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 This stock art image by Dean Spencer depicts a blood covered, scantily clad female cultist with knife in hand.
Black and white line art, 4 inches on the longest side @ 300dpi.
This purchase includes one PNG file. If you need this in any other format please feel free to contact me.
All art files... [click here for more] |
Dean Spencer Art |
 This stock art image by Dean Spencer depicts a tower with a tree off to the side of the approaching path.
Black and white line art, 4 inches on the longest side @ 300dpi.
This purchase includes one PNG file. If you need this in any other format please feel free to contact me.
All art files... [click here for more] |
Dean Spencer Art |
 Hello everyone! I'm a loyal Candela Obscura fans. Over the past little while, I've created something that I think is pretty good, and I'd love to share it with all of you.
What I have here is a manual featuring about 60 NPCs (give or take) from Newfaire and Fairelands. Each of their character portraits was drawn by me using AI, but the biographies for each one were carefully typed out by me, one word... [click here for more] |
Nightriver2047 |
 Introduction: The Magic of Solo RPG’ing
Welcome, fellow adventurer, to the wondrous world of solo RPG gaming. Whether you’ve stumbled upon this guide out of curiosity, a longing for adventure, or a deep-seated love for storytelling, know that you are in the right place. Here, you will discover the joy, freedom, and endless possibilities that solo RPG gaming offers.
In a world that often feels... [click here for more] |
Original Frontiers |
A New, Quarterly, Fan-Produced Zine to Enhance Your Gameplay in the World of the Vaesen Roleplaying Game
Thomas Bailey, Johnell Hipol, and David Wartmann have put together what we hope will be a great resource for fans and players of the Vaesen Nordic Horror Roleplaying game by Free League.
In the inaugural issue we have several articles ready to help you improve... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
“The Most Merciful Thing in the World is the Inability of the Human Mind to Correlate all its Contents.”
H.P. Lovecraft coined the term "Yog-Sothothery" to refer to the fictional myth cycle he invented for his tales -- what subsequently became known as the "Cthulhu Mythos" (after other writers had added their own original horrors to sit beside... [click here for more] |
Cthulhu Reborn |
$14.99 $12.99
“What primal, inconceivable source of age-old myth-cycles and haunting nightmares might I be on the brink of uncovering?”
IMPORTANT NOTE: This PDF contains the text of a full set of game statistics describing the creatures, rituals, and artifacts from Lovecraft's original Cthulhu Mythos. In OGL terms it is a “System Reference... [click here for more] |
Cthulhu Reborn |
Pay What You Want
A collection of forms and play aids for the City of Arkham. They are great for player handouts that and wonderful flavor to an Arkham-based scenario.
Created by Dean Engelhardt, the package contains the following pieces:
Arkham Rail Tickets (3 kinds)
City of Arkham – Mayoral Letterhead
City of Arkham – Seal
City of Arkham Police – Arrest Form
City of Arkham Police – Complaint form
City... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
Many an amazing Call of Cthulhu adventure begins with one, or more, of the investigators receiving a telegram asking them for aid, or letting them know that a distant relative has died, ushering in the story (and horror) to follow.
Created by Dean Engelhardt, this pack gives you three such telegrams that you can use for your campaign, or put into a supplement.
The package contains the following pieces:... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
When investigating in Arkham, it isn’t surprising when clues lead you to examine medical records, be it a strange death certificate or record of why a grave is empty. This pack gives you amazing handouts your players will love!
Imagine the impact when the player of a tired investigator is handed the “Scarlet Fever” card when visiting an Arkham-based doctor!
Created by Dean Engelhardt, the package... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
The Arkham Sanitarium, a trusted place to regain your sanity. Check in and let our caring doctors and nurses ease you back into the real world.
This is a collection of forms and a map for Arkham Sanitarium. They are great for player handouts - especially if they are the ones getting submitted!
The package contains the following pieces:
Floor Plan for Arkham Sanitarium (pdf)
Incident Report Form
Patient... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
Miskatonic University. The Orne Library. These locations are mainstays of many an Arkham-based scenario or horror story. This collection brings them to life. Your investigators can have their own student cards, and track down clues off writing found on the letterhead of the Law department.
Created by Dean Engelhardt, the package contains the following pieces:
Letterhead – Business and Law
Letterhead... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
 Thank you for taking a look! This Fantasy and Medieval artwork collection offers publishers and gamers over 55 full-body character images, each in color and with transparent backgrounds. These images have been adopted from historical sources in the public domain and are enhanced with artistic improvements such as image cleaning and color adjustments, ensuring they are ready for immediate and... [click here for more] |
Arcanists of Albany |
 This stock art image by Dean Spencer depicts a female bard.
