomskis’...   [click here for more]
Chaosium  $3.49 $2.62

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Devilarium: Hands of Nyarlathotep - a Zgrozy supplement

Devilarium: Hands of Nyarlathotep - a Zgrozy supplement

Both investigators and non-player character (NPCs) can become Hands, but there’s no turning back from this road. Becoming one with Nyarlathotep and the Outer Gods forever changes a person. Hands of Nyarlathotep is an independent supplement for Call of Cthulhu 7th edition. Inside you’ll find: A ritual that opens people up to cosmic energies and gives them immense occult...   [click here for more]
Chaosium  $2.49

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Devilarium: Ormuddah's Gifts - a Zgrozy supplement

Devilarium: Ormuddah's Gifts - a Zgrozy supplement

To divide and create anew, to divide and create anew... Devilarium: Ormuddah's Gifts is an independent supplement for Call of Cthulhu 7th edition. Inside you’ll find: A comprehensive description of various Ormuddah's Gifts - mutations and metamorphoses bestowed upon terrestrial life by a mysterious cosmic entity. Advice on introducing the Gifts into your games. Tomes...   [click here for more]
Chaosium  $3.99

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The 2022 Advent Cthulendar - a Zgrozy supplement

The 2022 Advent Cthulendar - a Zgrozy supplement

The 2022 Advent Cthulendar is a collection of short ideas to use in Call of Cthulhu games. Inside you'll find new spells, books, monsters, rules and other ideas that expand on the Cthulhu Mythos in new and unexpected ways. Sample entries contain: A spell guaranteeing you’ll meet a Mask of Nyarlathotep at least once in your lifetime. A series of postapocalyptic novels whose readers...   [click here for more]
Chaosium  $4.99

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Dracula, the Great Old One - a Zgrozy supplement

Dracula, the Great Old One - a Zgrozy supplement

Now available in Print-On-Demand! For photos of the print version, scroll to the bottom of the product description. Of all people in history, Dracula has perhaps come closest to the Outer Gods. He understood their powers and nature, but these are concepts that a human—no matter how powerful—can barely contain in their head. The count did not so much go mad as changed...   [click here for more]
Chaosium  $5.99

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Zgrozy: From Beyond Handout Pack

Zgrozy: From Beyond Handout Pack

In this pack, you'll find all the handouts and pregenerated investigators from the upcoming Zgrozy: From Beyond scenario anthology, to be released on September 30! All handouts are included as PDF pages and separate image files. To find out more about Zgrozy, visit our Facebook page (/ZgrozyEN) or see our other English releases. ...   [click here for more]
Chaosium  Pay What You Want

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Zgrozy: From Beyond - scenario anthology for Call of Cthulhu

Zgrozy: From Beyond - scenario anthology for Call of Cthulhu

This anthology contains eight Call of Cthulhu 7th edition scenarios from the beloved Zgrozy series. Each of them can be played independently over the course of one or two sessions and is easy to insert into any campaign. By default, scenarios occur in the 1920s, but most convert easily to other eras. The scenarios include Shepherd of Moths, Future Echoes, The Vernissage,...   [click here for more]
Chaosium  $19.99

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Sisters of Doom - a Zgrozy supplement

Sisters of Doom - a Zgrozy supplement

The Sisters consider themselves enemies of human pride and want to suppress our constant need to strive higher. They exist simultaneously now and at the end of humanity's time, and thanks to this, they are able to show others what the end of humanity will look like. Sisters of Doom is an independent supplement for Call of Cthulhu 7th edition. Inside you’ll find: Twin...   [click here for more]
Chaosium  $1.99

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Living Secrets - a Zgrozy supplement

Living Secrets - a Zgrozy supplement

Certain cosmic truths are so fundamental to the fabric of reality that their mere accumulation in one place calls into existence a being that’s more than a mere fact. A Living Secret may be the knowledge of the secret names of the Outer Gods, but it may also be the truth about how life works at a level so deep that earthly biology will not discover it for centuries. Living...   [click here for more]
Chaosium  $1.49

