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T4 Fire, Fusion and Steel Revised

T4 Fire, Fusion and Steel Revised

Completely updated and integrated into the T4 edition of the Marc Miller's Traveller game, Fire, Fusion & Steel is the comprehensive vehicle design system. Everything from ground cars to grav tanks, system patrol boats to atmospheric cruisers, the rules let you design each vehicle down to the last detail to suit your adventurers or your campaign. The most realistic, comprehensive vehicle and equipment...   [click here for more]
Far Future Enterprises - Traveller  $9.99

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T4 Aliens Volume 1

T4 Aliens Volume 1

Never formally released, Aliens Volume 1 for Marc Miller's Traveller (T4) has been recovered and given a brand new cover! This 254-page tome covers historical, cultural and technological information and expanded character creation for three alien species. Dive into the Aslan, Vargr and Graytch, and expand your T4 campaigns... ...   [click here for more]
Far Future Enterprises - Traveller  $19.99

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T4 Aliens Archive

T4 Aliens Archive

The Traveller universe moves to the rhythms of the massive Imperium. The milieus build upon its history, the origins of different incarnations of the empire, and its many encounters with the surrounding alien communities of stars dominated by the other major races-the Aslan, Hivers, Kkree, Vargr, plus the Vilani's brothers in humaniti, the Solomani and Zhodani. These races dominate the landscape of...   [click here for more]
Far Future Enterprises - Traveller  $9.99

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T4 Annililik Run

T4 Annililik Run

Sign on with Captain BlackJack Tanner on his new starship, the Annililik! Its maiden voyage, however, is more dangerous than originally advertised, jumping through pirate infested systems, one step ahead of the bankers who financed its construction. tanner is the adventurer's adventurer, pushing ship and crew to the limits for wealth and glory! Annililik Run is a three-part adventure for any Milieu...   [click here for more]
Far Future Enterprises - Traveller  $9.99

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T4 Anomalies

T4 Anomalies

Take an adventurous odyssey among the star systems of the growing Imperium. Wander the systems of Core sector, discover the secrets of a strange, psionic, child, enter and explore a research station, and confront the many mysteries of worlds of humans beneath other suns. Anomalies sets the stage for nine exciting adventures for Marc Miller's Traveller set in Milieu 0. Play them individually, or put...   [click here for more]
Far Future Enterprises - Traveller  $9.99

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T4 Central Supply Catalog

T4 Central Supply Catalog

What does the Imperial Surplus Services have to offer? There are many options to enhance that precious spacesuit of yours. Hey, amaze the natives with your specialized exploration kit! Check out what type of robots are for sale. Design your own vehicle from the chassis up. See how much power a Grav Tank can pack. The futuristic drawings of Chris Foss. ...   [click here for more]
Far Future Enterprises - Traveller  $9.99

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T4 Emperor's Arsenal

T4 Emperor's Arsenal

Armament procurement procecdres of the Imperium. Every weapon from a wooden spear to advanced battle dress. Learn about the prohibitions against terrible chemical weapons. Examine the thinking behind use of nuclear weapons. Calculate the cost of all types of ammunition using the rules presented. Go beyond normal tech to weapons only dreamed of in Imperial arsenal. The Master Weapons Table, with every...   [click here for more]
Far Future Enterprises - Traveller  $9.99

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T4 Emperor's Vehicles

T4 Emperor's Vehicles

The Imperium's armed and civilian forces rely on a stable of standard vehicle designs, conveyances and armed craft found on many worlds. Emperor's Vehicles has dozens of vehicles for land, air, and ocean adventuring. Every vehicle category is illustrated and described for easy integration into your Traveller campaign. Ride the best technology the Imperium has to offer! ...   [click here for more]
Far Future Enterprises - Traveller  $9.99

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T4 First Survey

T4 First Survey

With the establishment of the Third Imperium, the strong economic forces that created it continued their work by driving an outward expansion by the Imperium into neighboring worlds. This survey book is intended to serve two distinct purposes: a reference work and as an adventuring log. ...   [click here for more]
Far Future Enterprises - Traveller  $9.99

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T4 Gateway!

T4 Gateway!

