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#WIP - Work in Progress - 2023 - A monthly digital zine

#WIP - Work in Progress - 2023 - A monthly digital zine

#WIP is Bloat Games monthly digital-only zine/ newsletter/ catalog/ community forum/ stream of consciousness/ brain-vomit/ whatever.  The idea behind this is to find a way to effectively communicate with our friends and fans (I hate that term) of BG providing them an inside scoop of what’s all going down behind the scenes, the status of upcoming projects, and a place to really get...   [click here for more]
Bloat Games  $1.00

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Conspiracy Theories A SURVIVE THIS!! Zine:  Issue 1:  The Dark Door

Conspiracy Theories A SURVIVE THIS!! Zine: Issue 1: The Dark Door

PRINT ON DEMAND COMING SOON!! A coupon will be provided for early PDF purchasers once Print on Demand is available for the Print version! Welcome! Come in. Have a seat by the fire and settle in for the inaugural issue of Conspiracy Theories - A Survive This!! Zine devoted to uncovering all the dark secrets that lay buried at Bloat Games headquarters.   Each issue will add new adventure...   [click here for more]
Bloat Games  $0.29

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Conspiracy Theories A SURVIVE THIS!! Zine:  Issue 2:  Frostbitten

Conspiracy Theories A SURVIVE THIS!! Zine: Issue 2: Frostbitten

Welcome! Come in. Have a seat by the fire and settle in for the 2nd issue of Conspiracy Theories - A Survive This!! Zine devoted to uncovering all the dark secrets that lay buried at Bloat Games headquarters.   Each issue will add new adventure seeds, bizarre new npcs / creatures, and ever evolving new campaign content, all connected to the Survive This!! line of games.     Our...   [click here for more]
Bloat Games  $0.29

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SURVIVE THIS!! Dark Places & Demogorgons Class Compendium compiles all of the previously released classes from the Dark Places & Demogorgons Core Book and the many Sourcebooks, 56 in all!  Additionally, there is 10 brand new classes exclusive to the Class Compendium. Each class is expanded to level 10, with each new level, characters will gain new bonuses, abilities, skills and more depth....   [click here for more]
Bloat Games  $9.99 $6.99

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DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS - Holiday Special - FREE pdf

DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS - Holiday Special - FREE pdf

Happy Holidays from Bloat Games Table of Contents   Happy Holidays 1 Never Gonna Give You Up 2 You’ll Never Get Me Pot O’ Gold 4 Peter Rottentail 6 Mother Nature Strikes Back 8 Nightmare on Derby Day 10 A Little Patriotic Spirit 12 All Hallows Evil 14 Happy Thankskilling! 16 Beware The Krampus! 18 Other Holiday...   [click here for more]
Bloat Games   FREE 

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print on demand coming soon!! The Jeffersontown Setting Guide is 140 pages of everything you could ever want to know about Jeffersontown.  From Maps, to History, To Modern Day, To Heroes, Villains, NPCs Monsters...this all inclusive Setting Guide is a one stop shop for all things Jeffersontown! More about DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS Following in the tradition of SURVIVE THIS!! Zombies!...   [click here for more]
Bloat Games  $14.97

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DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS - Martial Arts Mayhem!

DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS - Martial Arts Mayhem!

The Martial Arts craze sweeps across J'town and soon everybody is Kung-Fu Fighting in the Kumite against other Karate Kids and Kickboxers like it's a Blood Sport! TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction 4 The Karate Dojo 5 Martial Art Terms & Rules 6 Belt Progression 8 Martial Arts Classes 9      The Karate Kid 9      Teen Ninja 10      Teen...   [click here for more]
Bloat Games  $4.99

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DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS - Player Options & GM Guide

DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS - Player Options & GM Guide

print on demand now available!! Table of Contents   Skills   4 New Classes 10 Equestrian Show Rider 11 Equestrian Rider 12 Monster Hunter 13 Party Animal 14 The Performer 15 Phantasmagon 16 ROTC Cadet 17...   [click here for more]
Bloat Games  $4.99

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DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS - Santa Muerte Setting Guide

DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS - Santa Muerte Setting Guide

Take your DP&D Campaign out west with this Lost Boys inspired campaign setting! City of the Dead 6 History 8 New Classes 12      Drifter           13      Final Girl 15      Most Exc. Dude 17      Revenant 19      Rocker 23      Talking Animal 25      Teenage...   [click here for more]
Bloat Games  $9.99

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DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS - Survive This!! - Core Rule Book OSR RPG

DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS - Survive This!! - Core Rule Book OSR RPG

Please see video below for actual Drivethrurpg Print of Demand version of this product! Following in the tradition of SURVIVE THIS!! Zombies! comes SURVIVE THIS!! Dark Places & Demogorgons, a tabletop roleplaying game that uses the Original 1970s Fantasy Roleplaying game rules but mutates it into this retro nightmare. It’s sleek, slender and creepy as Hell.   In Dark Places & Demogorgons,...   [click here for more]
Bloat Games  $9.99 $4.99

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DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS - The Cryptid Manual - An OSR Bestiary

DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS - The Cryptid Manual - An OSR Bestiary

"Do you believe in creatures like Bigfoot, The Mothman, The Jersey Devil, The Pope Lick Monster, Chupacabra, Gremlins & Lake Monsters? Well you should! These things are real. They are out there, just beyond the shadows, stalking the unsuspecting. Awaiting the perfect time to strike! Don’t believe me? Then maybe you should check out the Dark Places & Demogorgons Cryptid Manual. It’s based...   [click here for more]
Bloat Games  $9.99 $5.99

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Cryptid Manual II for SURVIVE THIS!! - Contains ALL NEW monsters and is a direct sequel to the original Cryptid Manual for SURVIVE THIS!! - 6x9" "Do you believe in creatures like Bigfoot, The Mothman, The Jersey Devil, The Pope Lick Monster, Chupacabra, Gremlins & Lake Monsters? Well you should! These things are real. They are out there, just beyond the shadows, stalking the unsuspecting....   [click here for more]
Bloat Games  $19.99 $14.99

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DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS - The Cryptid Manual for 5e

DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS - The Cryptid Manual for 5e

The Cryptid Manual for 5e "Do you believe in creatures like Bigfoot, The Mothman, The Jersey Devil, The Pope Lick Monster, Chupacabra, Gremlins & Lake Monsters? Well you should! These things are real. They are out there, just beyond the shadows, stalking the unsuspecting. Awaiting the perfect time to strike! Don’t believe me? Then maybe you should check out the Dark Places & Demogorgons...   [click here for more]
Bloat Games  $24.99 $19.99

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The Cryptid Manual for DCC RPG "Do you believe in creatures like Bigfoot, The Mothman, The Jersey Devil, The Pope Lick Monster, Chupacabra, Gremlins & Lake Monsters? Well you should! These things are real. They are out there, just beyond the shadows, stalking the unsuspecting. Awaiting the perfect time to strike! Don’t believe me? Then maybe you should check out the Dark Places & Demogorgons...   [click here for more]
Bloat Games  $24.99 $19.99

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DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS - The Ghost Hunter's Handbook - and use w/other OSR games

DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS - The Ghost Hunter's Handbook - and use w/other OSR games

PRINT ON DEMAND NOW AVAILABLE!! A coupon will be provided for early PDF purchasers once Print on Demand is available for the Print version! This is The Ghost Hunter's Handbook, designed for use with SURVIVE THIS!! - Dark Places & Demogorgons but is compatable with most OSR games and retroclones TABLE OF CONTENTS NEW CLASSES           CLAIRVOYANT...   [click here for more]
Bloat Games  $4.99

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DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS - The UFO Investigator's Handbook - and use w/other OSR games

DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS - The UFO Investigator's Handbook - and use w/other OSR games

PRINT ON DEMAND NOW AVAILABLE!! A coupon will be provided for early PDF purchasers once Print on Demand is available for the Print version! This is a UFO Investigator's Handbook, designed for use with SURVIVE THIS!! - Dark Places & Demogorgons but is compatable with most OSR games and retroclones TABLE OF CONTENTS New Classes:      UFO Investigator 4      Conspiracy...   [click here for more]
Bloat Games  $4.99

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DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS - Werewolf Sourcebook & other OSR games

DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS - Werewolf Sourcebook & other OSR games

This is a Werewolf Sourcebook designed for use with SURVIVE THIS!! - Dark Places & Demogorgons but is compatable with most OSR games and retroclones Table of contents       Introduction   5     Random Werewolf Generation 9      Special Strengths Table 10     ...   [click here for more]
Bloat Games  $3.99

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DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS for Old-School Essentials - 2 Minutes to Midnight - Adventure

DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS for Old-School Essentials - 2 Minutes to Midnight - Adventure

