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 Detailed deck plans and design sheets for a deadly and fast Zhodani fast attack scout destroyer, to add to your order of battle for a Fifth Frontier War setting campaign. ... [click here for more] |
Amber Zoned Comix |
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 This is an adventure for Cepheus Engine.
The Cerebus was a wormhole prototype exploration vessel that was last seen nearly four years ago. It was sent to explore a newly formed wormhole with a crew of six men and women aboard including a highly respected scientist. Unfortunately the wormhole collapsed soon after the ship went through it. The Cerebus was never heard from again.
Recently a wormhole... [click here for more] |
Old School Role Playing |
Pay What You Want
 This is an adventure for Cepheus Engine.
Shore leave........The most anticipated words of any crew member of any star ship anywhere. Everyone loves taking leave after spending weeks or months or even longer aboard a cramped star ship. Whether serving on a freighter or on a scout ship hitting port and going on leave are the best times a crew member gets during their terms of service.
In the Sonora... [click here for more] |
Old School Role Playing |
Pay What You Want
 This is an adventure for Cepheus Engine.
It is the hottest new product in the Sonora Sector. Alpha-Omega MCD is a pain reliever unmatched by any on the market to date. It cures everything from pain, Sonoran encephalitis and Olonsean measles to cancer. The product is made from the finest blue mold which grows only on the dark side of the third moon orbiting Klanon III in the Aroid System. This system... [click here for more] |
Old School Role Playing |
Pay What You Want
 A heavily damaged alien derelict has been discovered 2 parsecs from the Khisuda system (Deneb 2918). The design and origin of the vessel are completely unknown, and the alien crew appears to be long dead. Your team has been dispatched to investigate this mysterious ship and recover any valuable technology or information.
However, time is not on your side. Another crew from the Knonen Shipping Consortium,... [click here for more] |
Mongoose |
Pay What You Want
This is an adventure for Cepheus Engine.
Jericho Station is on the edge of the Sonora Sector and unexplored space. This lawless den of inequity is a major hub for smugglers, pirates, renegades and criminals. It is beyond the reach of the various Sonoran law enforcement authorities. It is located on a moon orbiting an unclaimed planet on the edge of the sector outside of the lawful authority of any... [click here for more] |
Old School Role Playing |
Pay What You Want
A redesign of the character sheet for Mongoose Traveller 2nd Edition
(compatibility with other versions of Traveller may be possible, but I make no promises).
This sheet is designed to be clean, low on ink-use, and provides as much information as possible in a user-friendly way. It includes a number of additions to the version included in the Core Rulebook - such as space... [click here for more] |
Mongoose |
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The "Weird Uncharted Space" milieu is a setting within the Mongoose Traveller universe that pushes the boundaries of traditional space exploration. It introduces new, complex mechanics that make space travel more unpredictable and dangerous. The ruleset emphasizes the psychological and physical toll of extended space travel, with detailed systems for handling jumpspace anomalies, misjumps, and the... [click here for more] |
Mongoose |
Pay What You Want
This is an adventure for Cepheus Engine.
The star port at Anapcequdo is one of the busiest star ports in the Sonora sector. This world is the capital system of the Pembian Empire and is known for it’s weapons manufacturing facilities. More passengers and cargo move through this star port daily than just about any other star port in the sector.
But not everything is as rosy as it seems. The star... [click here for more] |
Old School Role Playing |
Pay What You Want
A redesign of the GM Screen for Mongoose Traveller 2nd Edition (compatibility with other versions of Traveller may be possible, but I make no promises).
The sheets are designed to fit most available pocket-style GM screens and include a number of inserts featuring both photos, art and tables.
This sheet is designed provide as much information as possible in a user-friendly way. It... [click here for more] |
Mongoose |
Pay What You Want
 This is an adventure for Cepheus Engine.
The Yamaguchi cartel is a power organized crime family operating in the Sonora sector. This family adheres to old Yakuza customs such as chopping off fingers by underlings to atone for mistakes made and presenting these digits to their bosses. The cartel is involved in all sorts of illicit activity in the sector from gambling and prostitution to smuggling of... [click here for more] |
Old School Role Playing |
Pay What You Want
 This is an adventure for Cepheus Engine.
Smuggling among small merchants in the Sonora sector is the norm rather than the exception. There are so many diverse worlds and cultures in the sector that the laws of each system are virtually always different than the next. What is contraband on one world is openly for sale on the next one. It is very difficult for merchants and traders to keep track of... [click here for more] |
Old School Role Playing |
Pay What You Want
 BATTLESTATIONS! Inside you will find five printable (8.5" x 14") playmats covering crew positions such as Pilot, Sensor Operator, Engineer ans Gunner. These playmats include starship combat rule references for your Mongoose 2e Traveller game, and place character actions by role, right at your fingertips. ... [click here for more] |
Mongoose |
Pay What You Want
 This is an adventure for Cepheus Engine.
