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Get the issue that launched a revival! Issue 1 is only 18 pages, but it has plenty of usable game material. Cover art supplied by Kort Kramer.
Equipment: - Beam Weapons - Projectile Weapons - Gyrojet Weapons - Defensive Equipment - Miscellaneous Equipment
Locations: - Evergloom, moon prison of Triad
Archetypes: - Dralasite Martial Artist - Vrusk Smuggler
Character Races: - Nagana
Adversaries:... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
Pay What You Want
Featuring the debut of the now quite popular Classifieds section, this issue also helped cement the webzine among its fans, delivering even more great content (including the great "Getting Drunk!" article that spawned more than a few dorky conversations in forums!). Featuring more cover art by Kort Kramer.
Technical Journal - Computers - New Items
Star Systems - Araks System - Hentz
New Rules... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
Pay What You Want
Twice the size of issue 1, this issue continues with more sci-fi goodness. Including cover art by Kort Kramer.
Questions & Answers
Technical Journal - Gyrojet Weaponry
Star Systems - Athor
New Rules - Fleshing Out Your Character - City Encounters
Archetypes - Dralasite Spymaster - Vrusk Visionary Ecologist
Equipment - Miscellany Equipment - Firearm Illustrations - Zamira
Locations - Crash... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
Pay What You Want
This is the issue where the new starfrontiersman.com site was presented. A new line of helmets were presented in this issue, as were scatterguns (helmets and shotguns are elements Star Frontiers just left-out). Add to this a healthy dose of goofy mook rules, and you have another fun issue.
Technical Journal - FTL Travel
Star Systems - Scree Fron
New Rules - Cinematic Martial Arts - Starting Gear... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
Pay What You Want
Featuring imagination-provoking cover art by Jan Patrick Krasny, this issue is simply packed with ever-increasing quantities of goodness. A nifty d100 table for starport layovers, new equipment scattered throughout, and even inclusion of the absolutely frightening Aliens (from movies and comics) for use in your Star Frontiers games.
Technical Journal - Don’t Tango with the Tangler - Mine Kits... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
Pay What You Want
This issue has some nifty submissions, and weighs in at a hefty fifty pages! Cover art by Darren Allanson.
Sentient Robots - Self-aware PC/NPC robots
Starships - The East Indiaman Medium Freighter - Knight Hawks scenario
The Prenglar System - Details of the hub of the Frontier
Sathar War I - Great War Strategies
Planet of Mystery - The Arborean race
Ability Score Limits - Modifiers and maximums... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
Pay What You Want
The webzine keeps getting better and better! In this issue, we have some great conversions of the Alternity races and genre, as well as some excellent suggestions on how to referee the Star Frontiers game. Cover art by Mark Garlick.
On The Verge - Alternity meets Frontier
Creative Refereeing - Insight into good GM practices
Spawn of Zebulon - The mysterious Kurabanda
Cinematic Action - Handling... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
Pay What You Want
StarshipsFeaturing a damage system inspired by Top Secret/S.I. (another great but forgotten game from the 80's) and a remake of the Mechanon for use in Alpha Dawn game rules. This issue also has an excellent article featuring Yazirian clans, rounding out that great race! More great cover art by Mark Garlick.
Frontier Technical Journal - Chronocoms, new and old Yazirian Clans - Calling all Clansmen!... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
Pay What You Want
The first issue made completely by a staff of fellow fans of the 'zine, issue 9 was as much a hit as those which came before it. With more cover art by Mark Garlick, the zine has continued its path of free sci fi goodness!
A skilled Frontier - Alternate skill system Artisian Skill (PSA) - Skills for dealing with art Gaming Resources - Sources for inspiration Plants Named Scree - A new vegetable... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
Pay What You Want
Can't believe it's already 10 issues strong! The webzine continues with a lighter content but delivered a bit faster than previous issues. This issue comes with some nifty mercenary organizations for use in your frontier, as well as some additional support for older articles on ablative damage! Cover art by Vic Barreto.
