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The world is a Lie.
Humanity is cursed into a prison of Sleep, ignorant of the wonder and danger all around them. Ground down into slavery to masters they’ll never see, beset by a plague of cares to distract them from the Truth.
You were like them, once, but now you are Awakened. You see the world beneath the Lie’s skin, and the Mysteries beckoning you... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
Keep walking.
Eyes straight ahead.
Don’t look back.
In the shadows and between the cracks of our everyday lives hide the Chronicles of Darkness. Here lurk creatures of ancient myth and urban legend. Here lie the graves of angels and the bunkers of secret government programs. Here every malformed horror you’ve ever seen out of the corner of your eye... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
Note: This was previously published as Blood and Smoke: the Strix Chronicle, now retitled with a new cover and an index.
Updated and revised core rule book for Vampire: The Requiem.
Tonight, you become one of the Kindred, the beautiful and the damned who hide behind our ordinary world. Driven by a hunger like fire, you will struggle to... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
Once upon a time, you fled through the Thorns, wanting nothing more than to get away, to get home.
But the place you ran through along the way was more than just the brambles that catch and tear. The Hedge is home to hobgoblins and faerie creatures, a source of wonders and delights even as it’s home to snarling, snapping briarwolves.
You just had to... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
You’ve stumbled into shadows.
You know what lurks in darkness.
There are more monsters tonight than ever before.
It’s time to fight back.
Hunter: The Vigil Second Edition is a standalone game that can be played by new or existing players. The lore has been updated to not only reflect the uptick... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
Once upon a time, they took you from your home.
They promised you a place at their side, and meaning in your life, and they surrounded you with beautiful things.
But the beautiful things were oh so sharp, and they laughed when you bled.
Day by day, they changed you. But day by day, your will grew stronger.
On the last day, you smashed your way... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
The need to hunt burns in your heart and in your soul. To chase down prey with your blood pumping fire through your body. Yesterday you didn’t know what that felt like, but today you’re sitting in a room with the bodies of your family and you need to hunt.
You are a human, a wolf, a killer, a monster. The ultimate predator.
You must... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
“You think these scars are bad? You’ve not even seen my true form…”
The Clades Companion delves deep into the many options available for players and Storytellers of Deviant: The Renegades, expanding the selection of Remade Forms, a wealth of animals and Manticores to use as companions and antagonists, and more besides.
Deviant provides the template for your Remade. The Clades Companion provides... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
You woke up…different. Someone changed you; on a slab, an operating table, an altar. By luck or by fate, you escaped. Now you’re hunted by the ones who made you, and they hold all the cards but one: they don’t know that a fire burns within you because of what they did. They don’t know that you’re hunting them.
The Divergence stripped you... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
No one can do it all alone. Anyone who tells you they have all the answers is Lying.
Throughout the millennia, the mages of the Pentacle Orders have gathered – to share knowledge, to protect one another, to seek Mysteries, and to push back against the servants of the Lie.
But it didn't happen all at once, or without struggle. Nothing good ever does.
Tome of the Pentacle includes:... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
You are dead. You shuffled off this mortal coil, passed away, bought the farm, or any of a thousand other quaint metaphors we use to avoid staring into the face of our own mortality.
You are not dead. Something else was more important – you didn't have time to lie quiet in your grave, you had things that needed doing. And on the cusp of dissolution, at the crossroads of this world and the next,... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
Did they tell you magic is sealed away by the Abyss? That the Supernal Realm can’t affect the Fallen? That you’ll never see the Watchtower again?
Nothing is ever that simple.
The curse keeps Sleepers from seeing it, but we are Awakened. We see past the Lie with our Sight every day, grasp the Supernal with our spells and seek the Mysteries. And what Mysteries we find!
Artifacts... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
You can’t predict a changeling by their kith. We’re not so easily defined.
But we are connected to others who fashioned themselves the same way. You meet another Playmate’s eye and know you share something no one else can understand. In a way, you’re kin.
This is the Lost struggle. Did They take me apart so thoroughly that putting me back together... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
Angels are everywhere.
