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 Daishō Integrated Interceptor
This issue of the Codex presents Daishō: an integrated interceptor built for speed and offensive power. This vessel consists of two ships that can operate together or independently:
Daitō : the base cruiser with cabins for seven crew, and bunks for ten additional personnel, marines, or passengers. Armed with missiles, railguns,... [click here for more] |
0-hr |
A Companion to Adventure Across the Stars!
An expansion to the Starfinder Core Rulebook, adding both classic character concepts and brand new options to expand the variety in your fantastic galaxy!
Races – Aasimar, Catfolk, Deoxyians, Dhampirs, Grippli, Ifrit, Kitsune, Kobolds, Mechanoi, Nagaji, Oreads, Samsarans, Suli, Sylphs, Tengu, Tieflings, Undine, Vanaras, Vishkanya, and Wayangs!
Classes... [click here for more] |
Rogue Genius Games |
 AUGUSTUS Starliner
The Augustus-class starliner is the third offering in the “Project Imperator” line, which began with the Nero-class freight hauler and Trjan-class battleship. With a classic design and a wide variety of accommodations, this stately behemoth can carry nearly two thousand souls in comfort.
Augustus consists of a central spine, nearly 1000 feet long,... [click here for more] |
0-hr |
I'm completely operational, and all my circuits are functioning perfectly — how may I serve you today?
Who doesn’t want a robotic sidekick to join them as they traverse the stars? Well, Cosmic Odyssey: Service Bots & Synthetic Companions has you covered!
Cosmic Odyssey is a line of Starfinder Roleplaying Game compatible products designed to give... [click here for more] |
Fat Goblin Games |
Join us on a voyage among the stars for Cosmic Odyssey: Pirates of the Starstream!
Cosmic Odyssey is a line of Starfinder Roleplaying Game compatible products designed to give you, as both a player and as a gamemaster, all the tools you need to fully explore a classic motif of science fiction with new character options, equipment and vessels, as well as a location... [click here for more] |
Fat Goblin Games |
Boss (ˈbȯs , ˈbäs )
noun - Somebody who is in charge, powerful, or dominating in both countenance and demeanor.
adjective - Excellent, outstanding, or beyond cool.
Like a Boss summons the biggest and scariest boss fights to punch your player characters in the face. Crafted by some of the greatest game designers... [click here for more] |
Samurai Sheepdog |
Starfarer’s Codex: Legacy Gunslinger brings the dashing, daring gunslinger concept from the fantasy era into the future! Designed to focus on the most interesting options from the gunslinger class, Legacy Gunslinger allows any character to become an expert in the way of the gun, presenting a Gunslinger feat, a gunslinger archetype (appropriate for any Starfinder Roleplaying Game-compatible... [click here for more] |
Rogue Genius Games |
Banshee Small Ships
This issue of the Zero Hour Armada Codex presents a trio of small ships and a fighter. The main ship is a new design while the remaining craft are from older Future Armada issues and are presented here with updated stats and art.
The Banshee-class fast attack craft was designed for law enforcement and patrol duties but quickly became popular... [click here for more] |
0-hr |
TRAJAN Battleship
The Trajan-class battleship is the second offering in the “Project Imperator” line, which began with the Nero-class freight hauler. At just over 900 feet long, this warship can serve as the backdrop for untold stories of military adventure, exploration, or even piracy in deep space. Trajan carries an active crew of 270, with 180 additional cryogenic... [click here for more] |
0-hr |
8-Bit Adventure
Time to save the galaxy!
Welcome to 8-Bit Adventures! Do you yearn for a simpler time, when video games scrolled right and you only had to deal with 2 buttons at a time? An era where blocky, colorful, vaguely recognizable shapes made up heroes that battled odd and often confusing villains with little to no context? Then Fat Goblin Games has you covered!
This... [click here for more] |
Fat Goblin Games |
There’s More to Magic than Spells and Items!
Starfarer’s Codex: Legacy Witch Class brings the legacy class of the witch to the Starfinder Roleplaying Game.
Reimagined for the far future, the starfaring witch is a spellcaster with access to 6th level of spells, powerful magic hexes, and a familiar as well as the skills and proficiencies to operate in a science-fantasy game. While... [click here for more] |
Rogue Genius Games |
 ORYX Cargo Ship & Variants
The base Oryx design is a simple cargo ship with living quarters at the front, engineering in back, and a large hold in between. Variants were developed in parallel in which the hold area was instead built to support either a squadron of fighters, a collection of passengers (both in cabins and cryo sleep), or a large number of prisoners. The... [click here for more] |
0-hr |
More than Technology. More than Magic.
