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The End Is Just the Beginning
Sometimes the world needs heroes. But in the desperation of these last days, the world will take all those it can get: heroes, blackguards, madmen, and whoever else is willing to stand against the coming darkness. Will you fight the demons or will you burn it all down and dance among the ashes? Who will you become when the world dies?
Shadow of... [click here for more] |
Schwalb Entertainment |
$19.99 $18.99
Fodder for the Demon Lord!
The perfect introduction to Shadow of the Demon Lord™, this supplement provides you with everything you need to create a starting character for the game. Gathering up the first two chapters of the highly anticipated horror fantasy roleplaying, this product is aimed at helping new players create characters quickly and to give you a slim reference... [click here for more] |
Schwalb Entertainment |
Pay What You Want
Making your own screen? Do you have The World’s Greatest Screen (landscape) from Hammerdog Games? This PDF is just what you need. This download includes eight panels, four color panels featuring the delightfully evil art from Shadow of the Demon Lord and four color panels loaded with game content for easy reference.
... [click here for more] |
Schwalb Entertainment |
The End Starts Here!
Sometimes the world needs heroes, but sometimes, the world takes anyone it can get. Whether you’re playing an unhinged wizard armed with dark magic or a valiant champion fighting in the name of the New God, a shifty-eyed changeling, or a malicious goblin, in these dark times, all must come together if the Demon Lord would be stopped. Now is your time to make a difference,... [click here for more] |
Schwalb Entertainment |
有时候这世界需要英雄。但是在这最后时日的绝望之中,这世界会用上 能用的任何人:英雄,黑卫,疯子,以及不论哪位愿意挺身而出面对迫近的 黑暗的人。你会去对抗恶魔还是会将一切付之一炬然后在灰烬之上起舞? 在这世界死亡之刻,你要成为什么人?
魔王之影®打开了一扇通往某个被宇宙毁灭者紧握在手中的空想世界... [click here for more] |
Schwalb Entertainment |
$18.99 $11.39
The halls of an ancient dwarven empire and its shadowed inhabitants awaken.
Deep in the Shadkhanim Mountains, beyond the Valley of Dormant Fire, a gold shadow dragon covets the great wealth of Halagar and a several hundred year old secret that led the dwarven people to mine the shadow realm.
The Shadowed Eye of Halagar is a vast dungeon and wilderness crawl with... [click here for more] |
Alea Publishing Group |
Strike your foes at a distance.
When you pay for this product rather than download it for free, we will provide additional information for free once it meets the following goals:
$150 in sales (100% achieved): Thanks to all who led the way toward this achievement. The updated version contains magic items, background variants,... [click here for more] |
Alea Publishing Group |
Pay What You Want
A világvége csak a kezdet…
A világnak néha szüksége van hősökre. De a végnapok kétségbeesésében a világ minden segítő kezet elfogad, akit csak tud: hősöket, inkvizítorokat, őrülteket, akik hajlandók szembeszállni a közelgő sötétséggel. Harcoltok a démonok ellen, vagy leromboltok mindent, és táncoltok a pusztítás romjain? Kik lesztek, amikor a világ elpusztul?
A... [click here for more] |
Kalandhorizont Kiadó |
Alea Publishing Group, produces stock art of the highest quality and standards for your publishing needs.
As a small publisher, we understand the need for inexpensive, professional artwork without the hassle of contracts, legal mumbo-jumbo, and artist deadlines. Each of our Studio Companion products fulfills these goals.
In this product, you will find:
1 Dwarf Shadow Warrior PNG (300 dpi)
1... [click here for more] |
Alea Publishing Group |
Der Goldrausch von Groenvelden
Ein DSA 5-Abenteuer im Orkland am Rande der Zivilisation
Was als harmloses und bisweilen humoriges Goldsucherszenario beginnt, entpuppt sich schneller als gedacht als ernste Angelegenheit, die für die Bewohner des kleinen Nestes Groenvelden eine gefährliche Bedrohung darstellt: Orks aus den angrenzenden Sumpflanden überfallen... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
Pay What You Want
Spuren im Schnne
Ein DSA 5-Abenteuer im befreiten Teil des Svelltlandes
Die Schwarzpelze massakrieren einander: Die orkische Bastion in Tiefhusen ist gefallen und auch das kleine Städtchen Gashok im Südosten des Svelltlandes ist befreit. Die jahrelange Besatzung durch die Orks hat jedoch tiefe Spuren hinterlassen und auch wenn der Fremdherrschaft... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
Pay What You Want