Many of the alien races living in the Sonora, and surrounding, sectors have legends regarding ancient “gods” visiting their world in the distant past. A few refer to these “gods” as “The Makers.” A few other names have also been used such as “the originals,” “the gods” and “the seeders.”
Archeologist Melissa Bauer has a theory about... [click here for more] |
Old School Role Playing |
Pay What You Want
 This is an adventure for Cepheus Engine.
The Sonora sector has vast mineral resources just waiting to be exploited. Mining companies operate all over the sector extracting all kinds of valuable resources. One of the most valuable resources to be found, however, is water.
Water is abundant in some places. There are water worlds in the sector with massive oceans. There are ice fields that dwarf many... [click here for more] |
Old School Role Playing |
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With the release of Cepheus Universal in January 2024, Zozer Games wanted to illustrate its versatility in recreating many different styles of science fiction roleplaying. Why not start at the beginning, in the 19th century, with H.G. Wells’ influential science fiction novel The War of the Worlds?
This short book provides Cepheus Universal resources with which a Game Master... [click here for more] |
Zozer Games |
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This is an adventure for Cepheus Engine.
Damocles Station, also known as Star Base S-132C, is known to be one of the most lawless places in the Sonora sector. The station is built into the side of an asteroid at the very heart of the Glusrerosia system. This system has one of the most dense asteroid belts in the sector and is heavily mined by most of the major mining companies.
The station is a... [click here for more] |
Old School Role Playing |
Pay What You Want
Medivac 1, Medivac 2 and Medivac 3 all brought together in one place along with four Confessions from the pages of Freelance Traveller and a reading list of Traveller material related to medical matters.
FULL DISCLOSURE: All this material is available for free via the Freelance Traveller website except for Medivac 3 written especially for this volume, BUT all profits from this project... [click here for more] |
March Harrier Publishing |
Pay What You Want
 The Calendula is a specialized version of the Callisto Class "Type L" laboratory ship, designed for biological, chemical, and medical resource in remote locations. This build guide provides instructions for laying out, sourcing, and printing this ship at 28mm scale.
Seth Skorkowsky's Death Station is a free adventure for Mongoose Traveller, 2nd Edition, and this guide helps you... [click here for more] |
Mongoose |
Pay What You Want
 This is an adventure for Cepheus Engine.
The Borus system has recently been discovered on the edge of the Sonora sector. This system was believed to be unpopulated until a recent Kilgari Corporation mineral survey discovered a race of inhabitants known only as the Berzan on Borus Prime. Borus Prime appears to have significant mineral resources worth potentially billions of credits to the company.... [click here for more] |
Old School Role Playing |
Pay What You Want
 This is an adventure for Cepheus Engine.
Since the first human entered the Sonora sector some mysteries have still never been solved. One such mystery involves a peculiar statue and artifact left by aliens long ago on the planet Dadobka.
The statue depicts a humanoid head leaning as if laying upon it’s stomach. Nearby is a metal wheel. Who left this statue and why is unknown. Scientists and archeologists... [click here for more] |
Old School Role Playing |
Pay What You Want
This is an adventure for Cepheus Engine.
Strange sights and occurrences in space are often the norm in the Sonora sector. Both aliens and humans live together in close proximity. Hostilities do arise from time to time. But for the most part these groups manage to live together in relative peace and prosperity.
The nearby border sectors, however, are a different matter entirely. Many of these are... [click here for more] |
Old School Role Playing |
Pay What You Want
Enhance your space combat sessions with our Space Combat Map, specifically designed for Mongoose Traveller 2nd Edition!
Key Features:
Radar-Style Range Bands: Includes concentric rings to represent range bands, with each ring indicating a thrust point spent.
Precise Measurements: Rings are 1 inch wide, providing an easy way to measure distances... [click here for more] |
Mongoose |
Pay What You Want
 This is an adventure for Cepheus Engine.
It has been 25 years since The Devonshire disappeared. The freighter was traveling in the trade lanes of the Sonora sector loaded with a cargo of Rhihesian blue corn. The Devonshire was one of many freighters owned and run by the Kastle Transport Company. This small corporation operates mostly within and around the Sonora sector.
Ships disappear from time... [click here for more] |
Old School Role Playing |
Pay What You Want
This is an adventure for Cepheus Engine.
