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Ancient Bloodlines

Ancient Bloodlines

Remnants of Ages Past The Blood isn’t stagnant. It changes with the times, even if the Kindred that carry it don’t. Every epoch leads to new permutations of the five clans. Some of them die out when they are no longer useful, but others carry on, even to the modern nights. Some have been forgotten. Some are ready to reclaim what they have lost. All retain pieces of the cultures and events that...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $14.99

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The Beast Within Revised

The Beast Within Revised

Unseen. The Kindred Move Among Us Not merely mad beasts of lonely hunters, the vampires of the World of Darkness who call themselves The Kindred because of the blood that elementally binds them together, are dnagerously organized and cunning. They hide behind a plan they call the Masquerade so that they do not draw the attention or ire of mortals, and the society this masquerade obscures...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $3.99

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Vampire Storytellers Companion Revised

Vampire Storytellers Companion Revised

The Kindred hide amongst humanity, eking out their bloodthirsty unlives behind a veil of deception. Yet certain mysteries are obscured from even the most canny, perceptive vampires. Who else stalks the Final Nights? What powers do they wield? What hidden skills do they command? There Are More of Us Than We Know The Vampire Storytellers Companion collects new rules, abilities and bloodlines...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $9.99

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Vampire: The Masquerade - Revised Edition

Vampire: The Masquerade - Revised Edition

They stalk in the shadows, moving gracefully and unseen among their prey. They are the blood-drinking fiends of whispered legends - Kindred, Cainites, the Damned. Above all, they are vampires. Their eternal struggle, waged since the nights of Jericho and Babylon, plays itself out among the skyscrapers and nightclubs of the modern world. But the vampires\' grand Masquerade is imperiled, and the night...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $17.97

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Vampire: The Requiem

Vampire: The Requiem

Welcome to the Danse Macabre Since time immemorial, the Kindred — vampires — have stalked their prey, unseen by the mortal masses. Their world is a xenophobic nightmare, populated by tyrannical despots, wildeyed heretics, bloodthirsty rogues and scheming manipulators, all unified by the mysterious curse of vampirism. And you would join them? You would live forever? To play the lusts of...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $19.99

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Vampire: The Requiem Demo Part 1

Vampire: The Requiem Demo Part 1

Danse de la Mort Mary's Child Your Requiem Begins Here   This free booklet gives you and four of your friends everything you need to play your first game of Vampire: The Requiem, White Wolf's all-new game of Modern Gothic Storytelling. Discover the seductive and dangerous world of the undead in "Mary's Child," a complete introductory scenario. All the necessary rules...   [click here for more]
White Wolf   FREE 

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Vampire: The Requiem Character Sheet Pad

Vampire: The Requiem Character Sheet Pad

Keeping Track The danse macabre is set to the tune of secrets. Who knows them, who keeps them and who's willing to share - for a price. Now you have a place to keep all of your Vampire character's secrets. Just beware the player looking over your shoulder. No More Photocopies Continuing its line of tools for the Storytelling System™, White Wolf provides this indispensable collection...   [click here for more]
White Wolf   FREE 

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Vampire: The Requiem Demo Full

Vampire: The Requiem Demo Full

  Danse de la Mort   Your Requiem Begins Here   This PDF gives you and your friends everything you need to play your first game of Vampire: The Requiem, White Wolf's all-new game of Modern Gothic Storytelling. Discover the seductive and dangerous world of the undead in this complete introductory scenario. All the necessary rules are included. All you need is a...   [click here for more]
White Wolf   FREE 

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A Hunger Like Fire (Vampire: The Requiem Novel #1)

A Hunger Like Fire (Vampire: The Requiem Novel #1)

The Hunger for Blood Persephone Moore has it all — looks, brains, ambition and an unquenchable hunger for the blood of the living. In this first novel for Vampire: The Requiem, join the danse macabre of Chicago’s undead. Persephone sees the city as a banquet and opportunity, but with every night she feels herself grow a little colder, a little more monstrous....   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $1.99

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Art of Vampire: The Masquerade

Art of Vampire: The Masquerade

FROM THE LONG NIGHT The Kindred: predators and monsters to the last.  A race of biblically cursed parasites, these vampires hide among humanity, eking out a damned existence under the eyes of God and the noses of mortals.  Each night, the Kindred steal forth to take the sustenance they need for their continued survival - human blood. ...TO THE FINAL NIGHTS The Art of Vampire:...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $14.95 $7.99

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Tim Bradstreet Vampire Portfolio