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Into the Gothic - a Zgrozy supplement

Into the Gothic - a Zgrozy supplement

Interestingly, Lovecraftian “sanity” is a reflection of the fundamental element of gothic horror—insanity or madness. However, it needs to be said that while Lovecraft described the loss of sanity when one encounters alien forms incomprehensible to the human mind, in gothic horror, it was commonly the result of the awareness of the binary nature of the human condition and the discovery of...   [click here for more]
Chaosium  $2.99

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Zgrozy Essentials [BUNDLE]

Zgrozy Essentials [BUNDLE]

This bundle contains titles perfect for your first meeting with the acclaimed Zgrozy series: our scenario anthology From Beyond, a handout pack and sample investigators, two bestiaries from our Devilarium series, and The World of Necronomicon, a supplement allowing to combine any scenarios into a personal cosmic horror campaign. Devilarium: Hands of Nyarlathotep...   [click here for more]
Chaosium  $29.46 $23.57

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Carmilla: A Study in Blood - a Zgrozy scenario for the Gaslight era

Carmilla: A Study in Blood - a Zgrozy scenario for the Gaslight era

Carmilla is in a world of hurt and is waiting for the right time to take her revenge, which arrives along with the guests at the Carfax Estate. She makes a last-ditch attempt to influence the investigator by appearing in their dreams... Carmilla: A Study in Blood is an independent, Mythos-optional Gaslight scenario for Call of Cthulhu 7th edition, in which the...   [click here for more]
Chaosium  $3.99

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Devilarium: Humanspawns - a Zgrozy supplement

Devilarium: Humanspawns - a Zgrozy supplement

In Humanspawns, we present four types of beings that are somehow related to humans and generally do not wish us harm. Of course, an unfathomable creature that does not wish us harm can still cause any number of problems! The creatures described within this supplement include: The Eyes of Truth—Flew out of the heads of those overwhelmed by Mythos knowledge and began seeking it for...   [click here for more]
Chaosium  $2.99

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The Call of the Storm - a 1-on-1 Regency scenario from Zgrozy

The Call of the Storm - a 1-on-1 Regency scenario from Zgrozy

Your parents were looking for you on the beach, and saw you in a flimsy boat among the stormy waves. You tried to explain to them what was going on and how you felt, but they still didn't believe that your suffering could be in any way related to the storm. They warned that they would watch over you before the next storm and would not let you leave the cottage. The Call of...   [click here for more]
Chaosium  $3.99

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Zgrozy Hardcover Print bundle [BUNDLE]

Zgrozy Hardcover Print bundle [BUNDLE]

This special bundle product contains the following titles. Dracula, the Great Old One - a Zgrozy supplement Regular price: $14.99 Bundle price: $11.99 Format: Hardcover, Standard Color Book Now available in Print-On-Demand! For photos of the print version, scroll to the bottom of the product description. Of all people in history, Dracula has perhaps come closest...   [click here for more]
Chaosium  $59.97 $47.97

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Zgrozy Softcover Print bundle [BUNDLE]

Zgrozy Softcover Print bundle [BUNDLE]

This special bundle product contains the following titles. Dracula, the Great Old One - a Zgrozy supplement Regular price: $9.99 Bundle price: $7.99 Format: Softcover, Standard Color Book Now available in Print-On-Demand! For photos of the print version, scroll to the bottom of the product description. Of all people in history, Dracula has perhaps come closest...   [click here for more]
Chaosium  $49.97 $39.97

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Advent Cthulendar: Moments of Respite - a Zgrozy supplement

Advent Cthulendar: Moments of Respite - a Zgrozy supplement

Moments of Respite is a collection of short ideas for cozy and heartwarming elements of the investigators' backstories for use in Call of Cthulhu games, presented in the form of an Advent calendar. Inside, you'll find welcoming places, supportive groups, soothing nature, and many other good things. A few samples of what the entries contain: An amateur theater where Investigators...   [click here for more]
Chaosium  $4.99

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Rites of Transformation - a Zgrozy supplement

