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 This is part 3 of our Animated battlemap USS Abaddon, inspired by the ALIEN movie series. It features animated smoke, lighting and more!
This bundle includes 5 map sections.
Included are both animated and static for use with Roll20, Astral, Television and more!
IF you prefer the static only version click here.
Here are a few sample... [click here for more] |
Lion Banner Games |
$4.99 $2.99

Animated Cyberpunk battlemap featuring a SEAPORT with boats, loading area, office buildings and more. It has 9 map sections!
Included are both animated and static for use with Roll20, Astral, etc.
If you prefer the static only version click here.
Here are a few sample screens.
... [click here for more] |
Lion Banner Games |
$5.99 $4.19
Apocalypse Highway Battlemap. Size: 36 x 36 inches.
Ideal for rpg and miniature games. Grid and gridless versions. 300 dpi quality for printing.
VTT files included to play on Roll20 and similar and also high quality PDF for printing.
... [click here for more] |
Lion Banner Games |
$4.90 $1.22
This bundle includes the static image files of our "Chinatown Animated Battlemap" bundle.
8 maps in total. There are 4 main sections and 4 alleys.
Includes: VTT files included to play on Roll20, Astral and Similar.
Here are a few sample screenshots.
... [click here for more] |
Lion Banner Games |
$5.99 $3.59
CITY LIMITS is a custom Cyberpunk themed battlemap for RPG and Miniature games. It includes a fast food restaurant, motel, highway in the center and building and construction area to the right.
The map size is 30 x 30 inches. 300 dpia quality.
Ideal for any type of RPG game, miniatures and skirmish games, among others.... [click here for more] |
Lion Banner Games |
$3.12 $2.35
Cyberpunk Urban Nights Battlemap. SIZE: 36 x 36 inches. 300 dpi quality.
VTT files included to play on Roll20 and similar and also high quality PDF for printing.
... [click here for more] |
Lion Banner Games |
$3.90 $2.34
 Cyberpunk battlemap featuring 4 different rooftops: Yakuza Garden / CEO Rooftop Parking / Hangout Building / Corporate Headquarters. It has 11 map different views.
If you prefer the animated version click here.
Here are a few sample screens.
... [click here for more] |
Lion Banner Games |
$4.99 $2.99
Cyberpunk themed battlemap that features busy district with streets, rooftops and more! 8 map views included!
If you prefer the animated version click here.
Here are a few sample screens.
... [click here for more] |
Lion Banner Games |

Cyberpunk battlemap featuring a penthouse apartment complete with terrace, lounge, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom and more!
It has 6 map different views.
If you prefer the animated version click here.
Here are a few sample screens.
... [click here for more] |
Lion Banner Games |
$3.99 $2.39
Cyberpunk Augmentation Clinic is a custom battlemap for RPG and Miniature games. It includes neon lit street, dark back alley, large reception area, warehouse, operating room and more. Ideal for shootouts, assasination attempts and more!
The map size is 36 x 36 inches. 300dpi quality.
Ideal for any type of RPG game,... [click here for more] |
Lion Banner Games |
$6.99 $2.93
 Animated Cyberpunk Augmentation Clinic battlemap that includes 2 images for Roll20 and similar.
If you prefer the animated version only of the map click here.
... [click here for more] |
Lion Banner Games |
$3.99 $2.39
Cyberpunk Back Alley is a custom map for RPG and Miniature games.
The map size is 30 x 30 inches. 300 dpi quality.
Ideal for any type of RPG game, miniatures and skirmish games, among others.
VTT file included to play on Roll20 and other virtual table tops.
Included are both grid... [click here for more] |
Lion Banner Games |
$4.90 $2.06
Discover the back alley basketball court. A seedy place where shady characters mingle.
It features a basketball court with two different angles to choose from and a neon alley battlemap.
Animated version of the maps available. Click here.
See video trailer at the bottom of the page.
... [click here for more] |
Lion Banner Games |
$4.99 $2.99
![Cyberpunk Battlemap Bundle [BUNDLE]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/16809/428932-thumb140.png) This special bundle product contains the following titles. Cyberpunk 4 Rooftops Battlemaps Regular price: $2.99 Bundle price: $1.76 Format: PDF Cyberpunk battlemap featuring 4 different rooftops: Yakuza Garden / CEO Rooftop Parking / Hangout Building / Corporate Headquarters. It has 11 map different views.
If you prefer the animated version click here.
Here... [click here for more] |
Lion Banner Games |
$57.76 $39.99
This bundle features a Cyberpunk long alleyway filled with the facade of various businesses. It includes 4 map sections.
If you prefer the animated version of the map, click here.
... [click here for more] |
Lion Banner Games |
$4.99 $2.99
 Cyberpunk themed battlemap that features a BoardRoom complete with rooftop access and flying vehicle parking. It has 6 map views (Close up, full map, etc).
If you prefer the animated version click here.
Here are a few sample screens.
... [click here for more] |
Lion Banner Games |
$3.99 $2.39
 Cyberpunk battlemap featuring a boulevard and streets. There are two small shops with interiors.
Included are static files for use with Roll20 and similar.
IF you prefer the animated version click here.
Here are a few sample screens.
... [click here for more] |
Lion Banner Games |
$3.99 $2.39
Cyberpunk Chinatown Battlemap.
A massive 46 x 46 inches. 300 dpi quality.
It includes alleys, shops, lots of neon signs and more! Ideal for rpg and miniature games. Grid and gridless versions.
VTT files included to play on Roll20 and similar and also high quality PDF for printing.
Check out our adventure which features... [click here for more] |
Lion Banner Games |
$6.99 $2.93
Cyberpunk Chinatown Residential District Battlemap.
A massive 46 x 46 inches.
It includes two apartment blocks with their respective rooftop areas, a middle street with pavements. Grid and gridless versions.
VTT files included to play on Roll20 and similar and also high quality PDF for printing.
Check out our adventure... [click here for more] |
Lion Banner Games |
$6.99 $2.93
Cyberpunk Chinese Restaurant Battlemap. SIZE: 36 x 40 inches. 300 dpi quality.
VTT files included to play on Roll20 and similar and also high quality PDF for printing.
... [click here for more] |
Lion Banner Games |
$3.90 $2.34
This special bundle product contains the following titles. Cyberpunk Corporate Executive Office Regular price: $2.06 Bundle price: $3.67 Format: PDF Cyberpunk Corporate Executive Office including security zone entrance, private lounge, server room and executive office.
Ideal for rpg and miniature games. Grid and gridless versions. 300 dpi quality for printing.
VTT... [click here for more] |
Lion Banner Games |
$18.69 $13.99
Cyberpunk Corporate Executive Office including security zone entrance, private lounge, server room and executive office.
Ideal for rpg and miniature games. Grid and gridless versions. 300 dpi quality for printing.
VTT files included to play on Roll20 and similar and also high quality PDF for printing.
... [click here for more] |
Lion Banner Games |
$4.90 $2.06
 Cyberpunk themed battlemap that features an underground Corporate Laboratory.
If you prefer the static only version click here.
Here are a few sample screens.
... [click here for more] |
Lion Banner Games |
$4.99 $2.99
Cyberpunk Corporate Laboratory Battlemap. Size: 82 x 30 inches. It includes full laboratory, server room, security room, changing room, warehouse storage, security checkpoints and more!
Ideal for rpg and miniature games. Grid and gridless versions. 300 dpi quality for printing.
VTT files included to play on Roll20, Astral and similar... [click here for more] |
Lion Banner Games |
$6.90 $2.06
Cyberpunk Server Room.
Size: 30 x 30 inches. 300 dpi quality for printing.
Included are 2 variations of the map: Standard version and also Red Alert version.
Ideal for rpg and miniature games. Grid and gridless versions.
VTT files included to play on Roll20 and similar and also high quality files for printing. ... [click here for more] |
Lion Banner Games |
$3.90 $1.64
This bundle features a Cyberpunk Desert Motel. It includes 6 static image files for use with Roll20.
If you prefer the animated version click here.
