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GURPS Basic Set: Characters

GURPS Basic Set: Characters

GURPS is the most flexible roleplaying system ever created. With just this book, you can adventure in any world you can imagine. Use all types of weapons from clubs to lasers . . . magic and martial arts . . . psionics and superpowers. Create exactly the character you want to play . . . your favorite fictional hero, or your own invention. Choose from over 400 advantages and...   [click here for more]
Steve Jackson Games  $30.00

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GURPS Basic Set: Campaigns

GURPS Basic Set: Campaigns

With GURPS, you can be anyone you want - an elf hero fighting for the forces of good, a shadowy femme fatale on a deep-cover mission, a futuristic swashbuckler carving up foes with a force sword in his hand and a beautiful woman by his side . . . or literally anything else! GURPS has been the premiere universal roleplaying game for almost two decades....   [click here for more]
Steve Jackson Games  $25.00

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GURPS Bio-Tech

GURPS Bio-Tech

The Future is Alive "Who needs chrome, pal? Meat is where it's at now. Mother Nature always did it best - she just needed a little help. Get down to the black clinic, old-timer, and you can be 15 again. That is, if you still want to be human at all." It's the technology of the posthuman age: biotech! Upgrade your old body with steroids and smart drugs, transplants, and viral nano . . . or...   [click here for more]
Steve Jackson Games  $25.00

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GURPS High-Tech

GURPS High-Tech

It's All Here! From the Industrial Revolution to the Digital Age, GURPS High-Tech lets you outfit adventurers of all stripes, be they a pioneer party just trying to survive or a SWAT team taking down bad guys. Its meticulously researched TL5-8 hardware includes: Weapons. Descriptions and stats for hundreds of historical weapons - small arms (from muskets...   [click here for more]
Steve Jackson Games  $28.00

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GURPS Ultra-Tech

GURPS Ultra-Tech

Weapons, Vehicles, and Gadgets GURPS Ultra-Tech is the sourcebook for science-fiction technology, from the near future to the farthest reaches of the imagination. It's a valuable companion to GURPS Space, GURPS Bio-Tech, and GURPS Infinite Worlds, and an exceptional resource for any character...   [click here for more]
Steve Jackson Games  $25.00

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Magic is Everywhere Completely revised and updated for GURPS Fourth Edition, this PDF combines the spells from the Third Edition GURPS Magic and GURPS Grimoire, plus dozens of all-new spells, for the ultimate tome of magic! Within these virtual pages, crackling with mystic energies, you'll find: The core magic system for...   [click here for more]
Steve Jackson Games  $25.00

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GURPS Martial Arts

GURPS Martial Arts

Fighting Around the World Every culture has warriors who hone their strength, tactics, and aggression to a deadly edge. Legionaries, knights, samurai, fencers, wrestlers . . . all are martial artists. GURPS Martial Arts gives you the tools to create and play these dedicated fighters: Descriptions and statistics for over 100 fighting styles of all kinds. Nearly 100...   [click here for more]
Steve Jackson Games  $28.00

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GURPS Powers

GURPS Powers

Save the World . . . or Destroy It! GURPS Powers is the ultimate book for the ultimate characters in the new Fourth Edition of GURPS! Here's everything you need to create every kind of amazing, off-the-chart superhero you can imagine . . . as well as amazing wizards, wuxia fighters, shamans who command spirits . . . even gods! Written by GURPS...   [click here for more]
Steve Jackson Games  $25.00

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GURPS Fantasy

GURPS Fantasy

Are You Looking For a Good Fantasy? Fantasy - from ancient myths to popular films, stories of heroes and magic have captured the human imagination. Now GURPS offers roleplayers a comprehensive guide to the entire Fantasy genre. Building on the flexible, streamlined Fourth Edition rules, it helps you develop a campaign to explore the world of your favorite book or...   [click here for more]
Steve Jackson Games  $25.00

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GURPS Thaumatology

GURPS Thaumatology

Feel the Power! Fantasy settings are defined by their magic . . . so different worlds need different magic systems. GURPS Thaumatology has GURPS Fourth Edition updates of the best Third Edition magic variants, plus many all-new options. This mighty tome includes: Minor tweaks for the spell-based magic of the Basic Set:...   [click here for more]
Steve Jackson Games  $30.00

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GURPS Horror

GURPS Horror

It's back . . . and the fear has grown! GURPS Horror, Fourth Edition, is the latest incarnation of one of the most popular GURPS supplements ever . . . and now it's been given a new lease on unnatural life by horror master Kenneth Hite. Its time-tested advice on running scary campaigns has been expanded to include current trends and tropes,...   [click here for more]
Steve Jackson Games  $20.00

