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Gold Ennie Award winner for Best Free Game, 2016
Born of the U.S. government’s 1928 raid on the degenerate coastal town of Innsmouth, Massachusetts, the covert agency known as Delta Green spent four decades opposing the forces of darkness with honor, but without glory. Stripped of sanction after a disastrous 1969 operation in Cambodia, Delta... [click here for more] |
Arc Dream Publishing |
UPDATED AND REVISED! This eight-page reference document adds resources to orient new Agents of Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game: typical professions, tables to generate agent motivations, tables to generate the horrifying incursion that brought a new agent in, tradecraft tips, a summary of personal pursuits in home scenes, and a home scene... [click here for more] |
Arc Dream Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Embers of Humanity is a community-funded hope-filled TTRPG about the end of the world.
This is the free quickstart. You can buy the full version here
Designed to provides players and GM's with a clear and easy to use rules system, Embers of Huamnity should feel familiar to experienced tables, while accessible to new players.
Create... [click here for more] |
John Hedge |
Pay What You Want
Star Frontiersman Vol 2 brings new content to the Star Frontiers community, supporting play, community, and the Star Frontiers revival. In this issue we have adventure writing advice from RPG legend and the first editor of Dragon magazine, Tim Kaslk! A fresh look at shotguns in the Frontier, a rogues gallery of non player characters, Operation: Dreadnought, the Devil's Triangle regular feature, as... [click here for more] |
Frontier Games & Publishing |
Within this book you will find a complete resource for spaceship skills acquisition along with a canon megacorp to work under while carrying out missions to expand the character skills. Also included will be a slew of deck plans for spacecraft the characters can serve aboard, all under the guidelines of said mega-corp. Unlike my Star Fighter game, this is 100% canon material to which any referee may... [click here for more] |
Frontier Games & Publishing |
Star Frontiersman2 is a fan magazine dedicated to the old-school sci-fi RPG, Star Frontiers. This fan magazine will have a wide appeal to fans of Firefly/Serenity, Traveller, and The Expanse. This issue is a "Mega Issue" to celebrate 1 year of the magazine being back in print and clocks in at 95 pages of sci-fi RPG goodness. This issue's theme is adventures in the New Streel system including the scouting... [click here for more] |
Frontier Games & Publishing |
Star Frontiersman Vol 2 Issue 27 is bringing new content to the Star Frontiers community, supporting play, community, and the Star Frontiers revival. Inside you will find regular features like Frontier Cartography, Frontier Facts & Lore, Jump Routes (to SF content on the web), the Frontier's Most Wanted, a Harmonized New Pale Breif, and the Medical Adventures theme for this issue. The Medical Adventures... [click here for more] |
Frontier Games & Publishing |
Star Frontiersman2 is a fan magazine dedicated to the old-school sci-fi RPG, Star Frontiers. This fan magazine will have a wide appeal to fans of Firefly/Serenity, Traveller, and The Expanse as it delivers 65 pages of sci-fi fun and adventure set in the Frontier setting. This issue's theme is adventures in the Devco System. The planet Cass has a barely breathable atmosphere and its inhabitants are... [click here for more] |
Frontier Games & Publishing |
Your journey begins here!
Gather your companions and gird yourself for a challenge as you set out on an adventure like no other! In these pages, you’ll find everything you need to create your adventurer, equip them with a wide variety of gear, and train them in the deadly arts required to survive the perils that lie in store.
The Sabre Roleplaying Game is a customised gaming experience... [click here for more] |
Dragonsbane Entertainment |
Pay What You Want
Star Frontiersman Vol 2 brings new content to the Star Frontiers community, supporting play, community, and the Star Frontiers revival. In this issue we have adventure writing advice from RPG legend and the first editor of Dragon magazine, Tim Kaslk! A fresh look at shotguns in the Frontier, a rogues gallery of non player characters, Operation: Dreadnought, the Devil's Triangle regular feature, as... [click here for more] |
Frontier Games & Publishing |
This is the OpenQuest Quickstart Rules + Adventure. If you are new to OpenQuest or a returning old hand wanting to see what’s changed, or simply want to pick up an introductory adventure suitable for newcomers this is for you.
It contains the following sections.
Characters. A rundown of what an OpenQuest character is made up of, both in terms of numbers and concepts.
Quick Rules.... [click here for more] |
D101 Games |
Pay What You Want
Get started with character creation in ZWEIHANDER Grim & Perilous RPG using our new form-fillable ZWEIHANDER Character Sheets!
