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AgeUp Core Rules
by NRM Books

Limited Time Only $0.25 PDF

Any Era. Any Age. Any Genre. AGEUP is a system designed for playing human and human-like characters at any age such as a child, teenager, adult, aged adult and elder. It's also listed under the ORC license, so you can design your own games and sell them commercially without paying us for it. Check it out here!

AgeUp Core Rules
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Halfjinks: A Family-Friendly RPG of Innocent Mischief

Halfjinks: A Family-Friendly RPG of Innocent Mischief

Halfjinks brings the adventure home as you and your fellow Halflings work together to create a little Mischief in the Burrows. Inspired by the ENnie Award-winning Mausritter, Halfjinks is a game where combat and tactics take a backseat to merriment and frivolity. Whether you're exploring the haunted house on the edge of town, trying to stuff a live chicken in the postman's mailbag without getting...   [click here for more]
Gallant Knight Games  $5.00

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Kobolds Ate My Baby! The Orange Book: Are You My Kobold?

Kobolds Ate My Baby! The Orange Book: Are You My Kobold?

ARE YOU MY KOBOLD? is a stand alone adventure made for ORIGINS GAME FAIR based on “KOBOLDS ATE MY BABY! THE ORANGE BOOK” and is powered by polymorph™. This tiny book is packed with QUICK START rules and a fun story about ORIGINS’ favorite little friend CRIT trying to find a new home in a cruel existential world. Also bears.  For use with Kobolds Ate My Baby! The Orange Book!   For kobolds...   [click here for more]
9th Level Games  $9.99

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Hero Kids Deutsch - Fantasy Erweiterung - Heldenkarten V

Hero Kids Deutsch - Fantasy Erweiterung - Heldenkarten V

Diese Erweiterung für Hero Kids enthält zehn neue monströse Helden für dein Spiel:   Gargoyle-Hinterhalt-Kämpfer – Der Gargoyle hält sich im Verborgenen und stürzt sich in den Angriff. Bugbear-Schläger – Der Bugbear-Schläger schwingt eine Baumstammkeule Froschling-Jäger – Die klebrige Zunge des Froschlings zieht Gegner heran Minotaurus-Ritter – Diese Bestie kann mit seinen grimmigen...   [click here for more]
Hero Forge Games  $2.99

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Hero Kids Deutsch - Fantasy Erweiterung - Heldenkarten VI

Hero Kids Deutsch - Fantasy Erweiterung - Heldenkarten VI

Diese Erweiterung für Hero Kids enthält zehn neue Halloween-Helden für dein Spiel:   Narren-Alchemist – Der Narr lacht immer zuletzt, wenn jemand in der Nähe ist Bären-Schläger – Der Bären-Schläger ist ein furchtbarer Kämpfer Satyr-Druide – Der Satyr kann mächtige druidische Heilung kanalisieren Krampus-Duellant – Furchterregend im Aussehen und im Kampf Raben-Jäger – Der...   [click here for more]
Hero Forge Games  $2.99

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Hero Kids Deutsch - Fantasy Erweiterung - Heldenkarten VII

Hero Kids Deutsch - Fantasy Erweiterung - Heldenkarten VII

Diese Erweiterung für Hero Kids enthält zehn neue Helden aus einer anderen Zeit für dein Spiel:   Athlet – Die enorme Stärke und die imposante Gestalt der Athletin machen sie zu einer beeindruckenden Erscheinung Geist - Geübt im unbemerkten Vorbeischleichen, benutzt der Geist ein improvisiertes Zurufen, um entfernte Feinde anzugreifen Goth – Der einzigartige Stil der Goth täuscht über...   [click here for more]
Hero Forge Games  $2.99

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Heroes & Hollows

Heroes & Hollows

Get ready for one of the SIMPLEST FANTASY RPGs you've ever played. Fantasy roleplaying games have provided endless hours of fun for gamers across the globe. Yet, for those new to the world of gaming, it can be a bit daunting to try and pick a game and learn a rules set that seems so complicated. Even seasoned gamers may be searching for a more straightforward way to play. Based on the Fifth Edition...   [click here for more]
Micro RPG  $0.99 $0.74