Tim Bradstreet Vampire Portfolio

A collection of Vampire artwork from Timothy Bradstreet, veteran illustrator for numerous gaming and production companies. Included are 10 black and white portraits of vampires based on Vampire: The Masquerade role playing game from White Wolf.  ...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $2.99

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Vampire Players Guide - 2nd Edition

Vampire Players Guide - 2nd Edition

The essence of Vampire lies in the undead characters, those doomed symbols of both good and evil. Powerful beyond human comparison, yet damned with tragic defects of epic proportions, each vampire is a unique reflection of its creator, and as such bears only little resemblance to other Kindred. The soul of a vampire is its individuality. ...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $9.99

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Vampire Storytellers Handbook - Revised Edition

Vampire Storytellers Handbook - Revised Edition

The Final Nights Hid a Million Stories From the hidden horrors of the Camarilla to the naked fiendishness of the Sabbat, vampires play at the eternal Jyhad.  Elders, ancillae, neonates and... others... prowl the nights.  Only one individual knows all the secrets of the World of darkness.   Anf They Must All Be Told The role of th Storyteller is a daunting one, and this book is an invaluable...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $9.99

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Vampire: The Masquerade - 2nd Edition

Vampire: The Masquerade - 2nd Edition

Vampire is a game of make-believe, of pretend, of storytelling. Although Vampire is a game, it is more about storytelling than it is about winning. If you've never done this kind of thing before, you may be confused by the whole premise of a storytelling game. Once you catch on to the basic concepts, however, you'll find that it isn't all that strange, and is, in fact, eerily familiar. You, along...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $9.99

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Victorian Age Vampire: Companion

Victorian Age Vampire: Companion

A Setting Sourcebook for Vampire: The Masquerade Gaslights and Gentlemen The Victorian era witnesses the birth of the vampire, raising him from a marauding fiend of the night to a figure of gothic eminence. The era's secrets, however, still lurk in the darkness like terrors shrouded by London's fog. Further mysteries await in the night, ready (and waiting...) for...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $14.99

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Victorian Age Vampire

Victorian Age Vampire

A Tradition of Gothic Literature A world only lit by gaslight. An epoch of literature that "exposed" vampires to the world. An era of wealth, imperialism, industry and change. For the Kindred, these are the halcyon nights: the last Romantic period of their prominence before the encroaching cynicism of the modern nights pushed them forever from the eyes of suspicious mortals. It is a glorious...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $16.99

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Marriage of Virtue & Viciousness (Vampire: The Requiem Novel #3)

Marriage of Virtue & Viciousness (Vampire: The Requiem Novel #3)

Vengeance Is His Word has spread among Chicago's Kindred that Prince Maxwell is to grant an indulgence, a one-night lift on the ban imposed on destroying fellow vampires. The Damned scurry for position and ready their long-delayed revenge. But no vampire's rage is more consuming than that of Solomon Birch, the fallen zealot of the undead church known as the Lancea Sanctum. Birch's enemies...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $1.99

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Vampire: The Dark Ages

Vampire: The Dark Ages

Vampire: The Dark Ages takes you to the nights before the Camarilla, when kine truly had reason to be afraid of the dark. The vampires of this bygone age ride the dark as lords, play their games with the crowned heads of Europe, and travel to the mysterious lands of the East as they wafe their ages-old war. Come share in the rich terror and heady thrill of the 12th century. Learn what it means to be...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $17.98

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Vampire by Gaslight

Vampire by Gaslight

An Age of Romance and Gothic Elegance From decadent dinner parties to foggy cobblestone streets, the world of the 19th century remains a place of superstition and mystery, where ancient legends mix with modern penny dreadfuls, and the most scientific minds still explore the spirit realm. Here the Kindred, long since banished to mere folklore, find themselves newly crowned celebrities,...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $11.99

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Victorian Age Vampire Book III of III: The Wounded King

Victorian Age Vampire Book III of III: The Wounded King

Grave Secrets Revealed Regina Blake is reunited with her mother at last, but it may be too late to save either of them. Amid the glories of Hapsburg Vienna, the two women are subject to the wiles of the Tremere warlocks with only the vampires Victoria Ash and Beckett as dubious allies. A return to London only makes matters worse, as an undead prince dips into madness and threatens to take...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $4.19

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Vampire Players Guide - Revised Edition

Vampire Players Guide - Revised Edition

Since Biblical times, the get of Caine have prowled the world, hiding from mortals and resigning themselves to the shadows. Throughout the ages, their plans have unfolded and their treacheries have come to fruition. Welcome to the Final Nights — welcome to unlife as a vampire. A collection of essays, character-building options, chronicle suggestions and methods of play, the Vampire Players Guide...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $14.99

