Note: All net proceeds from this download will be donated to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.Newsies & Bootblacks joins the Precis Intermedia family.
Experience the adventures of a bunch of kids earning their pluck on their own in an Edwardian world filled with crazed inventors, fagins, strange conspiracies, and exotic foreigners.
Be a newsboy!
Wake up... [click here for more]
Renegades of Mercury presents information on a small group of Renegades who deliver the lost love letters of soldiers. Information on this group of Renegades includes details on a Forged Arcanoi and the figure that built the group in the wake of The Great War.
Though written for The Great War setting, the Renegades of Mercury may be used in any Wraith setting or edition.
All author proceeds for this... [click here for more]
An Unmovalbe Object Meets An Unstoppable Force!
When sea-faring boxing champ Steve Costigan travels to Oklahoma to help an old flame save her farm, he finds himself facing not only the fearsome Tornado Thommerson in the ring, but also the even more fearsome tornadoes of Mother Nature herself.
ROLF!: The Tornado vs. Steve Costigan contains pre-generated characters, snippets... [click here for more]
Honor Bound is a live action game for exactly six players, designed by Randy Lubin and Jason Morningstar.
This game explores honor culture and masculinity through the lens of an old fashioned duel. Play starts just after a challenge is issued and follows the duelists, seconds, doctor, and judge as they struggle to de-escalate a fraught situation... [click here for more]