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![[Chinese]相约九八](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/2/468441-thumb140.jpg) 本模组适用COC第7版规则
【玩家人数】:4-6 人
【游戏时长】:面团约 8-10 小时
... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
![[Chinese] The Last Parade of Ouroboros](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/2/423051-thumb140.jpg) ■ 【模组简介】 “末日要来临了……没有人能逃得过……”口中机械地呢喃着,从围栏旁坠落下去的男人绽放出血红的花朵——“末日病”,人们如此称呼它。 2012年12月,在预言中的“世界末日”临近时忽然出现的怪异病症令重濑市被混乱与恐慌的阴霾所笼罩,而在这不平静的水面之下,暗中支配着这座城市的秘密组织逐一登场。以重濑市这座巨大的熔炉为舞台,末日倒计时的钟声悄然敲响……... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
【版权声明】 允许使用简介发布游玩招募信息。
多年间,“天下第一”称号在武林中从未易主,一直被戴在沁山派掌门欧阳黯水的头上。直到数派觅得沁山派“荼毒百姓”的消息,围攻于沁山城寨为止。... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
允许使用简介发布模组招募信息。 但禁止在未经授权许可的情况下将模组内容传播至其他公开平台,包括以条目形式传播,如您在其他平台看到了模组文件/条目,该平台/个人可能存在恶意侵权行为。 —————————————————————————————————— 在米哈伊尔·鲍特维尼克获得世界冠军之后,苏联一度蝉联国际象棋世界霸主的地位十年以上,在冷战的背景之下,这让国际象棋比赛一度被蒙上了政治的意味——“苏联人的智商霸权往往体现在棋盘之上。”... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
【版权声明】 允许使用简介发布游玩招募信息。
【内容简介】 在1884年的圣诞节后,一名精神崩溃的女性顶着风雪敲开了大门。随之而来的是整个伦敦城内的数起女性失踪案,以及几起看似毫不相干的死亡事件。... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
数日后的手术是你重病妻子的唯一希望。除了将可能性赌在这成功率不到 5% 的手术上,此外别无他法;而手术的高风险性使得它一旦失败,就很可能让你和妻子天人永隔。你们二人对此心知肚明。 或许你为此感到无尽的悲伤和痛苦,或许你已经调整好心态、准备和她坚守这最后的时光。但在距离手术还有七天的时候,一封匿名的邮件使事态发生了变化。以此为契机,将被卷入一场可能影响你和妻子命运的阴谋之中。... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
![[Chinese] 民国旧梦之津门往事](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/2/405711-thumb140.png) 本作品为民国克苏鲁的战役集,战役一共分为三个模组共三个案子,每个模组长度中等,均可以单独游玩,但还是建议一起游玩效果更佳。此外,此战役也可以配合前作《民国旧梦之北平记事》联动食用。
故事主要发生在 1930 年的天津,调查员接受了神秘女子李燕的邀请,试图找寻埋在津门洋房内的秘宝,却不料就此被卷入一系列的事件之中……
... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
 In the ethereal realm between wakefulness and slumber, the Dreamwalker emerges as a master of the subconscious, navigating the intricate tapestry of dreams with unparalleled prowess. With an inherent connection to the dreamscape, a Dreamwalker possesses a unique set of abilities that transcends the boundaries of the waking world. They can shape the very fabric of dreams, molding landscapes to their... [click here for more] |
McNabb Games |
$10.00 $4.95
 Animated Looping Portals!
Bring in creatures from another world, dimension and or plane.
Would love to hear from you wildmagicsurge@outlook.com
... [click here for more] |
Wild Magic Surge |
 Step into the extraordinary with the Animated Portal Tokens Three pack and immerse your players in a mesmerizing journey through animated looping portals. Whether your adventurers are crossing dimensions, exploring mystical realms, or facing interplanar challenges, these captivating loops add a touch of magic to your tabletop world. Elevate your storytelling with seamless portal transitions and unlock... [click here for more] |
Wild Magic Surge |
 Animated Looping Portals, bring in creatures from another world, dimension, or plane.
Would love to hear from you wildmagicsurge@outlook.com
... [click here for more] |
Wild Magic Surge |
简介:你们是一群钓鱼爱好者,而且你们是一群已经一个月没有钓上来一条鱼的钓鱼佬。你们觉得这一定是风水问题,所以你们决定换个地方钓鱼。你们鱼友群的老王这天老在群里炫耀“你们怎么知道我钓上来十斤七两的大青鱼?”在你们强行逼迫下,对方透露了他的钓鱼地点。... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
 :lang="zh-cn">在“盲剑客栈”中,您会听到一个Cambion魔术师Emeline Fusedust的故事,该成员在附近的交战派系和附近的“鬼屋”中造成了生皮之间的紧张关系。一个名叫亚瑟·斯普林克莱弗(Arthur Springcleaver)的兽人战士雇用您解除诅咒。这样,您将恢复当地的生活方式。 ... [click here for more] |
McNabb Games |
 在微笑的德雷克药剂师中,您会听到人类勇士Terrowin Forestblight的经验,他在附近的矿井中伏击了经过的商队和皮革。一位叫Borin Voidblight的精灵贤士雇佣您从Terrowin那里窃取文物。这样,您将为全市每个人带来希望。 ... [click here for more] |
McNabb Games |

Oftentimes we find ourselves sitting around the table, with a set adventure path before our players, and the inevitable happens. One player is unprepared for the session or is in need of a new character.
No problem.
Within this collection are 100 different characters. Each Character has an origin, a reason for leaving, family members and their disposition towards... [click here for more] |
McNabb Games |