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Adventure Generator Fantasy City Volume II

Adventure Generator Fantasy City Volume II

D6 Adventure hooks with sub-tables to help direct a new adventure for your players. This supplement provides information to help structure the adventure leaving your imagination to craft the story your looking to tell. Adventure Hooks The Labyrinth of the Eternal Night A Sentient Dungeon Awakens The Sunken Sanctuary Infernal Bargain Below The Clockwork Crypt The Hollow God's Slumber ...   [click here for more]
Wytchin Hour  $2.00

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Hero Kids Français - Fantasy RPG - Creator's Guild French Francais

Hero Kids Français - Fantasy RPG - Creator's Guild French Francais

Laissez libre cours à l'imagination de vos enfants avec Hero Kids, le jeu de rôle fantasy primé aux ENnie pour les enfants de 4 à 10 ans. Ce jeu offre une introduction rapide et amusante aux jeux de rôle, parfait pour initier les plus jeunes qui voudraient s'y intéresser. « Hero Kids est génial, nous étions en train de jouer quelques minutes après avoir démarré la...   [click here for more]
Hero Forge Games  $5.99

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Heckin' Good Doggos

Heckin' Good Doggos

Heckin’ Good Doggos is a family friendly, all ages role-playing game where the players take on the roles of humankind’s best friends: The dog! It is a game of "Dogs doin' Dog Stuff" that focuses on the kinds of stories and adventures dogs can get into such as: Finding their favorite treats. Barking at that squirrel up in the tree. Finding their human Best Friend who has gone missing. Banishing...   [click here for more]
Wet Ink Games  $10.00

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The Quest for the Dragon Crown

The Quest for the Dragon Crown

The Quest for the Dragon Crown Travellers arrive in the happy kingdom of Merrydown bringing alarming news. A band of evil dragons are approaching, and only the Dragon Crown can hold them back. Unfortunately, the crown is missing... In The Quest for the Dragon Crown you will find... One glorious campaign made up of Five adventures, each suitable for 1-2 sessions of play Five full page, full...   [click here for more]
Amazing Tales  $4.95

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Hero Kids Deutsch - Fantasy Erweiterung - Monster Kompendium

Hero Kids Deutsch - Fantasy Erweiterung - Monster Kompendium

Die Erweiterung Hero Kids Monster Kompendium enthält 136 Monster für dein Spiel: Fledermäuse, Betörer, Wildschweine, Banditen, Hobgoblins, gewöhnliche Bürger, Konstrukte,  Kauz und Vettel, Kultisten, Drachen, Elementare, Feuerkinder, Flammender Schädel, Füchse, Froschlinge, Gargoyle, Geist, Riesen, Gladiatoren, Goblins, Gorillas, Wachen, Schädelritter, Hydra, Ritter, Kobolde, Echsenmenschen,...   [click here for more]
Hero Forge Games  $9.99

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rpgKids (v1.5)

rpgKids (v1.5)

Introduce children to the hobby of a lifetime with rpgKids, the simple-to-play game of fantasy adventures. rpgKids was originally published at the ENnie-nominated (2010) blog,, and was included in Open Game Table: The Anthology of Roleplaying Game Blogs, Vol. 1. This new edition (v1.5) incorporates feedback from dozens of sessions of play and adds new rules to enhance the...   [click here for more]
NewbieDM Press  $2.99

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UNCHARTED DUNGEONS (Advanced Game System)

UNCHARTED DUNGEONS (Advanced Game System)

"UNCHARTED DUNGEONS" (Advanced Game System) is an EXPANSION, not a standalone game. It requires the most renowned Dungeon Crawler Board Game ever made, where a HERO must complete a QUEST. With "UNCHARTED DUNGEONS" you can play the Core Game solo or in full cooperative mode without needing a Game Master or the official...   [click here for more]