While passing through a star port, between adventures, the travelers notice an advertisement on the holovid screens. The Abishi Livestock company is offering jobs to ship crews willing to move animals from one system to another. They are offering premium pay for these missions. Moving livestock seems like a relatively tame mission compared to the jobs the travelers... [click here for more] |
Old School Role Playing |
Pay What You Want
A Travellers' Dozen includes a dozen NPC Travellers for use with Mongoose Traveller 2nd edition. Each character includes a portrait, background and 6 story hooks to provide ideas on how they may be used in a campaign.
Also included are four organisations which have connections to these characters: Intuitive Biomedics, Paternity Inc, Sag Mekilure and Tobia Uncovered! Each has a full description... [click here for more] |
Mongoose |
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This is our story, in the year 2271, Humanity not only surviving the Earth Crisis of the 21st century, the Diaspora of the 22nd, and recently a conflict in the 23rd; except thriving, founding new towns and cities across a sphere of space 50 light-years from home.
242 pages with over 30 real star maps, more than 500 star systems, and a star list including xyz coordinates alongside other data. Also... [click here for more] |
Wild Bee Publishing |
Pay What You Want
 This is an adventure for Cepheus Engine.
War has finally come to the Sonora sector. After many proxy wars and minor skirmishes the Olonsean Empire and the Ilsunsi Directorate are actively engaged in hostilities. The battles have been fierce and bloody and both sides have taken extensive losses in the fighting. The Olonsean Empire has begun issuing Letters of Marque to ship captains interested in attacking... [click here for more] |
Old School Role Playing |
Pay What You Want
March Harrier Publishing |
Pay What You Want
 Here is a simplified character sheet for Mongoose traveller Second Edition. This was designed to provide a simple layout but with a classic-looking sci-fi computer font for Classic Traveller fans and for those who enjoy classic digital fonts! This pdf includes
- a blank character sheet
- A flowchart aid to help with character creation
Enjoy! ... [click here for more] |
Mongoose |
Pay What You Want
Since it came up: THERE IS NO GIGANTIC TAS LOGO ON THE SHEET. IT'S ONLY ON THE COVER. It's a requirement for uploading for the Traveller community program.
My Traveller character sheet for Mongoose 2nd Edition Traveller. Custom made from scratch with Scribus. Two pages, one for Character stats and one for tracking your career, contacts and equipment.
Enjoy! ... [click here for more] |
Mongoose |
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A set of tokens depicting traveller sharships and space phenomena suitable for use as a play aid in traveller games. ... [click here for more] |
Mongoose |
Pay What You Want
 This is an adventure for Cepheus Engine.
Durnab VII is a recently discovered world just beyond the borders of the Sonora sector. This strange world lives in virtual darkness all year round. It is the farthest populated planet from the star that it orbits. It orbits the star only once every 12312 days (using the 24 Sonoran standard hours as the measure).
Once every 12312 days the world gets daylight... [click here for more] |
Old School Role Playing |
Pay What You Want
A chart for tracking events in space combat for Mongoose Traveller 2nd Edition (compatibility with other versions of Traveller may be possible, but I make no promises).
Provided through the Community Content Program's Traveller's Aid Society. ... [click here for more] |
Mongoose |
Pay What You Want
Medivac 1, Medivac 2 and Medivac 3 all brought together in one place along with four Confessions from the pages of Freelance Traveller and a reading list of Traveller material related to medical matters.
FULL DISCLOSURE: All this material is available for free via the Freelance Traveller website except for Medivac 3 written especially for this volume, BUT all profits from this... [click here for more] |
Mongoose |
Pay What You Want
My Traveller character sheets for Mongoose 2nd Edition Traveller. Made with Scribus.
It's two sheets, one for "Operations" meant for action, recording damage, critical hits, shooting and a quick overview of the spacecraft's components. The second one is for "Management" listing the exact components, all their stats and boxes for keeping track of resources like fuel, power, hull etc. Yes, you'd need... [click here for more] |
Mongoose |
Pay What You Want
Fully fillable version of the 2022 Traveller Character Sheet. Also does calculations for charactaristic DMs, weapon ranges, Jack of All Trades, and autofills skill level 0 for skill groups. Works with Chrome, Firefox (with a few oddities), and Adobe Acrobat.
Also includes a version with all the fields, but none of the calculations.