FOR DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS for Old-School Essentials Requires Old-School Essentials This is an adventure played out over the course of two acts. The First Act finds the player characters gathering clues related to rather mundane missing items belonging to eight of their classmates. The Second Act is a timed scenario, in which the player characters have one hour of real time...   [click here for more]
Bloat Games  $9.99 $7.99

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DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS for Old-School Essentials - Camp Dread - Adventure

DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS for Old-School Essentials - Camp Dread - Adventure

FOR DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS for Old-School Essentials Requires Old-School Essentials Camp Dreamaway is an idyllic summer camp for kids whose parents do not have the means to send them to more luxurious ones. It sits near the top of a large hill near a beautiful clear water lake, consisting of 4 main buildings and a few storage sheds, and has all the standard activities you would...   [click here for more]
Bloat Games  $9.99 $7.99

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DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS for Old-School Essentials - Core Book

DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS for Old-School Essentials - Core Book

“In the 1980s strange things happened everywhere!” Bloat Games proudly presents Dark Places & Demogorgons. Dark Places & Demogorgons is an OSR Horror TTRPG set in the 1980s, where you play as teenagers from a small town where strange occurrences began popping up all around. The adults are too busy to care, and the police don't believe you. It’s up to you and your friends to...   [click here for more]
Bloat Games  $19.99

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DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS for Old-School Essentials - Dead Man's Party - Adventure

DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS for Old-School Essentials - Dead Man's Party - Adventure

FOR DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS for Old-School Essentials Requires Old-School Essentials About This Adventure It is a few days before Halloween and all week Jeffersontown High School has been a buzz about the huge Halloween party this Friday night at Taylor and Tina Chapman’s farm, located a few miles outside of town. Unlike most parties, everyone is invited, no matter your...   [click here for more]
Bloat Games  $9.99 $7.99

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DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS for Old-School Essentials - Happy Campers - Adventure

DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS for Old-School Essentials - Happy Campers - Adventure

FOR DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS for Old-School Essentials Requires Old-School Essentials This is a location-based adventure where the players will explore the campground in search of a dangerous cadre of bloodsucking vampires who, once dormant and quiet, have grown bold and are moving beyond their traditional hunting grounds. With no adult willing to take the threat of “vampires”...   [click here for more]
Bloat Games  $9.99 $7.99

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DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS for Old-School Essentials - J'town's Naughty or Nice  - Adventure

DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS for Old-School Essentials - J'town's Naughty or Nice - Adventure

FOR DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS for Old-School Essentials Requires Old-School Essentials Introduction About This Adventure J’town’s Naughty or Nice is a Christmas themed adventure wreathed in body horror and moral ambiguity. During the wintry holidays, a pair for bogeyman sheathed in human skin have relocated to J’town. They feed on J’town’s...   [click here for more]
Bloat Games  $9.99 $7.99

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DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS for Old-School Essentials - New High Score  - Adventure

DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS for Old-School Essentials - New High Score - Adventure

FOR DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS for Old-School Essentials Requires Old-School Essentials About This Adventure New High Score presents a low-level adventure set in a classic 1980s small town in the United States. Characters will investigate attacks against kids from the local high school - possibly their friends and colleagues - that happen in multiple locations around town....   [click here for more]
Bloat Games  $9.99 $7.99

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DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS for Old-School Essentials - PreGen Characters

DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS for Old-School Essentials - PreGen Characters

“In the 1980s strange things happened everywhere!” Dark Places & Demogorgons for Old-School Essentials - Pre-Generated Characters: This product contains a pre-generated character for each of the playable character classes in DP& D for OSE.  That is 22 pre-gens in total!   The files includes a 45 page printer-friendly PDF, AND a zip file that contains a form-fillable and editable character...   [click here for more]
Bloat Games  $1.00

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DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS for Old-School Essentials - Referee Screen

DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS for Old-School Essentials - Referee Screen

“In the 1980s strange things happened everywhere!” This Referee Screen for Dark Places & Demogorgons for Old-School Essentials, pairs perfectly with your screen for OSE.  We've included 3 full page art pieces for displaying to your players, and 17 pages of random tables and everything a Referee will need to make their game run smoothly.   This product has been designed to be printer-friendly....   [click here for more]
Bloat Games  $1.00

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DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS for Old-School Essentials - The Cryptid Manual

DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS for Old-School Essentials - The Cryptid Manual

