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Dystopian Futures Map Pack 2 1080p - Cyberpunk Animated Battle Maps [BUNDLE]
by SolutionMaps

'Dystopian Futures Map Pack 2'

Grab a selection of 14 near-future, cyberpunk inspired, animated and static battle areas for your in-person or virtual tabletop games!

All with multiple maps, theatre of the mind scenes and more in JPG, WebM and MP4 formats!

Dystopian Futures Map Pack 2 1080p - Cyberpunk Animated Battle Maps [BUNDLE]
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Cyberpunk: Edgerunners Mission Kit

Cyberpunk: Edgerunners Mission Kit

Welcome to the Dark Future Night City’s full of stories, but you aren’t here to watch someone else grab all the glory, are you? With the Cyberpunk: Edgerunners Mission Kit, you’ll tell your own tale full of explosive action, intriguing investigation, and colorful characters. You’ll take on all comers, from the gangs to the megacorps, and carve...   [click here for more]
R. Talsorian Games Inc.  $15.00

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Trauma Deck

Trauma Deck

Cyberpunk RED is a brutal game. Any encounter can end in a tragedy where wounding, laceration, and dismemberment forever changes the life of an edgerunner. We know the fog of war can make keeping track of Critical Injuries a chore, so we’ve created the Trauma Deck to make record-keeping simple and smooth. Inside this box you’ll find cards detailing...   [click here for more]
R. Talsorian Games Inc.  $6.00

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Cyberpunk RED

Cyberpunk RED

Welcome to the Time of the Red, Choomba! The Megacorporations spent decades wrecking everything and in the aftermath of their last War, everyone has to fend for themselves. But that’s just fine. You can handle it. After all, in a world of vicious boostergangs, rampaging cyborgs, corporate assassins, and nihilistic doomsday cults, there’s only one rule: Always take it to the Edge. Take the big...   [click here for more]
R. Talsorian Games Inc.  $30.00

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Tales of the RED: Hope Reborn

Tales of the RED: Hope Reborn

R. Talsorian Games brings you the first full campaign book for Cyberpunk RED! When the Megacorps blast your eyeballs with an unending bombardment of neon advertisements and the media outlets force-feed their version of reality into your bleeding ears, it can be easy to forget the truth about the world, the city, and your life. That’s when you need to retreat to a space made for...   [click here for more]
R. Talsorian Games Inc.  $20.00

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Cyberpunk Red Jumpstart Kit

Cyberpunk Red Jumpstart Kit

The 4th Corporate War’s over and the big dogs have retreated to their corners to lick their wounds. That leaves everyone else to fend for themselves in a shattered world. And that’s just fine. ‘cause you’ve got interface plugs in your wrists, metal in your limbs, and chips in your skull. You’re wired in, loaded with chrome, and ready to take it to the Edge. There’s a world full of opportunities...   [click here for more]
R. Talsorian Games Inc.  $29.99

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Interface RED Volume 3

Interface RED Volume 3

Night City’s voracious, choomba! It needs more places, more people, more things. More! More! More! It’s never satisfied and we know you aren’t either. Your campaigns can always use a little something extra to push it right over the Edge. That’s what Interface RED is all about. In this third volume you’ll find a collection of short articles custom-crafted to...   [click here for more]
R. Talsorian Games Inc.  $10.00

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Danger Gal Dossier

Danger Gal Dossier

They’re more than just cat ears and cute pink guns. In the Dark Future, data is power, and no one owns more data than Danger Gal, Night City’s premiere investigation and security NeoCorp. Run by Michiko Sanderson (née Araska – yes, that Arasaka!), Danger Gal’s archives contain information on everything and everyone worth knowing. And lucky you, choomba, we’ve prepared a copy of those...   [click here for more]
R. Talsorian Games Inc.  $20.00

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Tales of the RED: Street Stories

Tales of the RED: Street Stories

Night City is a big place, full of wild parties, dead bodies, and neon lights. Beneath the thin layer of advertising and grime, it’s got some tales to tell. Stories of vicious gangs, hellbent artificial intelligence, and love. You’ll get to meet suave mercenaries and movie stars, and even take a ride in a submarine. You’ll fight cyberpsychos, dirty reporters, rival Edgerunners, and a high-flying...   [click here for more]
R. Talsorian Games Inc.  $20.00

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Cyberpunk RED Data Pack

Cyberpunk RED Data Pack

When you’re stalking the streets of Night City, it pays to know the locals and where they’re lurking. One wrong move and you could end up as Bozo bait or worse. And when you’re the GM of a Cyberpunk RED game, knowing the score is even more important. Otherwise, your RED adventure might bog down in a ton of tiny stuff that can make or break a...   [click here for more]
R. Talsorian Games Inc.  $8.00

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Interface RED

Interface RED

Night City’s voracious, choomba! It needs more places, more people, more things. More! More! More! It’s never satisfied and we know you aren’t either. Your campaigns can always use a little something extra to push it right over the Edge. That’s what Interface RED is all about. In this first volume you’ll find a collection of short articles custom-crafted to improve...   [click here for more]
R. Talsorian Games Inc.  $8.50

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Nine Worlds RPG Jumpstart

Nine Worlds RPG Jumpstart

...   [click here for more]
MetaMorphic Digital  $9.99 $8.49

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Cyberpunk RED Gamemaster Screen

Cyberpunk RED Gamemaster Screen

Skip the Flip! Four panels of essential data. This product was formerly known as the Cyberpunk Gamemaster Data Screen. The contents have not changed. When your Crew’s getting down to the Meat and the Metal and waiting on your call, you don’t have time to dig through stacks of hardcopy or rely on CTRL + F to find the info you need. That’s why you need...   [click here for more]
R. Talsorian Games Inc.  $8.00

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Cyberpunk The Second Edition, Version 2.01

Cyberpunk The Second Edition, Version 2.01

The Corporations control the world from their skyscraper fortresses, enforcing their rule with armies of cyborg assassins. On the Street, Boostergangs roam a shattered urban wilderness, killing and looting. The rest of the world is a perpetual party, as fashion-model beautiful techies rub biosculpt jobs with battle armored roadwarriors in the hottest clubs, sleaziest bars and meanest streets this side...   [click here for more]
R. Talsorian Games Inc.  $15.00

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Netrunning Deck

Netrunning Deck

When a Netrunner locates an access point and slots in they enter a different world. A digital realm where Black ICE patrols virtual floors and Demons stand ready to activate the defenses that’ll flatline the Crew in Meat Space. The Netrunning Deck comes with all the cards a Cyberpunk RED campaign need to build a NET Architecture and run through it, straight to the bottom....   [click here for more]
R. Talsorian Games Inc.  $6.00

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[Roll20] Cyberpunk: Edgerunners Mission Kit

[Roll20] Cyberpunk: Edgerunners Mission Kit

Play Cyberpunk: Edgerunners Online Everything you need at your fingertips with Roll20! Welcome to the Dark Future Night City’s full of stories, but you aren’t here to watch someone else grab all the glory. With the Cyberpunk: Edgerunners Mission Kit, you’ll tell your own tale full of explosive action, intriguing investigation, and...   [click here for more]
R. Talsorian Games Inc.  $14.99

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Corp Generator

Corp Generator

Build Your Own MegaCorp!!! Need a powerful, deep, and unique corporation for your cyberpunk RPG? This system-neutral toolkit gives you everything to generate a dynamic corporate entity from scratch. 10 essential corporate features with detailed explanations. Random tables (100+ entries) to shape your corp’s name, goals, assets,...   [click here for more]
Marco G. Fossati  $7.90

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100 Missions for Cyberpunk Rebels

100 Missions for Cyberpunk Rebels

Rebels in a high-tech world controlled by ruthless corporations. They are out there, sometimes acting covertly within the networks or striking directly with bombs and explosions. Who knows where they are? Who knows who they are? One thing is certain: they will act. When? Why? How? For all systems. ...   [click here for more]
TLHP Games  $3.00

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Cyberpunk RED | Roll20 VTT

Cyberpunk RED | Roll20 VTT

NOTE: THIS IS THE ROLL20 CONVERSION YOU CAN ALSO PURCHASE THIS TITLE AND THE PDF VERSION TOGETHER AT A DISCOUNT Play Cyberpunk Online Welcome to the Time of the Red In the Dark Future of Cyberpunk RED, megacorporations spent decades wrecking everything and now everyone has to fend for themselves. But that’s just fine - you can handle it. After...   [click here for more]
R. Talsorian Games Inc.  $39.99

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The Book of Random Tables: Cyberpunk 3

The Book of Random Tables: Cyberpunk 3

Cut down GM prep with 29 D100 random tables This book offers a variety of random tables, providing game masters with tools to enhance their cyberpunk campaigns. From abandoned building items and street encounters to NPCs and fictional bands, these tables help create a more immersive and engaging game world. Tables Include: Items in an Abandoned Building Items in a Backpack Items...   [click here for more]
dicegeeks  $4.99 $3.99

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Vonn's Appliances

Vonn's Appliances

EN C’mon, choom, step inside. Vonn’s Appliances ain’t just some rusted-out electronics shop—it’s a backdoor into the underground, a bug in the corpo machine. Out here in the neon sprawl, the big suits watch everything, but inside Vonn’s? The rules lag, the code fractures, and the only law is creds in, tech out. Thomas Vonn, or “TV” to the regulars, keeps the front...   [click here for more]
Revel Tales  $8.99

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Chromebook 1/2

Chromebook 1/2

The cyber-style catalogs for the cyber-suave; don't go shopping without one! Weapons, cyberware, vehicles, fashions, food, gadgets, cyberpets, even where to shop! From full-body replacement to mini-jets, the Chromebooks are equally useful to high-rise Corps and Fixers on the Street. These books tell you what to do with those hard-earned Eurobucks once you''ve finished that Cyberpunk adventure. Chromebooks:...   [click here for more]
R. Talsorian Games Inc.  $12.50

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Chromebook 3/4

Chromebook 3/4

The cyber-style catalogs for the cyber-suave; don't go shopping without one! Weapons, cyberware, vehicles, fashions, food, gadgets, cyberpets, even where to shop! From full-body replacement to mini-jets, the Chromebooks are equally useful to high-rise Corps and Fixers on the Street. These books tell you what to do with those hard-earned Eurobucks once you''ve finished that Cyberpunk adventure. Chromebooks:...   [click here for more]
R. Talsorian Games Inc.  $12.50

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Night City

Night City

You can hear them moving up fast; faster than your meat legs can carry you. There's a snick as they pop the rippers and move in for the kill; you flatten against the alley wall, and brace your Minami against the slick, slimy stone. It's now or never, you think, slamming back the bolt and offering up a prayer to whatever dark and nameless gods might be listening. Maybe if you'd known this was Blood...   [click here for more]
R. Talsorian Games Inc.  $11.00

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Listen Up You Primitive Screwheads!!!!!

Listen Up You Primitive Screwheads!!!!!

LISTEN UP, YOU WHINY SCREWHEADS!!! "Bob's super-Solo's killing everything he meets!" "My players always start the adventure in a bar!" "Why can't I get anyone to play Netrunners??" Does this sound like YOU? Refs. Let's be honest. You've heard this kind of whining before -- and aren't you sick of it? I mean just fed up to here ... so much that you wanted to leap across the table and kill the...   [click here for more]
R. Talsorian Games Inc.  $5.25

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Night City Map (Circa 2020)

Night City Map (Circa 2020)

When it was first released,the Night City sourcebook for Cyberpunk 2020 famously came with a 34x22 inch, fold-out painted map. R. Talsorian Games is proud to once again offer the map, now as a full-size, 600 dpi image. Also included is a text file giving permission for the map to be printed and reproduced for personal use. ...   [click here for more]
R. Talsorian Games Inc.  Pay What You Want

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Dystopian City Apartment Complex 1080p - Cyberpunk Animated Battle Map

Dystopian City Apartment Complex 1080p - Cyberpunk Animated Battle Map

"You never know what goes on behind closed doors, that nice ol' granma next door? I bet she harbours some crazy, dark secrets - don'tcha think?" Dystopian City The Apartment Complex HD - 1920x1080 Resolution 12x Animated Gridded and Gridless Map in 1080p MP4 format. 13x Static Gridded and Gridless Room Maps in 1080p JPG format. 2x Static Gridless Full Maps in 4k...   [click here for more]
SolutionMaps  $3.99

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Corporation Report 2020

Corporation Report 2020

TO FIGHT THE CORPS YOU NEED TO KNOW THE CORPS Corporation Report 2020 combines the classic Merill, Asukaga & Finch Corporation Reports 1 thru 3 and spills the dirt on six of the biggest Megacorps of the 2020 era: Arasaka • International Electric • Lazarus • Militech • Petrochem • SovOil Read this book and you’ll know the score. Each report...   [click here for more]
R. Talsorian Games Inc.  $25.00 $12.50

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Cyberpunk RED - Livre de règles

Cyberpunk RED - Livre de règles

Cyberpunk RED - Livre de règles Bienvenue à l’Ère du Rouge, Choomba ! Les mégacorporations ont passé des décennies à tout détruire et après leur dernière guerre, c’est chacun pour sa peau ! Pas de problème. Vous pouvez gérer. Après tout, dans un monde de gangs de boosters vicieux, de cyborgs déchaînés, d’assassins corporatistes et de cultes...   [click here for more]
Arkhane Asylum Publishing  $25.90

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Home of the Brave

Home of the Brave

A State of Dis-union... "America's undergone flood, fire, and famine in the last thirty years. Along with Martial Law and one of the longest guerilla wars we've ever fought. There's gangs on the streets, pollution in the air, and the Corps looking down from above. But when the Outside gets too nasty, we still pull together and get the job done." "Why? 'Cause it's our country—and that's just the...   [click here for more]
R. Talsorian Games Inc.  $8.00

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Cyberpunk 2020 Data Screen

Cyberpunk 2020 Data Screen

When you’re getting down to the Meat and the Metal, you don’t have time to dig through stacks of hardcopy. That’s why you need to interface with the Data Screen. All the information you need, in one place and at your fingertips, including new tables to make FNFF combat and Netrunning even faster. Plus: WHEN THE CHIPS ARE DOWN; a 32 page Cyberpunk® adventure! Data Screen: your personal downlink...   [click here for more]
R. Talsorian Games Inc.  $7.50

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Cyberpunk RED

Cyberpunk RED

Willkommen in der Roten Ära, Choomba. Jahrzehntelang haben die Megakonzerne alles zerstört und nach ihrem letzten, vernichtenden Krieg muss jeder sehen, wo er bleibt. Aber das ist schon okay. Du schaffst das. Schließlich gibt es in einer Welt voller übler Boostergangs, Amok laufender Cyborgs, Konzern-Assassinen und nihilistischer Endzeitkulte nur eine einzige Regel: Gehe immer aufs Ganze! Großes...   [click here for more]
Truant  $31.06

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Sprawl Goons - Street Stories 01 - Gland Theft Metro

Sprawl Goons - Street Stories 01 - Gland Theft Metro

Street Stories is intended to be an occasional series of short adventure seeds for your games of Sprawl Goons: Upgraded (or cyberpunk system of your choice). Gland Theft Metro is the first in the series, with ten pages detailing a dangerous deal for an unusual narcotic, between a Vietnamese syndicate and parties unknown. And who else has the...   [click here for more]
Geist Hack Games  $2.00

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Solo of Fortune 2

Solo of Fortune 2

Where to go, what to see, who to kill... The modern Solo needs information in a concise and timely manner-and we at Solo of Fortune magazine are dedicated to meeting that need. In this year-end annual, we present some of the best of the last seven years, including your most-request features: J.T. and Bubba's weapons reviews! America's Top Ten Solos! Your favorite...   [click here for more]
R. Talsorian Games Inc.  $8.00

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Sprawl Goons - Street Stories 02 - Hot Skull

Sprawl Goons - Street Stories 02 - Hot Skull

Street Stories is an occasional series of short adventure seeds for your games of Sprawl Goons: Upgraded (or cyberpunk system of your choice). Hot Skull is the second in this series of adventure frameworks, 14 pages taking the players on a frantic manhunt across The Flow, and serves to introduce them to a number of different factions and locations across...   [click here for more]
Geist Hack Games  $2.00

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Cyberpunk RED Data Pack | Roll20 VTT

Cyberpunk RED Data Pack | Roll20 VTT

NOTE: THIS IS THE ROLL20 CONVERSION. YOU CAN ALSO PURCHASE THIS TITLE AND THE PDF VERSION TOGETHER AT A DISCOUNT When you’re stalking the streets of Night City, it pays to know the locals and where they’re lurking. One wrong move and you could end up as Bozo bait or worse. And when you’re the GM of a Cyberpunk RED game, knowing the score is even more important....   [click here for more]
R. Talsorian Games Inc.  $9.99

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100 Quirks of a Cyberpunk Vending Machine - Vol 1

100 Quirks of a Cyberpunk Vending Machine - Vol 1

Vending machines get used hundreds of time per day in a Cyber City. They need defenses to protect their goods and property from theft, vandalism, and targeted attacks on support staff and owners who have to support these automated stores. We can help you. This list is intended for any cyberpunk / dark future setting (like Cyberpunk (any version), Cy_Borg, Carbon 2185, Altered Carbon, Axon Punk, Android,...   [click here for more]
D10 Dimensions  $0.99

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Tales from the Forlorn Hope

Tales from the Forlorn Hope

THE LONG ROAD HOME 2009 Long Range Team-601 left on its last mission. Four years in a savage SouthAm drug war with little support from home and no quarter given by the enemy. When the war ended, the team was scattered into civilian life, but their combat instincts, that craving for the rush of action, couldn't be purged. 2015 John "Professor" Freeman, Captain...   [click here for more]
R. Talsorian Games Inc.  $6.00

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Black Chrome | Roll20 VTT

Black Chrome | Roll20 VTT

NOTE: THIS IS THE ROLL20 CONVERSION. YOU CAN ALSO PURCHASE THIS TITLE AND THE PDF VERSION TOGETHER AT A DISCOUNT A Tech and Style Guide for Cyberpunk RED! Do you crave chrome so black it reflects your oily soul? Black like the night? Night like the market of your desires? Chrome is the style in the substance. It’s not what you can do. It’s how you do it. How...   [click here for more]
R. Talsorian Games Inc.  $27.99

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Market Day: RPG Economy Software

Market Day: RPG Economy Software

Market Day: RPG Economy Software Have you ever wanted to do stuff like vary local prices? Imitate supply and demand? Ensure there's more to look at while shopping? If so, you probably encountered the same issue: it takes a lot of work. No more! With Market Day, you can imitate a full economy with weighted rarity, settlement size, and price variation, all based on a random seed. This means that if...   [click here for more]
Gamer's Rites LLC   FREE 

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Cyberpunk Schwarzes Chrom

Cyberpunk Schwarzes Chrom

Verzehrst du dich nach so tiefschwarzem Chrom, das deine ölige Seele widerspiegelt? Schwarz wie die Nacht? Eine Nacht wie auf den Märkten, zu denen es dich zieht? Chrom ist der Stil für deine Substanz. Es geht nicht darum, was du tust, sondern wie du es tust. Wieviel Chrom steckt in dir, Choomba?  Wenn du das heißeste Eisen auf der Straße bist, hast du die nötige Ausrüstung. Jedes einzelne...   [click here for more]
Truant  $20.71

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Danger Gal Dossier | Roll20 Version

Danger Gal Dossier | Roll20 Version

NOTE: THIS IS THE ROLL20 CONVERSION. YOU CAN ALSO PURCHASE THIS TITLE AND THE PDF VERSION TOGETHER AT A DISCOUNT They’re more than just cat ears and cute pink guns. In the Dark Future, data is power, and no one owns more data than Danger Gal, Night City’s premiere investigation and security NeoCorp. Run by Michiko Sanderson (née Arasaka – yes, that Arasaka!),...   [click here for more]
R. Talsorian Games Inc.  $27.99

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Cyberpunk Tables - 100 Nightclubs

Cyberpunk Tables - 100 Nightclubs

100 Cyberpunk Nightclub Names – A System-Free RPG Tool Light up your cyberpunk world with 100 Cyberpunk Nightclub Names, a system-neutral resource bursting with vibrant, edgy, and atmospheric venues. From shadowy underground dens and glitchy VR lounges to neon-lit dance floors and surreal, futuristic havens, this list offers the perfect backdrop for any cyberpunk adventure....   [click here for more]
MediaStream Press  $2.50 $1.00