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GURPS Low-Tech

GURPS Low-Tech

Welcome to the Past! GURPS Low-Tech covers the basic tools used by historical adventurers from the Stone Age to the Age of Sail -- and still used by modern survivalists and post-apocalypse survivors when the high-tech toys fail. Weapons and armor from antlers and rawhide to warhammers and heavy mail; adventure and travel gear from simple stone knives to early submarines;...   [click here for more]
Steve Jackson Games  $20.00

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GURPS Banestorm

GURPS Banestorm

A World of Magic Welcome to the land of Yrth, a magical realm of incredibly varied races and monsters - including people snatched from our Earth and other worlds by the cataclysmic Banestorm! Whole villages were transported - from such diverse locales as medieval England, France, Germany, and the Far East. Now humans struggle with dwarves, elves, and each other. The Crusades aren't ancient history...   [click here for more]
Steve Jackson Games  $25.00

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GURPS Infinite Worlds

GURPS Infinite Worlds

Infinite Worlds . . . Infinite Adventure! The good news is, there are other Earths. Maybe an infinite number. The bad news is, somebody out there doesn't like us. The shuttles of Infinity Unlimited jump between parallel Earths, seeking adventure, profit, knowledge, and even entertainment. But a parallel called Centrum has also developed the technology to hop between the worlds . . . and they...   [click here for more]
Steve Jackson Games  $25.00

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The Future Is Yours! It's the ultimate toolkit for building strange new worlds and alien civilizations. GURPS Space puts campaign-planning advice and space science at your fingertips, so you can create a setting that is plausible and fun! Does your game feature gritty asteroid miners, or blaster-waving fighter jocks? Choose the space travel and technology that give the right...   [click here for more]
Steve Jackson Games  $25.00

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GURPS Zombies

GURPS Zombies

Undead, Infected, or Just Plain Cursed? So . . . you think you know zombies. Are you sure? You want to be certain about something like chopping off an arm after a crazy person gets bitey, and it would be most unfortunate if you were looking out for the walking dead when a little kid with a fever lunged for your brains. If only there were a guide to all this stuff! GURPS...   [click here for more]
Steve Jackson Games  $20.00

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GURPS Mysteries

GURPS Mysteries

A Dame Walks Into Your Office . . . A dead body, no witnesses, and a room full of suspects with perfect alibis - can you find the killer and bring him to justice? Learn the secrets of mystery fiction and what will, and will not, work in an RPG mystery. Learn how to be a better investigator. Learn the problems you are likely to encounter in a low-tech, magic, super-tech, or horror...   [click here for more]
Steve Jackson Games  $15.00

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GURPS Mass Combat

GURPS Mass Combat

There Will Be War! Whether you're trying to stop the Dark Lord's invading army, lead a Ranger company against the Axis in WWII, or command your own crack mercenary regiment in a far-flung star empire, you're likely to get into battles that are far too big to resolve with ordinary GURPS combat. GURPS Mass Combat is the answer! It presents a powerful...   [click here for more]
Steve Jackson Games  $11.00

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GURPS Supers

GURPS Supers

Men Like Gods The 20th century gave birth to a new genre of fiction: the super-powered adventure. Men and women with strange powers gave a visible expression to the reader's sense of wonder, as they protected ordinary mortals from a variety of threats, from street crime to world-shattering disasters. When roleplaying games were invented, supers quickly became one of their most popular genres - and...   [click here for more]
Steve Jackson Games  $16.00

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GURPS Spaceships

GURPS Spaceships

Three, two, one . . . Blast off! GURPS Spaceships is the long-awaited companion to GURPS Space, presenting rules for TL7-12 spacecraft, from tiny lifeboats to giant dreadnoughts. It covers spaceship design, travel, and operations, along with a (mapless) space combat system. The ship design and operation rules in GURPS Spaceships...   [click here for more]
Steve Jackson Games  $12.00

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GURPS Psionic Powers

GURPS Psionic Powers

Behold the power of the mind! GURPS Psionic Powers takes the freeform options of GURPS Powers and turns them into ready-to-use packages of psychic strangeness. You can use the abilities as presented, confident that they are built from -- and entirely compatible with -- the rest of the GURPS Fourth Edition character-creation...   [click here for more]
Steve Jackson Games  $13.00