Black and white line art, 4 inches on the longest side @ 300dpi.
This purchase includes one PNG file. If you need this in any other format please feel free to contact me.
All art files are bundled in a ZIP file. ... [click here for more] |
Dean Spencer Art |
Pick up your sword and get ready to fight!
Fate Plus Vikings is a 112-pages brainstorm about historical fiction adventures set in Scandinavia in a dark age, populated with mysticism and tales of bravery.
In this zine, the GM will find tools to create stories about brave PCs that can ascend to Jarls and kings, cities that arise, and wars that drown kingdoms in their own suffering.
Watch out for the... [click here for more] |
Rolepress |
***This products includes both English and Italian Version | Questo prodotto include sia il file Inglese che Italiano*** Rosso is here to guide you! Andrea Lucca, "il Rosso" will guide you through the world of Journey to Ragnarok! Journey To Ragnarok is an adventure and setting module for characters of level 1st to 15th, inspired by Norse myths and legends, compatible with 5th... [click here for more] |
Mana Project Studio |
Pay What You Want
 This is a hand drawn map of a settlement by a crumbling cliff. The art may be used in personal and commercial products, and can be modified in any way. It cannot be resold, even if modified, as stock art or part of another stock art pack. Attribution is required in commercial products for this piece. The zip contains four 300 dpi versions of the map (3262x2485 pixels; 27.62x21.04 cm), two versions... [click here for more] |
Azukail Games |
This zine is a compilation of articles about power systems published in the Dark Fantasy, Cyberpunk and Vikings issues of Fate Plus.
The power...
... runs through our veins! The characters are ready to release that energy.
Fate Plus Compilation Power Systems is a 41-pages featuring some magic and power systems that will make PCs and NPCs more interesting.
Get ready for the adventure!... [click here for more] |
Rolepress |
Inside this pack you will find 30 high-resolution images (300 DPI in PNG format) for use in your own ICRPG publications! Some of the drawings included in this pack are: - Weapons - Potions - Armor - Helmets - Books - Scrolls - Dungeon Door - Coins - Treasure Chests - Pile of Skulls - Bones - Anvil - Barrels - Alchemy Ingredients - Ale and Food - Castle on a Hill - Desert Fortress - Runestones - Cave... [click here for more] |
Axebane Games |
Pay What You Want
This zine is a compilation of articles about equipment published in the Dark Fantasy, Cyberpunk and Vikings issues of Fate Plus.
... you will need it! Characters need to be well equipped to live their adventures.
Fate Plus Compilation Equipment is a 78-pages featuring lots of ideas for using equipment besides pre-made item to speed up your game session.
Get ready for... [click here for more] |
Rolepress |
 This stock art image by Dean Spencer depicts a Norse crossed with Iroquois style hunter with a spear, on horseback.
Black and white line art, 4 inches on the longest side @ 300dpi.
This purchase includes one PNG file. If you need this in any other format please feel free to contact me.
All... [click here for more] |
Dean Spencer Art |
This stock art image by Dean Spencer depicts a murderer standing in an alleyway, their victim lying on the floor.
8.5 inches x 5.8 inches @ 300dpi.
This purchase includes one greyscale PNG (black on a transparent background). If you need this in any other format please feel free to contact me.
All art files... [click here for more] |
Dean Spencer Art |
This concise first volume of Worldbuilding For Writers, Gamers and Other Creators provides straightforward guidance on how to model the astronomical elements of an Earth-like planet for your storyworld setting. Author and storyworld creator Matthew Wayne Selznick ("Brave Men Run -- A Novel of the Sovereign Era") explains the science and helps you through the (basic) math required to:
Select... [click here for more] |
MWS Media |
 A single digital B&W image of a fantasy duellist
Inside the download you'll find a 300 dpi png file and the Royalty Free Licence as txt file.
The Stock art is released under Royalty Free Licence. The author grants the Licensee a perpetual, worldwide, non-transferable, non-assignable, non-exclusive license to use the art an unlimited number of times for use by one Licensee or Client, for the... [click here for more] |
Artikid Arts |
 It can be all too easy to create a history for your world which feels lifeless and static, and carrying out the research necessary to address that can be a daunting task that seems increasingly impossible the longer you try to work at it.
