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RedHack2er (RedHack Second Edition Revised) is a TTRPG that will be familiar to fans of d20, roll high systems. It differs from most of those systems in these areas:
“Classless” (Skill-Based) System: Players build PCs by choosing Attributes, Feats, and Skills. Feats replace traditional class abilities, allowing for more customization without overwhelming players with too many... [click here for more] |
TheNatOne |
Pay What You Want
Awakening in the dark with splitting headache, you hear the curses of other tight-packed prisoners. No screaming. Must not be in the deep dungeons, not yet. Damned castellan-he’s as paranoid as he is venial. Apparently his keep is hard to crack even when he’s gone. But you’re inside now. He'll regret this, if you can slip out of this cage...
The Fall of Whitecliff is a sandbox/regional... [click here for more] |
Coldlight Press |
Pay What You Want
The second issue of Ordo Draconis, the journal of the Dragon Warriors Roleplaying Game, expands its horizons to feature nearly three times the content and artwork of the first issue and adds statistics for The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game! This new volume focuses on Cornumbria, a Saxon and Celt-inspired coastal region in the west of Ellesland. Players and GMs will find plenty of... [click here for more] |
Ordo Draconis |
Up here in the mountains, the sun sets fast. The path has narrowed yet again as it diverts into this small slot valley. A gentle stream parallels the path; it’s pretty, but the smell of rotting vegetation dissuades from lingering long. In the lengthening shadows, birdsong seems oddly muted. As the forest clears a bit up ahead, a small manor upon a little pond comes into view. The birds have gone... [click here for more] |
Coldlight Press |
Pay What You Want
PDF is currently free! Hardcover is now at printing + shipping cost!
Do you play Dungeons & Dragons?
Do you enjoy Heavy Metal?
Then today is the most important day of your life, because this book was made for you.
Vanquish your foes with the sheer power of roaring decibels and rock-guitars. As the Disciple of Metal, you’ll play a warrior Bard who raises the dead... [click here for more] |
Sooth |

I’m a Stranger in a Strange Place…
Sure, you could play as a dungeon, dragon, slime, or even an intelligent weapon but how about playing YOURSELF? What if you were sucked into a fantasy TTRPG world and had to survive? What would you do, and how could you use your knowledge of the game and whatever cheat powers you were granted to your advantage? Well, now it's time to find... [click here for more] |
Roll For Combat |
Pay What You Want
I’m a Stranger in a Strange Place…
Sure, you could play as a dungeon, dragon, slime, or even an intelligent weapon but how about playing YOURSELF? What if you were sucked into a fantasy TTRPG world and had to survive? What would you do, and how could you use your knowledge of the game and whatever cheat powers you were granted to your advantage? Well, now it's time to find... [click here for more] |
Roll For Combat |
Pay What You Want
When huge stones fall out of the night sky,
A deadly curse settles over Gravencross.
Help the village exorcise the Demon Stones.
“The sun had set an hour ago, and the rain lashed down and the wind howled on the dark moor. A storm this late in the season was unusual, but this one seemed different. The clouds were more menacing, tinged... [click here for more] |
MonkeyBlood Design |
Pay What You Want
A Storm is Coming to Pathways!
How can you say "No" to a FREE collection of Pathfinder templates, alternate traits, enviormental encounters, interviews, and advice columns If you say no designer Steven D. Russell and artist Ramses Meledez will send a Tempest Elysium Titan after you!
Rite Publishing brings you Pathways, a free 'zine packed with plenty of Open Gaming Content for you to take to... [click here for more] |
Rite Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Welcome to the fourth book in the Loot 4 Less line, where we deal exclusively in items with a cost-to-consumer of 2,500 gp or less. That's right: no epic items, ice picks of the dwarven gods, or even moderate magic items here. This is a forum for the cheapest of the cheap, and that's it. And just to up the level of difficulty, we also don't deal in one-shot (or even two- or three-shot) magic... [click here for more] |
Rogue Genius Games |
Come walk on the many-angled Pathways!
