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Encounter Building Oracle Deck

Encounter Building Oracle Deck

Use to Play Solo or as GM Aid Click "Alternate Preview" above for the full rulebook or you can get the rulebook as a separate item for free on this page. The Encounter Building Oracle Deck is meant to replace (or at least help) the Game Master in any fantasy-based role-playing game by providing arbitration and creative prompts in any adventure you can imagine.  The system-less design of this deck...   [click here for more]
Eric Bright  Pay What You Want

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Encounter Building Cards: Decisions

Encounter Building Cards: Decisions

Use to Play RPG Solo or as GM Inspiration The Encounter Building Decks are meant to replace (or at least help) the Game Master in any medieval fantasy-based role-playing game by providing locations, traps, combatants, and decision making in any adventure you can imagine.  The system-less design of these decks allow them to be used with your RPG of choice and let the cards be idea generators...   [click here for more]
Eric Bright  Pay What You Want

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Encounter Building Cards: Combat

Encounter Building Cards: Combat

Use to Play RPG Solo or as GM Inspiration The Encounter Building Decks are meant to replace (or at least help) the Game Master in any medieval fantasy-based role-playing game by providing locations, traps, combatants, and decision making in any adventure you can imagine.  The system-less design of these decks allow them to be used with your RPG of choice and let the cards be idea generators...   [click here for more]
Eric Bright  Pay What You Want

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Encounter Building Cards: Locations

Encounter Building Cards: Locations

Use to Play RPG Solo or as GM Inspiration The Encounter Building Decks are meant to replace (or at least help) the Game Master in any medieval fantasy-based role-playing game by providing locations, traps, combatants, and decision making in any adventure you can imagine.  The system-less design of these decks allow them to be used with your RPG of choice and let the cards be idea generators...   [click here for more]
Eric Bright  Pay What You Want

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Encounter Building Cards: Traps

Encounter Building Cards: Traps

Use to Play RPG Solo or as GM Inspiration The Encounter Building Decks are meant to replace (or at least help) the Game Master in any medieval fantasy-based role-playing game by providing locations, traps, combatants, and decision making in any adventure you can imagine.  The system-less design of these decks allow them to be used with your RPG of choice and let the cards be idea generators...   [click here for more]
Eric Bright  Pay What You Want

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NPC Creator and Emulator

NPC Creator and Emulator

PWYW DURING CORONA OUTBREAK!  STAY HOME!  STAY SAFE! The NPC Creator and Emulator is a quick and easy way to bring NPCs to life in your fantasy RPG campaign.  You can also use this to help flesh out a player character if you want.  For creating an NPC or character, there are tables for each of the following: Job Training Social Background Current Economic Status Character Motivation Character...   [click here for more]
Eric Bright  Pay What You Want

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Encounter Building Post-Apocalypse Enclaves

Encounter Building Post-Apocalypse Enclaves

PRICE REDUCED! I've realized I'm not in this for the money.  I'm thankful I still have a job during this crazy pandemic and just want people to enjoy my products at their table so I've lowered this product to a PWYW title.  Please download and enjoy! Finding a Shelter in the Post-Apocalyptic Storm The Encounter Building Post-Apocalypse Enclaves deck gives you 50 ready made enclaves to use with your...   [click here for more]
Eric Bright  Pay What You Want

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Adventure Catalysts: Crowning a King

Adventure Catalysts: Crowning a King

FREE DURING CORONA OUTBREAK!  STAY HOME!  STAY SAFE! Who will be the next ruler of Gilminia? Braithor, the king of Gilminia, was a benevolent and well-loved ruler.  He brought peace to land more often through diplomacy than strength of arms, but led the army himself when war seemed the only solution.  During a hunting outing, he was stung by a poisonous insect, and despite the healers best efforts...   [click here for more]
Eric Bright  Pay What You Want

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Adventure Catalysts: Grand Larceny