Technomancers are no less spellcasters than the ancient mages who depended on scrolls and wooden wands, but they are also masters of advanced super-science. While any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic, technomancers know that actual magic can still take the technology one step further.
Within this file are 101 more ways for tehcnomancers... [click here for more] |
Rite Publishing |
Spiders?! In SPACE?!
Driders are horrific blends of the blue-purple race of anarchic elves known as drow, and spiderlike demons from lower recesses of the outer planes. Often agents of the FiendWebs of Akkanar, where a foul demonic drow empire exists in its own demiplane, driders are strong warriors and powerful spellcasters!
Each Starfarer Adversaries Deluxe offers numerous stat blocks for one foe... [click here for more] |
Rogue Genius Games |
Edge Station floats on the fringes of our reality, where extradimensional rifts tear open strange planes and parallel dimensions. A generation ago the station became the point of first contact with the druune, a truly alien species who seem only interested in destroying the Coalition.
Only with barely-understood Central Artificial Intelligence has the Coalition been able to hold the line, but... [click here for more] |
AAW Games |
Eleven exciting pregenerated characters ready to explore new worlds!
Planetary Heroes brings you an incredible collection of richly detailed and ready to use pregenerated characters for the Starfinder Roleplaying Game, created specifically to shine in the Legendary... [click here for more] |
Legendary Games |
Awesome Options for Interplanetary Adventure!
The Legendary Planet Player's Guide offers an array of advice on races, religion, and characters in the Legendary Planet universe using the Starfinder Roleplaying Game, including rules for 4 brand-new playable races: the clockwork-cybernetic auttaine, the chlorvian plant people,... [click here for more] |
Legendary Games |
Kaeru & Co. Small Ships
This issue of the Zero Hour Armada Codex presents two small ships and the fighters they carry. These craft are meant for characters of all sorts and a variety of stories.
The Kaeru-class scout carries a Sasori-class fighter on its back. The name is Japanese for "frog" while Sasori is "scorpion" - because this configuration is reminiscent of the classic... [click here for more] |
0-hr |
Quixote & Coyote Justicar & Pirate
This project presents two similar, but very distinct, ships: one is a noble hero and the other a vile pirate. Either ship can serve as friend, foe, or home to a band of mercenaries and adventurers.
Quixote is a roving justicar - a knight errant given the task of patrolling deep space to keep the trade lanes safe from reavers and pirates.... [click here for more] |
0-hr |
I’d Rather Go To Hell Than Be Here!
Travelling through hyperspace can sometimes lead to strange and terrifying results. Each time a ship uses its hyperspace engine, the crew may soon find themselves either flying through empty hyperspace to their intended destination or passing by a random chunk of another plane. Few people would be pleased to find themselves in either Hell or the Abyss,... [click here for more] |
Fat Goblin Games |
Suit Up and Roll Out!
Crank your Starfinder game up to the next level with mobile suits! This new, easy to use, category of armor allows you to pilot giant robots of any sort! We’ve got rules for everything from transforming robots to living bio-mechs, magic-tech cockpits, mobile suits powered by the hearts of sentient stars, necrotic cybernetic zombies you can pilot, and even mobile... [click here for more] |
Little Red Goblin Games |
Join Them in The Stars!
Meet these 13 wondrous strangers at any time in your life. The galaxy that the player characters inhabit should be full of rich and vibrant characters with whom they can interact. While most need little more than names and general descriptions, some require complete statistics, such as law enforcement, hackers, and space marines. The PCs might find themselves in combat... [click here for more] |
Fat Goblin Games |
In a not-so-distant future, the world has been ravaged by global warming, subjected to the horrors of nuclear war and natural disaster, witnessed the collapse of the mightiest nation in the history of the world, and the rise of other nations to take its place. In East Asia, the Bear and the Dragon battle for control of the resource-rich continent, and an emergent A.I. known only as Charon has destabilized... [click here for more] |
Gun Metal Games |

ULYSSES Integrated Survey Ship
The Ulysses-class long-range planetary survey vessel consists of two medium-sized craft designed to function independently or joined together. The “Carrack” section is the base of operations, containing the primary scanning and communications systems plus spacious cargo holds and science labs. The Carrack has half a dozen cabins and... [click here for more] |
0-hr |
CHIMAERUS Integrated Transport
Chimaerus [ kī-mĕr′ĭs ] is an adventurer-oriented medium sized vessel that is made up of three independent ships:
• Leaena (the Lion) - the main body of the ship, holding the living quarters, medical, and FTL systems. This is the largest of the three sections and also serves as a command & control center... [click here for more] |
0-hr |
With multiple limbs, multiple eyestalks, and a mesmerizing bioelectric glow running along their glide wings, the Haesten of the Querritix system are not your typical race of humanoid aliens. Solitary retreats and isolated communities dot the asteroid-ravaged glaciers and low-grav jungles of the system. And within... [click here for more] |
AAW Games |
The Panthari design is the latest product of the Shipwrights of Syros 2, which has quickly become the preeminent design house in the Nexan Theocracy. Using the technologies developed for the Chimaerus and Trinity designs, the Panthari cruiser is a medium-large warship on par with ConFederation designs like the Mourning Wolf and Morningstar.
