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BX Game Options Volume I

BX Game Options Volume I

BX Game Options Volume I Offering Alternate Gaming Options, New Character Races, Character Classes, along with a lot of new unique magic and non-magical items to augment your OSR games. Single saving throws, clerical blessings, healing aid after battles, and hero points presented for buffing up your house rules in whatever version of the OSR realms you inhabit. Presenting the Wood Elf, Duin Elf,...   [click here for more]
The Knotty-Works  $3.99

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BX Game Options Volume IV

BX Game Options Volume IV

BX Game Options Volume IV Volume IV introduces FEATS to your OSR game with a unique means of how they are limited yet potent to those players that wish to invest in them for their characters. In addition, two classes are presented, the barbarian and the shaman. And finally, rules for player characters to produce some of their more stockier magic items, potions, scrolls, wands, and staves. 86...   [click here for more]
The Knotty-Works  $3.99

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BX Game Options Volume II

BX Game Options Volume II

BX Game Options Volume II This volume offers rules for Weapon Mastery and Increasing Ability Scores through experience points, New character classes including the Apothecarist, Pole Master, and seven variant Rangers. And finally a detailed look at Pole Arms and special abilities. Weapon Mastery offers a way for characters to specialize in one or more weapons as they increase in levels, gaining additional...   [click here for more]
The Knotty-Works  $3.99

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BX Game Options Volume III

BX Game Options Volume III

BX Game Options Volume III This volume focuses on Magic-Users and related classes. Only one Basic Rule Option is presented - Mana Manipulation - presenting a pool-based option that magic-users can use to empower spells or directly manipulate magic, though at great risk both to themselves and those around them. A mana check is required and if failed, then the magic-user risks unleashing pure magical...   [click here for more]
The Knotty-Works  $3.99

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BX Game Options Volume V

BX Game Options Volume V

BX Game Options Volume V Volume V introduces Faith to your OSR game, granting clerics a minor boost by relying on their connection to the powers they have chosen to serve. In addition, 17 new spells are offered along with the ability to upscale many of them.  The Hedge Witch class is presented. And finally, MONSTERS, Abominations from hulking horrors to multi-eyed monstrosities. Faith presents...   [click here for more]
The Knotty-Works  $3.99

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BX Game Options Volume VII

BX Game Options Volume VII

BX Game Options Volume VII Volume VII offers more options for Faith that was introduced in BX Game Options Volume V as well as the Priest class that provides faith to the masses. Humanoids are then covered including the Half-Orc player character race. Advice and options to beef up your goblinoids, orcs, and other humanoids include adding spellcasting options and specialty roles that can be used...   [click here for more]
The Knotty-Works  $3.99

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BX Game Options Volume IX

BX Game Options Volume IX

BX Game Options Volume IX Welcome to Volume IX of the BX Game Options. This issue is all about offering Player Character more class options, with a big chunk dedicated to the Druid. The Elven Archer II, Shield Bearer, Sword Master, and Zealot are also included. Additionally, more combat options for Weapon Mastery are introduced and several feats presented in Volume IV are reworked with the Faith ability...   [click here for more]
The Knotty-Works  $4.99

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BX Game Options Volume VI

BX Game Options Volume VI

BX Game Options Volume VI Volume VI is all about magic items, particularly magical weapons, armor, and shields with two alternative ways to present them to players that allow them to evolve with their characters. In addition, the Artificer class is presented along with several new types of armor. Gems of Prescience are magical gems that can be grafted on weapons, armor, and shields, allowing the items...   [click here for more]
The Knotty-Works  $3.99

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BX Game Options Volume VIII

BX Game Options Volume VIII

BX Game Options Volume VIII Welcome to Volume VIII of the BX Game Options. Most of this issue is dedicated to were-beasts, including a comprehensive look that the way it is spread and how it impacts those afflicted by it. New feats, items, and even spells are included that are related to those that can transform under the pale moonlight. But rules and guidelines for dealing with were-creatures would...   [click here for more]
The Knotty-Works  $4.99