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Vintage Space

Vintage Space

Hark back to the days of  Battlestar Galactica, Buck Rogers in the 25th Century, and Space 1999 with Vintage Space. Back when villains were cruel, heroes were dashing, robots made silly sound effects, and they all had feathered hair. Vintage Space is nearly a retroclone of one of the most influential RPGs of that era- the one that used d100 and had players portraying fleet officers exploring the...   [click here for more]
Thunderegg Productions  $4.99

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Hero Kids - Fantasy Adventure Compendium

Hero Kids - Fantasy Adventure Compendium

The Hero Kids Fantasy Adventure Compendium includes eight classic Hero Kids adventures ideal for novice players. Explore the wilds of the Brecken Vale in these adventures: • Basement O Rats • Tomb of the Lost King • Fire In Rivenshore • Darkness Neath Rivenshore • Twilight Watchtower • Curse of the Shadow Walkers • Mines of Martek • Maze of the Minotaur NOTE:...   [click here for more]
Hero Forge Games  $24.99

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Advent Cthulendar: Moments of Respite - a Zgrozy supplement

Advent Cthulendar: Moments of Respite - a Zgrozy supplement

Moments of Respite is a collection of short ideas for cozy and heartwarming elements of the investigators' backstories for use in Call of Cthulhu games, presented in the form of an Advent calendar. Inside, you'll find welcoming places, supportive groups, soothing nature, and many other good things. A few samples of what the entries contain: An amateur theater where Investigators...   [click here for more]
Chaosium  $4.99

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The Extraordinary Adventures of Baron Munchausen, third edition

The Extraordinary Adventures of Baron Munchausen, third edition

Baron Munchausen's tales of his extraordinary adventures are legendary: riding cannonballs through the sky, sailing to the Moon, meeting gods, escaping from the Turkish army on half a horse, and many more.  Can you outdo the Baron's storytelling? You can try!  Challenge your friends to tell the most extraordinary stories, interrupt to challenge or correct their boasts, and describe your own amazing...   [click here for more]
Magnum Opus Press  $9.95 $8.95

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Hero Kids Deutsch - Fantasy Abenteuer - Die Herrschaft des Drachen

Hero Kids Deutsch - Fantasy Abenteuer - Die Herrschaft des Drachen

Dieses Premium-Abenteuer nimmt die Kinder mit auf eine Reise zur Rettung des Drachen Algoxarth. Können die Kinder an den Kultisten vorbeischlüpfen, die Rivenshore umzingelt haben? Und können sie Algoxarth und ihr Drachenei vor dem Drachenprinzen retten, oder wird er seinen teuflischen Plan durchsetzen? - Premium-Abenteuer mit 11 Begegnungen - Enthält neue Monster: Kultisten, Drache, Drachenbaby,...   [click here for more]
Hero Forge Games  $5.99

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Deadball: Year II

Deadball: Year II

"Breezy fun…. [Deadball] captures the spirit and feel of the sport." —Baseball Prospectus "With Deadball you can simulate America’s Pastime during any season, no matter where you are." —Sports Illustrated Kids Deadball: Year II is an expansion to the bestselling Deadball: Baseball With Dice. Featuring new rules, a franchise generator,...   [click here for more]
W.M. Akers  $10.00

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OZ: A Fantasy Role-Playing Setting

OZ: A Fantasy Role-Playing Setting

Adventure is just down the Yellow Brick Road… The award-winning author and illustrator of Neverland returns with another beautiful RPG setting book, in OZ: A Fantasy Role-Playing Game. While many have traveled with Dorothy Gale to the world of OZ, there is so much more to explore! But know this: there is more to the land and its inhabitants than the rumors might suggest....   [click here for more]
Andrews McMeel Publishing  $19.99

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Amazing Adventures Chronicle Keepers Guide