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Victorian Age Vampire Trilogy Complete

Victorian Age Vampire Trilogy Complete

By day, London is the greatest metropolis of the 19th century. By night, it is the hunting ground of monsters older than the empire itself. Above it all lurks Prince Mithras, Methuselah of Clan Ventrue and godhead of a cult infecting vampire and mortal alike. This product includes all three books in the Victorian Age Vampire Trilogy: Book 1 - A Morbid Initiation Book 2 - The Madness of Priests Book...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $9.99

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Vampire Diary: The Embrace

Vampire Diary: The Embrace

In the shadows of Los Angeles, an ancient vampire courtws Austin Jacobson, a nightclub bartender.  Slowly by surely, Austin succumbs to the dark call. Can he resist the Embrace, the gateway to an eternity of damnation?  And will his master's dark command threaten the most beautiful most perfect love he has ever felt?   ...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $8.99

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The Resurrectionists (Vampire: The Requiem)

The Resurrectionists (Vampire: The Requiem)

The Resurrection Man — to use a byname of the period — was not to be deterred by any of the sanctities of customary piety. It was part of his trade to despise and desecrate the scrolls and trumpets of old tombs, the paths worn by the feet of worshippers and mourners, and the offerings and the inscriptions of bereaved affection. To rustic neighbourhoods, where love is more than commonly tenacious,...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $7.99

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Blood Red + Ash Gray (Vampire: The Requiem)

Blood Red + Ash Gray (Vampire: The Requiem)

This story about consequences, murder, lies, and the ethics of guilt pits players against the tangled motives of vengeful vampires. Does it compound the sin of a crime to benefit from it? Is it a new sin to deny a victim her vengeance, when you’re guilty of the crime she’s avenging? Will you hold onto your Humanity by accepting punishment or use your own sins for personal gain in the Danse Macabre?...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $8.99

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Scenes of Frenzy (Vampire: The Requiem)

Scenes of Frenzy (Vampire: The Requiem)

A collection of six stand-alone scenes for Vampire: The Requiem, designed by Will Hindmarch. Use these scenes to play out moments of vampiric frenzy, whether you expected them to happen or not. Each scene is presented with a potential cause of frenzy in mind — a sudden wound, an infuriating betrayal, a gluttonous euphoria — but the heart of each scene really lies in those dramatic moments after...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $2.99

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Criminal Intent (Vampire: The Requiem)

Criminal Intent (Vampire: The Requiem)

How far will you go to preserve the Masquerade? The Masquerade is one of the most important and disputed Traditions among the laws of the Kindred. Upholding the secrecy of undead society is paramount to the safety and security of all vampires – it is why it is the First Tradition in every Prince’s court. But not all Kindred consider the costs of such preservation. A devoted protector...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $6.99

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Vampire The Masquerade (Revised) Quickstart

Vampire The Masquerade (Revised) Quickstart

They stalk in the shadows, moving gracefully and unseen among their prey. They are the blood-drinking fiends of whispered legends - Kindred, Cainites, the Damned. Above all, they are vampires. Their eternal struggle, waged since the nights of Jericho and Babylon, plays itself out among the skyscrapers and nightclubs of the modern world. But the vampires' grand Masquerade is imperiled, and the night...   [click here for more]
White Wolf   FREE 

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Ready-Made Player Characters (Vampire: The Requiem)

Ready-Made Player Characters (Vampire: The Requiem)

Five player characters, ready to use in your chronicle. Running a one-night game of Vampire: The Requiem? Wanting to start up a new chronicle, but your players aren’t sure what to play? Looking for a fast way to dive into one of White Wolf’s SAS adventures? This PDF details “The Slaughterhouse Five,” a coterie of player characters designed for instant use in your Vampire game....   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $4.99

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Starter Kit: Vampire the Requiem [BUNDLE]

Starter Kit: Vampire the Requiem [BUNDLE]

This special bundle product contains the following titles. Criminal Intent (Vampire: The Requiem) Regular price: $19.99 Bundle price: $12.94 Format: PDF How far will you go to preserve the Masquerade? The Masquerade is one of the most important and disputed Traditions among the laws of the Kindred. Upholding the secrecy of undead society is paramount...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $31.97 $20.70

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Who's Who Among Vampires: Children of the Inquisition

Who's Who Among Vampires: Children of the Inquisition

Prepare yourself for for a shocking journey into the depths of immortal evil. The living dead have walked among us for centuries. Their feuds firing humanity's bloodiest wars. Now learn the secrets of the most powerful vampires, and the origins of their ancient hatred. Who's Who Among Vampires: Children of the Inquisition is set in the world of Vampire: the Masquerade. ...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $9.99

