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TEKUMEL®: Welcome to a world as complex and fascinating as our own, but unlike anything you have ever experienced. Welcome to Tékumel, the creation of Professor M.A.R. Barker. This is an incredibly detailed science fantasy world, and the basis for the first complete world setting published by TSR Hobbies. Empire of the Petal Throne is a classic of the gaming genre, setting the standard... [click here for more] |
The Tekumel Foundation |
$14.00 $10.00
From the western provinces of Salarvyá to far-off Tsólei Isles, from the hellish climes of Shényu to the dark northern forests of Yan Kor, here is the geography of the Five Empires of Tékumel. Included are the two original maps of the Five Empires, with a hexagon grid overlay for easy location of sites mentioned in other Tékumel publications, including the original Empire of the Petal Throne.... [click here for more] |
The Tekumel Foundation |
$10.00 $8.00
The Tékumel Journal was the first periodical devoted to the World of Tékumel. In this first issue, published in 1977, the contents include:
The Temple of Thumis (the same as the separate article listed elsewhere)
Selected biographies of different notable people of Tsolyánu
The custom of the Méshqu plaques in Tsolyáni society
The Splendour of Shényu (same as the separate article listed elsewhere)
With... [click here for more] |
The Tekumel Foundation |
The Tékumel Journal was the first periodical devoted to the World of Tékumel. In this second (and last) issue, published in 1977, the contents include:
Dispatches to the Imperium, including the account of the expedition to the Land of the Tané
The Chrýstalli – the strange creature related to the Hlüss found in the far Northwest
The Temple of Ksárul (the same as the separate article listed... [click here for more] |
The Tekumel Foundation |
TEKUMEL®: Notes from the Thursday Night Group was originally a booklet printed in limited copies and sold at the U-Con gaming convention in the early 2000s. The booklet is written as a series of vignettes that offer a rare glimpse into both the everyday events and the secret rituals that are intrinsic to the vast and richly detailed world of Professor M.A.R. Barker’s Tékumel. These... [click here for more] |
The Tekumel Foundation |
TEKUMEL®: The Tekumel Sourcebook provides a wide-ranging survey of the World of Tekumel, specifically the Five Empires and surrounding lands as of 2358 A.S. - history, geography, customs, architecture, religion, magic, languages and much, much more! An invaluable resource for players and gamemasters of Tekumel!
This is a reprint of the original Gamescience edition of the Tekumel Sourcebook, published... [click here for more] |
The Tekumel Foundation |
The first tabletop RPG setting ever published* is back - with over 100 illustrations by classic AD&D artist Jeff Dee!
Far in the future, humans and their alien allies conquer and terraform the lush planet TékumelTM. A disaster casts Tékumel's star system into a pocket dimension. Cut off from Humanspace, civilizations rise and fall as the descendants revert to savagery - while also mastering... [click here for more] |
UNIGames |
After roleplaying in countless fantasy worlds based on European/Celtic models, a world that does not rely on these overused backgrounds is a refreshing change of pace. Tékumel, a setting drawing heavily from Middle Eastern, Chinese, Indian, and Mesoamerican cultures, fits the bill perfectly. Tékumel is a place with the politics and intrigue of the Roman Empire, the religions of ancient India and... [click here for more] |
Weird Realm Games |
The Temple of Lady Avanthe details one of the Gods of Stability of the World of Tekumel. Learn more about the gentle Goddess, Mistress of Heaven, Maid of Beauty, and Mother of Devotion. This article reveals her Aspects and theology for the curious, and is a precursor to the Compendium of the Gods, Mitlanyal (there is some overlap of material).
Welcome to a world as complex and fascinating... [click here for more] |
The Tekumel Foundation |
$5.00 $3.00
The Temple of Lord Hnálla details the Supreme God of Stability of the World of Tekumel. “Fill the universe with Refulgent Brilliance! Let Changeless Radiance suffuse the Many Planes!” This article reveals his Aspects and theology for the curious, and is an excellent precursor to the Compendium of the Gods, Mitlanyal (there is some overlap of material). 10 pages.