Amazing Adventures Chronicle Keepers Guide

This book is your companion for running the world’s greatest gun-toting, sword-wielding, starfighter-flying, gadget-making, superpowered, science, sorcery, horror, multi-genre role playing game, powered by the SIEGE Engine! Herein you will find additional character and rules options, streamlined firearms rules, advanced vehicle combat rules, cinematic unarmed combat, rules for dark pulp sorcery,...   [click here for more]
Troll Lord Games  $19.99

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Adventure Creation Kit: Science Fiction

Adventure Creation Kit: Science Fiction

!!! 64,000,000 ADVENTURE SEEDS !!! The material in this book is based on my own 6-Point Story Structure. With this little booklet, you will be able to generate 64,000,000 (that is sixty-four MILLION) different adventure seeds. Use these seeds to develop and create proper adventures for your gaming group’s campaign. You will use six (6) 20-sections tables to create your adventure seed, and then...   [click here for more]
PenguinComics  $5.56

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Highways & Byways - A Wayfarer's Companion

Highways & Byways - A Wayfarer's Companion

Australian Role Playing Industry Association Winner 2023 Best Cartography We leave at dawn and travel on the road from Boldhome to Clearwine!, a simple statement but one loaded with questions and the possibility of adventure. What time is dawn? How long will the journey take? Is there even a road to take or will the party have to travel...   [click here for more]
Chaosium  $7.95

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Sandstorm Canyon (Galactic Heroes)

Sandstorm Canyon (Galactic Heroes)

THIS IS A STAND-ALONE EXPANSION FOR GALACTIC HEROES, REBEL STARS! Welcome, Hero! Come and discover a galaxy where the war for peace, justice, and equality rages on. Junjit, is not exactly a hospitable place. With hellish heatwaves, frigid nights, deadly sandstorms, and dangerous creatures, it's not a place most people want to explore. While the majority of the planet is covered in...   [click here for more]
Micro RPG  $1.99 $0.99

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Terrain Generator: Lakes

Terrain Generator: Lakes

Bring the depths of your fantasy world to life with Terrain Generator: Lakes, a versatile tool for creating dynamic and captivating lake environments in any roleplaying game. Whether it’s a serene oasis or a cursed, bottomless pit, this supplement provides all you need to craft unforgettable adventures. Features: Diverse Lake Types: Roll for 8 unique types of lakes,...   [click here for more]
Wytchin Hour  $2.00

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Terrain Generator: Jungles

Terrain Generator: Jungles

Dive into the heart of the wild with Terrain Generator: Jungles, a must-have supplement for creating vivid and unpredictable jungle environments in your tabletop RPG campaigns. Perfect for Game Masters seeking quick, immersive world-building tools. Features: Diverse Jungle Types: Choose from 8 distinct jungle settings, including bioluminescent forests and ancient...   [click here for more]
Wytchin Hour  $2.00

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~ TSRPG (Travel-Sized RPG/Kompakt-Rollenspiel für Unterwegs) ~

~ TSRPG (Travel-Sized RPG/Kompakt-Rollenspiel für Unterwegs) ~

TSRPG (Travel-Sized RPG, oder Kompakt-Rollenspiel für Unterwegs) ist ein improvisiertes Erzählspiel für einen Erzähler und einen oder mehrere Spieler, das man leicht nahezu überall spielen kann, vom Wartebereich an einem Flughafen, an dem man gerade festsitzt, bis zu einem Hotelzimmer spät in der Nacht, wo es gerade nichts anderes zu unternehmen gibt (und natürlich auch bei dir zu Hause)....   [click here for more]
Skirmisher Publishing  $1.99

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The Hidden Halls of Hazakor

The Hidden Halls of Hazakor

"For a novice DM (young or old), this is an amazing resource…" — In the frontier stronghold of Purdey’s Rest, rumors of mysterious lost ruins lead a group of young adventurers into the wilderness — and the forgotten dungeons of a legendary dark mage. Facing off against evil bandits, foul undead, and ravenous monsters, the characters seek the rewards...   [click here for more]
Insane Angel Studios  $15.00

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Amazing Tales: The Charity Adventure Compilation