Far from their starting point, the explorers from Long Way Home come across a gateway, a means to get back. But sensors indicate the device is buried under a huge city which is presently gripped in the clutches of an alien war. The adventurers embark on a mission of espionage and evasion to get back to their home systems. Linked to the adventure Long Way Home, Gateway! is completely self contained,...   [click here for more]
Far Future Enterprises - Traveller  $9.99

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T4 Imperial Squadrons

T4 Imperial Squadrons

Fleets of starships vie for dominance among the pocket empires and the growing Sylean Empire. Imperial Squadrons sets the stage for Traveller play on the flagships of enormous space fleets, drawing resources and conquering worlds. Complete guidelines for role-playing while still in the service, adventuring in the midst of battles that decide the fate of millions! ...   [click here for more]
Far Future Enterprises - Traveller  $9.99

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T4 Long Way Home

T4 Long Way Home

The mission: a covert reconnaissance deep into uncharted territory beyond the borders of the new Sylean empire. But that mission is quickly disrupted as the adventurers jump out of system in their extended-duration survey class Scout ship. Only skill and determination will see the crew safely home through the perils of unexplored space. The Long Way Home is a complete adventure for Marc Miller's Traveller,...   [click here for more]
Far Future Enterprises - Traveller  $9.99

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T4 Marc Miller's Traveller Game Screen

T4 Marc Miller's Traveller Game Screen

Complete charts and tables from Marc Miller's Traveller, putting details of starship operations, encounters, combat, and more right at your fingertips during play. Also, play Memory Alpha, an exciting Milieu 0 adventure designed by Marc Miller. The adventurers agree to a high-paying mission with one provision: they must agree to a memory wipe on its conclusion. Before they know it they're accepting...   [click here for more]
Far Future Enterprises - Traveller  $9.99

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T4  Marc Miller's Traveller

T4 Marc Miller's Traveller

This volume is the basic rules set for the Traveller science-fiction game system. It contains the essential rules and background for a player to understand and participate in Traveller games as well as basic materials that enable a Traveller referee to administer a variety of adventures. The materials in this volume have a long history in print and in game play. Unravel the secrets...   [click here for more]
Far Future Enterprises - Traveller  $19.99

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T4 Milieu 0

T4 Milieu 0

There are many possible universes to TRAVELLER. As the world's first science-fiction role-playing game, it was originally designed with the entire spectrum of SF stories in mind-from hard science fiction, to social science fiction (both human and alien), to the speculative realms of psionic powers, to "space opera" and high adventure. Early in the game's development, however, due to player demand,...   [click here for more]
Far Future Enterprises - Traveller  $19.99

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T4 Missions of State

T4 Missions of State

Missions of state are selected adventures geared to the complexities of intercultural intrigue. Nine adventures pit noble characters against formidable odds, moving among the Imperium's elite, the while using their privileged rank to delve into intelligence gathering and espionage. With the emergence of empire come new challenges to the status quo, and power is there for anyone to grab! Missions of...   [click here for more]
Far Future Enterprises - Traveller  $9.99

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T4 Naval Architect's Manual

T4 Naval Architect's Manual

Deck plans for Traveller campaigns. Ideal for any adventure situation, Naval Architect's Manual provides hundreds of deck plan elements to represent any starship, base, orbital station, or starport. Take command on one of the bridges, break out of the brig, or relax in the holo lounge. Now you've got all the deck plans you need for any adventure! Every section is accompanied by description and exciting...   [click here for more]
Far Future Enterprises - Traveller  $9.99

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T4 Pocket Empires

T4 Pocket Empires

The new Imperium is growing, reaching out to neighboring worlds after the Long Night, expanding in power and influence. Some of the worlds they contact are already part of smaller empires, Pocket Empires, also rising from centuries of barbarism. Pocket Empires presents complete rules for players to own and manage Traveller worlds. Generate income from worlds, assessing each for resources, labor, trade...   [click here for more]
Far Future Enterprises - Traveller  $9.99

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T4 Psionic Institutes

T4 Psionic Institutes

The beginning days of the new Sylean empire are a time of open acceptance of psionic powers and those who have them. Institutes range in size and reputation from established universities with influence at the highest levels to fly-by-night charlatans and basguat-oil salesmen that keep one step ahead of the authorities. Psionic athletes compete in games and are admired across the star systems. Learn...   [click here for more]
Far Future Enterprises - Traveller  $9.99

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T4 Starships

T4 Starships

The Third Imperium, much like any other organization of space-faring planets, relies on movement between planets to further its ends. Starships have served to move individuals, cargos, ideas, and passions across huge expanses of the known galaxy. To the seasoned traveller, the worlds and ports visited are merely transient places - sites for business, education, training, or battle. The true traveller...   [click here for more]
Far Future Enterprises - Traveller  $9.99

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The Force of Destiny

The Force of Destiny

The Force of Destiny has an interesting history… Its author Dale Kemper wrote the original manuscript in the late 1980’s inspired at least in part by his experiences editing Far Traveller magazine for FASA. He had discussions with Game Designers’ Workshop about it being published by GDW as a Traveller novel, but they folded before there was any...   [click here for more]
Far Future Enterprises - Traveller  $9.99