Luckily, worldbuilding doesn't need to be real, it just needs to feel real, and that's where this book comes in. Charting History covers the... [click here for more] |
WMB Saltworks |
 NOTE: If you purchased the Classic set and found the downloads contained files for the Urban Cartography set or vice versa, please download the new files. I've encountered repeated problems with Drivethru's internal file system, that has led to my cartography sets containing wrong files. I believe I have now finally figured out the bug that was causing it. This issue is hopefully... [click here for more] |
Ari-Matti Toivonen |

Hand-drawn hex tiles compatible with Hex Kit mapping software. This pack contains hand-drawn tiles for creating classic fantasy maps, featuring two distinct color palettes plus a textured variant. Perfect for tabletop RPGs and world-building projects.
Many tiles are adapted from my map assets. You can create more compatible tiles from those with some elbow grease!... [click here for more] |
Ari-Matti Toivonen |
It's game night, it's your turn to GM and you haven't got a clue what to base your Pulp-era RPG adventure around. We've got just the answer for you.
Our Pulp Adventure Generator can help you come up with the basic outlines for your adventure. All you have to do is roll the dice four times to get one of 972,000 different missions worthy of the daring adventures of yesteryear. ... [click here for more] |
Wentworth Games |
 NOTE: If you purchased the Urban set and found the downloads contained files for the Classic Cartography set or vice versa, please download the new files. I've encountered repeated problems with Drivethru's internal file system, that has led to my cartography sets containing wrong files. I believe I have now finally figured out the bug that was causing it. This issue is hopefully... [click here for more] |
Ari-Matti Toivonen |
 This stock art image by Dean Spencer depicts an old school dog-type kobold rogue armed with dual daggers.
In RGB colour, 4 inches on the longest side @ 300dpi.
This purchase includes one RBG PNG & CMYK TIF to preserve the transparent background. If you need this in any other format please feel free to contact... [click here for more] |
Dean Spencer Art |
$4.00 $3.00
This zine is a compilation of articles about monsters and allies published in the Dark Fantasy, Cyberpunk and Vikings issues of Fate Plus.
Allies and creatures...
... they are everywhere. NPCs cross characters' paths as aids or obstacles.
Fate Plus Compilation Allies and Monsters is a 70-pages featuring about 70 pre-made NPCs that the GM can use as allies or obstacles in the PCs path.... [click here for more] |
Rolepress |
Looking for affordable hand-drawn fantasy stock art? You've come to the right place my friend!
Inside this free pack of 74 hand-drawn images you will find a variety of fantasy items, including daggers, swords, axes, staves, shields, scrolls, spellbooks, potions, torches, war banners, tools, and more! Perfect for an RPG adventure, a dungeon-crawling card game, a medieval trick-taking... [click here for more] |
Axebane Games |
Pay What You Want
 Start your journey into the realms of tabletop gaming with Chatbots for RPGs by Jacob DC Ross. This guide unveils the secrets of crafting AI chatbots as your game master, enhancing the tabletop RPG experience without replacing the human touch. It also includes guidelines and tips for publishers, including indie operations, to use chatbots in conjunction with their published books and PDFs. The book... [click here for more] |
Thunderegg Productions |
This stock art image by Dean Spencerdepicts a tavern interior, there are numerous characters from previous stock art pieces, and a few classics based on characters from novels, taking some downtime and planning their next campaign.
In RGB colour, 18.4 inches x 12.2 inches @ 300dpi.
This image can be used as a WRAP-AROUND cover or cropped... [click here for more] |
Dean Spencer Art |
 Each month we've been putting together icon sets to expand the options available for Inkwell Ideas's Worldographer software program through Patreon's website. (A way to sponsor ongoing projects for a small amount each creative work or month.) This icon set includes all the region scale (world/kingdom) classic style icons we created for the Patreon in 2023.
You may publish maps using these icons--see... [click here for more] |
Inkwell Ideas |
This stock art image by Dean Spencer depicts a crossroads signpost with a raven sitting on top.
Black and white line art, 4 inches on the longest side @ 300dpi.
This purchase includes one PNG file. If you need this in any other format please feel free to contact me.
All art files are bundled... [click here for more] |
Dean Spencer Art |
This stock art image by Dean Spencer depicts an armoured warrior with a pet grizzly bear.
Black and white line art, 4 inches on the longest side @ 300dpi.
This purchase includes one PNG file. If you need this in any other format please feel free to contact me.