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GURPS Tactical Shooting

GURPS Tactical Shooting

As Real as a Fistful of Steel! The smell of black powder and cordite. The momentary blinding of a muzzle flash. The deafening roar of a close-quarter shot. Forget the movies; true shooting is exciting enough for a thousand stories -- if you live long enough to tell the tale. GURPS Tactical Shooting does for life-like shooting what GURPS Martial Arts...   [click here for more]
Steve Jackson Games  $14.00

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In a world . . . where the line between evil and honor is drawn by a bullet, only one supplement dares to lay down the law of the gun: GURPS Gun Fu. GURPS Gun Fu has everything you need for action-packed cinematic GURPS gunplay: A description and explanation of what the gun fu genre is and how to emulate it. Rules...   [click here for more]
Steve Jackson Games  $11.00

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GURPS Social Engineering

GURPS Social Engineering

Be More Social! Since the dawn of time, humans have relied on social abilities to survive, thrive, and ensure the continuation of the species. However, these interactions have traditionally been addressed with far fewer rules than combat and other physical challenges. GURPS Social Engineering changes everything. This supplement provides detailed rules for every type of common...   [click here for more]
Steve Jackson Games  $15.00

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GURPS City Stats

GURPS City Stats

Since the dawn of history, people have come to cities – to visit, to pass through, to stay. And bustling streets provide opportunities for adventure. GURPS City Stats offers cohesive rules to define a city's impact on adventurers. A new stat block provides a compact way to write up a city, just like a character, vehicle, or planet. Guidelines for using urban regions in...   [click here for more]
Steve Jackson Games  $7.00

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GURPS Fantasy-Tech 1: The Edge of Reality

GURPS Fantasy-Tech 1: The Edge of Reality

Researchers, scientists, and engineers have worked for millennia trying to turn the possible into the practical. But for every successful innovation, thousands have remained tantalizingly out of reach, lurking just a hair's breadth from the feasible . . . just an aching angstrom beyond the achievable . . . just beyond the edge of reality. GURPS Fantasy-Tech 1: The Edge of...   [click here for more]
Steve Jackson Games  $9.00

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GURPS Low-Tech Companion 1: Philosophers and Kings

GURPS Low-Tech Companion 1: Philosophers and Kings

It's Good To Be the King! The learned and powerful might not labor, but they do work. Low-Tech Companion 1: Philosophers and Kings takes a look at the "technologies" they need to do their jobs at TL0-4. With it, you can: Take charge by choosing your political system and learning what abilities you need to stay on top. Wow the masses with temples,...   [click here for more]
Steve Jackson Games  $9.00

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GURPS Low-Tech Companion 2: Weapons and Warriors

GURPS Low-Tech Companion 2: Weapons and Warriors

The Art Of War The master warrior doesn't simply snatch up his sword and hurl himself into battle. He adapts his tools to his goals, knows his weaknesses as well as his strengths, and leads his allies to victory. Low-Tech Companion 2: Weapons and Warriors expands on the already-encyclopedic information on TL0-4 warfare in GURPS Low-Tech, adding: History....   [click here for more]
Steve Jackson Games  $9.00

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GURPS Low-Tech Companion 3: Daily Life and Economics

GURPS Low-Tech Companion 3: Daily Life and Economics

Butcher, Baker, Candlestick-Maker Society is built on the backs of people who gather resources and turn them into food, shelter, and finished goods. Low-Tech Companion 3: Daily Life and Economics looks at the lot of ordinary TL0-4 folk -- much of which is of concern to adventurers, too! Contents include: Food. How to gather and prepare it, whether you're raising...   [click here for more]
Steve Jackson Games  $11.00

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GURPS Low-Tech: Instant Armor

GURPS Low-Tech: Instant Armor

The Best Defense Every low-tech fighter (and every gamer!) knows that the secret to surviving slings and arrows -- not to mention swords, musket balls, and dragon bites -- is a good suit of armor. GURPS Low-Tech and GURPS Low-Tech Companion 2: Weapons and Warriors deliver handsomely in that department . . . but it can take a lot of number-juggling...   [click here for more]
Steve Jackson Games  $7.00

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GURPS Power-Ups 1: Imbuements

GURPS Power-Ups 1: Imbuements

The Power is Within You! Ever wanted your character to pick up a sword - any sword - and make it a "flaming sword"? How about a gunfighter who could pick up any pistol and bypass armor without changing ammo? Now you can! Sean "Dr. Kromm" Punch has written GURPS Power-Ups 1: Imbuements specifically to address this ability. With skills falling somewhere between cinematic...   [click here for more]
Steve Jackson Games  $6.00