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At Close Quarters

At Close Quarters

At Close Quarters is a set of combat rules for Traveller*, aimed at bringing together what we felt were the better elements from past systems. At Close Quarters is a tactical system that emphasises the action and reaction process of real combat. Cautious combatants with fast reactions who use all available cover will out-live reckless gun-slinger types! At Close Quarters is intended to add...   [click here for more]
BITS  $5.00

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101 Travellers

101 Travellers

101 Travellers is the quick way for a Traveller referee to answer their players’ question “Who wants to take passage on our ship?” Otherwise, passengers hand over the ticket, step aboard, their luggage is stored in the hold, and a week goes by as the merchant ship carries them to the next planet, while the adventurers conveniently forget about them. But who are these travellers? Hijackers...   [click here for more]
BITS  $5.00

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TNE-0304 Fire Fusion & Steel v2

TNE-0304 Fire Fusion & Steel v2

FIRE, FUSION, & STEEL The Traveller Technical Architecture... This book puts you in control of your science fiction game in ways that no other product ever has! Science fiction is about diversity, the unusual, and pressing the cutting edge of science. It's not suited to simple lists of equipment that limit play. Each different world's environment: calls for slightly different approaches to transportation,...   [click here for more]
Far Future Enterprises - Traveller  $9.99

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d66 Emblems

d66 Emblems

Ever needed a name right now and all you could think of was "Bob"? Do you want quick descriptions and details fill out your adventures? The d66 series is the answer for you. Each list consists of 36 possibilities to get you out of a pinch. Set in the Foreven Sector, each list comes ready to be integrated into your OTU game. Just roll your d66 and you have your answer. d66 Emblems describes...   [click here for more]
Jon Brazer Enterprises  $0.50

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d66 Personal Spacecraft Names

d66 Personal Spacecraft Names

Ever needed a name right now and all you could think of was "Bob"? Do you want quick descriptions and details fill out your adventures? The d66 series is the answer for you. Each list consists of 36 possibilities to get you out of a pinch. Set in the Foreven Sector, each list comes ready to be integrated into your OTU game. Just roll your d66 and you have your answer. d66 Personal Spacecraft Names...   [click here for more]
Jon Brazer Enterprises  $0.50

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d66 Damage to Abandon Ships

d66 Damage to Abandon Ships

Ever needed a name right now and all you could think of was "Bob"? Do you want quick descriptions and details fill out your adventures? The d66 series is the answer for you. Each list consists of 36 possibilities to get you out of a pinch. Set in the Foreven Sector, each list comes ready to be integrated into your OTU game. Just roll your d66 and you have your answer. d66 Damage to Abandon Ships describes...   [click here for more]
Jon Brazer Enterprises  $0.50

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d66 Mercenary Company Names

d66 Mercenary Company Names

Ever needed a name right now and all you could think of was "Bob"? Do you want quick descriptions and details fill out your adventures? The d66 series is the answer for you. Each list consists of 36 possibilities to get you out of a pinch. Set in the Foreven Sector, each list comes ready to be integrated into your OTU game. Just roll your d66 and you have your answer. d66 Mercenary Company Names...   [click here for more]
Jon Brazer Enterprises  $0.50

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d66 Planet's Main Industry

d66 Planet's Main Industry

Ever needed a name right now and all you could think of was "Bob"? Do you want quick descriptions and details fill out your adventures? The d66 series is the answer for you. Each list consists of 36 possibilities to get you out of a pinch. Set in the Foreven Sector, each list comes ready to be integrated into your OTU game. Just roll your d66 and you have your answer. d66 Planet's Main Industry...   [click here for more]
Jon Brazer Enterprises  $0.50

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12d66 [BUNDLE]

12d66 [BUNDLE]

This special bundle product contains the following titles. d66 Planet's Main Industry Regular price: $0.50 Bundle price: $0.38 Format: Watermarked PDF Ever needed a name right now and all you could think of was "Bob"? Do you want quick descriptions and details fill out your adventures? The d66 series is the answer for you. Each list consists of 36 possibilities...   [click here for more]
Jon Brazer Enterprises  $6.00 $5.00

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d66 Moon Names

d66 Moon Names

Ever needed a name right now and all you could think of was "Bob"? Do you want quick descriptions and details fill out your adventures? The d66 series is the answer for you. Each list consists of 36 possibilities to get you out of a pinch. Set in the Foreven Sector, each list comes ready to be integrated into your OTU game. Just roll your d66 and you have your answer. d66 Moon Names helps...   [click here for more]
Jon Brazer Enterprises  $0.50