This ship has... [click here for more] |
0-hr |
It’s a Big Universe Out There. Explore It!
But make sure you have the essential equipment you’ll need to get the job done! From aerial survey drones and perimeter fences to beastblind amulets, cryostorage, and even the mobile command station, this Starfinder Codex has the technological gear, magic items, hybrid items, and vehicles you need to go where no PC has gone before! ... [click here for more] |
Rogue Genius Games |
By Alexander Augunas
Breathe a little extra life into your Starfinder campaign with Everyman Gaming’s Pop Culture Catalog series! This high-flavor series specializes in providing both players and GMs with everything they need to feel like they’re playing in a living, breathing world by by providing setting-neutral popular culture grounded in Rogue Genius Games’s Blood Space Campaign Setting... [click here for more] |
Rogue Genius Games |
By Alexander Augunas and George “Loki” Williams
Breath a little extra life into your Starfinder campaign with Everyman Gaming’s Pop Culture Catalog series! This high-flavor series specializes in providing both players and GMs with everything they need to feel like they’re playing in a living, breathing world by providing setting-neutral popular culture grounded in Rogue Genius Games’s Blood... [click here for more] |
Rogue Genius Games |
By Alexander Augunas
Breath a little extra life into your Starfinder campaign with Everyman Gaming’s Pop Culture Catalog series! This high-flavor series specializes in providing both players and GMs with everything they need to feel like they’re playing in a living, breathing world by by providing setting-neutral popular culture grounded in Rogue Genius Games’s Blood Space Campaign Setting that... [click here for more] |
Rogue Genius Games |
 By George "Loki" Williams
Breath a little extra life into your Starfinder campaign with Everybody Games’s Pop Culture Catalog series! This high-flavor series specializes in providing both players and GMs with everything they need to feel like they’re playing in a living, breathing world by providing setting-neutral popular culture grounded in Rogue Genius Games’s Blood Space Campaign Setting... [click here for more] |
Rogue Genius Games |
By Alexander Augunas
Breath a little extra life into your Starfinder campaign with Everyman Gaming’s Pop Culture Catalog series! This high-flavor series specializes in providing both players and GMs with everything they need to feel like they’re playing in a living, breathing world by by providing setting-neutral popular culture grounded in Rogue Genius Games’s Blood Space Campaign Setting that... [click here for more] |
Rogue Genius Games |
By Alexander Augunas
Breath a little extra life into your Starfinder campaign with Everyman Gaming’s Pop Culture Catalog series! This high-flavor series specializes in providing both players and GMs with everything they need to feel like they’re playing in a living, breathing world by by providing setting-neutral popular culture grounded in Rogue Genius Games’s Blood Space Campaign Setting that... [click here for more] |
Rogue Genius Games |
TRINITY Integrated Carrier
Trinity is an integrated carrier that consists of a pair of medium-sized cruisers that can operate independently or dock with the primary hull for extended range, increased power, and enhanced FTL capabilities.
The two cruisers are referred to as Trinity Alpha and Trinity Omega, or as “Tines” because the combined ship is vaguely trident shaped.... [click here for more] |
0-hr |
By Alexander Augunas and Owen K.C. Stephens
Breath a little extra life into your Starfinder campaign with Everyman Gaming’s Pop Culture Catalog series! This high-flavor series specializes in providing both players and GMs with everything they need to feel like they’re playing in a living, breathing world by by providing setting-neutral popular culture grounded in Rogue Genius Games’s Blood Space... [click here for more] |
Rogue Genius Games |
By Alexander Augunas
Breath a little extra life into your Starfinder campaign with Everyman Gaming’s Pop Culture Catalog series! This high-flavor series specializes in providing both players and GMs with everything they need to feel like they’re playing in a living, breathing world by by providing setting-neutral popular culture grounded in Rogue Genius Games’s Blood Space Campaign Setting that... [click here for more] |
Rogue Genius Games |
Put More “Mancy” in Your “Technomancy!”
