MIND THE GAP is a fast-paced /RUN for CBR+PNK.
Straightforward and self-contained, this "one-page" scenario is ideal for introducing both players and GMs to the system. It is also scalable for more experienced players, as its constraints can be eventually overcomed, leaving them with exciting elements to play around.
You also get high-quality SYNTHETIZED VOICELINES reproducing... [click here for more]
So, we were kicking back and having a fun night, talking about games. Because when your GM calls out for the night, that's the next best thing, right?
And somehow, we got into a pun war about bears. I know, I know-- easy target, right? Big and fluffy and why are their ears so cute?
Anyway, a certain movie based on the true story of a coked-up bear had just come out, and we started noodling... [click here for more]
"They say it was the year 258, in the year of the flying horse,The winter frost came and the snow stayed late, and clouds darked the skies,The burning walls of Castle Stonecleft stood in the shadows of the Grey Mountains..."
"Blazing Swords Across the Battlefield" tells the story of one of the battles of Castle Stonecleft in the realm of Baronica.
"Blazing Swords... [click here for more]
"The warrior rode with the whipping wind and a fearsome fire in his eye,ever on eastward to Evermore's End and a screaming scarlet sky,For down in the Dark Lord's lonely land, his lifelong love was lost..."
"The Champion" details the battle of the champion and the dark lord over the love of the champion in the mystical realm of Baronica.
"The Champion" is an MP3 about... [click here for more]
Version 0.1. Work in progress.
Also available in as e-book for a cosy evening with a hot cup of tea: Shangri-La Roleplaying System (also good with a cup of Irish Coffee)... [click here for more]