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d66 Planet Names

d66 Planet Names

Ever needed a name right now and all you could think of was "Bob"? Do you want quick descriptions and details fill out your adventures? The d66 series is the answer for you. Each list consists of 36 possibilities to get you out of a pinch. Set in the Foreven Sector, each list comes ready to be integrated into your OTU game. Just roll your d66 and you have your answer. d66 Planet Names...   [click here for more]
Jon Brazer Enterprises  $0.50

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Scenes of Space Hex Battle Maps

Scenes of Space Hex Battle Maps

Fight your battles on scenes of space. Fourteen pages comprising various scenes for your sci-fi space battles to take place in. Escape an exploding planet, dodge ice asteroids, navigate a nebula, or traverse the stars with a distant galaxy in the background. Two scenes laid out for large printers. Twelve pages laid out for letter/A4 paper. All images have a 1" hex grid. Play your sci-fi games with...   [click here for more]
Jon Brazer Enterprises  $2.00

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d66 Pirate Ship Names

d66 Pirate Ship Names

Ever needed a name right now and all you could think of was "Bob"? Do you want quick descriptions and details fill out your adventures? The d66 series is the answer for you. Each list consists of 36 possibilities to get you out of a pinch. Set in the Foreven Sector, each list comes ready to be integrated into your OTU game. Just roll your d66 and you have your answer. d66 Pirate Ship Names helps...   [click here for more]
Jon Brazer Enterprises  $0.50

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d66 Reasons for the Communication/Sensor Systems Not Working

d66 Reasons for the Communication/Sensor Systems Not Working

Ever needed a name right now and all you could think of was "Bob"? Do you want quick descriptions and details fill out your adventures? The d66 series is the answer for you. Each list consists of 36 possibilities to get you out of a pinch. Set in the Foreven Sector, each list comes ready to be integrated into your OTU game. Just roll your d66 and you have your answer. d66 Reasons for the Communication/Sensor...   [click here for more]
Jon Brazer Enterprises  $0.50

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d66 Robot Names

d66 Robot Names

Ever needed a name right now and all you could think of was "Bob"? Do you want quick descriptions and details fill out your adventures? The d66 series is the answer for you. Each list consists of 36 possibilities to get you out of a pinch. Set in the Foreven Sector, each list comes ready to be integrated into your OTU game. Just roll your d66 and you have your answer. Robots need names also. When...   [click here for more]
Jon Brazer Enterprises  $0.50

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d66 Random Things Found in a Ship's Hold

d66 Random Things Found in a Ship's Hold

Ever needed a name right now and all you could think of was "Bob"? Do you want quick descriptions and details fill out your adventures? The d66 series is the answer for you. Each list consists of 36 possibilities to get you out of a pinch. Set in the Foreven Sector, each list comes ready to be integrated into your OTU game. Just roll your d66 and you have your answer. If your character believes the...   [click here for more]
Jon Brazer Enterprises  $0.50

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d66 Robot's Current Instructions

d66 Robot's Current Instructions

Ever needed a name right now and all you could think of was "Bob"? Do you want quick descriptions and details fill out your adventures? The d66 series is the answer for you. Each list consists of 36 possibilities to get you out of a pinch. Set in the Foreven Sector, each list comes ready to be integrated into your OTU game. Just roll your d66 and you have your answer. Seldom are robots simply sitting...   [click here for more]
Jon Brazer Enterprises  $0.50

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d66 Exotic Atmospheres

d66 Exotic Atmospheres

Ever needed a name right now and all you could think of was "Bob"? Do you want quick descriptions and details fill out your adventures? The d66 series is the answer for you. Each list consists of 36 possibilities to get you out of a pinch. Set in the Foreven Sector, each list comes ready to be integrated into your OTU game. Just roll your d66 and you have your answer. d66 Exotic Atmospheres...   [click here for more]
Jon Brazer Enterprises  $0.50

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12d66^2 [BUNDLE]

12d66^2 [BUNDLE]

This special bundle product contains the following titles. d66 Exotic Atmospheres Regular price: $0.50 Bundle price: $0.38 Format: Watermarked PDF Ever needed a name right now and all you could think of was "Bob"? Do you want quick descriptions and details fill out your adventures? The d66 series is the answer for you. Each list consists of 36 possibilities...   [click here for more]
Jon Brazer Enterprises  $6.00 $5.00