Welcome to a world as... [click here for more] |
The Tekumel Foundation |
$5.00 $3.00
The Temple of Lord Karakán details the War-God of Stability of the World of Tekumel. Karakán is celebrated as the “Lord of War, the Master of Heroes, and the Ultimate Warrior on the Final Day.” This article reveals his Aspects and theology for the curious and is an excellent precursor to the Compendium of the Gods, Mitlanyal (there is some overlap of material). 9 pages.
Welcome to a... [click here for more] |
The Tekumel Foundation |
$5.00 $3.00
The Temple of Lord Ksárul, “Doomed Prince of the Blue Room” details this mysterious God of Change of the World of Tekumel. Lord Ksárul’s inner doctrines are among the most mysterious of all of the Gods of Tékumel. This article reveals his Aspects and theology for the curious and is an excellent precursor to the Compendium of the Gods, Mitlanyal (there is some overlap of material). ... [click here for more] |
The Tekumel Foundation |
$5.00 $3.00
The Temple of Lord Sárku, Master of the Undead, details this dread God of Change of the World of Tekumel. “The domain of the Worm Lord is that of corpses, the grave, the process of decay, the eventual Change of all things into putrefaction and dust, ready for the Weaver of Skeins to take them up again and weave more of the Fabric of Time.” This article reveals his Aspects and theology for the... [click here for more] |
The Tekumel Foundation |
$5.00 $3.00
The Temple of Lord Thúmis, Sage of the Gods, reveals much about this God of Stability of the World of Tekumel. “This Lord is cool and detached, clear and open to the intellect, full of knowledge and quick to reply...” This article reveals his Aspects and theology for the curious and is an excellent precursor to the Compendium of the Gods, Mitlanyal (there is some overlap of material).... [click here for more] |
The Tekumel Foundation |
$5.00 $3.00
The Temple of Lord Vimúhla reveals much about this God of Change of the World of Tekumel. “He is ‘the Flame Cupped Within the Lamp,’ ‘the Burning Foretold,’ and ‘the Blaze Contained.’ His followers are enjoined to wait for the Time of the Conflagration to Come.” This article reveals his Aspects and theology for the curious and is an excellent precursor to the Compendium of the Gods,... [click here for more] |
The Tekumel Foundation |
$5.00 $3.00
The Almighty Gods of Yan Kor and the Lands of the North is a treatise on the nature of Pavár’s Pantheon as understood by the inhabitants of the “Lost Provinces” of the North of Tékumel. This article details theology, beliefs, and differences between the Yan Koryani and the Tsolyáni worldviews and is an excellent companion to the Compendium of the Gods, Mitlanyal. 12 pages. Welcome... [click here for more] |
The Tekumel Foundation |
$5.00 $3.00
Create a Religion In Your Spare Time for Fun and Profit was originally published in The Gryphon and illustrates some of Prof. Barker’s views on religion in fantasy gaming. This is an engaging discourse useful for all sorts of games (including d20 campaigns), and will deepen your understanding of other books for the World of Tékumel, including The Book of Ebon Bindings and the Compendium... [click here for more] |
The Tekumel Foundation |
$5.00 $4.00
Tsolyáni Numerology delves into the esoteric and arcane nature of numbering in The World of Tékumel. This dissertation on the nature and relationship of numbers to the Greater Reality will deepen your understanding of other books for the World of Tékumel, including The Book of Ebon Bindings and the Compendium of the Gods, Mitlanyal. 6 pages.