How can you say "No" to a FREE collection of Pathfinder templates, foes, alternate racial traits, and encounters If you say no designer Steven D. Russell and artist Richy Sampson will send a Many-Angled Shoggoth after you!
Rite Publishing brings you Pathways, a free 'zine packed with plenty of Open Gaming Content for you to take to the table. You'll find... [click here for more] |
Rite Publishing |
Pay What You Want
File Off the Serial Numbers is a d20 sourcebook giving advice and examples for using existing monster stat blocks in new "roles" as NPCs. For example:
Use a young black dragon's stat block as a CR 7 lizardfolk sorcerer
Use a dark creeper's stat block as a CR 2 rogue
Use a succubus's stat block as a CR 7 enchanter
Use a xill's stat block as a CR 6 monk or rogue
Use a yeti's stat block as a... [click here for more] |
Sean K Reynolds Games |
A collection of Ponyfinder characters ready for use. All level 1 and chomping at the bit to be put into the frey.
Designed to be used with the Ponyfinder system, available on this site.
... [click here for more] |
Silver Games LLC |
Pay What You Want
The Pathways of Kingmakers!
How can you say "No" to a FREE collection of Pathfinder templates, spell lists, adventures and enviormental encounters, interviews, and advice columns If you say no designer Steven D. Russell and artist Nick Russell will send a Kingkiller Lizard King after you!
Rite Publishing brings you Pathways, a free 'zine packed with plenty of Open Gaming Content for you to take... [click here for more] |
Rite Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Shadows over Vathak World Map
Presented here is a 12x18 small poster map detailing the lands of Vathak for the Shadows over Vathak setting. The map details all major cities, provinces, and geological features. ... [click here for more] |
Fat Goblin Games |
This book provides rules for running aspects of divine player characters in your First Edition Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. It provides:
Rules for divine ranks
Salient divine abilities
Discussion of combining divine ranks, epic levels, and mythic tiers
Running a divine game, including tables for monster creation guidelines and bonus progression through 100th level
A new prestige class allowing player... [click here for more] |
Golden Celestial Games |
Pay What You Want
A Hellishly Horriffic Pathways!
How can you say "No" to a FREE collection of Pathfinder templates, alternate traits, cavern dressings, interviews and advice columns If you say no designer Steven D. Russell and artist Jacob Blackmon will send a Red Jester Balor Demon after you!
Rite Publishing brings you Pathways, a free 'zine packed with plenty of Open Gaming Content for you to take to the table.... [click here for more] |
Rite Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Silver standard change the most used coin from Gold to Silver ones. Prices/Value of items are not changes.
You will find here:
- 5 Edition Equipment
- 3.5 Edition Mundane Equipment - 3.5 Edition Magical Equipment
- Pathfinder Ultimate Mundane Equipment - Pathfinder Ultimate Magical Equipment
All this are in two file. PDF for easy Printing and Open Office Spreadsheet so you can modify... [click here for more] |
Bortaz |
Pay What You Want
An introduction to the Akashic Magic system!
Akasha Retold — Intro to Akasha provides everything you need to try out the Akashic Magic system! Included within this book is a preview of the Retold Vizier, the first 10 levels of the class, as well as akashic feats and veils to play a Retold Vizier up to 10th level! Also included are the full rules for veilweaving, providing you everything... [click here for more] |
Studio M— |
Pay What You Want
Includes 144 generic 1" tokens for use with a battle map for tabletop RPGs.
Uses 24 unique icons and colors to provide context for battles while giving each icon a unique color to allow for quick differentiation during battle.
Each icon contains 6 numbered tokens for all your squad based combat needs.
How to Use
The tokens are meant to be printed on Letter size paper. I recommend using card stock... [click here for more] |
GameGrue |
Pay What You Want
Embelish your favourite fantasy roleplaying game with these customizable and printable Weapon Cards! Includes layers which you can turn on or off before printing!