Amazing Tales: The Charity Adventure Compilation

The collection of adventures includes 22 separate Amazing Tales products. The Quickstart rules, and 21 different adventures, originally written to help kids through lockdown. Each month I'll nominate a charity to receive funds donated for the bundle.  Charities supported to date May 2020: The Child's Play and Extra Life Charities. June 2020: Black Lives Matter July 2020: Unicef Coronavirus Children's...   [click here for more]
Amazing Tales  $5.00

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Deadball: Masters of the Game

Deadball: Masters of the Game

"Breezy fun…. [Deadball] captures the spirit and feel of the sport." —Baseball Prospectus "With Deadball you can simulate America’s Pastime during any season, no matter where you are." —Sports Illustrated Kids Masters of the Game is an expansion for Deadball: Baseball With Dice that replicates the...   [click here for more]
W.M. Akers  $10.00

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Hero Kids Deutsch - Fantasy Erweiterung - Ausrüstungskarten

Hero Kids Deutsch - Fantasy Erweiterung - Ausrüstungskarten

Diese Erweiterung für Hero Kids enthält 48 Ausrüstungsgegenstände für dein Spiel: - Rüstungen: Rüstungsteile und Schilde für Verteidigung und Angriff - Gegenstände: Magische Tränke und besondere Gegenstände - Magie: Zauberstäbe für alle Arten von Magiern - Nahkampfwaffen: Waffen für alle Kampfstile - Diverses: Anhänger, Glücksbringer und Spezialwaffen - Fernkampfwaffen: Bögen,...   [click here for more]
Hero Forge Games  $2.99

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Amazing Heroes

Amazing Heroes

Amazing Heroes – Fast-paced superhero adventure Pull on your mask and cape, because it’s time to be a hero! Amazing Heroes builds on the simple and quick Amazing Tales rules to create a superhero game that brings thrilling, and fast paced action to the table for players aged eight and up. With flexible rules that let you create any superhero you can imagine, and straightforward...   [click here for more]
Amazing Tales  $11.99

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Kobolds Ate My Baby! The Orange Book: We Iz Kobolds!?

Kobolds Ate My Baby! The Orange Book: We Iz Kobolds!?

KOWHAT?! A Kobold is a tiny, furry little doggy person with an insatiable appetite. Kobolds are quite terrible at everything that isn’t cooking (and are, ironically, delicious when cooked). Kobolds lead short dangerous lives, and die frequently and horribly. In this game, YOU IZ KOBOLD! YOU Iz Kobolds?! includes everything you need to try a role-playing game except some six-sided dice and some friends,...   [click here for more]
9th Level Games  $7.99

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Hero Kids - Space Expansion - Hero Cards - Set I

Hero Kids - Space Expansion - Hero Cards - Set I

This expansion for Hero Kids includes ten space heroes for use with space adventures (although these heroes are 100% compatible with all other Hero Kids adventures): Brute - The pandian's strength and size makes him formidable in melee combat Force-Binder - This alien Nadi can push enemies with his powerful magic Merc - The merc's armor protects her from all but the most powerful...   [click here for more]
Hero Forge Games  $2.99

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The Multiversal Tavern - A Tiny Taverns DLC

The Multiversal Tavern - A Tiny Taverns DLC

The Multiversal Tavern is a small supplement for the roleplaying game Tiny Taverns. It’s designed to provide some small framework to allow for using Tiny Taverns outside of the fantasy milieu in other TinyD6 games, such as Tiny Frontiers, Tiny Cthulhu, and Tiny Supers. This was a DLC stretch goal for the Tiny Taverns Kickstarter campaign, and as such, we owe a debt of gratitude to the backers for...   [click here for more]
Gallant Knight Games  $4.99

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Tiny Taverns: A La Carte

Tiny Taverns: A La Carte

In the first expansion for Tiny Taverns, “A La Carte” introduces new options for your chaotic and heartwarming slice-of-life fantasy games in the tavern you create together! From new mini-games, guidelines for “combatless” play, and brand new denizens, plot hooks, and heritage rules, there’s something on the menu for every group Requires TINY TAVERNS to use.  ...   [click here for more]
Gallant Knight Games  $4.99