Welcome to a world as complex and fascinating... [click here for more] |
The Tekumel Foundation |
$5.00 $1.99
The Tongue of Those Who Journey Beyond: Sunúz is not merely an article about one of the arcane languages of the Five Empires, rather “[i]t is intended as a ‘consciousness-raiser’: a means of introducing scholars to the study of the Pariah Deities.” This dissertation on the language of Sunúz provides a glimpse of the deeper recesses of The World of Tékumel and the Planes Beyond. It will deepen... [click here for more] |
The Tekumel Foundation |
Deeds of the Ever-Glorious is a new netbook edition of the original Deeds of the Ever-Glorious, published by Adventure Games, Inc. of St. Paul, Minnesota. This comprehensive military encyclopedia details the histories of the legions of the Empire of the Petal Throne, Tsolyánu – including a list of all Tsolyáni emperors, details of battles fought with barbarians and the other Empires of... [click here for more] |
The Tekumel Foundation |
$8.00 $6.00
The Ever-Glorious Empire: Éngsvan hla Gánga is a detailed examination of the history of the greatest empire ever on Tékumel – the Empire of Éngsvan hla Gánga. Once Pavár had revealed the Gods to the people of Tékumel, the hierophants of the newly-revealed Deities spread his revelations over all of the lands of the contempory Five Empires – and beyond. Learn the complex history of the Priest-Kings... [click here for more] |
The Tekumel Foundation |
$5.00 $4.00
The Splendour of Shényu originally appeared in The Tékumel Journal, and revealed the inner workings of the fierce reptilian non-humans called the Shén, and their lands to the south of Livyánu and near the Spouting Mountains of Tékumel. Also ncluded is the fascinating travelogue of Hirikása hiTu’únmra, a Tsolyáni officer who was sent to negotiate for gold in 2,342 A.S. – and what... [click here for more] |
The Tekumel Foundation |
$5.00 $1.99
The Pé Chói originally appeared in The Tékumel Journal, and provided insights into this non-human race, now completely intermingled with humans: “So smoothly have members of this race adapted to human ways that there is hardly a human city of over five thousand which lacks its small and active community of these gleaming, chitin-armoured beings. Almost any urban street scene contains... [click here for more] |
The Tekumel Foundation |
$5.00 $1.99
 “The peoples of the Five Empires love a good wager.” So begins The Game of Kévuk, a description of the gambling habits of the people of The World of Tékumel, including rules for Kévuk, a common dice game which you can learn to play! This article shows one of the more stimulating sides of life in the Empire of the Petal Throne. 8 pages. Welcome to a world as complex and fascinating as... [click here for more] |
The Tekumel Foundation |
$5.00 $1.99
The Court of Purple Robes is a brief essay on the workings of the very highest levels of the government of the Empire of the Petal Throne, Tsolyánu. In the labyrinthine passages of the Imperial Palace of Avanthár, high nobles and functionaries ensure that the Emperor’s orders are carried out and the interests of the Imperium are guarded. Learn more about the origins of this special council of advisors... [click here for more] |
The Tekumel Foundation |
The Tsolyáni Language Primer is a short introductory course in the Tsolyáni language, which is spoken by the inhabitants of the Empire of Tsolyánu. Just as in Middle-Earth, the languages of The World of Tékumel are key to understanding this complex, multi-faceted fantastic creation – and the first language to learn is that of the Empire of the Petal Throne. This is an excellent introduction for... [click here for more] |
The Tekumel Foundation |
$12.95 $6.00
Bednálljan - The Script of the First Imperium reveals the language of the time before Pavár, during the reign of Queen Nayári of the Silken Thighs and her court in Jakálla. Related to languages such as Irzákh and Éngsvanyali, Bednálljan provides insight into a time long ago, far in the distant past – and yet still relevant to the Five Empires today. This is a careful introduction for more... [click here for more] |
The Tekumel Foundation |
$5.00 $1.99
The Grammar of Engsvanyáli is an introduction to the language of the Priest-Kings of Gánga, who held sway over all of the Five Empires and beyond for thousands of years. This article is a companion to the History of Éngsvan hla Gánga (also available), and illuminates the time of the Éngsvanyali Empire: “Engsvanyáli was ‘pinned in place’ by the Scrolls of Pavár. The Priestkings declared... [click here for more] |
The Tekumel Foundation |
$5.00 $4.00
The Grammar of Livyáni is an exploration of the language of the secretive Empire of Livyánu, home of the Shadow Gods. Included in this carefully written treatise is an example of the poetry of Márya of Tsámra, the great poet of the ancient capital of Llyán. Included in this netbook addition is an index, this article is a thorough introduction for more advanced players and is useful for every Tékumel... [click here for more] |
The Tekumel Foundation |
$5.00 $3.00
The Grammar of Yán Koryáni is an examination of this most distantly related language of the Khíshan language group – and the tongue of Baron Áld’s delicately forged alliance against the Empire of the Petal Throne. Inside, you will find the text of a letter of introduction and safe passage from Baron Áld himself, as well as examples of the blocky script used by the folk of the Northern lands.... [click here for more] |
The Tekumel Foundation |
$5.00 $1.99
Demonic Powers from the Book of Ebon Bindings is a handy reference to all of the abilities of the Lords of the Demon Planes. There is no need to go flipping through your books to find the definition of abilities such as “Abcission” or “Colliquation” or even “Metagrobilisation” – these powers are listed and defined, along with all of the rest. This article is a necessary reference for... [click here for more] |
The Tekumel Foundation |
“Far to the south, ancient Jakálla slumbers in luxurious, decadent splendour above the yellowish tidal flats, cut in two from east to west by the darker waters of the Eqúnoyel River.” - from the Tékumel Source Book. Here you will find a map of the most ancient of cities of the Empire of the Petal Throne, Jakálla. Included is the original map of the city, along with a guide to various... [click here for more] |
The Tekumel Foundation |
$5.00 $4.00
Tsolyáni, the language of the Empire of the Petal Throne, has a long history and reveals much about culture and society of the most powerful of the Five Empires. Prof. M.A.R. Barker wrote this guide for students, travelers, and businessmen within the Empire of Tsolyanu. From the "you of awed splendour" to the "you of far journeying" students may learn how the Tsolyani think and speak. The two-volume... [click here for more] |
The Tekumel Foundation |
$17.95 $9.00
This is the original manuscript for Empire of the Petal Throne, produced in the Spring of 1974 in a limited and confidential run of fifty copies for the World of Tékumel, the creation of Professor M.A.R. Barker. This is the first time this original manuscript has been published or made available to the general public. The rules contained herein are a precursor to the game published... [click here for more] |
The Tekumel Foundation |
Learn the script of the Temples of the Gods of Stability - Thu’úsa! Thu’úsa is an argot, an artificial language, based upon a no-longer-spoken tongue once employed by the ancient inhabitants of the Kúrt Hills in central Tsolyánu. The primary use of this tongue is literary and arcane: secret texts that priests of the Temples of the Lords of Change cannot read. Spells written in Thu’úsa are... [click here for more] |
The Tekumel Foundation |
$5.00 $1.99
Aircar counters for UNIgames' upcoming BethormTM the Plane of Tekumel RPG! Usable with all 25-35mm games. Set includes three identical aircars, in color.
BONUS! You also get a single-aircar PNG file, perfect for use on virtual tabletops! ... [click here for more] |
UNIGames |
Four of the friendly nonhumans for UNIgames' Bethorm the Plane of Tekumel® RPG! Usable with all 25-35mm games. Set includes Male and Female Pe Choi, Hlaka, Ahoggya, and Tinaliya.
BONUS! You also get two Renyu, a couple of armed undead Mrur, and a pet baby Chnelh. *This product is Approved for Tekumel. Tekumel is the Registered trademark of M.A.R. Barker, and is used here under license.... [click here for more] |
UNIGames |
Four monstrosities of the Underworld for UNIgames' Béthorm the Plane of Tékumel® RPG! Usable with all 25-35mm games. Set includes
the dark smothering Biridlú
the smug-looking carrion-devouring Dlaqó
the massive sucker-faced undead Hrá
the disgusting little Kúrgha
BONUS #1: "Gods of Tékumel". A beginner's list of ten deities of Tsolyánu (and their Cohort gods) all on one page. So handy... [click here for more] |
UNIGames |
This booklet details one mega-hex of map (133 x 120 km) located around Katalal - the default starting place for Bethorm RPG characters. It includes descriptions of many local sites, providing a wealth of adventure hooks for any new Bethorm campaign! A similar version of the contents of this product are included in the full Kurt Hills Atlas. Usable in any Tekumel-based game. ... [click here for more] |
UNIGames |
Another four creatures of the Underworld for UNIgames' Béthorm the Plane of Tékumel® RPG! Usable with all 25-35mm games. Set includes
the emaciated undead Mrúr
the slithering snake-mutant Qól
the iron-eating insectoid Ngáyu
the rotting undead Shédra
BONUS: "Combat Log Page". This one-page handout assists in record-keeping during Bethorm RPG combats, and helps avoid having to write and erase... [click here for more] |
UNIGames |
In this introductory adventure for Bethorm: the Plane of Tekumel RPG, the heroes journey to the small town of Mishábar, east of Katalál near an ancient ruined stone castle, where a recent series of disappearances have brought the local clan’s farming business to a halt. Who – or what – has taken three of the clan’s women? The players must identify the cause, and find a solution so that the... [click here for more] |
UNIGames |
Four more creatures of the Underworld for UNIgames' Béthorm the Plane of Tékumel® RPG! Usable with all 25-35mm games.
Set includes
the spore-spewing fungal Sagún
the illusion-weaving Tsu'uru
the jolly, deceptive Srámuthu
the snake-mutant Qól Archer
BONUS: "Quick Combat Reference". This one-page handout summarizes the combat stances and other special maneuvers use during Bethorm RPG combats.... [click here for more] |
UNIGames |
This character sheet was designed to speed and simplify the creation of characters for Bethorm: the Plane of Tekunmel RPG. Enter your character's basic information, and it calculates the rest! You can print out the finished sheet and carry it to the gaming table. Microsoft Excel or a compatible program are required. ... [click here for more] |
UNIGames |
The Sákbe Roads are a common feature of the World of Tékumel. Construction of these raised and fortified stone highways began 15,000 years ago during the Bednálljan Empire, with the network reaching most of its present limits during the Engsvanyáli Empire, 10,000 years ago. The modern Five Empires have inherited and maintain this engineering legacy.
The Sákbe Roads... [click here for more] |
UNIGames |
 Northwest of Katalál, the road to the School of Calligraphy is rugged. At the Wayhouse of the Blue Sun, the weary traveler may find respite from the scorching sun or the monsoon deluge. Earn a glass of wine with a rustic ghost story or a courtly poem. Meant for those of "Medium" status, there are few amenities, but for most, a restful night without monsters is luxury enough. The... [click here for more] |
UNIGames |
The site dates from at least the Bednálljan period, and may be connected with the Pariah God known as the One Other. It consists of a circle of crystalline spires, some of which have fallen (similar to Stone- henge on Earth, but with columns of natural crystal rather than crude stone monoliths). The opening to the underworld beneath reveals a circular stairway leading down into a labyrinth. It is... [click here for more] |
UNIGames |
This supplement introduces the optional dueling rules for The Petal Hack, especially for practitioners of the ancient art of Arruché, the Two-Weapon technique. An Arruchegár class for two-weapon fighters is also presented.
Arruché is the two-weapon fencing art often called Florentine Style, after the Italian fencing schools of Florence where it was taught in Earth's past. A light sword is wielded... [click here for more] |
Weird Realm Games |
How different things seem now from when you undertook the crushing of a few rebellious hill giants! What seemed a simple adventure has turned into a major expedition. Much time has passed since you discovered the conspiracy that led you to the frost giants, fire giants, and eventually to the long-forgotten Drow. Through your encounter with the dark elves, you have found the true source of the evil... [click here for more] |
Wizards of the Coast |