“In the 1980s strange things happened everywhere!” Bloat Games proudly presents Dark Places & Demogorgons. Dark Places & Demogorgons is an OSR Horror TTRPG set in the 1980s, where you play as teenagers from a small town where strange occurrences began popping up all around. The adults are too busy to care, and the police don't believe you. It’s up to you and your friends to figure...   [click here for more]
Bloat Games  $14.99

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DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS for Old-School Essentials - The Cryptid Manual 2

DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS for Old-School Essentials - The Cryptid Manual 2

Dark Places & Demogorgons for Old-School Essentials and Dark Places & Demogorgons The Cryptid Manual, utilizes the B/X rules revised to perfection in Old-School Essentials by Gavin Norman of Necrotic Gnome.  Dark Places & Demogorgons for Old-School Essentials and The Cryptid Manual will give the ultimate 1980s Retro Roleplaying experience. Does this require Old-School...   [click here for more]
Bloat Games  $14.99

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DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS for Old-School Essentials - The Enigma of Aldo Bishop - Adventure

DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS for Old-School Essentials - The Enigma of Aldo Bishop - Adventure

FOR DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS for Old-School Essentials Requires Old-School Essentials Introduction The Enigma of Aldo Bishop is a mid-level horror-themed adventure. In a small Louisiana town, on the edge of a swamp filled with local legend and rumors of pirate gold, a mystery begins to unfold that leads PCs to strange maps, hidden secrets, black magic and...   [click here for more]
Bloat Games  $9.99 $7.99

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DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS for Old-School Essentials - The Polybius Experiment - Adventure

DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS for Old-School Essentials - The Polybius Experiment - Adventure

FOR DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS for Old-School Essentials Requires Old-School Essentials Introduction A mysterious black box video game cabinet has come to J’town.  The only identifying markings on the box is the game logo which simply reads “Polybius”.  No one knows for sure where the cabinet came from or even when it arrived, but it can be found at Bloat’s Gas...   [click here for more]
Bloat Games  $9.99 $7.99

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DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS for Old-School Essentials - The Scorched Church - Adventure

DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS for Old-School Essentials - The Scorched Church - Adventure

FOR DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS for Old-School Essentials Requires Old-School Essentials After a mysterious new student arrives at Jeffersontown High, toting around an unsual book, the players take notice of her.  Upon further inverstigation, they find out she's looking for help to go to the Pope Lick Train Trestle and look for clues about her sister.  Should the players decide...   [click here for more]
Bloat Games  $9.99 $7.99

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DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS for Old-School Essentials - The Terror of Taylor's Lake  - Adventure

DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS for Old-School Essentials - The Terror of Taylor's Lake - Adventure

FOR DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS for Old-School Essentials Requires Old-School Essentials Thirty years ago, a group of teenagers went missing while playing hooky from high school. Since then, local teens have dared each other to sneak out and swim in the dark depths of Taylor’s Lake at night, teasing and taunting as they go.   Tonight is no different for the teens, but very different...   [click here for more]
Bloat Games  $9.99 $7.99

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DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS for Old-School Essentials - We're Gonna Need a Bigger Boat- Adventure

DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS for Old-School Essentials - We're Gonna Need a Bigger Boat- Adventure

FOR DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS for Old-School Essentials Requires Old-School Essentials Searchers wanted! Volunteers needed! A massive manhunt is underway for a missing teenager after the mangled bodies of his friends were discovered inside a wrecked pontoon boat. Authorities are concentrating their search on the Parklands where the boat ran aground, but rumors suggest they are also...   [click here for more]
Bloat Games  $9.99 $7.99

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DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS: Ultimate Edition - Core Rules for SURVIVE THIS!!

DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS: Ultimate Edition - Core Rules for SURVIVE THIS!!

“In the 1980s strange things happened everywhere!” Bloat Games proudly presents SURVIVE THIS!! Dark Places & Demogorgons - Ultimate Edition. SURVIVE THIS!! Dark Places & Demogorgons is an OSR Horror TTRPG set in the 1980s, where you play as teenagers from a small town where strange occurrences began popping up all around. The adults are too busy to care, and the police don't believe...   [click here for more]
Bloat Games  $19.99

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DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS: Ultimate Edition - Cryptid Manual for SURVIVE THIS!!

DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS: Ultimate Edition - Cryptid Manual for SURVIVE THIS!!

SURVIVE THIS!! Ultimate Edition - Contains all the monsters from Cryptid Manual 1 & 2 (Nearly 80 cryptids!) in one Hardcover book - 8.5x11" What is a Cryptid? By definition, a cryptid is a creature that is found in stories, legends and lore, that some people believe to be real or claim to have found, but the creature has yet to be proven to exist. Popular Cryptids include:  Bigfoot, Yeti,...   [click here for more]
Bloat Games  $24.99 $19.99

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DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS: Ultimate Edition - d100 Adventure Hooks for SURVIVE THIS!!

DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS: Ultimate Edition - d100 Adventure Hooks for SURVIVE THIS!!

“In the 1980s strange things happened everywhere!” Bloat Games proudly presents SURVIVE THIS!! Dark Places & Demogorgons: Ultimate Edition -d100 Adventure Hooks.  Each page is full adventure hook, inspired by some of your favorite 80s movies, shows, and video games.  Each adventure hook is designed to give the GM a spark and outline, enough for one full night of gaming. About Dark Places...   [click here for more]
Bloat Games  $19.99

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Everything [BUNDLE]

Everything [BUNDLE]

This special bundle product contains the following titles. #WIP - Work in Progress - 2023 - A monthly digital zine Regular price: $1.00 #WIP is Bloat Games monthly digital-only zine/ newsletter/ catalog/ community forum/ stream of consciousness/ brain-vomit/ whatever.  The idea behind this is to find a way to effectively commu...A CITY FULL OF SINNERS - Game Master's Guide...   [click here for more]
Bloat Games  $341.22 $200.00

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GM Screen Inserts - Dark Places & Demogorgons

GM Screen Inserts - Dark Places & Demogorgons

This is GM Screen Inserts designed for use with SURVIVE THIS!! - Dark Places & Demogorgons.  The files contain both Portrait and Landscape. More info on Dark Places & Demogorgons: In Dark Places & Demogorgons, you play as high school students during the early 1980s. The town you live in has had a rash of disappearances and strange happenings. The adults seem lost as what to do, the police...   [click here for more]
Bloat Games  $1.99

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Operation: Bughunt - A DCC RPG Supplement

Operation: Bughunt - A DCC RPG Supplement

Compatible with DCC RPG. Suit up, Marine.  These bugs ain’t gonna kill themselves! “For the everlasting glory of the infantry.” Frank Loesser, The Ballad of Rodger Young Play as a Combat Medic, Engineer, Grunt, Pilot or Robot as you travel from galaxy to galaxy ridding the universe of the “bugs”.  Also included are rules for Cybernetics, Pressure & Shell...   [click here for more]
Bloat Games  $2.99

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SURVIVE THIS!! Bloody Appalachia - Beware of The Locals

SURVIVE THIS!! Bloody Appalachia - Beware of The Locals

WARNING:  This game is designed for Mature players and is not suitable for the young or anyone with an aversion to horror.  Proceed with caution. TABLE OF CONTENTS CHARACTER CREATION FOR LOCALS ..................................................4 LOCAL OCCUPATIONS (D00) ............................................................4 LOCAL CLASSES ...................................................................................5...   [click here for more]
Bloat Games  $19.99 $9.99

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SURVIVE THIS!! Bloody Appalachia - Core Rules

SURVIVE THIS!! Bloody Appalachia - Core Rules

WARNING:  This game is designed for Mature players and is not suitable for the young or anyone with an aversion to horror.  Proceed with caution. Movie Trailer Voice Over:  "In the hollers of Appalachia Kentucky, the hills run red with blood. Folks around these parts don't take kindly to outsiders. Before you venture off the safety of the highway to stop for gas and a bite to eat, or rent a rural...   [click here for more]
Bloat Games  $24.99 $19.99

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SURVIVE THIS!! Camp Blood - Book 2:  These Campers Are Different

SURVIVE THIS!! Camp Blood - Book 2: These Campers Are Different

About Camp Blood - These Campers are Different supplement: This expansion offers additional classes, with a more super-powered and horror aesthetic, as opposed to the regular campers found in the core book.  There are additional monsters, killers, and other content found exclusively in this expansion.  WARNING:  This game is designed for Mature players and is not suitable for the young or anyone with...   [click here for more]
Bloat Games  $19.99 $14.99

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SURVIVE THIS!! Camp Blood - Core Rules

SURVIVE THIS!! Camp Blood - Core Rules

WARNING:  This game is designed for Mature players and is not suitable for the young or anyone with an aversion to horror.  Proceed with caution.  Camp Blood is a grindhouse-style horror tabletop roleplaying game that emulates the scenarios found in those awesome and often over the top summer camp teen slashers movies like Friday the 13th, Sleepaway Camp, Camp Slaughter, Fear Street II: 1978,...   [click here for more]
Bloat Games  $24.99 $19.99