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BX Game Options Volume XI

BX Game Options Volume XI

BX Game Options Volume XI Welcome to Volume XI of the BX Game Options. This issue presents the Monk and Martial Artist class, new monk weapons, alternate rules for unarmed attacks and grappling infused with Weapon Mastery, and several new feats for your monk or martial artist character. The Monk class incorporates weapon mastery rules in regard to his unarmed attacks as well as Ki and Ki powers to...   [click here for more]
The Knotty-Works  $4.99

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BX Game Options Volume X

BX Game Options Volume X

BX Game Options Volume X Welcome to Volume X of the BX Game Options. This issue presents familiars and not-so-familiars as well as a themed tower map set that can be easily populated by an enterprising game master with suggestions for use. While familiars are not unknown from various editions of BX themed games, the topic is covered with options in how the game master may wish to utilize them and...   [click here for more]
The Knotty-Works  $4.99

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BX Game Options Volume XII

BX Game Options Volume XII

BX Game Options Volume XII Welcome to Volume XII of the BX Game Options. Our dozenth issue delves into the power of the mind with Psionics! The first volume on the subject, the basic rules for dealing with Psionics is presented along with over 30 powers from the discipline of Telepathy. And the issue is wrapped up with the Psionicist, the first psionic class to use the rules presented. Psionics is...   [click here for more]
The Knotty-Works  $4.99

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Expanded Skills on the Frontier 2022

Expanded Skills on the Frontier 2022

Expanded Skills on the Frontier 2022 is a fan supplement produced under the Star Frontiersman fan license for the Star Frontiers game. This supplement presents a fairly exhaustive take on skills and professions as offered in the original game rules as well as A Skilled Frontier by Bill Login in the Starfrontiersman #9 as well as other sources of inspiration. While...   [click here for more]
The Knotty-Works  Pay What You Want

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Advancing with Class: The Witch

Advancing with Class: The Witch

Advancing with Class The Witch Welcome to the first installment of the Advancing with Class series.  This supplement focuses on witches, their powers, feats, and some flavorful archetypes.   Five new Patron Themes, over fifty new hexes including major and grand, twenty new feats, and seven new Archetypes solely designed to expand the roles and options of the Witch class.  Advance...   [click here for more]
The Knotty-Works  $3.49

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Advancing with Class: The Unchained Wizard

Advancing with Class: The Unchained Wizard

Advancing with Class The Unchained Wizard The Wizard is one of the most powerful classes in the Pathfinder Role Playing Game, so does it really need to be unchained? After all, the really is no limitation on the number of spells the wizard may gain access to other than the size of his spellbooks, his access to magical libraries, and the wealth for the materials need to gain and copy those spells. However,...   [click here for more]
The Knotty-Works  $4.95

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Advancing with Class: The Magus

Advancing with Class: The Magus

Advancing with Class The Magus Welcome to the fourth installment of the Advancing with Class series.  This supplement focuses on the Magus. What happens when you combine a Magus with a Summoner? A lot of summoned warriors at your beck and call and the ability to evolve yourself. This supplement offers two hybrid classes based on the Magus, Thirteen Magus archetypes, sixteen new Magus Arcana,...   [click here for more]
The Knotty-Works  $3.49

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The Spell-Works Compendium Volume II

The Spell-Works Compendium Volume II

Welcome to the second installment of the Spell Works Compendium. Not to be out done by the first Compendium, we sought out the wisdom and knowledge of the good witch Sara, protector of the northern forests of Briesdale and her contributions bring on a whole new level of whimsical. In this installment we look at spells not only counter the spells of other casters, but actually take...   [click here for more]
The Knotty-Works  $3.49

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The Spell-Works Compendium Volume I

The Spell-Works Compendium Volume I

Welcome to the first installment of the Spell Works Compendium. We at the Spell Works have sought out some of the finest Arcane minds in the realm—including the world renown Arch-mage Dimden and famed warlord Foegel—and to come up with new and innovative spells to assist any adventurer to be more productive and effective out in the field. In this installment we look at...   [click here for more]
The Knotty-Works  $3.49

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The Spell-Works Compendium Volume III