Rites of Transformation - a Zgrozy supplement

This mini-expansion is a collection of spells previously published in various releases from the Zgrozy series. What they have in common is that each of them changes people drastically, and usually permanently. At Zgrozy, we are very fascinated by how the terror of the Cthulhu Mythos permanently transforms people, and we were amazed to realize that the spells that allow such transformation described...   [click here for more]
Chaosium  Pay What You Want

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Storm Witch's Revelations - A 1-on-1 Pulp Cthulhu scenario from Zgrozy

Storm Witch's Revelations - A 1-on-1 Pulp Cthulhu scenario from Zgrozy

Storm Witch’s Revelations is a short Pulp Cthulhu scenario for one player and the Keeper, set in the Middle Ages around 1400. The player assumes the role of Karel Dietrichstein, a witch-hunter employed by the Catholic Church. Karel is tasked with hunting down the powerful and nefarious Storm Witch, and the scenario starts just as he approaches the mountain where she is taking refuge....   [click here for more]
Chaosium  $2.99

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Zgrozy: From Beyond standard color collector bundle [BUNDLE]

Zgrozy: From Beyond standard color collector bundle [BUNDLE]

This special bundle allows you to buy the Zgrozy scenario anthology in Standard Color Print-On-Demand format for a better price if you have enough scenarios included in the anthology. If you have only one or two, check their files on DriveThru for a discount link. A Greater Goal - a Zgrozy scenario Regular price: $2.99 Bundle price: $1.66 Format: PDF...   [click here for more]
Chaosium  $67.41 $39.99

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Zgrozy: From Beyond premium color collector bundle [BUNDLE]

Zgrozy: From Beyond premium color collector bundle [BUNDLE]

This special bundle allows you to buy the Zgrozy scenario anthology in Premium Color Print-On-Demand format for a better price if you have enough scenarios included in the anthology. If you have only one or two, check their files on DriveThru for a discount link. A Greater Goal - a Zgrozy scenario Regular price: $2.99 Bundle price: $1.84 Format: PDF The Star-Seekers...   [click here for more]
Chaosium  $82.41 $59.99

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Zgrozy: From Beyond PDF collector bundle [BUNDLE]

Zgrozy: From Beyond PDF collector bundle [BUNDLE]

This special bundle allows you to buy the Zgrozy scenario anthology in Standar Color Print-On-Demand format for a better price if you have a few of the scenarios included in the anthology. If you have only one or two, check their files on DriveThru for a discount link A Greater Goal - a Zgrozy scenario Regular price: $2.99 Bundle price: $1.84 Format: PDF...   [click here for more]
Chaosium  $52.41 $24.99

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Zgrozy Advent Cthulendars [BUNDLE]

Zgrozy Advent Cthulendars [BUNDLE]

This special bundle product contains the following titles. Advent Cthulendar: Moments of Respite - a Zgrozy supplement Regular price: $4.99 Bundle price: $3.49 Format: PDF Moments of Respite is a collection of short ideas for cozy and heartwarming elements of the investigators' backstories for use in Call of Cthulhu games, presented in the form of an Advent calendar....   [click here for more]
Chaosium  $8.48 $5.99

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Shepherd of Moths - a Zgrozy scenario

Shepherd of Moths - a Zgrozy scenario

Three religious studies scholars, fascinated by legends of other worlds, stumbled upon tales about the “Shepherd of Moths,” a mysterious cosmic entity. The Shepherd is said to wander the world, transforming willing occultists, as well as random victims, into moths and then taking them on a journey to distant worlds and back. All three scholars swore to one another that they’d never perform...   [click here for more]
Chaosium  $2.49

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Investigator Archetypes for Zgrozy

Investigator Archetypes for Zgrozy

Investigator Archetypes for Zgrozy contains eight archetypical characters for players to use in Call of Cthulhu games. They are particularly well-suited for Purist games and scenarios from the Zgrozy line. You can find those scenarios here. The eight archetypes are: Artist Athlete Dilletante Doctor of Medicine Journalist Librarian Police Detective Professor Additionally,...   [click here for more]
Chaosium  Pay What You Want