Technomancy is the heart of the science-fantasy feel of the Starfinder Roleplaying Game, so you always want more of it! The Technomancy Manual gives you 21 new spells, ranging from a phantom limb to assembling a vehicular transport junkbot! Because Technology is better with a Little Magic! ... [click here for more] |
Rogue Genius Games |
Totally Metal Treasures!
Treasury of the Machine brings you an awesome array of over 70 technological and technomagical tools to enhance your Starfinder campaign, from devastating weapons like the rapture ray, beam saber, gravity cannon, kinesis grappler, or singularity grenade, to awesome accessories like the adrenal enhancement, ectosight, slipskin,... [click here for more] |
Legendary Games |
Wield the Power Cosmic
Star Classes: Solarians is the first volume in our new series of class-focused player supplements expanding the possibilities the spacefaring classes of the Starfinder Roleplaying Game! Explore the mysteries of the stars with over 50 new rules and flavor elements for solarians, including origins, solar amplifications, revelations from... [click here for more] |
Legendary Games |
Become a Faceless Killing Machine
The astral marines are high-tech shock troops used as terror troops and elite forces. While soldiers defeat the enemy’s body, astral marines break their spirit and will to fight. They are the faceless iron wall that an enemy finds themselves hopelessly thrust against. When their opponents break - even a chink in their armor, a small hole in their... [click here for more] |
Little Red Goblin Games |
Fold Space and Beat Face!
Davatti is a novel base class for the Starfinder Roleplaying Game! These warrior-monks free their minds and can move in 2 new physical directions! They can fold space like oragami and make weapons out of them, modify their weapons, and teleport across the battlefield just as easily as walking!
The Davatti Base Class:... [click here for more] |
Little Red Goblin Games |
A New Universe of Adventure Awaits
To Worlds Unknown is an adventure for 1st to 5th-level characters which can be played as a standalone adventure or as the first main chapter in the Legendary Planet Adventure Path, bringing your heroes into the midst of a battle beyond the stars for supremacy over myriad alien worlds and alien cultures.... [click here for more] |
Legendary Games |
Strange gods or wizardly interference has blended animal and man. By practice, accident, or even nature, the beast people have risen to live against and with humanity in all its varied cultures and origins. Two legs or four, they stand ready to spice up your adventure as allies, antagonists, or player options.
In a world steeped with magic, even the most unlikely matches are occasionally made. Sometimes... [click here for more] |
Silver Games LLC |
ATLAS Dropship
The goal of the ConFederation’s “Project Atlas” was to build a dropship for soldiers and mechs. The Meridian variant was the primary focus of the contract - a spherical “tail lander” designed to haul a lance of four massive combat mechs plus the personnel and supplies needed to maintain a forward base in support of the squad.
To recoup costs and... [click here for more] |
0-hr |
Redshirts: Adventures in Absurdity (Vol. 1) is a Starfinder compatible Adventure Path, guaranteed to have your PCs laughing hysterically from one end of the galaxy to the other.
Critics have called it "The Office meets Survivor...in space."
Unlike most RPGs which set up the PCs to achieve great heroic victories over threats to the very existence of the world, Redshirts is more a game of survival,... [click here for more] |
Happy Gnome Publishing |
Adventure is in Your Blood!
But this time, the adventure is literally in the blood … or at least, in Blood Space. Blood Space and Moon Dust takes a group of adventurers into Blood Space, a system where night skies are red and the viscera of a dead star risks tainting everything. What is supposed to be a simple delivery gets complicated, and before long players are caught up in piracy,... [click here for more] |
Rogue Genius Games |
Command the Energies of the Universe!
All the drives and limits of the universe are fuels and lenses for your power!
Like the mysterious outsiders known as aeons, and the masters of the ancient magic items called aeon stones, you are an embodiment of the conflicts and paradoxes within all planes of existence, and you use the tensions between them to enact your will on reality.
The Aeoncarnate is... [click here for more] |
Rogue Genius Games |
 Claim the Power of the Gods!
The power of the gods is beyond mortal comprehension. When some gods are elder beings that even other divinities call ancient, and some are elevated mortals, and even androids and machines can become gods, who can say that the dividing line between mortal and gods is clear and bright?
Within that gray zone exist the godlings—be they scions who walk their own path while... [click here for more] |
Rogue Genius Games |
By George “Loki” Willaims
Breathe a little extra life into your Starfinder campaign with Everybody Games’s Pop Culture Catalog series! This high-flavor series specializes in providing both players and GMs with everything they need to feel like they’re playing in a living, breathing world by providing setting-neutral popular culture grounded in Rogue Genius Games’s Blood Space Campaign Setting... [click here for more] |
Rogue Genius Games |