The Spell-Works Compendium Volume III

Welcome to the third installment of the Spell Works Compendium. Under the direction of Milnizer the Maligned--I mean Magnificent--we have compiled a list of more than sixty spells for your spell casting pleasure. In this installment we look at spells that pack more of a punch, spells that linger until it is triggered, and spells that may be delayed while temporarily stored in a small object....   [click here for more]
The Knotty-Works  $3.49

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Player Paraphernalia #49 Implements of the Ninja

Player Paraphernalia #49 Implements of the Ninja

Player Paraphernalia #49 Implements of the Ninja Master assassins and spies of the East, Ninjas were just as reknown for their tools as their skills. This issue covers several items that no ninja should be without, from the ashiko and shoku used for scalling castle walls to egg shells filled with black powder and other powders. Two new Ninja Tricks are also presented along with the Ninjutsu style feats...   [click here for more]
The Knotty-Works  $1.49

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Basic Fantasy Spell Cards, Alphabetical

Basic Fantasy Spell Cards, Alphabetical

Basic Fantasy Spell Cards, Alphbetical Printable Spell Cards for Basic Fantasy RPG. Offering as a Pay What You Want product and I have to put a minimum dollar amount, but feel free just enter 0 for the price as you are not obligated to pay the asking price.  This is meant purely for tipping if you appreciate the effort in making this available. This product does make use of Acrobat Layers...   [click here for more]
The Knotty-Works  Pay What You Want

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Player Paraphernalia #48 The Shuhenja (Base Class)

Player Paraphernalia #48 The Shuhenja (Base Class)

Player Paraphernalia #48 The Shuhenja (Base Class) This Oriental themed divine class offers a new take on the original similarly named class. The shuhenja combines the thematic elements of the kami with the addition of the celestial (a.k.a Chinese) Zodiac. The Shuhenja chooses one of the twelve spirit guides represented by the zodiac which grants the class access to a particular elemental domain as...   [click here for more]
The Knotty-Works  $1.99

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Player Paraphernalia #36 The Highwayman (hybrid class)

Player Paraphernalia #36 The Highwayman (hybrid class)

Player Paraphernalia #36 The Highwayman (Hybrid Class) This issue introduces a new hybrid class, the highwayman. The knight of the road, or gentleman bandit; the highwayman combines the code of honor of a cavalier with the less than honorable skills of the rogue. A new Order is also presented that may be used by Cavaliers or Samurai. Turning off backgrounds for a Printer Friendly Version This issue...   [click here for more]
The Knotty-Works  $1.49

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Player Paraphernalia #50 The Elemental Ninja (Class Archetypes)

Player Paraphernalia #50 The Elemental Ninja (Class Archetypes)

Player Paraphernalia #50 The Elemental Ninja (Class Archetypes) More than simple assassins and agents of espionage, the ninja captures an air of mysticism and mystery. The following archetypes presented in this issue focus on the more supernatural aspects of this oriental character steeped both in history and legend. First of a two part series, this issue introduces the Earth Ninja, Fire Ninja, and...   [click here for more]
The Knotty-Works  $1.79

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Advancing with Class: The Wizard

Advancing with Class: The Wizard

Advancing with Class The Wizard Welcome to the second installment of the Advancing with Class series.  This supplement focuses on wizards, with iconic archetypes, arcane school specializations, and new magic rules including new Construction Point powered abilities for animated objects and Spell Advantage a grit like feature for spell casters. Four new archetypes, one new prestige class,...   [click here for more]
The Knotty-Works  $3.49

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Its an NPC World

Its an NPC World

Its An NPC World Any game world will be composed of a vast array of individuals that are not player characters. These non-player characters make up 99.99+% of the civilized population yet there are only five standard non-player character classes used to represent this bounty of colorful and unique individuals that fill every strata within the game world from the mightiest of emperors to the lowliest...   [click here for more]
The Knotty-Works  $5.99

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Player Paraphernalia #53 The Shinobi Master (Hybrid Class)

Player Paraphernalia #53 The Shinobi Master (Hybrid Class)