... [click here for more] |
Lion Banner Games |
$5.99 $3.59
This bundle features a Cyberpunk Diner with a full front entrance, kitchen and back alley. It has 8 map views.
Includes files for online play like Roll20 and others.
If you prefer the animated version of this bundle, click here.
... [click here for more] |
Lion Banner Games |
$5.99 $3.59
Cyberpunk Docklands & Warehouses including interior of a warehouse, docks area, seafood bar, street and shops. Size: 36 x 36 inches.
Ideal for rpg and miniature games. Grid and gridless versions. 300 dpi quality for printing.
VTT files included to play on Roll20 and similar and also high quality PDF for printing.
... [click here for more] |
Lion Banner Games |
$4.90 $2.06
Cyberpunk Docks is a cusstom battlemap for RPG and Miniature games.
The map size is 30 x 30 inches. 300 dpi quality for printing.
Ideal for any type of RPG game, miniatures and skirmish games, among others.
VTT file included to play on Roll20 and other virtual table... [click here for more] |
Lion Banner Games |
$3.52 $2.64
This bundle features the Cyberpunk Factory: It includes 4 map views of the map.
If you prefer the animated version click here.
... [click here for more] |
Lion Banner Games |
$4.99 $2.99
This bundle features the Red Light District known as `The Flesh Market´. It includes 4 main map sections, a full version of the map and a bonus apartment terrace map.
As light turns to darkness, the neon lit alleys of the `Flesh Market´ burst into life. The garish signs lead the way to the houses that offer sublime pleasures of the flesh. Projected images of sparsely clad men and women are displayed,... [click here for more] |
Lion Banner Games |
$5.99 $3.59
This bundle features a Cyberpunk Gang Hideout. The hideout includes TV, boxes, weapons cache, vehicles and more. Included is the main street the hideout is situated and also the front and back alley.
It includes 5 static image filesfor use with Roll20 and similar.
If you prefer the animated version of this map click here.
... [click here for more] |
Lion Banner Games |
$4.99 $2.99
Cyberpunk Head in the Clouds Battlemap. Size: 60 x 30 inches. Ideal for car chases on the highway or high above the city in the clouds!
Ideal for rpg and miniature games. Grid and gridless versions. 300 dpi quality for printing.
VTT files included to play on Roll20, Astral and similar and also high quality PDF for printing.
... [click here for more] |
Lion Banner Games |
$3.90 $2.34
Cyberpunk battlemap featuring a nightclub on a roof: Dance Floor, VIP Area, Maintenance Area and Full view of the map.
Included are both animated and static for use with Roll20, Astral, etc.
If you prefer the animated version click here.
Here are a few sample screens.
... [click here for more] |
Lion Banner Games |
$3.99 $2.39
 Cyberpunk High Ambush battlemap features 6 map sections: full highway ambush, close-ups, scrapyard area and more!
Included are the static files for Roll20 and similar.
If you prefer the animated version, click here.
... [click here for more] |
Lion Banner Games |
$5.99 $3.59
High Rise Office is a battlemap for RPG and Miniature games. It is set in a Cyberpunk themed office complete with elevator, recepcion, security entrance and large office with futuristic art pieces.
The map size is 84cm x 29.7cm (Two A3 pages joined together / Four A4 Pages (Letterhead)). 300 dpi quality for printing.
Ideal for any type of RPG game, miniatures and skirmish games,... [click here for more] |
Lion Banner Games |
$4.99 $2.09
![Cyberpunk Highlife Battlemaps - Static [BUNDLE]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/16809/375872-thumb140.jpg)
This special bundle product contains the following titles.
A huge bundle with around 14 map views of the inside of a futuristic apartment, four different large building rooftops (Corporate, hangout, Yakuza garden, CEO arrival), Rooftop nightclub and more!
For play with Roll20, FoundryVTT, Astral, etc.
If you prefer the animated version click here.
... [click here for more] |
Lion Banner Games |
$12.97 $9.99
Cyberpunk Japanese Gardens is a custom battlemap for RPG and Miniature games.
The map size is 30 x 30 inches. 300 dpi quality for printing.
