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Sølvhjerte (Silverheart) [NOR]

Sølvhjerte (Silverheart) [NOR]

(English below) Hva er Sølvhjerte?  Lek og læring i skjønn forening Sølvhjerte er et pedagogisk rollespill hvor målet er å lære litt om Kongsberg på slutten av 1700-tallet og samtidig ha det gøy på veien. Slutten av 1700-tallet? I 1770 var Kongsberg landets nest største by etter Bergen. I 1805 legger Sølvverket...   [click here for more]
Karl Otto Kristoffersen  $14.99

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Egil: A solo RPG of brutal viking poetry

Egil: A solo RPG of brutal viking poetry

A solo indie RPG of brutal viking poetry. “Start your timer, play atmospheric Viking-music and sit down on your chair. Grab your QUILL and RUNESTONES, and close your eyes. Breathe. Relax. Allow full immersion and whisper to yourself “I am Egil, I am Egil”. Whenever you are ready, open your eyes. You are EGIL!” This game won best design & text,...   [click here for more]
Karl Otto Kristoffersen   FREE 

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Amazing Steadings: Volume 1

Amazing Steadings: Volume 1

This is a plug and play module for your favorite fantasy tabletop RPG. Simply open a double spread sheet, pick up a D4 plus a D6, and you are ready to roll! This supplement contains: 6 amazing steadings - each with their own unique map 30 plot hooks 36 NPC's 36 locations ...   [click here for more]
Karl Otto Kristoffersen   FREE 

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A gender friendly generator of 300+ Viking names

A gender friendly generator of 300+ Viking names

This is your gender friendly generator of 300 + Viking names! Includes pronouns such as he/him - she/her - they/them - nicknames - surnames. Roll your D100, and get the most important trait of your next character right! ...   [click here for more]
Karl Otto Kristoffersen   FREE 

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Castle of the Red Magus: An OSR One Page Adventure

Castle of the Red Magus: An OSR One Page Adventure

A D20 adventure about an evil wizard, which has taken residence in an abandoned tower. Can you stop his demonic ritual, before it is too late?  Enjoy, and good luck adventurers! WARNING: DESCRIPTIONS OF SACRIFICIAL RITES ...   [click here for more]
Karl Otto Kristoffersen   FREE 

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Dragepust: Kammerpikene

Dragepust: Kammerpikene

Karl Otto Kristoffersen har skrevet dette gjeste-eventyret for rollespillet Dragepust. Eventyret kalles Kammerpikene og handler om en redningsaksjon i dypet, hvor tunnelarbeidere har støtt på underjordiske gravkamre og forstyrret etterlivets fred. Dragepust er et nybegynnervennlig rollespill på norsk satt i en nordisk fantasy-setting, og er skrevet av Michael S. Sollien,...   [click here for more]
Spillforlaget   FREE 

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Kvad the viking RPG - Free Mini Version

Kvad the viking RPG - Free Mini Version

KVAD RPG is a roleplaying game about vikings, inspired by the atmosphere of the norse sagas. In this game, you play as a Saga Hero, pursuing undertakings worthy of a "kvad" - a poem - the source to eternal life. The Skald (GM) describes the world, provides information and adjudicate the rules.  KVAD was released in 2021, published by Game Publishing after a wildly successful kickstarter campaign...   [click here for more]
Karl Otto Kristoffersen   FREE 

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  Surviving G0 + The Gallery of Punks Bundle [BUNDLE]