This is a digital download of a zip file of the STL files for the Omnipotent Azure Legion, including
spearman standing,
spearman advancing,
archer shooting,
standard bearer, and
Spearmen come in variants with spears in hand and open handed. Shields are separate. Spear head and butt are provided if you want to use a wire spear, instead.
Size: These models are scaled to... [click here for more]
This is a digital download of a zip file of the STL files for the Gúrek of the Mighty of Yán Kór, including
medium spearman standing,
medium spearman advancing,
heavy pikeman standing
heavy pikeman advancing
officer in legion helmet,
officer in traditional helmet,
dragon standard
medium spear
pike head and butt,
medium shield,
heavy shield.
The standard and pikehead/butt... [click here for more]
This is a digital download of a zip file of the STL files for the nonhuman Pé Chóir, including
unarmored Pé Chói throwing javelin
unarmored Pé Phói stabbing with javelin
armored Pé Chói throwing javelin
armored Pé Phói stabbing with javelin
armored Pé Chói officer
armored Pé Chói standard bearer
armored Pé Chói musician
The Pé Chói require assembly by attaching the arms.
Size: These... [click here for more]