:lang="zh-cn">熔岩熊是出了名的难以研究的物种,因为它们大部分时间都生活在熔岩床内或熔岩床周围,并且在完全长大后可能非常小。这使得在没有适当设备的情况下观察它们很危险。 每期《生物生态学》都涵盖不同的生物,包括图片、教育信息和行为事实。
... [click here for more] |
McNabb Games |

每期 生物生态学都 涵盖不同的生物,包括图片、教育信息和行为事实。... [click here for more] |
McNabb Games |

Oftentimes we find ourselves sitting around the table, with a set adventure path before our players, and the inevitable happens. One player is unprepared for the session or is in need of a new character.
No problem.
Within this collection are 100 different characters. Each Character has an origin, a reason for leaving, family members and their disposition towards... [click here for more] |
McNabb Games |

Oftentimes we find ourselves sitting around the table, with a set adventure path before our players, and the inevitable happens. One player is unprepared for the session or is in need of a new character.
No problem.
Within this collection are 100 different characters. Each Character has an origin, a reason for leaving, family members and their disposition towards... [click here for more] |
McNabb Games |

Oftentimes we find ourselves sitting around the table, with a set adventure path before our players, and the inevitable happens. One player is unprepared for the session or is in need of a new character.
No problem.
Within this collection are 100 different characters. Each Character has an origin, a reason for leaving, family members and their disposition towards... [click here for more] |
McNabb Games |

Oftentimes we find ourselves sitting around the table, with a set adventure path before our players, and the inevitable happens. One player is unprepared for the session or is in need of a new character.
No problem.
Within this collection are 100 different characters. Each Character has an origin, a reason for leaving, family members and their disposition towards... [click here for more] |
McNabb Games |

Oftentimes we find ourselves sitting around the table, with a set adventure path before our players, and the inevitable happens. One player is unprepared for the session or is in need of a new character.
No problem.
Within this collection are 100 different characters. Each Character has an origin, a reason for leaving, family members and their disposition towards... [click here for more] |
McNabb Games |

Oftentimes we find ourselves sitting around the table, with a set adventure path before our players, and the inevitable happens. One player is unprepared for the session or is in need of a new character.
No problem.
Within this collection are 100 different characters. Each Character has an origin, a reason for leaving, family members and their disposition towards... [click here for more] |
McNabb Games |

Oftentimes we find ourselves sitting around the table, with a set adventure path before our players, and the inevitable happens. One player is unprepared for the session or is in need of a new character.
No problem.
Within this collection are 100 different characters. Each Character has an origin, a reason for leaving, family members and their disposition towards... [click here for more] |
McNabb Games |

Oftentimes we find ourselves sitting around the table, with a set adventure path before our players, and the inevitable happens. One player is unprepared for the session or is in need of a new character.
No problem.
Within this collection are 100 different characters. Each Character has an origin, a reason for leaving, family members and their disposition towards... [click here for more] |
McNabb Games |

Oftentimes we find ourselves sitting around the table, with a set adventure path before our players, and the inevitable happens. One player is unprepared for the session or is in need of a new character.
No problem.
Within this collection are 100 different characters. Each Character has an origin, a reason for leaving, family members and their disposition towards... [click here for more] |
McNabb Games |

Oftentimes we find ourselves sitting around the table, with a set adventure path before our players, and the inevitable happens. One player is unprepared for the session or is in need of a new character.
No problem.
Within this collection are 100 different characters. Each Character has an origin, a reason for leaving, family members and their disposition towards... [click here for more] |
McNabb Games |

Oftentimes we find ourselves sitting around the table, with a set adventure path before our players, and the inevitable happens. One player is unprepared for the session or is in need of a new character.
No problem.
Within this collection are 100 different characters. Each Character has an origin, a reason for leaving, family members and their disposition towards... [click here for more] |
McNabb Games |

Oftentimes we find ourselves sitting around the table, with a set adventure path before our players, and the inevitable happens. One player is unprepared for the session or is in need of a new character.
No problem.
Within this collection are 100 different characters. Each Character has an origin, a reason for leaving, family members and their disposition towards... [click here for more] |
McNabb Games |

Oftentimes we find ourselves sitting around the table, with a set adventure path before our players, and the inevitable happens. One player is unprepared for the session or is in need of a new character.
No problem.
Within this collection are 100 different characters. Each Character has an origin, a reason for leaving, family members and their disposition towards... [click here for more] |
McNabb Games |

Oftentimes we find ourselves sitting around the table, with a set adventure path before our players, and the inevitable happens. One player is unprepared for the session or is in need of a new character.
No problem.
Within this collection are 100 different characters. Each Character has an origin, a reason for leaving, family members and their disposition towards... [click here for more] |
McNabb Games |

Oftentimes we find ourselves sitting around the table, with a set adventure path before our players, and the inevitable happens. One player is unprepared for the session or is in need of a new character.
No problem.
Within this collection are 100 different characters. Each Character has an origin, a reason for leaving, family members and their disposition towards... [click here for more] |
McNabb Games |

Oftentimes we find ourselves sitting around the table, with a set adventure path before our players, and the inevitable happens. One player is unprepared for the session or is in need of a new character.
No problem.
Within this collection are 100 different characters. Each Character has an origin, a reason for leaving, family members and their disposition towards... [click here for more] |
McNabb Games |