These new character sheets are presented in both horizontal and vertical formats as a PDF. As they are form-fillable, they can be used on your mobile device, laptop or simply printed out for use around your game table. The PDFs are optimized for older... [click here for more] |
Star Frontiersman Vol 2 Issue 26 is bringing new content to the Star Frontiers community, supporting play, community, and the Star Frontiers revival. Inside you will find regular features like Frontier Cartography, Frontier Facts & Lore, Jump Routes (to SF content on the web), the Frontier's Most Wanted, a mine layer deck plan, fiction, review of mine laying and sweeping, a new look at the seeker... [click here for more] |
Frontier Games & Publishing |
Behold the ten venom, sword swinging, fist flying, fireball flinging Art of Wuxia!
Legends of Willow Bridge, Chapter 1: White Breath Cave
What do you get when you combine bandits, a teahouse, evil cultists, a blind kung fu master and some newly rolled up wuxia heroes? An introductory adventure for Art of Wuxia, of course!
This adventure is designed to guide players and GMs new to the genre... [click here for more] |
DwD Studios |
This game aid is meant to transform the tracking of character wealth from an accounting exercise that can feel rather divorced from the rest of the game, to an integrated piece of the narrative that many prefer to be the backbone of a campaign. Using this system, the Games Master and players alike might more naturally identify opportunities for further adventures and character development. In addition... [click here for more] |
Old Bones Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Take5 has been a TTRPG in the making for the past 5+ years, ambitiously made to rival other TTRPGs like D&D 5e, Shadowrun, Cyberpunk RED, Call of Cthulhu, etc, in a single-system format. As of version 3.44, Take5’s Base Rulebook has 187 pages.
The system is a setting-fluid, d100 percentage base game, built to enable creativity to its fullest by players and GMs alike. Abilities are written... [click here for more] |
Take5TTRPG |
Pay What You Want
Players! Are you running grim & perilous adventures, but tired of erasing your conditions over and over on your Character Folio for ZWEIHÄNDER Grim & Perilous RPG? Then prepare yourself with our color blind-friendly Purity Seals for Conditions, available exclusively at DriveThruRPG!
Every Purity Seal is marked with one of 11 Conditions Characters will face. This set includes... [click here for more] |
See Core Product here
Hide mission-critical intel from operatives!
This is a game master's screen for the Covert Ops role-playing game (see Core Product). It is presented in a 6-page layout to be printed landscape and inserted into sleeve-based universal GM screen systems such as those sold elsewhere. Alternatively, you can print on project paper (the printable self-adhesive paper available at... [click here for more] |
DwD Studios |
Pay What You Want
This game aid presents advice for using the Task mechanic in the MYTHRAS gaming system. Although the rules as written are clear, some of the statistical ramifications for multiple skill checks are subtle, and deserve close consideration. Spurred by a discussion at The Design Mechanism’s online forum, Setting Up Tasks is meant to be a handy reference for constructing meaningful Task challenges... [click here for more] |
Old Bones Publishing |
Pay What You Want
The Age of Shadow is a complete fantasy role-playing game based upon the OpenQuest system. As such, the game utilises a simple percentile rules mechanic to resolve most actions (making it suitable for beginners and veteran role-players alike), and is set in a mythical world of elves, men, and fearsome monsters.
Within the book you will find:
• character generation rules • a comprehensive skill... [click here for more] |
Crooked Staff Publishing |
Behold the ten venom, sword swinging, fist flying, fireball flinging Art of Wuxia!
Condition cards help a busy player and game master keep track of all those nasty conditions the characters get saddled with during a game session of Art of Wuxia. These cards, meant to be kept in front of you during play, help you remember that you're fatigued, drained, blinded, and surprised. Well... if you're... [click here for more] |
DwD Studios |
Behold the ten venom, sword swinging, fist flying, fireball flinging Art of Wuxia!
With this supplement, players who roll critical failures will be permitted to draw a destiny card onto the center of the table. Thereafter, when any character spends qi, they may choose to use that qi to perform one of the abilities listed on one of the destiny cards, discarding it! This helps to make getting... [click here for more] |
DwD Studios |
Chicago Ruins provides a Rubble and Ruin setting that GMs can jump into and use for their own games with a minimum of preparation. Alternatively, GMs can create their own ruins and salvage parts that they like from this setting, relocating them as desired.
The book contains maps and short descriptions of the various points of interest—with increasing focus on the ruins of Chicago. The descriptions... [click here for more] |
Rudus Publishing |
Longzhi is a light fantasy campaign setting detailed in Art of Wuxia, the cinematic roleplaying game of mystic kung fu action and adventure. The core rulebook comes with a black and white map within, stretched across two facing pages, and a handful of pages describing the history, lands, territories, organizations, belief systems, customs, languages, economy, and more. If you want to play in this... [click here for more] |
DwD Studios |
Behold the ten venom, sword swinging, fist flying, fireball flinging Art of Wuxia!
There are a lot of dice rolled in a session of Art of Wuxia: rolls for initative, rolls to hit, rolls for damage, action checks, resistance checks... and oh wait... which of those was my initiative die?!