This PDF also includes fillable forms, which enable you to enter your descriptions and stats before printing out the cards!
11 pages with 98 illustrated weapons (for a total of 98 different cards once printed and cut)!... [click here for more] |
1191 AD Publishing |
Dragons in Space - and stuff! This booklet includes some ships that made appearances in an ongoing campaign but did not make it into the previous book, Between Chains and Starlight. It contains some oddball creatures and ships for use in scifi or fantasy settings that involve space travel. (The dragons can be used in ground-only campaigns also.) "Dragons in Space (and stuff)" contains... [click here for more] |
Space Potato Productions |
Pay What You Want
It’s a big Universe out there—but small creatures like us are ready to take it on. With this supplement, you and your ship will be equipped to handle anything that comes your way. Whether you’re piloting a conventional cruiser, an insectile interceptor, a fleet of floral frigates, or a lighting-wreathed wizard tower that streaks across the void, this book has the kit to customize your vessel.... [click here for more] |
ThinkTank Games |
Pay What You Want
Anduria. The Eternal City. Jewel of the Realm. Built on foundations that are thousands of years old, it houses the greatest civilisation known to man.
But something sinister gnaws at its roots, exposing its flaws and failings, and bringing forth its darkest secrets. Secrets that threaten to topple this thriving metropolis, and plunge it into chaos and madness. Powerful forces are moving, and plots... [click here for more] |
Pyromaniac Press |
Pay What You Want
People want to play Bounty Hunters and bounty hunters need criminals to catch. This file is really just to test a bounty system and a format for a player handout criminal reward poster. If people tell us what they want to see, we'll try to incorporate as much feeback as we can.
The Adversaries series delivers menaces and monsters you can use in your Starfinder campaigns.
This booklet contains:... [click here for more] |
Evil Robot Games |
Pay What You Want
Pathways of Love!
How can you say "No" to a FREE collection of Pathfinder templates, encounters, variant monster rules, and variant masterwork weapons? If you say no designer Owen K.C. Stephens and artist Daniel Yang will send an Avatar of Love after you!
Rite Publishing brings you Pathways, a free 'zine packed with plenty of Open Game Content for you to take to the table. You'll find articles... [click here for more] |
Rite Publishing |
Pay What You Want
This contains the art, maps and handouts. Hi-Res maps can be used for VTT games for the Last prayer of the Dying Module
It contains:
More than a dozen pieces of original art
4 dungeon maps of varying resolutions for both players and GM
A map of the land , for boths Player and GM
5 flavourful ribbons...these are songs, riddles and nursery rhymes.
If you like the look and theme then check for... [click here for more] |
John R Davis |
Pay What You Want
There are many paths to perfection. Some study the martial arts to hone their bodies. Others study the mystic arts to hone their minds. A rare few know that the only true road to perfection lies in studying both.
Arcane Ki guides your character on this path with:
-9 New Archetypes and Sorcerer Bloodlines
-1 New Prestige Class
-14 New Feats
-16 Spell... [click here for more] |
Black Guard Press |
Pay What You Want
Pathways of Memories!
How can you say "No" to a FREE collection of Pathfinder templates, encounters, variant monster rules, and variant masterwork weapons? If you say no designer Owen K.C. Stephens and artist Dionisas Milonas will send the Lether Eater to steal your BRAAAIIINS...oh wait that's zombies, never mind!! As I was saying, you should definitely check this issue out as we... [click here for more] |
Rite Publishing |
Pay What You Want
The Pathway to Halloween!
How can you say "No" to a FREE collection of Pathfinder templates, village backdrops, hero lab suggestions, interviews, and episode #9 of the Path Less Traveled Comic by Jacob Blackmon. If you say no designer Steven D. Russell and artist Sam Denmark will send a crusifixtion spirit 4-armed gargoyle to well crucify your soul!