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Vampire: Prince of the City Rulebook

Vampire: Prince of the City Rulebook

Do you have what it takes to rule the secret and Machiavellian world of the undead? Since time immemorial, the Kindred - vampires - have stalked unseen by the mortal masses upon whom they prey. Their world is a xenophobic, neo-feudal nightmare, and each city is ruled by a Prince, the most powerful and influential Kindred of them all. The Prince's word is inviolate and his actions are unquestionable....   [click here for more]
White Wolf   FREE 

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Vampire Translation Guide

Vampire Translation Guide

Have you always wanted to include the Ravnos into your Requiem game? Or perhaps the Invictus into your Masquerade game? This guide will help you translate the feel and core elements from each version of Vampire into the other game system and background. This book includes: • Translations of all of the clans between versions of Vampire • Suggestions and ideas on how...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $3.99

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Vampire Translation Toolkit [BUNDLE]

Vampire Translation Toolkit [BUNDLE]

This special bundle product contains the following titles. New World of Darkness Rulebook (1st Edition) Regular price: $14.99 Bundle price: $7.48 Format: PDF Note: The new World of Darkness game line is now called Chronicles of Darkness, get the new core rule book from Onyx Path Publishing here at Where the Shadows Grow Long We live our days...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $39.85 $28.47

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Paths of Storytelling: Vampire (Full-Featured PDF)

Paths of Storytelling: Vampire (Full-Featured PDF)

This was White Wolf's April Fool's Joke for 2011. Below is the original text in its entirety. THIS IS THE FULL-FEATURED PDF VERSION. You can buy the Kindle or ePub version, or download the original manuscript scan for free. Sometimes my job at White Wolf requires me to dig around in our archives. Mostly I'm looking for a long-lost CD with a particular piece of art...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $0.99

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Paths of Storytelling: Vampire (ePub)

Paths of Storytelling: Vampire (ePub)

This was White Wolf's April Fool's Joke for 2011. Below is the original text in its entirety. THIS IS THE EPUB (iBOOKS/NOOK) VERSION. You can buy a full-featured PDF or the Kindle version, or download the original manuscript scan for free. Sometimes my job at White Wolf requires me to dig around in our archives. Mostly I'm looking for a long-lost CD with a particular piece of...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $0.99

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Paths of Storytelling: Vampire (Kindle)

Paths of Storytelling: Vampire (Kindle)

This was White Wolf's April Fool's Joke for 2011. Below is the original text in its entirety. THIS IS THE MOBI (KINDLE) VERSION. You can buy a full-featured PDF or the ePub version, or download the original manuscript scan for free. Sometimes my job at White Wolf requires me to dig around in our archives. Mostly I'm looking for a long-lost CD with a particular piece...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $0.99

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Paths of Storytelling: Vampire (Original Scan PDF)

Paths of Storytelling: Vampire (Original Scan PDF)

This was White Wolf's April Fool's Joke for 2011. Below is the original text in its entirety. THIS IS A SCAN OF THE ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT. You can buy a full-featured PDF, or get it in Kindle or ePub format. Sometimes my job at White Wolf requires me to dig around in our archives. Mostly I'm looking for a long-lost CD with a particular piece of art or the...   [click here for more]
White Wolf   FREE 

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Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition

Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition

Vampire: The Masquerade exploded into hobby games in 1991 and inspired a generation of fans the likes of which the game industry had never seen before or since. The cultural significance Vampire left on not just the gaming world but on modern vampire-related pop culture can be seen and felt at virtually every turn and in every medium today. Vampire: The Masquerade - 20th Anniversary...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $29.99

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Vampire: The Players Guide (1st Edition)

Vampire: The Players Guide (1st Edition)

"They drove me down, used me as their pawn. Never again, never more shall I be used by another. They thought I had all the power, that they pulled all the strings, but now their strength is mine. Now, with the new might coursing through my body, I will have vengeance." -Juggler, No Apologies In the Goth-Punk world of the Vampire, any advantage can mean the difference between survival and...   [click here for more]
White Wolf  $8.99

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Vampire: Dark Influences Rulebook

Vampire: Dark Influences Rulebook

There is a World of Darkness much like our own. Hidden from humanity by a veil of deceit, the vampires of this world play games of intrigue, politics and betrayal. You are one of those vampires, called Kindred. Your Prince among the undead has declared that he will go into torpor, the rest of ages, and will choose a successor before he passes. The vampire who wins the support of the most allies before...   [click here for more]
White Wolf   FREE 