All art files are bundled in a... [click here for more] |
Dean Spencer Art |
It contains
2 maps of 1 Settlement
one with text and one without
I truly hope you have great use of it.
These maps include a commercial license, as such, you can add them to your products. You may not use this image as a selling point or include these illustrations in another stock art collection, other specific actions not admisible are described in the attached copyrights document.... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
Pay What You Want
This stock art image by Dean Spencer depicts an evil robed cultist.
Black and white line art, 4 inches on the longest side @ 300dpi.
This purchase includes one PNG file. If you need this in any other format please feel free to contact me.
All art files are bundled in a ZIP file. ... [click here for more] |
Dean Spencer Art |

Set the stage for the next adventure!
Craft an immersive Quest Board for your players to engage with! With our Essentials Kit, you'll have all the foundamental tools at your fingertips to effortlessly construct a fully-fledged notice board right on your favourite VTT, no external tools required. Bring your world to life by publishing sidequest seeds, infusing your towns with vibrant... [click here for more] |
The Lore Observer |
This stock art image by Dean Spencer depicts a lit torch attached to a wall.
Black and white line art, 3 inches on the longest side @ 300dpi.
This purchase includes one PNG file. If you need this in any other format please feel free to contact me.
All art files are bundled in a ZIP file. ... [click here for more] |
Dean Spencer Art |
This stock art image by Dean Spencer depicts an Adventurer with a flaming torch and sabre delving into an underground cave/ruin, there are skeletons and treasure on the ground and something lurking in the background.
In RGB colour, 12 inches x 8.5 inches (with 3mm bleed around each edge)@ 300dpi.
This purchase includes one RBG JPG & CMYK... [click here for more] |
Dean Spencer Art |
The Game Master's Sheet for Savage Worlds!
Have you ever wanted to keep track of the core aspects of the game, your notes for the session, and your party's relevant aspects? Use our GM Sheet for Savage Worlds!
This product is NOT a substitute for any of the rules in the game - the rules present are meant as a quick hand-out so that you may not need to refer to the... [click here for more] |
Pinnacle Entertainment |
This stock art image by Dean Spencer depicts a defeated warrior on the battlefield, stuck with arrows.
Black and white line art, 4 inches on the longest side @ 300dpi.
This purchase includes one PNG file. If you need this in any other format please feel free to contact me.
All art files are... [click here for more] |
Dean Spencer Art |
Inside this pack you will find 10 hand-drawn dungeon maps, with four versions of each map (40 maps total! Each map comes in a blank version without any gridlines, a gridline version, a numbered version, and a detailed version complete with secrets and treasures!) A PDF version with one map per page is also included in case you want to print the maps right away. Also included are over... [click here for more] |
Axebane Games |
$9.99 $4.99
This stock art image by Dean Spencer depicts a weapon rack with swords, shields, maces and axes.
Black and white line art, 3 inches on the longest side @ 300dpi.
This purchase includes one PNG file. If you need this in any other format please feel free to contact me.
All art files are bundled... [click here for more] |
Dean Spencer Art |
Publisher's Choice -Quality Stockart
Military Exploits (Cover & Page Backgrounds)
Publisher's Choice - Military Exploits (Cover & Page Backgrounds) Now you can have decorative cover & page backgrounds for your next project! The Military Exploits (Cover & Page Backgrounds) gives you a high quality design easily used for your next book, player handouts, or wherever... [click here for more] |
Publisher's Choice Stock Art |
 Hi there and welcome to my RPG stock art page here on Drivethru! This Gun Silhouette Icon set Illustration is suitable for any TTRPG genres.
No ai was used in creating any of my artwork.
Each gun is separated and on its own hi-res transparent .png ... [click here for more] |
Rob Necronomicon |
$3.50 $2.00
This stock art image by Dean Spencer depicts a dragon breathing fire, attacking a castle.
8.5 inches x 5.8 inches @ 300dpi.
This purchase includes one greyscale PNG (black on a transparent background). If you need this in any other format please feel free to contact me.
All art files are bundled in a ZIP file.... [click here for more] |
Dean Spencer Art |
 This is a hand drawn map of a marsh settlement. The art may be used in personal and commercial products, and can be modified in any way. It cannot be resold, even if modified, as stock art or part of another stock art pack. Attribution is required in commercial products for this piece. The zip contains eight 300 dpi versions of the map (3273x2539 pixels; 27.71x21.5 cm), four versions on a transparent... [click here for more] |
Azukail Games |