Frontier Feedback - Letters to the Editor Abstract Refereeing - Refereeing... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
Pay What You Want
This issue has some nifty new cover art by Gavin Dady, as well as some great articles by submitters - some of which are being published here for the first time. That shows our webzine is growing and reaching others!
Star Frontiers Without Subspace Radios - Campaign background material Sources For Miniatures - Where to get your minis Military Ship Design - Rules for building new military ships... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
Pay What You Want
An exceptionally large issue, weighing in at a whopping 82 pages! This issue features some great articles, new equipment and technology, some great articles, and a much-needed errata for the Digitally Remastered Alpha Dawn book. Twelve issues - but it took a lot longer than 12 months to accomplish. Great cover art by Gary Tonge.
Frontier Feedback Alpha Dawn Remastered Errata TIME BOMB Story... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
Pay What You Want
Can you believe were up to Issue 13? I’m amazed at the content submitted by readers each issue. It’s exciting to see the diversity of submissions. If you have not submitted content to this webzine consider doing so for the next Issue. We’d love to hear from you. This issue I’d like to announce a new development in our group. On the cover you will notice a “DwD Studios” logo. Bill and... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
Pay What You Want
Issue 14 brings a wealth of goodies. Many thanks go out to our content submitters, artists and editor’s. Most of the articles presented are from members at the Star Frontiers development site. We would love to hear from Frontiersman everywhere – please write to us at Submissions@StarFrontiersman.com IN THE NEWS Rob Lang at The Free RPG Blog reviews the Remastered Alpha Dawn book. Dotar Sojat... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
Pay What You Want
All I can say is “what a great issue” you now hold in your hands. I’m very pleased to work with so many talented writers, artists and creative zealots! You make this magazine awesome. Raise your dice hand high! Frontier News - d00 System by DwD Studios - Star Frontiersman Wiki - d00 Tables by DwD Studios - World vs Hero - Re-mastered Alpha Dawn Archetypes - Osakar Linguist, Humma Survivalist... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
Pay What You Want
Merry Christmas To All and To All A Good Frontiersman!
A huge thanks to the entire Star Frontiersman Staff, they worked very hard to get this issue out by Christmas – Sam Quier, Tom Stephens and Thomas Verreault.
Our largest issue yet (eventually there had to be one right?) you’ll find a special treat from Dominic (Nick) Pelletier after the classifieds. A mammoth list of AD/KH and SFman equipment,... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
Pay What You Want
One of the biggest draws to Star Frontiers was the artwork. The race write-ups were very brief, however, I could imagine what a vrusk or dralasite would move and act like by “characters in action” images provided thought the product line. This fanzine has depicted a like feeling and I can’t thank our artists enough. Drop them a line on the Star Frontiersman Guestbook http://starfrontiersman.com/guestbook... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
Pay What You Want
Welcome to the long awaited issue, celebrating the 30th “Anniversary” of Star Frontiers.
We started out this year in celebration with a Virtual Con in March. Thank you to all who helped set it up, and to everyone who participated. We had participation from coast to coast.
As you can see, there have been a few changes to the Star Frontiersman. We have a new layout (crafted by Bill Logan in a secret... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
Pay What You Want
This issue you will see that we have a rather large Creature section. Many have traveled across the Frontier to bring back the knowledge of strange and wonderous beasts. Some are dangerous and some could be considered pets. Just remember to feed them and love them if you decide to take one home.
A warning also about the Frontier Fiction PDF “Vrusk Headace” in the zip file with this issue. It is... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
Pay What You Want
Another issue of The Star Frontiersman has come.
In Issue #19, I forgot to credit Shell Allan Shoemake for his creature art in the “An Aliens’ Best Friend “article. My apologies Shell. Sometimes it’s the details that kill us. One other mishap also was that Shadow Shack’s deck plans for the Eorna Fighter disappeared. They are located on the last page of his Assault Scout article in this... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
Pay What You Want
So the next issue of the Star Frontiersman is out and you are trying to figure out when am I going to get a chance to read this cool issue? I say, do it now.