They are under the everyday world, behind it, beyond it. They are sent by the God-Machine to enact its will through time and space, delivering messages, building infrastructure, protecting some people, killing others. You were one of those angels...
But not anymore.
Now you are one of the Unchained, a fallen angel who defected to the human race. Yours is a world of false identities... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
Awakening is a blessing. It's pure enlightenment, arcane knowledge, untold Mysteries, unimaginable power.
Awakening is a curse. It's all-consuming addiction, existential despair, desperate loneliness, dangerous hubris.
Awakening is knowing you can do whatever you want, and then doing it. Damn the consequences if you like, but your damnation doesn't erase them. Bending reality to your will intoxicates... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
"Of course it hurts. Everything hurts. If you're alive, you hurt. Don't think of yourself as bleeding out; think of yourself as more alive."
Horror is all about the stakes. And most commonly, pain, injury, and death are those stakes. Hurt Locker is all about the stuff that hurts. We talk why it hurts, how it hurts, and how to deliver pain at your table beyond just rolling the dice and marking... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
Don’t run.
Please. I know what I look like. I know you saw me, with my stitches and punctures and wires.
I know you felt the Fire.
It’s not my fault.
It’s what I have instead of a soul.
It’s how I know I’m alive.
Don’t run! I don’t want to hurt you.
I’m not trying to hurt anyone. ... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
So, you’re home. What now? Gonna run and hide for the rest of your life to make sure They never find you again?
Screw that. Don’t let Them scare you. Take up space. Make noise. Write your name across the sky and let Them know you’re not going anywhere without a fight. You brought the fairy tale to your home turf, and you make the rules here.
Your words have power now, so use them. Build a community.... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
The world is ill. You have everything to lose through its sickness.
Loss. Change. Chaos.
Your own blood will rebel against you. Your own herd.
Your own loved ones. Do not believe that just because you’ve had a hundred years on this earth, you’ll be exempt. Just because you were ignorant of it until now does not make you immune. Your waking to the reality of this... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
I wield the might of gods, the powers of the elements, control over the living and the dead, and yet I cannot tell you my name. It is unknown to me, in a darkened corner of my memory, and I do not know when illumination shall reach me.
I awoke in this ancient tomb, a crack in its roof introducing fresh air for the first time in what feels like centuries. At my feet, three broken... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
The point about hope is that it is something that occurs in very dark moments. It is like a flame in the darkness; it isn’t like a confidence and a promise.
— John Berger
Keeping the Vigil is a choice. Nothing stops them from going home, locking the door, putting out the light, and pretending that all is right with the world. Billions of people do just that every day.
But the hunter... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
The Contagion has come; it’s ravaged the world and left you in its wake. The few who are left band together, along lines you never once thought you would agree to. When your enemy becomes the only friend you have left, you make do the best you can.
This book includes essays discussing how to combine multiple monster and supernatural types from the Chronicles of Darkness within a Contagion... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
Did your heart seize up in your chest a little when I said that? It should. Those horrors you've dreamed of all your life - the arms dragging you down into the ooze, the thing with fangs and too many legs waiting in the dark, the sleek, silent killer dropping on you from a clear sky - they're real.
But don't fret, little brother. You'll never have to wake up in fear, ever again. The... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
You’ve got it into your head that there can’t be much worse than you. You’re a monster, a feral animal, barely controlled and just snapping at unfortunate bastards who cross your path.
Well, newsflash, buster: there’s far worse out there than your hairy hide.
We are mutation. We are forced devolution. We are throwbacks and beings so ancient you wish mommy Luna had kept a lid on us. You’ve... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
Note: The new World of Darkness game line is now called Chronicles of Darkness, get the new core rule book from Onyx Path Publishing here at DriveThruRPG.com.
Where the Shadows Grow Long
We live our days completely ignorant of the true terrors lurking around us. Only rarely do our experiences draw back the veil of shadows and reveal the horror in our midst. These glimpses into the... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
"Magic is at the heart of what we do here at the Esoteric Order of the Golden Star. With it you can find your heart’s desire and riches beyond belief. I just need a small down payment, and sign here on the dotted line."