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GURPS Power-Ups 2: Perks

GURPS Power-Ups 2: Perks

Penny Candy for Your Character! Everybody loves little bonuses for next to nothing. In GURPS, that means Perks -- one point advantages that add just a little edge to your character, and a whole mess 'o flavor. But like sweet treats, can you ever have enough? Sean "Dr. Kromm" Punch, architect of GURPS Fourth Edition, gathers together dozens...   [click here for more]
Steve Jackson Games  $7.00

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GURPS Power-Ups 3: Talents

GURPS Power-Ups 3: Talents

There Is No Substitute for Talent Training is good, but being a "natural" is better! GURPS Fourth Edition brings this real-life adage to the gaming table with Talents - advantages that improve groups of related skills and make them easier to learn. But so many Talents appear in so many GURPS supplements that choosing among them can involve...   [click here for more]
Steve Jackson Games  $7.00

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GURPS Power-Ups 4: Enhancements

GURPS Power-Ups 4: Enhancements

Enhance Your Game! Enhancements are useful tools, providing unlimited ways to modify advantages. GURPS Power-Ups 4: Enhancements adds to the material from the GURPS Basic Set to provide new and powerful options. This is a one-stop compendium of all general enhancements introduced after the Basic Set was released...   [click here for more]
Steve Jackson Games  $7.00

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GURPS Power-Ups 5: Impulse Buys

GURPS Power-Ups 5: Impulse Buys

Strike a Bargain with Fate Spending character points on permanent abilities is wonderful – but it doesn't guarantee that the dice will be nice. Sometimes, you don't want to leave the story to the mercy of random rolls! To solve this problem, GURPS Fourth Edition offers the alternative of players using points to buy successes and influence the game world. GURPS...   [click here for more]
Steve Jackson Games  $7.00

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How to Be a GURPS GM

How to Be a GURPS GM

The Student's Guide to Ultimate Power GURPS! A game with infinite possibilities. Even those familiar with this award-winning system may not feel they've mastered the fundamentals . . . and those just starting with this game may feel lost amid the possibilities. You want help. You could use a guide. You need How to Be a GURPS GM. For the...   [click here for more]
Steve Jackson Games  $12.00

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GURPS Dragons

GURPS Dragons

Dragons! The most fabulous of all fabulous beasts. Throughout history, around the world, tales of fire-breathing monsters have stirred awe and terror. Now . . . play a dragon. Take to the air with prodigious wingbeats, soaring effortlessly for hundreds of miles. Terrify your foes with fire, claws, and teeth. Gather your hoard. Study ancient lore and magic . . . and take human form to walk...   [click here for more]
Steve Jackson Games  $20.00

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GURPS Thaumatology: Magical Styles

GURPS Thaumatology: Magical Styles

Academy, fraternity, guild, order, school, society . . . fantasy has many names for wizardly cliques and factions. Sometimes, these are merely social constructs. Just as often, though, such groups represent philosophically distinct sects with unique magical methods, known as magical arts or styles. GURPS Thaumatology: Magical Styles aims to bring this richness to...   [click here for more]
Steve Jackson Games  $9.00

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GURPS Magical Styles: Dungeon Magic

GURPS Magical Styles: Dungeon Magic

Stylish Spell-Slingers Some traditional fantasy wizards learn their art as apprentices to archmages, some attend formal academies, and still others are guided by philosophies rather than teachers. This influences what spells and tricks of the trade the magic-user learns, and what guild, brotherhood, or order he eventually joins. Two equally talented mages might master specialties so different that...   [click here for more]
Steve Jackson Games  $9.00

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GURPS Powers: Divine Favor

GURPS Powers: Divine Favor

When All Else Fails . . . Pray! In times of trouble, believers in many settings may call on a higher power for help. Some of the time, that higher power answers the call . . . GURPS Powers: Divine Favor presents a complete system for miraculous intervention. Subtle or stupendous, quiet or cacophonous, the powers herein are perfect for any holy-minded hero hoping to save his...   [click here for more]
Steve Jackson Games  $6.00

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GURPS Spaceships 2: Traders, Liners, and Transports

GURPS Spaceships 2: Traders, Liners, and Transports

Taking Care of Business . . . Intrepid space traders struggling to make a fortune - or just a living - by carrying freight and passengers between the stars are a staple of science fiction. GURPS Spaceships 2 provides statistics and descriptions for dozens of interplanetary and interstellar commercial vessels, from tiny shuttlecraft and rugged tramp freighters to the sleek...   [click here for more]
Steve Jackson Games  $9.00

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GURPS Spaceships 3: Warships and Space Pirates