As promised, “Day of the Juggernaut” Remastered is in this issue. You will find a good variety of information, from adventures to new make-up fashion.
We also have a couple of good fiction pieces in this issue.
Nicholas Cloister at Monsters... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
Pay What You Want
Another issue of the Star Frontiersman has come. I hope you have enjoyed the timing of the last few issues.
Enjoy J. A. Davis’ artwork on the cover and throughout the issue.
We have another adventure by Rollo (a.k.a. Ben Gorman). I just hope you don’t get infected.
A good spaceship addition to the commerce of the Frontier as well as another remastered Dragon article.
From Eric Johnson, there... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
Pay What You Want
Welcome to Issue #23. It has been a long road to getting the issues out this year. Hopefully this issue finds you in the mood to delve into the mind of the Sathar.
Our group of idea people at Starfrotniers.us has been delving into the sathar year. Issue #6 of the Frontier Explorer has shown us more of the sathar than we probably wanted to know. Now, thanks to Ben Gorman (a.k.a. Rollo), we have been... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
Pay What You Want
In this issue of the Star Frontiersman, we have a mix of the old and new. I suppose though that that is the case with each issue.
We have a really good vehicle supplement from Andy Campbell over at the SF-Un group on Yahoo. I have included the link here so you can check out the discussions and see what else is new. http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/SF-Un/
Last issue we got introduced to the Gold... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
Pay What You Want
Welcome to Issue #25 of the StarFrontiersman.
You may have thought that the VOID swallowed us up or maybe Sathar agents destroyed us. But no, in reality, life happens and so there have been delays in getting this Amazing issue published. But have no fear, things are changing.
Thank you to Ben Gorman for the adventure, his lovely wife for proofreading, all of the great artists and everyone else who... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
Pay What You Want
Alpha Dawn... stage one of the Star Frontiers™ science fiction game system.
A great way to enter the world of science fiction role playing.
These Basic Rules teach you how to create characters, move and fight on the game map, and how to create adventures of your own. The included adventure, Crash on Volturnus, is simple enough for both beginning players and referees.... [click here for more] |
Wizards of the Coast |
The adventure is explosive...
Volturnus: a barren, hostile world. When a pirate attack stranded your party of adventurers here, your luck and skill, and the help of the Ul-Mor enabled you to survive.
The Kurabanda, a mysterious tree dwelling race, are your only hope of finding the lost explorers you seek. On this planet of mystery and danger, survival itself is doubtful. Are you equal to the challenge... [click here for more] |
Wizards of the Coast |
Two weeks to save the world...
Since you crash-landed here, Volturnus has been a planet of constant surprise and peril. You defeated the Star Devil's pirates and made contact with four intelligent races native to the planet. Your adventures with them made clear that these alien races would be valuable members of the UPF—if they manage to survive.
The vicious Sathar are on their way to Volturnus... [click here for more] |
Wizards of the Coast |
You're trapped on the outer reaches of a frozen, desolate moonscape. Your parabatteries are dead, and your Stamina is at a new low. Suddenly, a flock of winged rippers swoops down out of the cold, starry sky. You reach for your Laser Rifle. But wait! You're out of ammo! Way to go, Flash.
You forgot to use your character record sheets.
The new Star Frontiers® Character... [click here for more] |
Wizards of the Coast |
Experience an outer space product of your imagination.
Your imagination becomes your secret weapon.
By choosing one of the four ready-made scenarios or creating a situation of your own, the campaign begins. You'll face the excitement of ship-to-ship combat and plan your tactical victories on the Knight Hawks game board. You'll learn all details of spaceship design and operation. And by combining... [click here for more] |
Wizards of the Coast |
The starship Omicron, the pride of the Pan Galactic Corporation, disappeared years ago on its first voyage. Recently the ship was found drifting in space, the passengers and crew killed by a strange and virulent disease. The ship was decontaminated, refueled, and made ready for operations. The PGC has hired eight adventurers to "babysit" the Omicron on her voyage back to a Corporation starport.... [click here for more] |
Wizards of the Coast |
Dramune! A system of conflict at the edge of the frontier. It's two life-bearing planets stand poised on opposite sides of an uneasy peace. Only the thin leash on one planet's democratic idealism prevents interplanetary war.