Player Paraphernalia #53 The Shinobi Master (Hybrid Class) This issue of the Player Paraphernalia introduces a new hybrid class, the Shinobi Master. Taking the deadly focus of the ninja with the mystical and martial skills of the monk, the Shinobi Master is the ultimate synthesis of stealth and martial skill in the arts of unarmed combat. A new feat is also provided designed for this class. Turning...   [click here for more]
The Knotty-Works  $1.79

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Player Paraphernalia #37 The Wushu Master (hybrid class)

Player Paraphernalia #37 The Wushu Master (hybrid class)

Player Paraphernalia #37 The Wushu Master (Hybrid Class) This issue introduces a new hybrid class, the wushu master. Combining the martial arts of the monk with the arcane spell casting of the wizard, the wushu master's unarmed attack can really punch it up with power. Four new oriental weapons are also included as well as feats designed for the Wushu Master. Turning off backgrounds for a Printer...   [click here for more]
The Knotty-Works  $1.99

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Player Paraphernalia #61 The Sellsword (Hybrid Class)

Player Paraphernalia #61 The Sellsword (Hybrid Class)

Player Paraphernalia #61 The Sellsword (Hybrid Class) An original concept by Adam Matherly, a martial hybrid class built upon the fighter and ranger. A mercenary by trade, the sellsword excels in the heat of battle, using both skill and talent to mow down the enemy while protecting his brothers. The sellsword relies on bravado, reputation, and skill to dispatch others for pay and glory. Turning off...   [click here for more]
The Knotty-Works  $1.49

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Player Paraphernalia #40 Master of the Way (hybrid class)

Player Paraphernalia #40 Master of the Way (hybrid class)

Player Paraphernalia #40 The Master of the Way (Hybrid Class) This issue introduces a new hybrid class, the Master of the Way. Combining the martial arts of the monk with the divine healing and spell casting abilities of the cleric, the master of the way's unarmed attack can really punch it up with power. New feats designed for the Master of the Way, new spells, and magic items are included. Turning...   [click here for more]
The Knotty-Works  $1.99

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Player Paraphernalia #60 The Mystagogue (Hybrid Class)

Player Paraphernalia #60 The Mystagogue (Hybrid Class)

Player Paraphernalia #60 The Mystagogue (Hybrid Class) An original concept by Palak Shah, the Mystagogue is a hybrid class, a mixture of the Cleric and Sorcerer. Although the Diocesan from the 2015 December Player Paraphernalia Special provided a hybrid class of the same two core classes, Palak's concept and contributions takes the class more into the realm of bloodlines and an eclectic mix of arcane...   [click here for more]
The Knotty-Works  $1.49

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Player Paraphernalia #54 The Shadow Monk (Archetype Class)

Player Paraphernalia #54 The Shadow Monk (Archetype Class)

Player Paraphernalia #54 The Shadow Monk (Archetype Class) Not all monks follow the path of peace and self-enlightenment. The Shadow Monk follows a much darker path, hidden in the shadows. This archetype includes an archetype version for both the traditional monk and the Unchained Monk as found in Pathfinder Unchained. This is an original concept by Randy Price and edited and formatted by John Buckley....   [click here for more]
The Knotty-Works  $1.49

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Player Paraphernalia #64 The Ravager (Hybrid Class)

Player Paraphernalia #64 The Ravager (Hybrid Class)

Player Paraphernalia #64 The Ravager (Hybrid Class) Born of Fire and Ice, the Ravager is a new hybrid class that combines the wild aspects of the ranger and combine it with the superstitious magics of the witch. Relying on his bonded animal companion through a connection forged from a dark pact from one of the masters of destruction and desolation, the ravager fights for their dark cause with sword...   [click here for more]
The Knotty-Works  $1.79

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Spell Innovations, Fey Folio

Spell Innovations, Fey Folio

Spell Innovations, Fey Folio offers a focused set of Summoning spells for those of the Fey persuasion. In addition, others spells are included that allow the caster to temporarily grant feyness to himself or another. Turning off backgrounds for a Printer Friendly Version This issue does support Adobe layers which can be used to turn off the background images to make it easier for printing ...   [click here for more]
The Knotty-Works  $1.49

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Player Paraphernalia #100 Rituals and Rites, Optional Spell-Casting Rules