Rite Publishing brings you Pathways,... [click here for more] |
Rite Publishing |
Pay What You Want
 Stadtwachen in Dungeons & Dragons sind weit mehr als nur Statisten, die Mauern oder Straßen bewachen. In diesem 10-seitigen Guide findest du:
Eine Anleitung Stadtwachen, Leibgarden oder die Bürgerwacht passend in dein Spiel einzubauen.
Eine Encounterlisten mit 20 verschiedenen Persönlichkeiten der Stadtwache.
5 Questideen mit Bezug auf Stadt- & Dorfwachen
4 einzigartige,... [click here for more] |
Quest |
Pay What You Want
A spooky one-shot adventure for a 9th level party that is easily adapted to any campaign setting. The party is sucked through a rift into an abandoned Victorian house demiplane and stalked one by one by a powerful eldritch horror monster. ... [click here for more] |
Golden Celestial Games |
Pay What You Want
Goody White's Book of Folk Magic is a Pathfinder-compatible sourcebook written in-character by a knowledgeable witch named Goody White, explaining ways to cure illness, ward off undead, brew a love potion, or afflict your enemies. Translated to Pathfinder RPG game terms by Sean K Reynolds, it presents each of these 45 "folk remedies" as a spell, witch hex, and ritual. Much like actual folk... [click here for more] |
Sean K Reynolds Games |
Pathway to treasure!
How can you say "No" to a FREE collection of Pathfinder templates, cultural magic items, swamp spells, and episode #12 of the Path Less Traveled Comic by Jacob Blackmon. If you say no designer Steven D. Russell and artist Lerena Lammer will send a Treasire Hoard REd Dragon to make your gear part of its body!
Rite Publishing brings you Pathways, a free 'zine packed... [click here for more] |
Rite Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Pathways #72: Withces, Hexes, and Curses
How can you say "No" to a FREE collection of Pathfinder templates, encounters, variant monster rules, and variant masterwork weapons? If you say no designer Owen K.C. Stephens and artist Dylan Reader will hunt you down with the Hexicorn
Rite Publishing brings you Pathways, a free 'zine packed with plenty of Open Game Content... [click here for more] |
Rite Publishing |
Pay What You Want
The Spellburst Savant is a casting class unlike others that exist within the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Bearing a stunted 5-level spell progression instead of the 1–9 of a more normal spellcasters, they find success through a special ability called "Nova Spells" that allows them to apply metamagic feats on the fly to their limited magic, empowering the spells while charging their other... [click here for more] |
Forrestfire Studios |
Pay What You Want
Pathways of Music!
How can you say "No" to a FREE collection of Pathfinder templates, encounters, variant monster rules, and variant masterwork weapons? If you say no designer Owen K.C. Stephens and artist Klaudia Bulantova' will send the Maestrolich after you.
Rite Publishing brings you Pathways, a free 'zine packed with plenty of Open Game Content for you to take to the table.... [click here for more] |
Rite Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Golden Celestial Games |
Pay What You Want
Pathways of Dreams
We know you were hoping for a Unicorn, but this month's Dream Killer isn't having it!
Rite Publishing brings you Pathways, a free 'zine packed with plenty of Open Gaming Content you can bring to nearly any table.
You'll find articles by Owen K.C. Stephens, Creighton Broadhurst, and David J. Paul. Our guest writers this month are Mike Welham and Maria Smolina as... [click here for more] |
Rite Publishing |
Pay What You Want
A large vibrant and diverse city which is part of a larger confederation of cities on the Cymrian Sea. Aberyndwyn can serve as a hub for adventures of any level, and makes a great point to add as a distant well-stocked city in a rustic, frontier setting. Surrounding villages, noble houses, wilderness and urban issues provide a broad base for exploration and storytelling. ... [click here for more] |
Telera Publishing |
Pay What You Want
How can you say to no to even more FREE Pathfinder content. Another monster template, terrain spell showcase, articles that address the dead (but not the undead!). Plus our next episode of Path Less Traveled Comic by Jacob Blackmon all topped with our custom art cover by Kaj Driesen.