This initiative deck gives you another way to track turn order. Deal each player a number of cards equal... [click here for more] |
DwD Studios |
Decahedron is a magazine that contains articles written by gamers like you. It's something we can all develop together and be proud of. Designed to be small, lite, but full of fun content, we hope you enjoy each issue. As long as gamers are contributing, their content will have a place within the pages of Decahedron.
Each issue is FREE, pay $0.00. If you like what DwD Studios is doing, help support... [click here for more] |
DwD Studios |
Pay What You Want
Horror Roleplaying in Terrifying Realms of Lovecraftian Apocalypses.
Lovecraftian roleplaying typically sees brave Mythos investigators foiling plots to corrupt our familiar world. But what happens when the heroes DON’T save the day? When the cult’s apocalyptic schemes succeed? What comes next? That’s what APOCTHULHU is about.
IMPORTANT NOTE: this... [click here for more] |
Cthulhu Reborn |
Looking to write and publish your own adventure or creature for ZWEIHÄNDER Grim & Perilous RPG? Using these easy-to-use art packs, now you can!
Files include:
Every censored and uncensored image from the bestiary, A-Z
Grab the official Art Pack (Bestiaryl) today, and begin creating your own world of grim & perilous adventure!
Version Control... [click here for more] |
Terrible Wyrm |
Pay What You Want
This game aid presents a few linked scenes to spice up or round out a larger scenario of yours, to serve as a centerpiece or inspiration for your own full adventure, or to fill in a sundry night’s gaming between "real" episodes in your story arc. It could also help in cases where your players zig instead of zagging. The supplement is shorter than a full adventure, but its scenes do offer a beginning,... [click here for more] |
Old Bones Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Litus Saxonicum ("The Saxon Shore") is a tabletop roleplaying game set in Britain between the years 450 to 500 A.D, during the Anglo-Saxon colonization of the island against its Romano-Brittonic natives. Gameplay Diversity: The player can be either a Briton, an Anglo-Saxon, a "Celt", or a Roman. Each culture has different norms, rules, and characteristics. Likewise,... [click here for more] |
Cameron Brow |
In tribute of Gary Gygax Day, we're releasing our Henchman profession from the upcoming supplement Main Gauche. We're also including the Dungeoneer, an expert profession from Zweihänder Grim & Perious RPG.
Thank you for introducing children and adults worldwide to the realm of Dungeons & Dragons, Gary!
#GaryGygaxDay #GaryGygax... [click here for more] |
Terrible Wyrm |
Pay What You Want
 Have you purchased the ZWEIHANDER Fantasy Horror RPG: Starter Kit and want to start making your own profession folios? Download this form-fillable 4-page character sheet to get started! ... [click here for more] |
Pay What You Want
Decahedron is a magazine that contains articles written by gamers like you. It's something we can all develop together and be proud of. Designed to be small, lite, but full of fun content, we hope you enjoy each issue. As long as gamers are contributing, their content will have a place within the pages of Decahedron.
Each issue is FREE, pay $0.00. If you like what DwD Studios is doing, help support... [click here for more] |
DwD Studios |
Pay What You Want
Zweihänder - GRIMDARK es la versión BETA de este juego que está disponible en castellano para que todos podáis adentraros en las sombrías y peligrosas aventuras de este retro-clon que es el sucesor espiritual de Warhammer Fantasy el Juego de Rol. Se trata de una versión revisada y con el aspecto actualizado de la que publicó en 2015 en IGARol.
Con ZWEIHÄNDER... [click here for more] |
Pay What You Want
Looking to write and publish your own adventure or creature for ZWEIHÄNDER Grim & Perilous RPG? Using these easy-to-use art packs, now you can!
Files include:
Regular Professions A-Z
Expert Professions A-Z
Grab the official Art Pack (Dark Astral) today, and begin creating your own world of grim & perilous adventure!