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Hero Kids Deutsch - Fantasy Erweiterung - Helden-Steigerungskarten

Hero Kids Deutsch - Fantasy Erweiterung - Helden-Steigerungskarten

Die Erweiterung Hero Kids Hero Helden-Steigerungskarten umfasst 120 Karten. Mit dem Helden-Steigerungssystem können Spieler alle Aspekte ihrer Helden verbessern: - Fähigkeiten (Nahkampf, Fernkampf, Magie oder Rüstung) steigern - Neue Fähigkeiten (Nahkampf, Fernkampf, Magie oder Rüstung) - zusätzliche Gesundheitsstufe für die Helden erlangen - Neue Fertigkeiten erlernen - Neue Sonderaktionen...   [click here for more]
Hero Forge Games  $5.99

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Squeaks in the Deep

Squeaks in the Deep

“The dogs and cats of the world are not our friends. They presume we are always guilty of some crime or other, even if this isn’t the case. You’ll have to remember our most important code: look out for ourselves.”   — Meeka Chase, Mouse and potential Rat King   Rats and mice live in the margins of the empires of dogs and cats, with homes that connect...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $19.99

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Hero Kids Deutsch - Premium Fantasy Abenteuer - Das Labyrinth des Minotaurus

Hero Kids Deutsch - Premium Fantasy Abenteuer - Das Labyrinth des Minotaurus

Dieses Premium-Abenteuer führt die Kinder tief in die Höhle des sagenumwobenen Minotaurus. Können die Kinder ein Stück des Schatzes des Ungeheuers finden und entkommen, oder werden sie dem Minotaurus oder einem der anderen Monster und Fallen in die Hände fallen, während sie sein Labyrinth erforschen? - Premium-Abenteuer mit 8-12 Begegnungen (oder mehr...) - Beinhaltet das einzigartige Monster...   [click here for more]
Hero Forge Games  $5.99

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Hero Kids Français - Fantasy Adventure - La Tour du Sorcier - French Francais

Hero Kids Français - Fantasy Adventure - La Tour du Sorcier - French Francais

L’aventure « La Tour du Sorcier » emmène les héros de Borderive à la tour du sorcier sur la péninsule orientale qui entoure la baie de Val-Tordu. Le sorcier, Mortain, s’est mis dans le pétrin et a besoin de l’aide des enfants ! • Aventure avec cinq rencontres et six nouvelles cartes • Comprend cinq monstres: Grenouillards, bête aquatique, construct boiteux et la redoutable armure...   [click here for more]
Hero Forge Games  $2.99

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Adventure Creation Kit: Fantasy

Adventure Creation Kit: Fantasy

!!! 64,000,000 ADVENTURE SEEDS !!! The material in this book is based on my own 6-Point Story Structure. With this little booklet, you will be able to generate 64,000,000 (that is sixty-four MILLION) different adventure seeds. Use these seeds to develop and create proper adventures for your gaming group’s campaign. You will use six (6) 20-sections tables to create your adventure seed, and then...   [click here for more]
PenguinComics  $5.56

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Fae's Anatomy: A Melodramatic Medical Mystery

Fae's Anatomy: A Melodramatic Medical Mystery

Fae’s Anatomy is a comedic storytelling RPG wrapped around a challenging logic puzzle, recreating the high-stakes melodrama of medical procedurals like Grey’s Anatomy, House, and General Hospital.  NO PH.D REQUIRED Anybody can be an expert in Fae’s Anatomy. The game is set in a world where all forms of magic, spirituality, and mysticism are science....   [click here for more]
Hebanon Games  $10.00

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Hero Kids Deutsch - Fantasy Abenteuer - Das verlorene Dorf

Hero Kids Deutsch - Fantasy Abenteuer - Das verlorene Dorf

Am Vorabend eines weiteren harten Winters werden die Kinder auf eine Reise in das Dorf Willowsdell geschickt, um herauszufinden, warum dessen Wagen mit den Waren aus dem Herbst noch nicht in Rivenshore angekommen sind. Schaffen es die Kinder bis zu dem weit entfernten Außenposten und entdecken, was mit dem verlorenen Dorf geschehen ist? Abenteuer mit 8 Begegnungen und 5 neuen Begegnungsplänen Enthält...   [click here for more]
Hero Forge Games  $2.99

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Adventure Generator: Fantasy City Volume I

Adventure Generator: Fantasy City Volume I

D6 Adventure hooks with sub-tables to help direct a new adventure for your players. This supplement provides information to help structure the adventure leaving your imagination to craft the story your looking to tell. Adventure Hooks Heist in Progress A Missing Person Case Political Intrigue A Cult's Dark Plot Crime Syndicate Power Play Magical Mishap ...   [click here for more]
Wytchin Hour  $2.00

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Making a Hero part 6- At the Gates of Darkness

Making a Hero part 6- At the Gates of Darkness

In this D&D for kids styled game,   A jagged and broken black stone tower reaches up into the sky nearly touching the stars, seemingly held together by magic. At the top of the tower a swirl of dark clouds spin around the tower, launching lightning bolts as if it is at war with the ground. In front of you, a light fog lifts from a smelly moat that circles the tower. A single bridges crosses...   [click here for more]
Bwilder Games  $1.99

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Making a Hero part 8- The Dreadlord

Making a Hero part 8- The Dreadlord

In this D&D for kids styled game,  As you push open the heavy wooden door, it creaks ominously, its rotting surface bearing the scars of time. The door swings inward, revealing a long, dark, foreboding corridor stretching out before you like the yawning mouth of an ancient beast and the Dreadlord lies ahead through the darkness.                   This is part 8 of the “Making a Hero”...   [click here for more]
Bwilder Games  $5.00 $1.99

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Making a Hero part 7- The Guardians

Making a Hero part 7- The Guardians

In this D&D for kids styled game,   This is the dark tower, the home of the necromancer, the birth place of maddness and the Dreadlord Kanis. You've struggled against the skeleton hordes, fought back the gargoyles, and solved the puzzle locking the magic door, only to be locked inside of the pitch black castle with no clear way upwards to the necromancer.                        ...   [click here for more]
Bwilder Games  $1.99

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Doctors and Daleks: Player's Guide

Doctors and Daleks: Player's Guide

A New Companion for Your Adventures through all of Space and Time!  The wild adventures of everyone’s favourite Time Lord come to the world’s most popular roleplaying game in Doctors and Daleks. Take your gaming group into the TARDIS and travel anywhere, anywhen. Want to meet Leornado da Vinci? Or see what life is like in the year 3,000? What about another planet entirely? All of space and time...   [click here for more]
Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd.  $29.99

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Hero Kids - Space Adventure - Secret of the Crystal Cave

Hero Kids - Space Adventure - Secret of the Crystal Cave

The Secret of the Crystal Cave adventure takes place in a branching cave system that presents challenges, both fierce creatures and dangerous terrain, before the heroes can claim a weave shard of their own. •  Adventure with six-eight encounters and eight new maps •  Includes three monsters: Spine rat, viperwing, water beast •  Includes six new equipment: Shimmering shard, focus shard,...   [click here for more]
Hero Forge Games  $2.99

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Hero Kids - Space Adventure - Trouble At Threshold Station

Hero Kids - Space Adventure - Trouble At Threshold Station

The Trouble At Threshold Station adventure finds the kids travelling Threshold Station, a trading station in orbit above Circa Prime, avoiding a deadly meteor shower, then attempting to sell spare parts to a merchant.  However, once the trade is complete the kids are ambushed by raiders and must fight to escape. •  Adventure with four encounters and three new maps •  Includes four monsters:...   [click here for more]
Hero Forge Games  $2.99

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  PFRPG 19: Garden of the Gods™, for Palladium Fantasy RPG® 2nd Edition