Rite Publishing brings you Pathways, a free 'zine packed with plenty of Open Gaming Content you can bring to nearly... [click here for more] |
Rite Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Extended verison with an additional 35 pages of free content!
The all-new EXTENDED Player's Guide for ZEITGEIST: The Gears of Revolution! Powered by Kicksterter, this Player's Guide is a whopping 70 pages of FREE material for players planning on delving into the ZEITGEIST adventure path. The free Player’s Guide is designed for players of the ZEITGEIST adventure path, and contains background information... [click here for more] |
EN Publishing |
Armory of Ideas!
How can you say to no to even more FREE Pathfinder content?! Another creature template, 10 strange village traditions, 20 things to LOOT from a dead kobold. Plus, another installment of the path less traveled and much more!
Rite Publishing brings you Pathways, a free 'zine packed with plenty of Open Gaming Content you can bring to nearly any table. You'll find articles by... [click here for more] |
Rite Publishing |
Scratchbuilding and Kitbashing: Furniture
Many RPG enthusiasts use miniatures to represent their characters and adversaries. Some also use dungeon walls, trees, hills and buildings. A few go so far as to use miniature furniture on the gaming table, to bring their castles, taverns and houses to life.
This tutorial will help you build miniature tables, benches, chairs, doors, beds,... [click here for more] |
Dragontooth Grognard |
Pay What You Want
Note: This is a legacy product that has been incorporated into the main Player's Guide/Director's Guide with error corrections, balance updates, etc. I've returned it to digital storefront availability to give people a better idea of what's been added to the game over time/a better taste of how it plays.
“There are approximately a hundred billion stars... [click here for more] |
Bryan Rantala |
Pay What You Want
Classy Characters: Robomancer is a Pathfinder-compatible sourcebook about the robomancer, a summoner archetype that summons a part-living, part-machine eidolon from a strange plane where flesh, metal, magic, and technology are equally common. This eidolon--called a "mechrilon"--has mechanical body parts, artificial limbs, and other enhancements that blur the line between living creature and... [click here for more] |
Sean K Reynolds Games |
A simple, colored village map for you to use in your campaigns and adventures.
The Village and Keep of Briar Hill is provided as both, print-ready PDF files as well as high quality JPGs. Both versions include the maps with and without labels, as well as with and without grids. Additionally, a black & white version of the map is included inthe ZIP file.
*maps also come... [click here for more] |
Foreign Worlds Cartography |
Pay What You Want
This is the Players' Guide (PG) for Dark Obelisk 1: Berinncorte, and as such, it's meant to accompany the adventure itself.
Your gaming group will need a copy of the Adventure Book (Pathfinder version or 5E) to play this adventure.
In addition, for the complete Dark Obelisk 1: Berinncorte experience, we recommend the accompanying... [click here for more] |
Infinium Game Studios |
Why should all character options be super srsbsns? With this year's April edition of The Avowed, avowed have access to three brand-new pacts, including aspirant and betrothed versions! Ever want to play a literal GM's girlfriend, or pact with a sentient .jpeg file? This book is for you.
This product includes both a full-color PDF and a printer-friendly lite PDF. ... [click here for more] |
Forrestfire Studios |
Pay What You Want
Have you ever said to yourself, "Golly, I sure could use some more tools for my game"? Well, fret no more this April as we present the first ever April Tools Day! Absolutely packed with fine new tools that are guaranteed* to be 100% serious.
Inside you will find:
A new archetype for the parasite class, the shonen hero
A new parasite mutation, thick skin
A new psionic prestige class, the psientologist
A... [click here for more] |
Moonhand Press |
Pay What You Want