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These story cards will enhance your FARFLUNG experience. They will also work with any game, especially ones of speculative fiction.
Each card contains:
A Story point to help shape your needs and desires.
A Being to consider introducing as a new character.
A Goal to inspire a character to take action.
An Item to help or to hinder the story.
A Snag to use as a complication when things aren't going... [click here for more] |
Sanguine Productions |
Pay What You Want
 Round out your Wyrd of Stromgard campaigns with the official GM Screen and Map. This listing is for high quality, full color, ready-to-print PDF files of both the front and back of the GM Screen and Map for you to print yourself.
The GM screen is 3 panels and unfolds to 12"x27" and contains the following information the back side:
The GM Principles, Agenda, and when to make a move
GM Moves
Dungeon... [click here for more] |
Lost Dutchman Publishing |
Pay What You Want
These cards are for use with MADCAP: SCREWBALL CARTOON ROLE-PLAY
Each card includes:
A Gimmick, an upside and a downside for your character. Some of them are General gimmicks (for use in any game), while others are specific to a genre (Medieval, Wild West, Sci-Fi, Teen Mystery, Horror, Cyberpunk). Pass these out to the players to let them... [click here for more] |
Sanguine Productions |
Pay What You Want
These extension cards will enhance your FARFLUNG experience.
Extensions are an optional rule that some players may want to use. When a character has an Extension, a new rule is in play for that character. They may have access to a new move. Or rolls they make have been changed in some way: they may be more random, more predictable, or just plain odd. Extensions may also have some story complication... [click here for more] |
Sanguine Productions |
Pay What You Want
Pour faciliter la vie de vos joueurs à Dungeon World, utilisez ces fiches récapitulatives, qui vous proposent :
1 page contenant toutes les Actions de Base (Tailler en pièces, Négocier, Défendre, ...)
1 page contenant toutes les Actions Spéciales (Dernier Soupir, Ripailler, Recruter, ...)
Le document est fourni en PDF. Imprimez-le à votre convenance.
Publié sous licence Creative Commons CC-By-SA,... [click here for more] |
Gulix |
Pay What You Want
This freeware material consists of the following parts from the Naval Warfare sourcebook.
Free Stuff: Equipment
The concept of technological levels introduced to the Dungeon World framework.
10 navigation tools that may be extremely useful for travels, naval and otherwise.
Reworked and newly added weapon, armor and shield tags.... [click here for more] |
Zomgmeister |
Pay What You Want
Ce hack propose une adaptation du jeu PBTA Urban Shadows à un contexte space opera. Exit les garous et vampires, bonjour aliens, robots et colons de l'espace !
Au menu:
- petites adaptations de règles
- fche de création d'habitat spatial
- 12 archétypes jouables complets ... [click here for more] |
Antoine Kirdinn Nobilet |
Pay What You Want
Работа, получившая 2 место в конкурсе "Одностраничное подземелье 2018".
В опустошенном во времена Последней Войны мире герои пытаются спасти свое племя от полного уничтожения. Для этого они должны совершить поход на юг через... [click here for more] |
SmashStar Games |
Pay What You Want
Работа, получившая 3 место в конкурсе "Одностраничное подземелье 2018".
В данном PDF приведен слегка видоизмененный авторский перевод, без указания имен всех лидеров и прочих исторических личностей. Каждое имя заменено завуалированной... [click here for more] |
SmashStar Games |
Pay What You Want
 Работа, получившая 3 место в конкурсе "Одностраничное подземелье 2018".
В данном PDF приведен вариант точного перевода оригинала. Слегка видоизмененный авторский перевод, без указания имен всех лидеров и прочих исторических... [click here for more] |
SmashStar Games |
Pay What You Want