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d66 Mega Corp Names

d66 Mega Corp Names

Ever needed a name right now and all you could think of was "Bob"? Do you want quick descriptions and details fill out your adventures? The d66 series is the answer for you. Each list consists of 36 possibilities to get you out of a pinch. Set in the Foreven Sector, each list comes ready to be integrated into your OTU game. Just roll your d66 and you have your answer. Governments come and go but...   [click here for more]
Jon Brazer Enterprises  $0.50

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d66 Planetary Survey Team Names

d66 Planetary Survey Team Names

Ever needed a name right now and all you could think of was "Bob"? Do you want quick descriptions and details fill out your adventures? The d66 series is the answer for you. Each list consists of 36 possibilities to get you out of a pinch. Set in the Foreven Sector, each list comes ready to be integrated into your OTU game. Just roll your d66 and you have your answer. Unknown worlds on the edge of...   [click here for more]
Jon Brazer Enterprises  $0.50

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d66 Graffiti

d66 Graffiti

Ever needed a name right now and all you could think of was "Bob"? Do you want quick descriptions and details fill out your adventures? The d66 series is the answer for you. Each list consists of 36 possibilities to get you out of a pinch. Set in the Foreven Sector, each list comes ready to be integrated into your OTU game. Just roll your d66 and you have your answer. Graffiti...   [click here for more]
Jon Brazer Enterprises  $0.50

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d66 Organized Crime Boss Names

d66 Organized Crime Boss Names

Ever needed a name right now and all you could think of was "Bob"? Do you want quick descriptions and details fill out your adventures? The d66 series is the answer for you. Each list consists of 36 possibilities to get you out of a pinch. Set in the Foreven Sector, each list comes ready to be integrated into your OTU game. Just roll your d66 and you have your answer. Organized...   [click here for more]
Jon Brazer Enterprises  $0.50

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d66 Fronts for Organized Crime

d66 Fronts for Organized Crime

Ever needed a name right now and all you could think of was "Bob"? Do you want quick descriptions and details fill out your adventures? The d66 series is the answer for you. Each list consists of 36 possibilities to get you out of a pinch. Set in the Foreven Sector, each list comes ready to be integrated into your OTU game. Just roll your d66 and you have your answer. Fronts for...   [click here for more]
Jon Brazer Enterprises  $0.50

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d66 Uses for a Hiver

d66 Uses for a Hiver

Ever needed a name right now and all you could think of was "Bob"? Do you want quick descriptions and details fill out your adventures? The d66 series is the answer for you. Each list consists of 36 possibilities to get you out of a pinch. Set in the Foreven Sector, each list comes ready to be integrated into your OTU game. Just roll your d66 and you have your answer. Hivers plot and scheme...   [click here for more]
Jon Brazer Enterprises  $0.50

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d66 Objects Orbiting a Planet

d66 Objects Orbiting a Planet

Ever needed a name right now and all you could think of was "Bob"? Do you want quick descriptions and details fill out your adventures? The d66 series is the answer for you. Each list consists of 36 possibilities to get you out of a pinch. Set in the Foreven Sector, each list comes ready to be integrated into your OTU game. Just roll your d66 and you have your answer. The space around a planet is...   [click here for more]
Jon Brazer Enterprises  $0.50

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12d66^3 (The Power of 3) [BUNDLE]

12d66^3 (The Power of 3) [BUNDLE]

This special bundle product contains the following titles. d66 Objects Orbiting a Planet Regular price: $0.50 Bundle price: $0.38 Format: Watermarked PDF Ever needed a name right now and all you could think of was "Bob"? Do you want quick descriptions and details fill out your adventures? The d66 series is the answer for you. Each list consists of 36 possibilities...   [click here for more]
Jon Brazer Enterprises  $6.00 $5.00

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d66 Vargr Names

d66 Vargr Names

Ever needed a name right now and all you could think of was "Bob"? Do you want quick descriptions and details fill out your adventures? The d66 series is the answer for you. Each list consists of 36 possibilities to get you out of a pinch. Set in the Foreven Sector, each list comes ready to be integrated into your OTU game. Just roll your d66 and you have your answer. A double list special!...   [click here for more]
Jon Brazer Enterprises  $0.50

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d66 Military Base Names

d66 Military Base Names

Ever needed a name right now and all you could think of was "Bob"? Do you want quick descriptions and details fill out your adventures? The d66 series is the answer for you. Each list consists of 36 possibilities to get you out of a pinch. Set in the Foreven Sector, each list comes ready to be integrated into your OTU game. Just roll your d66 and you have your answer. With every world possessing...   [click here for more]
Jon Brazer Enterprises  $0.50

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  Arthur the Soldier (The Ruin of Britain - Book One)