Adventure Catalysts: Grand Larceny

FREE DURING CORONA OUTBREAK!  STAY HOME!  STAY SAFE! If only we had the McGuffin... You really need that thing that those other people have.  The only question is will you be able to make it past all the obstacles and trouble along the way to bringing the McGuffin safely back to your realm.  Find out in this Adventure Catalyst!  To see exactly how my Adventure Catalysts work, check out my first...   [click here for more]
Eric Bright  Pay What You Want

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Adventure Catalysts: Slay the Beast

Adventure Catalysts: Slay the Beast

FREE DURING CORONA OUTBREAK!  STAY HOME!  STAY SAFE! The Dreaded Beast Attacks! Maybe it's a rampaging dragon, a raging roc, or a charismatic chimera.  Whatever you decide it should be, the beast is attacking the people of the realm, and they need a defender!  But it won't be as easy as heading straight for the beast and attacking it.  There are many steps along the path of victory.  Will you...   [click here for more]
Eric Bright  Pay What You Want

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Adventure Catalysts: The Attacking Horde

Adventure Catalysts: The Attacking Horde

FREE DURING CORONA OUTBREAK!  STAY HOME!  STAY SAFE! Orc, Goblins, and Ogres!  Oh my! The Horde of bad guys is swarming over the lands.  There are so many of them that many are giving up hope of stopping them.  Why are they here now?  Do they have a weakness?  Can they be stopped?  Find out in this Adventure Catalyst!  To see exactly how my Adventure Catalysts work, check out my first Adventure...   [click here for more]
Eric Bright  Pay What You Want

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Adventure Catalysts: The Fey Abductions

Adventure Catalysts: The Fey Abductions

FREE DURING CORONA OUTBREAK!  STAY HOME!  STAY SAFE! Those Pesky Fey... Yes, they're at it again.  Stirring up trouble by abducting children, the fey have entered the realm of mortals with mischief on the mind.  This adventure catalyst plants the seeds for an overarching plot and several modular encounters that are randomly generated to play through to the climax.  Can you stop the fey and save...   [click here for more]
Eric Bright  Pay What You Want

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Adventure Catalysts: The Sky Collision

Adventure Catalysts: The Sky Collision

FREE DURING CORONA OUTBREAK!  STAY HOME!  STAY SAFE! The Sky is Falling!  Literally! Long ago the world was sundered into great floating land masses perpetually moving through the gravity of the molten core and the whims of wind currents.  There is less light the closer you get to the molten core, and the lands of light and dark are constantly at odds, both populated by polar opposite citizens...   [click here for more]
Eric Bright  Pay What You Want

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Encounter Building Decks Rulebook

Encounter Building Decks Rulebook

This is the Rulebook for the Encounter Building Decks which you can find here: There are currently four specific decks you can use with 60 cards each.  There are also PDF versions of each card deck that has buttons to push within the PDF that will randomly generate the values from the cards.  They are:  Decisions Physical Card Deck– These cards act as the stand-in GM by giving...   [click here for more]
Eric Bright   FREE 

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Encounter Building Oracle Deck Rulebook

Encounter Building Oracle Deck Rulebook

This is the rulebook for the Encounter Building Oracle Deck.  It'll walk you through everything you need to know! NOTE: THIS IS NOT AN ACTUAL PRODUCT BY ITSELF.  It is only the rulebook which has to be listed separately due to a quirk in DriveThru's system.  Click the above link for the actual product. ...   [click here for more]
Eric Bright   FREE 

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Encounter Building Post-Apocalypse Enclaves Rulebook

Encounter Building Post-Apocalypse Enclaves Rulebook

This is the rulebook for the Encounter Building Post-Apocalypse Enclaves deck.  It explains in more detail what info you'll find on the cards.  Enjoy the apocalypse! NOTE: THIS IS NOT AN ACTUAL PRODUCT BY ITSELF.  It is only the rulebook which has to be listed separately due to a quirk in DriveThru's system.  Click the above link for the actual product. ...   [click here for more]
Eric Bright   FREE 

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  Olympia: Campaign Setting