Version Control... [click here for more] |
Terrible Wyrm |
Pay What You Want
Enter the world of Night Borough, a new free suppliment for Dark Stars, Beyond The Black Sea. Conversion rules are supplied for converting DnD to Dark Stars and Dark Stars to DnD. The gothic horror setting is supplied for free, if you like this setting we can expand it lots to do lots to see and a scenario is on the way. Night Borough This book describes the pocket reality of Night... [click here for more] |
Darkstars Universe |
Pay What You Want
This game aid presents a handy alternative for awarding development points during character generation in the MYTHRAS gaming system. Older characters receive more bonus points in the rules as written, but the progression is not smooth, and does not address certain questions. In a more finely grained system, exactly how many bonus points does a character receive at any particular age? Suppose that a... [click here for more] |
Old Bones Publishing |
Pay What You Want
All new, fan-written material (with a seasonal flavour) for Cakebread & Walton’s role-playing games, including:
An adventure for OneDice Spies: Martinis and Masterminds
A double bill of cringeworthy classic OneDice B- Movies
A Christmas caper for the forthcoming OneDice Ghost Hunters
1970s moral dilemmas in a OneDice Spies: Cold War adventure
Supernatural adventure in Sydney for OneDice... [click here for more] |
Cakebread & Walton |
A revision of the character sheet originally shared on the Vorpal Mace blog, with less typos, no redundancy, and more whitespace. This A4 landscape character record has breezy and simple layout, has a section for everything, and sacrifices eyecandy on the altar of printer-friendliness. It also has a form fillable version included for those cursed with a doctor's handwriting. ... [click here for more] |
Pay What You Want
This is the APOCTHULHU System Reference document. It contains all the open content from the APOCTHULHU RPG. We informally call this game engine the "Cthulhu Eternal" System (and other, non-Apocalypse versions of the same rules are published under that name). Whether you are a publisher or a gamer, you can use this under the terms of the Open Gaming License.
This is NOT the... [click here for more] |
Cthulhu Reborn |
Pay What You Want
This game aid presents several linked scenes to serve as a centerpiece or inspiration for your own full adventure, or to fill in a sundry night’s gaming between “real” episodes in your story arc. It could also help when your players zig instead of zagging. This supplement is not a completely fleshed-out scenario, but is nearly so. Because it is meant to be tied so intimately to the particular... [click here for more] |
Old Bones Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Decahedron is a magazine that contains articles written by gamers like you. It's something we can all develop together and be proud of. Designed to be small, lite, but full of fun content, we hope you enjoy each issue. As long as gamers are contributing, their content will have a place within the pages of Decahedron.
Each issue is FREE, pay $0.00. If you like what DwD Studios is doing, help support... [click here for more] |
DwD Studios |
Pay What You Want
This game aid presents 12 characters who could be used in the upcoming Old Bones scenario Savage Swords in the City of Plagues, as either protagonists or antagonists. Naturally they could be used in any other scenario as well, keeping in mind that they have been created specifically for a Sword and Sorcery setting. In accord with the genre, none of these individuals knows magic, and most... [click here for more] |
Old Bones Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Looking to write and publish your own adventure or creature for ZWEIHÄNDER Grim & Perilous RPG? Using these easy-to-use art packs, now you can!
Files include:
Template files
Arcane Magick artwork
Divine Magick artwork
Grab the official Art Pack (Magick Cards) today, and begin creating your own world of grim & perilous adventure!
Version Control... [click here for more] |
Terrible Wyrm |
Pay What You Want
A new Lore for using with 'Against the Darkmaster' core rules, including spells for creating and crafting magical items, ranging from high quality stuff to powerful enchanted objects.
Inside this supplement you will find ten new spells from Weave 1st to 10th with their complete description. ... [click here for more] |
Caronte |
Pay What You Want
https://www.kalevalahammer.com made ZWEIHÄNDER RPG Character Sheet.
Includes example character how to use the sheet. This character is a intermediate tier Dwarf Rune Thane from some northern realm, with various Racial & Cultural Traits that I have just made up for this example. Character also has number of other details and how Reward Points have been used to this point. ... [click here for more] |
Pay What You Want
This is a set of reference cards in support of a rulebook. Although these could be used alone, a great deal more descriptive text, campaign notes, and setting information can be found in the actual rulebook. To see a sample of the print & play version of these cards, download the PDF associated with this file. If you want the full set of print & play cards, they come in a black... [click here for more] |
DwD Studios |
Mythras Fondamentaux est un système de jeu sous licence ORC. Il repose sur un dé à pourcentage (d100), ainsi que sur des compétences liées à la culture et à la profession plutôt qu’à des classes ou à des niveaux. Mythras Fondamentaux couvre la création de personnages, le combat, la magie, les superpouvoirs et même les véhicules, du charriot au vaisseau... [click here for more] |
d100fr |
Pay What You Want
Looking to write and publish your own adventure or creature for ZWEIHÄNDER Grim & Perilous RPG? Using these easy-to-use art packs, now you can!
All of the files are high resolution .jpgs, and perfect to print out in poster format or as a desktop background! They include:
Zweihänder Grim & Perilous RPG front cover by Jussi Alarauhio
Zweihänder Grim & Perilous RPG front cover alt (all... [click here for more] |
Terrible Wyrm |
Pay What You Want
This game aid presents a sketch of a Nomadic people who practice a Mystic tradition, with three sample characters and flavor text to illustrate how they think and behave. The supplement has been excerpted from Secrets of Blood Rock, an upcoming adventure that takes place in The Realm, the setting featured also in The Design Mechanism’s Book of Quests and Hessaret’s Treasure.... [click here for more] |
Old Bones Publishing |
Pay What You Want