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SURVIVE THIS!! Core Rules Bundle [BUNDLE]

SURVIVE THIS!! Core Rules Bundle [BUNDLE]

This special bundle product contains the following titles. DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS - Survive This!! - Core Rule Book OSR RPG Regular price: $4.99 Bundle price: $3.99 Format: Watermarked PDF Please see video below for actual Drivethrurpg Print of Demand version of this product! Following in the tradition of SURVIVE THIS!! Zombies! comes SURVIVE THIS!! Dark Places...   [click here for more]
Bloat Games  $74.92 $29.99

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SURVIVE THIS!! Dark Places & Demogorgons Core Bundle [BUNDLE]

SURVIVE THIS!! Dark Places & Demogorgons Core Bundle [BUNDLE]

This special bundle product contains the following titles. DARK PLACES & DEMOGORGONS - Class Compendium Regular price: $6.99 Bundle price: $4.50 Format: PDF SURVIVE THIS!! Dark Places & Demogorgons Class Compendium compiles all of the previously released classes from the Dark Places & Demogorgons Core Book and the many Sourcebooks, 56 in all!  Additionally,...   [click here for more]
Bloat Games  $32.45 $19.99

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SURVIVE THIS!! Fantasy - Core Rules

SURVIVE THIS!! Fantasy - Core Rules

 What is SURVIVE THIS!!?  SURVIVE THIS!! is a game system created by Eric Bloat using the Open Gaming License. Created for SURVIVE THIS!! Zombies!, a zombie apocalypse horror RPG, and then overhauled for SURVIVE THIS!! Zombies! 2nd Edition. SURVIVE THIS!! was then utilized for a 1980s setting in Dark Places & Demogorgons and a street-level superhero setting in Vigilante City. SURVIVE THIS!! Fantasy...   [click here for more]
Bloat Games  $9.99

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SURVIVE THIS!! Fantasy - Game Master's Guide

SURVIVE THIS!! Fantasy - Game Master's Guide

 What is SURVIVE THIS!!?  SURVIVE THIS!! is a game system created by Eric Bloat using the Open Gaming License. Created for SURVIVE THIS!! Zombies!, a zombie apocalypse horror RPG, and then overhauled for SURVIVE THIS!! Zombies! 2nd Edition. SURVIVE THIS!! was then utilized for a 1980s setting in Dark Places & Demogorgons and a street-level superhero setting in Vigilante City. SURVIVE THIS!! Fantasy...   [click here for more]
Bloat Games  $9.99

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SURVIVE THIS!! Fantasy - Sourcebook 1: Expanded Races

SURVIVE THIS!! Fantasy - Sourcebook 1: Expanded Races

  This sourcebook is a must for all SURVIVE THIS!! Fantasy Players and Game Masters! INCLUDES: 100+ NEW PLAYABLE RACE AND RACES for SURVIVE THIS!! Fantasy Arcwols:  Feythicket Arcwols Apsimitte: Sunbiter Aspimitte Belgehive:  Bright Colored Belgehive, Brown Belgehive, Green Belgehive, Orange Belgehive, Yellow Belgehive Carnostitans:  Bolan Carnostitan, Kindamolk...   [click here for more]
Bloat Games  $9.99 $7.99

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SURVIVE THIS!! Greasers & Ghouls

SURVIVE THIS!! Greasers & Ghouls

Greasers & Ghouls is a Tabletop Roleplaying Game set in a small town in the 1950s. Players take on the roles of normal high school-aged teens, who encounter B-movie monsters lurking in the shadows, all while trying to go to high school, the drive-in, and still make it to the sock hop dance.   In G&G, Gamemasters facilitate the game by guiding the through adventures, playing the...   [click here for more]
Bloat Games  $19.99

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SURVIVE THIS!! Overworld - Tabletop RPG Monster Manual Zine

SURVIVE THIS!! Overworld - Tabletop RPG Monster Manual Zine

Inspired by The Legend of Zelda Many years ago, a young boy received a kingly-gift, a gift that changed the course of events for an entire kingdom. The gift was The Legend of Zelda, and that boy was me. The moment that I put that gold-plated cartridge into my NES, I was instantly transported to the strange land of Hyrule and began my quest to rescue the Princess Zelda from the hands of the cruel Gannon....   [click here for more]
Bloat Games  $6.99 $2.00

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  PRE-ORDER D&D 2024 CORE | Roll20 [BUNDLE]