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Live & Direct

Live & Direct

In the 21st century, no one and nothing has more effect on the people than the media, its creators, and its reporters. Military strength and economic might are hallmarks of nation-state and mega-corp alike, but it is influence-the ability to shape perceptions, opinions, and even emotions of billions of people worldwide-that ensures the power of the media. After all, it's larger than life, a projection...   [click here for more]
R. Talsorian Games Inc.  $7.00

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Cyberpunk Red Danger Gal

Cyberpunk Red Danger Gal

Ein Fraktionen- und NSC-guide für Cyberpunk Sie haben mehr zu bieten als nur Katzenohren und süße rosa Knarren.   In der Dunklen Zukunft sind Daten Macht, und niemand hat mehr Daten als Danger Gal, Night Citys bester NeoKon in Sachen Informationsbeschaffung und Sicherheit. Unter der Leitung von Michiko Sanderson (geborene Arasaka – ganz richtig, die Arasakas!) enthalten die...   [click here for more]
Truant  $19.99

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Tales of the RED: Street Stories | Roll20 VTT

Tales of the RED: Street Stories | Roll20 VTT

R. Talsorian Games Inc.  $27.99

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Cyberpunk Tables - 100 City Districts and Regions

Cyberpunk Tables - 100 City Districts and Regions

100 Cyberpunk City District Names – A System-Free RPG Tool Build the heart of your cyberpunk setting with 100 Cyberpunk City District Names, a system-neutral resource designed to bring your urban sprawl to life. From neon-drenched marketplaces to shadowy industrial zones and everything in between, these evocative district names will help shape the geography, culture, and atmosphere...   [click here for more]
MediaStream Press  $2.50 $1.00

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Cyberpunk RED - Black Chrome

Cyberpunk RED - Black Chrome

Vous voulez du chrome si noir qu’il reflète votre âme de pétrole ? Noir comme la nuit ? Une nuit comme celle du marché contenant tous vos désirs ? Le chrome allie le style à l’efficacité. Ce n’est pas ce que vous pouvez faire, c’est comment vous le faites. À quel point êtes-vous chromé, choomba ? Quand vous chancelez au bord du Gouffre, vous êtes habillé pour l’occasion. Vous...   [click here for more]
Arkhane Asylum Publishing  $46.61 $23.31

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Cyberpunk RED: Opowieści Czerwieni

Cyberpunk RED: Opowieści Czerwieni

Opowieści z neonowych ulic Night City jest ogromne. Pełno w nim dzikich imprez, martwych ciał i neonowych świateł, rzucających długie cienie na naprawdę makabryczne sceny. Pod wszechobecnymi billboardami i cienką warstwą śluzu kryją się historie, które ktoś musi opowiedzieć. Historie o okrutnych gangach, zdeterminowanej sztucznej inteligencji i… miłości....   [click here for more]
Black Monk Games  $25.00

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Cyber Chronicles

Cyber Chronicles

Welcome to the "Cyber Chronicles", a roleplaying manual that places you in the heart of a futuristic, technology-dominated metropolis where humans and cybernetics merge and the line between man and machine grows ever thinner. This volume, produced and curated by Revel Tales, is aimed at anyone who wants to immerse themselves in a world of neon and shadows without investing too much time in developing...   [click here for more]
Revel Tales  $5.99

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Cyberpunk Tables - 100 Urban Legends and Conspiracy Theories

Cyberpunk Tables - 100 Urban Legends and Conspiracy Theories

100 Cyberpunk Urban Myths and Conspiracy Theories – A System-Free RPG Tool Uncover the dark secrets and bizarre rumors of your cyberpunk world with 100 Cyberpunk Urban Myths and Conspiracy Theories, a system-neutral resource designed to add intrigue, paranoia, and mystery to your setting. Whether you're crafting shady corporate cover-ups, urban legends whispered in the alleyways,...   [click here for more]
MediaStream Press  $2.50 $1.00

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