Player Paraphernalia #100 Rituals and Rites, Optional Spell-Casting Rules

Player Paraphernalia #100 Rituals and Rites, Optional Spell-Casting Rules Rituals, a novel idea first introduced in 3.5 offers non spell-casters the ability to wield magic at a more fundamental level at a cost. Paizo's Occult AdventuresTM took those rules and streamlined them and made them viable for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. However, they were limited to higher level spell effects and really...   [click here for more]
The Knotty-Works  $1.99

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Player Paraphernalia #18 The Elemental Druid

Player Paraphernalia #18 The Elemental Druid

Player Paraphernalia #18 The Elemental Druid This issue introduces a new druid archetype that focuses on all things elemental. This archetype builds upon the core abilities of the druid, allowing her to focus on one of the four elements (air, earth, fire, and water) for all aspects of her class abilities. In addition, two new spells, Elemental Infusion templates, and tiny Elemental stats blocks are...   [click here for more]
The Knotty-Works  $1.49

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Player Paraphernalia #17 The Bushi

Player Paraphernalia #17 The Bushi

Player Paraphernalia #17 The Bushi This issue introduces an alternate fighter class with an oriental flavor. The bushi are common warriors that seek to follow the code of Bushido, the way of the Warrior. Where samurai seek to epitomize the spiritual aspects of Bushido, the bushi seek ways to apply the principles in their daily lives. This issue details the class abilities of the bushi and the seven...   [click here for more]
The Knotty-Works  $1.49

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Player Paraphernalia #63 Arcane Traditions

Player Paraphernalia #63 Arcane Traditions

Player Paraphernalia #63 Arcane Traditions An original concept by Adam Matherly, arcane traditions are similar to the sorcerer's bloodlines but built upon the eight schools of magic. These traditions may be used in place of a bloodline for aspiring sorcerers. New feats are also included to build upon these traditions. Turning off backgrounds for a Printer Friendly Version This issue does support...   [click here for more]
The Knotty-Works  $1.99

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Spell Innovations, Mage Armor

Spell Innovations, Mage Armor

Spell Innovations focuses on one spell and offers several variants and enhanced spells built upon the foundation of the original spell. This installment looks at the Mage Armor spell and includes twenty variant spells built around this tried and true arcane spell. In addition, a new magical item is introduced,Scroll Armor. Turning off backgrounds for a Printer Friendly Version This...   [click here for more]
The Knotty-Works  $1.49

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Player Paraphernalia #20 The Elemental Summoner

Player Paraphernalia #20 The Elemental Summoner

Player Paraphernalia #20 The Elemental Summoner This issue introduces a new summoner archetype. The Elemental Summoner forges a link with one of the four elemental planes, gaining an elemental based eidolon and other special abilities based on the plane chosen. This supplement also includes new eidolon evolutions, the elemental infusion templates, and tiny elemental stat blocks. Turning off backgrounds...   [click here for more]
The Knotty-Works  $1.49

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Player Paraphernalia #55 The Shadowfire Acolyte (Base Class)

Player Paraphernalia #55 The Shadowfire Acolyte (Base Class)

Player Paraphernalia #55 The Shadowfire Acolyte (Base Class) Following the darker theme introduced in last issue, Issue #55 provides a new base class, the Shadowfire Acolyte. Not only is this base class covered in detail, but a new type of energy is introduced, shadowfire. An original concept by Randy Price, both the energy and corresponding class were created with a darker and more "evil" bent available...   [click here for more]
The Knotty-Works  $1.79

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Player Paraphernalia #42 Core Prestige Classes (Druid, Fighter, and Monk)

Player Paraphernalia #42 Core Prestige Classes (Druid, Fighter, and Monk)

Player Paraphernalia #42 Core Prestige Classes (Druid, Fighter, and Monk) Prestige classes have taken a back seat to archetypes and hybrid classes of late. Presented are three new prestige classes built upon the core classes they represent. These prestige classes offer an accelerated method of gaining a secondary core class without the need to multi-class for several levels to gain the same functionality....   [click here for more]
The Knotty-Works  $1.49