Ideal for any type of RPG game, miniatures and skirmish games, among others.
VTT file included to play on Roll20 and other virtual... [click here for more] |
Lion Banner Games |
$2.61 $1.95
 Cyberpunk battlemap featuring a long neon lit avenue. 6 shots included!
If you prefer the animated version click here.
Here are a few sample screens.
... [click here for more] |
Lion Banner Games |
$3.99 $2.39
This bundle features the Cyberpunk Clinic known as the `Kimura Clinic´. It includes 9 map sections.
Static version of battlemaps included for Roll20 and similar.
If you prefer the animated version of the maps. Click here.
A preview of some of the sections. 9 areas in total!
... [click here for more] |
Lion Banner Games |
$5.99 $3.59
This bundle features a Cyberpunk landfill with a crashed ship. Ideally for rescue missions or cargo retreival.
It includes 4 map sections + 1 full map view.
If you prefer the animated version click here.
... [click here for more] |
Lion Banner Games |
$4.99 $2.99
Sirens echo in the distance. Above, the sky is clear and offers a respite to the last few weeks of rain. The aromas from the streets mingle in the air. Glass monoliths that reach the heavens are always omnipresent, casting their powerful message in all their neon glory. Tonight is as good as any to make a score or take down a corporate. Use all your cybernetic tools of war and rip out a piece of... [click here for more] |
Lion Banner Games |
$29.21 $16.35
 Animated Cyberpunk Neon Avenue battlemap. The bundle includes 3 sections of the avenue, a full view and a bonus alleyway with cargo truck section.
Included are static files for Roll20 and similar.
If you prefer the animated version, click here.
... [click here for more] |
Lion Banner Games |
$5.99 $3.59
 This huge bundle includes 18 map sections of a large city area with streets, alleys, road, CEO office, rooftop parking and more! Included are static for use with Roll20 and similar.
If you prefer the animated version click here.
Here are a few sample screens.
... [click here for more] |
Lion Banner Games |
$13.99 $8.39
Cyberpunk Neon Rooftops: Special Edition.
Size: 32 x 32 inches. 300 dpi quality for printing.
Ideal for rpg and miniature games. Grid and gridless versions.
VTT files included to play on Roll20 and similar and also high quality PDF for printing.
... [click here for more] |
Lion Banner Games |
$4.90 $1.64
![Cyberpunk Neon Streets & Slums Static Bundle [BUNDLE]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/16809/377499-thumb140.jpg) This special bundle product contains the following titles. Cyberpunk Kazuo Avenue Static Map Regular price: $3.99 Bundle price: $2.85 Format: PDF Cyberpunk battlemap featuring a long neon lit avenue. 6 shots included!
If you prefer the animated version click here.
Here are a few sample screens.
... Cyberpunk Rainbow Alley VTT Battlemap... [click here for more] |
Lion Banner Games |
$13.97 $9.99

Cyberpunk Nightclub battlemap that features a Nightclub interior, parking lot and back alley. Included are 5 images for Roll20 and similar.
If you prefer the animated version of this battlemap, click here.
... [click here for more] |
Lion Banner Games |
$4.99 $2.99
 Cyberpunk Nomad Camp battlemap. The bundle includes full view of the nomad camp, various close up views, a sandstorm version and a bonus spaceship crash site map! Static files included for play with Roll20 and similar.
If you prefer the animated version click here.
... [click here for more] |
Lion Banner Games |
$5.99 $2.99
Cyberpunk Prison Yard is a cusstom battlemap for RPG and Miniature games.
The map size is 30 x 30 inches. 300 dpi quality for printing.
Ideal for any type of RPG game, miniatures and skirmish games, among others.
VTT file included to play on Roll20 and other virtual... [click here for more] |
Lion Banner Games |
$2.61 $1.95
Cyberpunk Railyard Battlemap. Size: 40 x 40 inches.
Ideal for rpg and miniature games. Grid and gridless versions. 300 dpi quality for printing.
VTT files included to play on Roll20, Astral and similar and also high quality PDF for printing.
... [click here for more] |
Lion Banner Games |
$4.90 $1.64