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Vampire: The Requiem 2nd Edition

Vampire: The Requiem 2nd Edition

Note: This was previously published as Blood and Smoke: the Strix Chronicle, now retitled with a new cover and an index. Updated and revised core rule book for Vampire: The Requiem. Tonight, you become one of the Kindred, the beautiful and the damned who hide behind our ordinary world. Driven by a hunger like fire, you will struggle to...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $19.99

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Vampire: The Requiem 2nd Edition Condition Cards

Vampire: The Requiem 2nd Edition Condition Cards

Part of the Vampire: the Requiem 2nd Edition rules, Conditions add an additional layer of consequence and reward to certain actions in the Chronicles of Darkness. Various things within the course of a game can cause Conditions. These include exceptional successes, supernatural abilities, and really any situation where the Storyteller thinks they can be used to heighten...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $2.99

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Vampire: The Requiem 2nd Edition Storyteller's Screen

Vampire: The Requiem 2nd Edition Storyteller's Screen

Here's what the Vampire: the Requiem 2nd Edition Storyteller's Screen includes: Full color, 11" x 25.5" collage of selected beautiful art from Vampire: the Requiem 2nd Edition Three 8.5" x 11" pages of collected charts and tables selected to make your Storyteller job a bit easier One cover sheet with the product info on it About Vampire: the Requiem 2nd...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $1.99

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Vampire 20th Anniversary Edition: The Dark Ages

Vampire 20th Anniversary Edition: The Dark Ages

It’s 1242. The Mongol army crushed Baghdad, then Russia under its heel, then moved on to devastate Poland and Hungary. The Holy Roman Empire stood to war with the Papacy. The second Lombard League wielded the word of the Pope and fought off Frederick II. The War of Princes rages. Patricide looms. Young powers look up the ladder to the next rungs, and see stagnation and hypocrisy. They see targets....   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $24.99

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Vampire The Damned [BUNDLE]

Vampire The Damned [BUNDLE]

This special bundle product contains the following titles. V20 Dread Names, Red List Regular price: $14.99 Bundle price: $8.99 Format: PDF There are some threats that transcend a local Prince's domain and become enemies of every Kindred in the Camarilla. These Anathema become targets of a global Blood Hunt for their crimes. Not just political enemies, the monsters...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $86.55 $51.91

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Vampire 20th Anniversary Edition: The Dark Ages Storyteller Screen

Vampire 20th Anniversary Edition: The Dark Ages Storyteller Screen

Here's what the Vampire 20th Anniversary: The Dark Ages Storyteller's Screen includes: A full-color collage of selected beautiful clan art from Vampire 20th Anniversary Edition: The Dark Ages A seperate download containing three 8.5" x 11" pages of collected charts and tables selected to make your Storyteller job a bit easier This PDF is great for viewing on tablets...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $1.99

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Dark Eras: Requiem for Regina (Vampire: the Requiem, Changeling: the Lost)

Dark Eras: Requiem for Regina (Vampire: the Requiem, Changeling: the Lost)

Chronicles of Darkness: Dark Eras reveals the world throughout its long and storied past. Through sixteen eras, you’ll learn the secret history of the world, from the flame-lit tales of the Neolithic to the drug-fueled rebellion of the 1970s. Delve into the past, and learn that the Chronicles of Darkness began long before the modern nights. Dark Eras: Requiem for Regina We have shared the world...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $4.99

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Vampire Hunters [BUNDLE]

Vampire Hunters [BUNDLE]

This special bundle product contains the following titles. Laws of the Hunt (revised) Regular price: $11.98 Bundle price: $7.19 Format: PDF   A Shining Beacon of Hope   For as long as there have been monsters who stalk the shadows and prey upon mortals, brave people have stood against the darkness. Some call on the powers of Heaven and their faith, some study...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $57.93 $34.76

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Vampire V20 - Entfesselte Anarchen (PDF) als Download kaufen

Vampire V20 - Entfesselte Anarchen (PDF) als Download kaufen

Stürzt die Tyrannen! Badet die Straßen im Blut von Prinzen und Erzbischöfen! Mit jeder Nacht wächst der Einfluss anarchischer Domänen auf neue Territorien, und so können die Kainskinder es sich nicht länger leisten, die Revolte als nur einen einfachen Mob aus missratenen Kindern zu betrachten. Die überholten Taktiken der Vergangenheit sind einer schlankeren, weiseren Anarchenrevolte...   [click here for more]
Ulisses Spiele  $20.71

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