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The Fighter Unbound

The Fighter Unbound

The Fighter Unbound Presenting the re-imagined Fighter. Taking the lessons learned from other core products, the Fighter Unbound offers a fully customizable martial character who remains true to the concepts presented in the original class whose abilities have been amped up to match some of the newer class mechanics that have developed since the original class released. In addition to the class itself...   [click here for more]
The Knotty-Works  $4.99

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Player Paraphernalia #12  The Witch Hunter II

Player Paraphernalia #12 The Witch Hunter II

Player Paraphernalia #12 This is a new series of short and economical supplements for the Pathfinder Role Playing Game that offers alternate or enhanced rules that can be used for Pathfinder characters. This issue introduces a new hybrid character class, the Witch Hunter II. The Witch Hunter II combines the abilities of the inquisitor and ranger to hunt down and eradicate those that use the dark arts...   [click here for more]
The Knotty-Works  $1.49

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Player Paraphernalia #51 The Elemental Ninja Part Two (Class Archetypes)

Player Paraphernalia #51 The Elemental Ninja Part Two (Class Archetypes)

Player Paraphernalia #51 The Elemental Ninja Part Two (Class Archetypes) More than simple assassins and agents of espionage, the ninja captures an air of mysticism and mystery. The following archetypes presented in this issue focus on the more supernatural aspects of this oriental character steeped both in history and legend. Second of a two part series, this issue introduces the Void Ninja, Water...   [click here for more]
The Knotty-Works  $1.79

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Player Paraphernalia #31 The Totemic Sentinel (Hybrid)

Player Paraphernalia #31 The Totemic Sentinel (Hybrid)

Player Paraphernalia #31 The Totemic Sentinel This issue offers a new hybrid built from the Druid and Fighter core classes. The totemic sentinel gains the power and strengths of a chosen animal totem, gaining natural attacks and the ability to shape shift into his chosen animal spirit. This supplement includes twelve animal totems to choose from ranging from the badger to the wolf. This Player Paraphernalia...   [click here for more]
The Knotty-Works  $1.99

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Player Paraphernalia #67 The Inexorant (Base Class)

Player Paraphernalia #67 The Inexorant (Base Class)

Player Paraphernalia #67 The Inexorant The ability to mix magic with martial prowess is not solely the province of the magus. The Inexorant presents a martial character class wholly on par with the fighter in regards to combat skills yet capable of wielding eldritch energies generated from his own inner reserve. As for the class name, it is a play on Inexorable: Impossible to Stop or Prevent which...   [click here for more]
The Knotty-Works  $1.99

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Player Paraphernalia #94 Vitamancy, the "Other" mancy school

Player Paraphernalia #94 Vitamancy, the "Other" mancy school

Player Paraphernalia #94 Vitamancy, The "Other" mancy school This issue introduces a new arcane school based on "White" magic, conjuring and focusing positive energy for its healing effects. This specialty school provides those that specialize in the ability to cast curative spells normally limited to those with divine connections. It opposes and corollary to the school of necromancy. Nine new spells...   [click here for more]
The Knotty-Works  $0.99

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Player Paraphernalia #68 The Toxicologist (Hybrid Class)

Player Paraphernalia #68 The Toxicologist (Hybrid Class)

Player Paraphernalia #68 The Toxicologist Seeking to build a Hulking character? No longer desiring to Hyde in the darkness? This issue of the Player Paraphernalia series offers the Toxicologist, a hybrid class based on the alchemist and monk. So if you want to improve your combat prowess through better chemistry, check out the Toxicologist! Turning off backgrounds for a Printer Friendly Version This...   [click here for more]
The Knotty-Works  $1.99

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Player Paraphernalia #11  The Witch Hunter

Player Paraphernalia #11 The Witch Hunter

Player Paraphernalia #11 This is a new series of short and economical supplements for the Pathfinder Role Playing Game that offers alternate or enhanced rules that can be used for Pathfinder characters. This issue introduces a new base character class, the Witch Hunter. The Witch Hunter has the unique abilities to resist the hex powers of witches and can disrupt the special bonds between familiars...   [click here for more]
The Knotty-Works  $1.49

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  Star Trek Adventures - Second Edition Quickstart