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事情很快变得一塌糊涂……... [click here for more] |
Labyrinth Culture |
 Take to the skies in this Airship Battle Map! Fight off sky pirates or raid transports yourself! Two levels of ship allow you to have fights below deck and fire off cannons to soften up your foes. A crystal powered engine allow for high speeds and less susceptible to wind. Several canons on either side make for excellent anti-air weapons.
Pair with my airship combat rules for a truly exciting encounter!... [click here for more] |
Nerd Dad Maps |
$2.00 $1.89
简介:你们是一群钓鱼爱好者,而且你们是一群已经一个月没有钓上来一条鱼的钓鱼佬。你们觉得这一定是风水问题,所以你们决定换个地方钓鱼。你们鱼友群的老王这天老在群里炫耀“你们怎么知道我钓上来十斤七两的大青鱼?”在你们强行逼迫下,对方透露了他的钓鱼地点。... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
 A swampy marsh surrounds a central hilltop. Logs and sandbars may not be the only things awaiting reckless adventurers!
For this battle map. There are islands that are considered regular terrain. Everything else is considered difficult terrain. There are some logs that can be walked on with a successful Dexterity check. In the center is a hilltop that could have a bandits camp, a ritual site, or even... [click here for more] |
Nerd Dad Maps |
$1.00 $0.99
战术谍报 & 科幻《狂野世界》RPG 设定。
《泰坦效应... [click here for more] |
Knight Errant Media |
Pay What You Want
 A simple yet beatiful jungle path. In my game there were a band of orcs that had set up a trap in the path. Their home had been invaded and they set up traps through jungle routes to capture or kill interlopers.
You can use this to have enemies sneak attack from the heavy cover of trees, or the vines lash out and grab unwary travelers. There are plenty of options to be had!
For your own custom... [click here for more] |
Nerd Dad Maps |
$1.00 $0.99
 《祸不单行》的灵感来源于事情总会变得一团糟的三流惊险喜剧电影,特别是诸如《血迷宫》、《冰血暴》、《糊涂绑架事件》、《阅后即焚》、《横财三分惊》之流。你扮演的是抱负远大、自控力低下的普通人。梦想很丰满,现实很骨感。往好了说,事情不太顺利,实际上故事最后多半会陷入猜忌、凶杀与互相揭丑的溃败。你扮演的家伙将命丧黄泉,身败名裂,并获得惨痛的教训,如果运气足够好,最后结果也不过是回到原点而已。... [click here for more] |
Labyrinth Culture |
渴望自创游戏套组?想要调整规则?实施方法——辅以案例——就在这里。如果你是《祸不单行》的行家里手,期待不同的游戏体验,这里可以找到各种改变基本玩法的游戏技巧,还有全新的节外生枝与劫后余波列表,以及四个全新游戏套组。... [click here for more] |
Labyrinth Culture |
找到同伴,记起你真正的模样。如果不能及时阻止坦帕斯可汗,篡改的时间线将永远凝固于此。若到那时,一切都将无法挽回……... [click here for more] |
Labyrinth Culture |
 Very basic island map. Four islands and a little bit of cloud cover. Easy enough to add your own locations or can be used for ship combat. Nice little reference piece.
For your own custom battle map you can contact me here: nerddadmaps@gmail.com.... [click here for more] |
Nerd Dad Maps |
$1.00 $0.99
 《美国灾难》是一套基于《祸不单行》角色扮演游戏的故事套组集合,本集合中包含了数个之前未发表的故事套组以及一些扩充游戏的新内容。在本集合当中,我们加入了一个我们称之为“火车事故模式”的把戏,以及三个故事套组——《商务休闲》、《彩虹山》、《波普尔顿购物中心》,它们都很棒且经过大量测试。... [click here for more] |
Labyrinth Culture |
 :lang="zh-cn">在“盲剑客栈”中,您会听到一个Cambion魔术师Emeline Fusedust的故事,该成员在附近的交战派系和附近的“鬼屋”中造成了生皮之间的紧张关系。一个名叫亚瑟·斯普林克莱弗(Arthur Springcleaver)的兽人战士雇用您解除诅咒。这样,您将恢复当地的生活方式。 ... [click here for more] |
McNabb Games |
![[Chinese] Horror on the Namcha Barwa 南迦巴瓦峰惊魂](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/2/303194-thumb140.png) This is a short scenario, purist but quite clichés.
In October 1960, the investigators were ordered to climb Namcha Barwa, a peak in Tibet at 7782 metres above sea level.
The author has not read much about climbing, so please point out anything that does not correspond to reality. Also This scenario considerably simplifies the climbing-related sections.
1960 年 10 月,调查员奉命攀登位于西藏,海拔... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
Pay What You Want
 A puff of fire and smoke billows out from the cannons launching another ballistic towards the shoreline. Smoke curls throughout the once peaceful and sunny beach as cries of pain can be heard rippling across the waves.
A single ship sits in the water as more parties of pirates or sailors sail towards the shoreline. Explosions rip through the air. Blasts of magic shred combatants to viscera. Several... [click here for more] |
Nerd Dad Maps |
$1.00 $0.99
 在微笑的德雷克药剂师中,您会听到人类勇士Terrowin Forestblight的经验,他在附近的矿井中伏击了经过的商队和皮革。一位叫Borin Voidblight的精灵贤士雇佣您从Terrowin那里窃取文物。这样,您将为全市每个人带来希望。 ... [click here for more] |
McNabb Games |
Printable Game Master Screen inserts for ICONS Superpowered Roleplaying, fully compatible with the Assembled... [click here for more] |
Labyrinth Culture |
This is a micro-RPG for two players. When you’re trying to take over the world, it’s important to take the time to eat... [click here for more] |
Sad Press |
Pay What You Want