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Future Echoes - a Zgrozy scenario

Future Echoes - a Zgrozy scenario

Anastasia Stillman, a well-born criminal, has recently discovered a ritual that allows to glimpse the future. Using this knowledge, she pulls off a spectacular robbery – but she also becomes addicted to echoes of the future. Now she has a new, occult goal and the investigators will be the only ones to stop her… Future Echoes is a standalone scenario for Call of Cthulhu...   [click here for more]
Chaosium  $2.49

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The Vernissage - a Zgrozy scenario

The Vernissage - a Zgrozy scenario

The news about the artist’s return came like a bolt out of the blue, causing disbelief and consternation in his close friends and within society itself. Nevertheless, much enthusiasm surrounded the news that a vernissage was to be held. Artomowski intended to present his brand new works, created while in New York. What exactly are these “Beings of New World”? What was Artomowski...   [click here for more]
Chaosium  $4.99

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The Zgrozy Collection [BUNDLE]

The Zgrozy Collection [BUNDLE]

The Zgrozy series turns five on April 13th! To celebrate this, the entire Zgrozy collection is sold at -55% between April 8th and 21st! Advent Cthulendar: Moments of Respite - a Zgrozy supplement Regular price: $4.99 Bundle price: $4.99 Format: PDF Moments of Respite is a collection of short ideas for cozy and heartwarming elements of the investigators' backstories...   [click here for more]
Chaosium  $78.82 $55.20

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Devilarium: Thornen Servant - a Zgrozy supplement

Devilarium: Thornen Servant - a Zgrozy supplement

Thornen Servant is an independent supplement for Call of Cthulhu 7th edition. By default, it takes place in the 1920s' but it can easily be adapted to other eras. Inside you’ll find: A detailed description of Caorn's Taint, an accursed disease plaguing those who seek forbidden knowledge An examination of the monstrous thornen servants, manifestations of an entity known as the Lord on the...   [click here for more]
Chaosium  $2.99

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Miskatonic Repository Halloween 2020 Collection [BUNDLE]

Miskatonic Repository Halloween 2020 Collection [BUNDLE]

This special bundle contains scenarios and supplements by various Miskatonic Repository authors! Please take a look at Halloween Collections from other years as well: Miskatonic Repository Halloween 2019 Collection Miskatonic Repository Halloween 2021 Collection . A Greater Goal - a Zgrozy scenario...   [click here for more]
Chaosium  $50.23 $40.18

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Miskatonic Repository Halloween 2022 Collection [BUNDLE]

Miskatonic Repository Halloween 2022 Collection [BUNDLE]

This special bundle contains scenarios and supplements by various Miskatonic Repository authors! Please take a look at Halloween Collections from other years as well: Miskatonic Repository Halloween 2019 Collection Miskatonic Repository Halloween 2020 Collection Miskatonic...   [click here for more]
Chaosium  $46.68 $37.34

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Miskatonic Repository Halloween 2023 Collection [BUNDLE]

Miskatonic Repository Halloween 2023 Collection [BUNDLE]

This special bundle product contains fourteen titles by Miskatonic Repository creators, prepared as a collection for Halloween 2023. It's the fifth Miskatonic Repository Halloween Collection overall, and you can find the earlier ones in these links:   2019   2020   2021   2022 A Drop of Nelson's Blood Regular price: $5.00 Bundle price: $4.00 Format:...   [click here for more]
Chaosium  $49.33 $39.46

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Dracula, the Great Old One handout pack

Dracula, the Great Old One handout pack

This release contains those materials from our Dracula, the Great Old One supplement you might want to have in separate files, namely: cards with bout of madness effects. maps of sample rooms in Dracula's castle. It can be especially useful if you buy the print version only, and don't have the access to the digital files that come with the PDF version. Dracula, the Great Old One is...   [click here for more]
Chaosium  Pay What You Want

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Miskatonic Repository Convention 2024 bundle [BUNDLE]

Miskatonic Repository Convention 2024 bundle [BUNDLE]