Far across the galazy, a dying captain carries an explosive secret. In his battered but swift freighter he hides a curious cargo. A cargo that will snap the leash preserving Dramune's... [click here for more] |
Wizards of the Coast |
"Today, the distinguished scientist and philanthropist Dr. Jack Legrange received the Fulborn-McCoy price in recognition of his pioneering work in the field of bioengineering.
"The ceremony, held before an invited audience of renowned academics, however, was not without a whiff of scandal. Reliable sources close to the Awards Committee hinted to journalists that 'undue influence' had been brought... [click here for more] |
Wizards of the Coast |
Starmist! A new planet, discovered by a Vrusk merchant ship. A planet whose surface is a frozen waste crossed by giant canyons, kilometers deep. In those canyons are air, water, life and above all, mystery.
After an emergency landing on Starmist, Maximillian Malligigg, Second Officer of the VSS Centispeed, stumbled on a puzzling clue. While his fellow crewmen repaired the drive on their ship, Max... [click here for more] |
Wizards of the Coast |
After decades of research, the University of Zebulon has published the first volume of its long-awaited guide to the worlds, beings, and technology of the Frontier.
Compiled herein is the latest information on recently discovered races, star systems, worlds, and technology. Several unusual races have been encountered on the edges of the ever-expanding Frontier. These races are fully described and... [click here for more] |
Wizards of the Coast |
Sitting in a burned out clearing, the survey ship Eleanor Moraes looks just like she did 45 hours ago. But now, most of her crew lies positioned in the thick alien brush around the clearing—silent and unseen. They're tough and resourceful—experts in their fields.
Onboard is the first officer, a skilled and determined Star Law Ranger—also a ruthless mutineer. He alone controls the ship's laser... [click here for more] |
Wizards of the Coast |
As far as you know, no one has ever before captured an intact Sathar spaceship. You had one (until it blew itself up), and that makes you valuable property where the UPF is concerned.
Clues from that Sathar ship hint that the Sathar have a base in the FS 30 system, an unexplored star system just beyond the Frontier sector. The UPF want it checked out, and wants your group to do the checking.
The... [click here for more] |
Wizards of the Coast |
"Venturi is a gas giant - a huge ball of gas that tried to be a star, but never quite made it. Now it just moans and grumbles and throws out magnetic storms once in a while. The atmosphere would suffocate you except that you'd probably freeze first, or be torn apart by the thousand kilometer an hour winds. You can't even land there because it hasn't got a surface, not unless you count an ocean of... [click here for more] |
Wizards of the Coast |
You press against the steel hatchway as the explorer bounds up the river bank, out of the water. Over the roar of the engines comes the unmistakable whine of a high-performance groundcar. Quickly, you scan the horizon. At first the plain appears empty. Then you see them.
"Bandits at 11 o'clock. Three of them!" you shout into your chronocom. Instantly, the driver slams the heavy explorer into reverse,... [click here for more] |
Wizards of the Coast |
Years have passed since the end of the Sathar Wars, but skirmishes with Sathar raiders and infiltrators have continued. However, there has never been an opportunity to learn much about this wily and elusive foe — until now.