GURPS Spaceships 3: Warships and Space Pirates

Arm Missiles! Fire Lasers! The battle klaxons have sounded! GURPS Spaceships 3: Warships and Space Pirates provides ships and game mechanics for exciting space combat between medium and large vessels. It includes an overview of space navy and pirate operations; it also features GURPS Spaceships statistics for dozens of sample warships, from patrol...   [click here for more]
Steve Jackson Games  $9.00

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GURPS Spaceships 4: Fighters, Carriers, and Mecha

GURPS Spaceships 4: Fighters, Carriers, and Mecha

Red Five, He's On My Tail! One person, one ship -- and even odds on returning home. GURPS Spaceships 4: Fighters, Carriers, and Mecha provides the ships and game mechanics needed for space-fighter and carrier action. It offers GURPS Spaceships statistics and descriptions for dozens of combat spaceships for the near-future and beyond, from tiny-but-agile...   [click here for more]
Steve Jackson Games  $9.00

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GURPS Spaceships 5: Exploration and Colony Spacecraft

GURPS Spaceships 5: Exploration and Colony Spacecraft

Explore Uncharted Stars! With these vessels of metal and plastic and a crew of hearty souls, ancient dreams of roaming the cosmos can be made real! GURPS Spaceships 5: Exploration and Colony Spacecraft is a toolkit that gives GMs the ships and game mechanics needed for campaigns focusing on deep-space exploration. It includes GURPS Spaceships statistics...   [click here for more]
Steve Jackson Games  $9.00

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GURPS Spaceships 6: Mining and Industrial Spacecraft

GURPS Spaceships 6: Mining and Industrial Spacecraft

There's Gold in Them Thar Moons! GURPS Spaceships 6: Mining and Industrial Spacecraft equips you to exploit the not-so-empty void for commercial gain. It includes 29 ready-to-use vessels, from orbital factories, mining platforms, and shipyards . . . through salvage spacecraft, tugs, and tankers . . . to the TL12^ Leviathan-class constructor, for those times when you...   [click here for more]
Steve Jackson Games  $9.00

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GURPS Spaceships 7: Divergent and Paranormal Tech

GURPS Spaceships 7: Divergent and Paranormal Tech

Ether and Magic and Psi . . . Oh My! GURPS Spaceships 7: Divergent and Paranormal Tech introduces dozens of new options for spacefaring vessels, allowing them to go where no traditional technology has gone before! Now shipwrights can add tachyon sails, digestive systems, magical power plants, armor made of wood or orichalcum, plus other strange and wonderful innovations. This...   [click here for more]
Steve Jackson Games  $9.00

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GURPS Thaumatology: Ritual Path Magic

GURPS Thaumatology: Ritual Path Magic

You Can Do Anything! Magic is a creative force, and those who can harness its full potential can change the universe. This is the core of GURPS Thaumatology: Ritual Path Magic, a complete, stand-alone, and self-contained magic system for GURPS. Designed to emulate the magic of real-world traditions and popular books, movies, and television shows,...   [click here for more]
Steve Jackson Games  $11.00

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GURPS Thaumatology: Sorcery

GURPS Thaumatology: Sorcery

Unlimited Options, Unlimited Power GURPS often treats spells as skills, balancing stronger magic not with point costs but by requiring more time, risk, energy, or all three. Yet wizards in some settings can conduct rituals -- even powerful ones -- quickly, safely, and repeatedly. These magic-users wield a kind of innate magic known as sorcery. GURPS Thaumatology:...   [click here for more]
Steve Jackson Games  $9.00

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GURPS High-Tech: Adventure Guns

GURPS High-Tech: Adventure Guns

Armed For Adventure The mid-19th through early 20th centuries were the time of rough-and-tumble Wild West gunslingers and gentlemanly Victorian adventurers alike, an age when death was just a bullet away whether you found yourself in a sooty industrial metropolis or the wilds of the Great White Hunter. With so many people living and dying by the gun, gunsmiths were spurred to revolutionize the art...   [click here for more]
Steve Jackson Games  $11.00

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GURPS Loadouts: Low-Tech Armor

GURPS Loadouts: Low-Tech Armor

Gird for Battle in Any Era For as long as mankind has engaged in violence, we have sought ways to make the sticks, stones, and swords hurt just a little less. GURPS Low-Tech and GURPS Low-Tech: Instant Armor provide the bits and pieces needed to customize your defenses . . . but when you care about historical accuracy, want a proven combination...   [click here for more]
Steve Jackson Games  $11.00

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