This special bundle product contains 23 scenarios ran during this year's Miskatonic Repository Convention, and is on -60% sale til October 11th. Buying it is a perfect way to get a rich collection of Repository releases at a bargain price, and,  at the same time, thank all the creators who made the convention possible! A Long Day's Night Regular price: $5.99 Bundle...   [click here for more]
Chaosium  $112.09 $86.48

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Miskatonic Repository Halloween 2024 Collection Part 1 [BUNDLE]

Miskatonic Repository Halloween 2024 Collection Part 1 [BUNDLE]

In 2024, for the first time, the Halloween Collection is a two-parter! You can find the other part here. Also, Halloween Collections from earlier years are still live, each sold at -20% their regular price. You can find them all here: 2019 - 2020 - 2021 - 2022 - 2022 Christmas Collection - 2023 52 Hz Regular price: $1.00 Bundle price: $0.80 Format:...   [click here for more]
Chaosium  $52.25 $38.61

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Monster of the Week Advent Calendar

Monster of the Week Advent Calendar

Kind gifts for the darkest days! This Advent Calendar contains 24 short ideas for gifts, boons, and advantages for hunters in Monster of the Week games. Each entry presents someone or some-thing helpful in hunting monsters or investigating strange phenomena. Most of these entries are cozy and heartwarming, but some have a bit of a rebellious streak, and most focus on sympathy...   [click here for more]
Zgrozy  $3.99

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Miskatonic Repository Classical Era Collection [BUNDLE]

Miskatonic Repository Classical Era Collection [BUNDLE]

This special bundle product contains the following titles. Dream House Regular price: $3.99 Bundle price: $2.78 Format: PDF Come Home... to the Dream House. On a snowy winter's evening, an elderly friend needs help finding something he's lost. He’s preparing a cozy dinner as a way of saying thanks. Isn't it nice to see familiar faces again? Can you help him...   [click here for more]
Chaosium  $26.42 $18.47

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Miskatonic Repository Halloween 2021 Collection [BUNDLE]

Miskatonic Repository Halloween 2021 Collection [BUNDLE]

This special bundle contains scenarios and supplements by various Miskatonic Repository authors, including silver Ennie winner Allan Carey! Please take a look at Halloween Collections from other years as well: Miskatonic Repository Halloween 2019 Collection Miskatonic Repository Halloween 2020 Collection American Empire...   [click here for more]
Chaosium  $50.71 $40.57

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Miskatonic Repository Convention 2022 Bundle [BUNDLE]

Miskatonic Repository Convention 2022 Bundle [BUNDLE]

This special bundle product contains 23 scenarios run during the 2022 Miskatonic Repository Convention. During the convention, on October 14-16, they're sold at -60% off their normal price! An Inner Call - a Zgrozy scenario Regular price: $2.99 Bundle price: $3.99 Format: PDF Community Copy Sale: in April we were selling this title at 60% its normal price and...   [click here for more]
Chaosium  $89.05 $71.24

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Miskatonic Repository Christmas 2022 Collection [BUNDLE]

Miskatonic Repository Christmas 2022 Collection [BUNDLE]

This special bundle continues the tradition of Miskatonic Repository Halloween Collections, offering numerous MR releases on sale! Please take a look at Halloween Collections as well: Miskatonic Repository Halloween 2019 Collection Miskatonic Repository Halloween 2020 Collection Miskatonic Repository Halloween 2021 Collection...   [click here for more]
Chaosium  $59.92 $47.94

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Miskatonic Repository Convention 2023 Bundle [BUNDLE]

Miskatonic Repository Convention 2023 Bundle [BUNDLE]

This special bundle contains a selection of scenarios ran during the Miskatonic Repository Convention 2023, at -60% sale between October 13 and 15 only! A Greater Goal - a Zgrozy scenario Regular price: $2.99 Bundle price: $2.38 Format: PDF The Star-Seekers were a group of heretical monks who stumbled upon traces of the Cthulhu Mythos lore centuries ago. It...   [click here for more]
Chaosium  $87.77 $69.99

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