— Lady Jezebel Eliza Szilard
This book includes antagonists for both Vampire: The Requiem and other Chronicles of Darkness games.
Night... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
We grow old, but we never grow older. That’s the problem you see.
Timelessness is not stagnation, we continue to grow and change throughout the years.
If we don’t, then the world changes without us and we die.
You may think that with a multitude of people coming, going, dying and running away, we’d be tired, done, or ready to give up.
Instead,... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
In the eyes of the Renegades, every conspiracy is a tightly managed organization comprised of faceless human monsters willing to commit any atrocity to advance its malevolent agenda. It is an oppressive structure bent on dominance through transgression. The Devoted are its brainwashed zealots and lab rats, its muscle and middle-managers, its magnum opuses and messiahs. Whether they do so blindly or... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
For millennia, monsters have hunted and fought alongside us…
Rebellions swell and vampires feed. Casualties of war draw Reapers to blood-soaked battlefields. Gilded ages benefit mortals and monsters alike.
How? Why? What role do the monsters play with us —- and each other?
Dark Eras 2 explores 13 new eras scattered throughout the history of the Chronicles of Darkness. Each... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
"They say to judge a man by the company he keeps. By this measure, as by any other, we are liars and monsters."
-- Getter Kahn, Bishop of Filth
Vampires gather under many banners. But five have endured the tumult of Western history better than any other. The Carthian Movement. The Circle of the Crone. The Invictus. The Lancea et Sanctum. The Ordo Dracul. Each has its fierce devotees, its... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
Family? Ha!
My mother would show up every few years and suddenly be very into my life.
She would take me out of school to take trips with her, or buy me anything I wanted, but she never really listened to me when I tried to talk to her.
I’d meet these people, all weird, all terrible, and then she’d be gone again.
To say that I resent... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
Darkness Is Always With Us
We have shared the world with monsters for millennia.In the time of Alexander the God-King, mages fought their secret wars. In Elizabeth’s London, vampires built their own empire brick by bloody brick. Before the founding of America, hunters fought enemies within and without. And in the Cold War, as the clock ticked towards Armageddon, we could have been... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
The wolf must hunt, but it cannot hunt alone. Your hunts need the talents and instincts of other werewolves to slaughter the most dangerous prey. Your hunting grounds and families need the watching eyes of those with the blood of the Wolf of the spirit of the Moon. Your pack needs grounding in the world, humans who provide their contacts, expertise, and support. A pack is not a pack without a totem,... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
"You know what’s out there? No, you don’t. Stop trying to list them off. Yeah, yeah, you’ve met the vampires and the werewolves and the ghosts and so forth, but you haven’t seen a hundredth of what’s really there. Look, I’m not shaming you. I’m trying to make a point. You don’t know. You never will. There’s no complete picture, no magic moment where you see the whole truth and... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
When you trespass,
the reason you feel
you are being watched
is because you are.
The fear is real.
When you steal,
the dread that comes over you
is neither guilt nor paranoia,
but the cold certitude of fate.
The curse is real.
When you die,
know that your life was but a flash
upon the face of the deep
in the mind of your judge.
We are real.
And we are arisen.
— Ankh-Nephris,... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
Have you always wanted to include the Ravnos into your Requiem game? Or perhaps the Invictus into your Masquerade game? This guide will help you translate the feel and core elements from each version of Vampire into the other game system and background.
This book includes: • Translations of all of the clans between versions of Vampire • Suggestions and ideas on how... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
There is more to death than you know, more than you’ve seen in the scant moments since you’ve come back. Places twisted by grief and despair. Bound who’ve made dark bargains with the Gods Below for power. Faith and memories crafted into tools, and sometimes into weapons.
The Underworld runs deep, lifetimes stacked on stolen lifetimes, all to squeeze us down to fuel, to fodder, for the bastards... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
I want to be human, sometimes.
I think about what they have and how simple it all must be.
Even if they aren't sure of their identities, at least for them the question is multiple choice.
A human can only be so many different things.
But to really survive after the Fall, you have to let go of everything, including identity.