This product was created under license. Traveller and its logo... [click here for more] |
John Fulmer |
Pay What You Want
I like the package system in the Traveller Companion but if felt there were far too few packages, so I made some more. They are all for the standard traveller setting just getting into some stuff that wasn't included in the basic ones like being raised in a psionic institute or being a non warrior person from a low tech world. I tried my best to balance this off of the ones in the book and the point... [click here for more] |
Mongoose |
Pay What You Want
In the farthest reaches of the galaxy, where the twinkle of distant stars is swallowed by the inky blackness of space, lies the enigmatic Starcity. Nestled within the Ocaliva System, it's a place where fortunes are made and lost in the blink of an eye, where the secrets of the cosmos hide behind the shimmering allure of neon-lit casinos. Starcity, bathed in the warm glow of its sun-feeding solar panels,... [click here for more] |
Mongoose |
Pay What You Want
This is an adventure for Cepheus Engine.
The jungle planet of Uriene Secunda is on the very edge of the Sonora sector and unexplored space. A substantial portion of this untamed world is covered in thick triple canopy jungle. The rest of the world is covered in water. A merciless sun beats down on this hot and humid planet making it uncomfortable for visitors.
The natives on this world are extremely... [click here for more] |
Old School Role Playing |
Pay What You Want
This download includes three versions of a map for space combat when using VTTs such as Fantasy Grounds. They are sized at 2000px x 1200px and include with and without grid and stars. They each include a rangefinder as show in Seth Skorkowski's video tutorial on Space Combat. ... [click here for more] |
Mongoose |
Pay What You Want
 This is an adventure for Cepheus Engine.
The Olonsean Empire has long used the desert world of Refaso as a penal planet. There are many prison camps on the harsh planet where political prisoners and criminals are sent to live out their remaining years. Thankfully for the prisoners these years are usually short. Most prisoners do not live more than a year on this world due to the incredibly harsh conditions... [click here for more] |
Old School Role Playing |
Pay What You Want
A map of the Spinwards Marches Sector for Mongoose Traveller 2nd Edition
(compatibility with other versions of Traveller may be possible, but I make no promises).
This map is designed to be easier on the eye, naturally drawing the eye to systems rather than the grid or other peripheral information.
The map is designed for an A1 page. If you do not have access to a suitable... [click here for more] |
Mongoose |
Pay What You Want
Hello Explorers!
Welcome to issue 27 of the Frontier Explorer. Our new author in this issue is Jerry Boucher, who also drew the absolutely amazing cover image for the issue. The cover is a callback, albeit from the sathar side, of the classic Elmore painting that graces the cover of the original rules. His article looks at the construction and use of the sathar weapons.
In addition to Jerry’s... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
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This is the Signal-GK publication: Encyclopedia of Dagudashaag: an extensive discussion of the ins-and-outs of Dagudashaag Sector. In addition, it includes an "Eyes Only" secret appendix. ... [click here for more] |
Far Future Enterprises - Traveller |
Pay What You Want
Hello Explorers!
Welcome to issue 26 of the Frontier Explorer. This is a more typical grab-bag issue with no particular theme, although it definitely leans heavily to the weapons and equipment direction. We have articles by two new authors this issue: Nick Landry and John Blaylock, with articles on portable power sources and energy weapons, respectively. I think we can expect to see more articles... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
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Sixty years ago the world collapsed. The zombie infection came and went but humans have survived. Our numbers are few but we have rebounded and have reformed in ways our ancestors would have found strange and disturbing. War has come back with our reemergence from the isolation of the early days, with blood being shed over resources, land, and visions of what our new society might... [click here for more] |
Mongoose |
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A map of the Trojan Reacdhes Sector for Mongoose Traveller 2nd Edition
(compatibility with other versions of Traveller may be possible, but I make no promises).
This map is designed to be easier on the eye, naturally drawing the eye to systems rather than the grid or other peripheral information.
The map is designed for an A2 page. If you do not have access to a suitable... [click here for more] |
Mongoose |
Pay What You Want
Designed for the Cepheus Engine SRD Rules. These sheets are for you to record your characters, stats, skills, details, equipment, weapons and money. There are two sheets for each character, ideally sheet two should printed on the reverse of sheet one.
Both A4 and US letter sized sheets are included. Now includes a handy fillable PDF version !
Requires the use of the Cepheus Engine SRD Rules from... [click here for more] |
Moon Toad Publishing |
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The Ruthless Veil Sector Expedition Players Guide
The Mystery of the Ruthless Veil & other subsector stories.
Everything players need to begin the Ruthless Veil Sector Expedition Campaiyn. The spacecraft in this book along with its small craft ,vehicles ,robots and more. Can be used in any Traveller game in any Era. Even tho his Expedition spacecraft and it's crew are set in the New Era 1205.... [click here for more] |
Mongoose |
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