Courageous volunteers are needed to carry the fight against the Sathar to the very edge of the unknown. The prize is a major Sathar base and, perhaps, a live prisoner. However,... [click here for more] |
Wizards of the Coast |
Star Frontiersman Vol 2 Issue 26 is bringing new content to the Star Frontiers community, supporting play, community, and the Star Frontiers revival. Inside you will find regular features like Frontier Cartography, Frontier Facts & Lore, Jump Routes (to SF content on the web), the Frontier's Most Wanted, a mine layer deck plan, fiction, review of mine laying and sweeping, a new look at the seeker... [click here for more] |
Frontier Games & Publishing |
Star Frontiersman Vol 2 Issue 27 is bringing new content to the Star Frontiers community, supporting play, community, and the Star Frontiers revival. Inside you will find regular features like Frontier Cartography, Frontier Facts & Lore, Jump Routes (to SF content on the web), the Frontier's Most Wanted, a Harmonized New Pale Breif, and the Medical Adventures theme for this issue. The Medical Adventures... [click here for more] |
Frontier Games & Publishing |
Star Frontiersman2 is a fan magazine dedicated to the old-school sci-fi RPG, Star Frontiers. This fan magazine will have a wide appeal to fans of Firefly/Serenity, Traveller, and The Expanse as it delivers 65 pages of sci-fi fun and adventure set in the Frontier setting. This issue's theme is adventures in the Devco System. The planet Cass has a barely breathable atmosphere and its inhabitants are... [click here for more] |
Frontier Games & Publishing |
Star Frontiersman2 is a fan magazine dedicated to the old-school sci-fi RPG, Star Frontiers. This fan magazine will have a wide appeal to fans of Firefly/Serenity, Traveller, and The Expanse. This issue is a "Mega Issue" to celebrate 1 year of the magazine being back in print and clocks in at 95 pages of sci-fi RPG goodness. This issue's theme is adventures in the New Streel system including the scouting... [click here for more] |
Frontier Games & Publishing |
Star Frontiersman Vol 2 Issue 30 is bringing new content to the Star Frontiers community, supporting play, community, and the Star Frontiers revival. Inside you will find regular features like Frontier Cartography, In the Minzii Market Place, the Frontier's Most Wanted, a themed section on a rogue planet called Hades that happens to be a pirate haven, review of swimming and water vehicle combat rules,... [click here for more] |
Frontier Games & Publishing |
Star Frontiersman Vol 2 brings new content to the Star Frontiers community, supporting play, community, and the Star Frontiers revival. In this issue we have adventure writing advice from RPG legend and the first editor of Dragon magazine, Tim Kaslk! A fresh look at shotguns in the Frontier, a rogues gallery of non player characters, Operation: Dreadnought, the Devil's Triangle regular feature, as... [click here for more] |
Frontier Games & Publishing |
Star Frontiersman Vol 2 brings new content to the Star Frontiers community, supporting play, community, and the Star Frontiers revival. In this issue we have adventure writing advice from RPG legend and the first editor of Dragon magazine, Tim Kaslk! A fresh look at shotguns in the Frontier, a rogues gallery of non player characters, Operation: Dreadnought, the Devil's Triangle regular feature, as... [click here for more] |
Frontier Games & Publishing |
Star Frontiersman Vol 2 brings new content to the Star Frontiers community, supporting play, community, and the Star Frontiers revival. In this issue we have one shot adventures, deck plans, a new look at "tangler" technology, and more from the Devil' Triangle Files.
Inside every issue you will find equipment, critters, adversaryies, adventures, RPG advice, and links to resources and products... [click here for more] |
Frontier Games & Publishing |
 The Thunderbird class 700 ton Heavy Corsair Star Ship Deck Plan is a pocket warship favored by space pirates for its armor, gun turrets and missile bays, with a crew of 10 and 10 cold sleep pods. This was designed using Traveller RPG ship rules and stats, but can easily fit your Star Wars, Star Frontiers, Eclipse Phase or any science fiction game system and setting.
This product includes a 2 page... [click here for more] |
Gamer Printshop |
It is a continent of raw beauty and wondrous magics—of marauding hordes and avenging champions—it is Taladas, the forgotten continent of Krynn first revealed in the best-selling Dragonlance supplement Time of the Dragon.
Now, this incredible setting is brought to life and made ready for adventuring with New Beginnings. This essential adventure provides all the information... [click here for more] |
Wizards of the Coast |