It has to be... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
A Storytelling Game of Beautiful Madness Taken from your home, transformed by the power of Faerie, kept as the Others’ slave or pet — but you never forgot where you came from. Now you have found your way back through the Thorns, to a home that is no longer yours. You are Lost. Find yourself. The Core Rulebook for Changeling: The Lost™ • A rulebook for playing the changelings,... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
This is the way the world ends.
The Contagion still rages. Throughout the world, strains manifest and wreak havoc, requiring the Sworn and the False to intervene. Can they contain the chaos, or will their actions exacerbate the problem?
The Contagion Chronicle: Global Outbreaks includes:
Seven new outbreaks, set around the world.
Brief overviews of the infected characters, rumors,... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
As the Prey Evolves...
Everywhere you turn, a vampire eats some poor factory worker. Werewolves shred cars. Witches curse the innocent. Serial killers devastate communities.
But what about the stranger aspects of the World of Darkness?
Mortal Remains picks up where we left off with Night Stalkers, Spirit Slayers, Witch Finders,... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
The world suffers from illness. It shivers and shudders as the Contagion takes hold. In Houston, Texas, a woman has gone missing and you’re the ones to find and rescue her. But all is not what it seems. Prepare to draw back the curtains and peek backstage.
Welcome to the Chronicles of Darkness. A world like our own, but uglier, more brutal — infinitely more dangerous. This... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
The eyes of the Ascendancy see everything. Well, everything we want them to see anyway. The more power they have, the less we have to worry about them trying to take ours.
— Una Adeyemi
This book includes:
An introduction to Vampire: The Requiem that aids new players and old alike.
A look... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
A Candle in the Darkness The scales have fallen from your eyes.
A fire is lit: is it a lamp perched over the inscription upon an ancient blade? Or a roaring conflagration consuming the house in which the howling fiends wait?
Things will never be the same after this. You’ve set forth on a damning path.
Carry the Vigil.
Fight back the shadows. Hunter: The Vigil includes:
A rulebook... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
Does the mouse in the maze think:
“Today I shall try a different route. Go left instead of right. Chew through a wall. Refuse to run.”?
Does it? I think not.
I think the mouse runs because it only knows the maze. It follows the corridors like a charge following a circuit.
It knows all routes lead to the same end.
You know it, too. You left,... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
“The Pilgrimage ain’t got no shortcuts, no quick fixes. Heck, even death’s not a reprieve for us. So you pick yourself up now, and you keep goin’. I promise there’s light at the end of this tunnel, even if the walk takes forever and a half. Just mind those that’d get in yer way.”
— Sister Meshé, Tammuz Sage
Night Horrors: The Tormented includes:
More than... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
There is naught more powerful than life. Life is the wellspring from which all hope and endeavor emerges. How selfish of you Arisen, to deny us the same secrets you hold so close.
Not to worry, my entombed friend. My friends and have found ways of replicating your eternal state, though I daresay, our choices require a little more cutting and pasting than your ancient methods.... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
Always Another Secret
The Chronicles of Darkness stretch back to the beginning of human civilization, and perhaps further. When people fearfully peered into the darkness past their campfires, the Begotten were looking back. When they opened their mouths and spoke, attaching sound to meaning, the Awakened bound those words in power and light. When humanity was forming tribes, werewolves... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
It's a story that begins with death -- with your death.
Why did the Reaper reach out for you before your time? Why was it that you fell between the cracks?
Do you remember the flare of the gun or the sharpness of the knife? Do you remember the gnawing emptiness or the choking thickness of disease? Did you fall across the Threshold alone in the wild, or in the heart of the city?
The story begins... [click here for more] |
White Wolf |
"Fighting the Machine is like fighting the ocean. You literally cannot hurt it. Doesn’t matter how much poison we dump into the ocean. We’ll only kill the things in it. We’ll never kill it. Same with the God-Machine. Kill angels, traitors, stigmatics, cultists, cryptids, whatever, you’ll never hurt the Machine Itself. No, that doesn’t mean we stop trying. You stop trying, you drown.... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |